Differential Geometry | Math History | NJ Wildberger

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Good afternoon, I'm Norman Wildberger, and we're  here at the University of New South Wales. This   is Lecture 16 of this course in the history of  mathematics. We're talking about differential   geometry, a lovely combination of calculus  and analytic geometry applied to curves and   surfaces. So that's what differential  geometry is, at least to begin with. And one of the key concepts that runs through the  history of the subject is the idea of curvature,   first of curves and then of surfaces, and  then ultimately of higher dimensional things,   although we won't be talking about that. But  in the 20th century, curvature turned out to   play a very important role in modern physics due  to the theory of relativity of Einstein. Okay,   so I guess our story can start with  the 17th century, and around 1673,   we had some people interested in planar  curves and in particular Christiaan Huygens,   who was a famous Dutch mathematician,  astronomer, inventor, started investigating   the notion of an involute of a curve.  So he introduced involute of a curve. Christiaan Huygens also did other things. He  was also the inventor of the pendulum clock,   which of course is, well, it's usually a long edge  box and it has some kind of pendulum that swings   back and forth and then there are these various  gears and stuff up here that tick every time the   thing swings back and forth. And the beauty about  the pendulum clock is that if this pendulum arm is   rather long and if the amplitude is not too  big, then the time taken for every swing is   pretty well independent of the amplitude. So a  pendulum clock lets the things swing over once   and then it gives it another little kick and then  it swings over again and it gives another little   kick and every time it swings once, that's  the unit of time that can be then measured by   some gears. And that was Huygens' invention,  and it was a very, very important technical   achievement because it meant that there was a big  improvement in timekeeping. So around that time,   they had mechanical watches but those watches were  not very accurate and they typically lost around   15 minutes every day. Okay, so you know from  one day to another you could be not very sure   up to about 15 minutes of your clock, but with  these ones here, that was dramatically reduced   to down to about half a minute or 15 seconds.  The pendulum clocks were much better and they   allowed people to make trigonometric large-scale  surveying measurements much more accurately.  So that people could survey, for example France,  you need clocks to be able to figure out what   longitude you're at. So large-scale surveying  requires clocks, and Huygens was prominent. He   also was a notable mathematician around this time.  One of the French kings, Louis XIV, was persuaded   by one of his advisers that he should set up a  royal academy. So he set up a French Academy of   Science, where basically they got together lots of  prominent scientists and gave them lots of money   and resources and said, "Go and do good things,  go and survey France, go and figure out what the   shape of the earth is, various things like that."  So the French Academy was a prominent sort of   directing force for various scientific initiatives  of the day, and Christiaan Huygens, even though   he was a Dutchman, was invited to be a director  of this because of his prominence stature. Okay,   so what did he do in terms of the involute of a  curve? Well, the idea is a pleasant one. You've   got a planar curve, that means one that you can  draw on the plane. And then Huygens said, "All   right, let's think about a piece of string that's  tight and wound around the curve." So imagine   having a piece of string, maybe it's attached  there for the sake of argument, and it winds   around the curve and it's kind of tight. And let's  stop it there. And then let's say, at this point,   we're going to remove it. Maybe we should cut it,  maybe about here. And we're going to hold it and   hold these edie ends of the string and move it in  this direction, but keeping the string taut all   the time. So the next little position, it's like  this. And then it's tight there. And then a little   bit further on, it's tight there. And then a  little bit further on, it's probably tight there.   And so on. And then this gives a new curve. This  curve here is called an involute of the original   curve. So the original curve is C, then this  blue curve, let's call it C prime, that's called   an involute of the curve C. So it's obtained  by essentially unwrapping a string tightly. Now, because that endpoint is rather variable,  we could also have started with another endpoint   here, in which case we would have gotten  another bunch of points and we would have   gotten a different involute. So that would be  another involute, say C double prime. And you can   do this in a number of ways. And Huygens proved  that all the involutes are disjoint. So the blue   curves don't cross each other. And moreover,  they're always perpendicular to the tangents. So for example, if we look at one particular  position, say that one right there,   at that very moment in time, we have a tangent  from the point of contact of the curve in the   string. And what's happening is we're having a  rotation, it's been very small rotation really,   essentially about this contact point. And  that means that very close to this point,   this thing is actually going perpendicular  to the tangent. So this involute is always   perpendicular to the tangent that you  can draw to the curve at that point. Well, it turned out that there was a dual kind  of notion to this which is called the evolute   of a curve. And how does that go? So, if you have a given curve,   then at any given point on it, you can draw a  few interesting objects. The most obvious thing,   I suppose, is the tangent line. So, it's the  line which approximates the curve at that point. Let's say the point is P; that's  the tangent line to the curve,   same courtesy at P. But something else that  we can draw is the normal to that tangent. So,   that is the normal line to the curve at P. So, what was realized is that if you take two  points which are very, very close to each other,   let's say P and Q. Well, if you join those two  points, then you get something which is almost   a tangent. That's well known in calculus. But  if you consider the two normals to P and Q,   so if we consider the other normal here, then  those two normals will meet in some point,   and as P and Q get closer and closer,  this point of intersection stabilizes and   approaches a limiting value. This limiting  value is called the center of curvature. Center of curvature of the curve C at the point  P, that's assuming a trajectory approaching Q.   And it has another description that  was discovered by Newton and Leibniz,   which is that if you take three points  near P, so P, Q, and let's say R as well,   so three points very close together. Well,  three points don't determine a line, but they   do determine a circle. So, any three points,  unless they're collinear, they're not linear,   they determine a circle. So, these three points,  PQ, and R, even though they're close together,   they're not collinear. That means there's  a circle that we can draw through them. And that circle, well, it depends on  R and Q, but as R and Q approach P,   that circle stabilizes just as the tangent  stabilizes. The circle stabilizes and as   joins R and Q both approach P, this circle  is called the oscillating circle of the   curve C at Point P, and the center of  curvature is the center of that circle. The place where adjacent normals meet is the  center of this oscillating circle to the conic   at that point. This is the best circle that  approximates the curve near the point P, just   as the tangent is the best line that approximates  the curve at the point P. This is the best circle   that approximates the curve at Point P. So, how do  we get the evolute of the curve? What we do is we   look at this point, and we see what happens to it  as we vary the point P. At this point, it depended   on the point P. If we vary the point P, well,  then adjacent normals, it might meet in some   other point, and over here, they might meet  in some other point. Now, we're going to get   some curve over here. Who knows what it looks  like? So, the trajectory of the centers, that's   called the evolute, the evolute of the curve C. So, it is the locus of the centers of curvature. There's a few other associated concepts  which I might put on this board as well. So,   this radius of this circle might call that  Rho. That's called the radius of curvature,   of course, it depends on the point P. And then  one more definition: the curvature of the curve.   The curvature at P is, by definition, 1 over the  radius of curvature. So, the bigger the radius is,   the smaller is the curvature; the smaller  the radius is, the bigger is the curvature.   That's the curvature of the curve at the point P,  and it's often given the letter K for curvature. So, these ideas were introduced by the  17th-century mathematicians and were studied. And then if you think about it for a little  while, you can convince yourself, as Huygens did,   that the evolute and the involute are  kind of opposite constructions. So,   the evolute of an involute is the original  curve. So, for example, if our original curve C,   and then we had an involute like this, that  was what you get when you unwrap the string,   and then if you just look at the strings  that we're unwrapping, so here it is.   Okay, it's kind of obvious, because we said that  these were all going to be normal to the curve,   it's almost obvious that where two adjacent  normals meet is going to be exactly a point   on the curve. So, the evolute of the  involute is the original curve C. So,   that's the involute C prime, and we're saying that  the evolute on C prime gives the original curve C. What happens if we have a function? Because after  all, that's where a lot of curves come from. We   have some function f of X, and we're considering  its graph. A natural question is: suppose we have   a point X here. We might be interested in what  is the curvature at that point. But not just be   interested in tangent, might also be interested  in the osculating circle and its radius. Well, both Huygens and Newton gave a  formula for this radius of convergence,   the radius of curvature, and it's this: it's  1 plus dy/dx all squared to the three-halves,   divided by the second derivative  d squared y/dx squared. That's a   formula for the radius of curvature  in terms of the derivative of the   function at that point and also the second  derivative of the function at that point. "Why don't we learn that in  calculus?" you ask. Good question. Okay, so there are some nice examples of  involutes. We've already had a look at one   of them when we were talking about the cycloid.  I remind you, the cycloid is what you get when   you roll a ball on a circle or a lot of straight  line, and you look at the image of one point on   the route circle as it rolls. So, that's what's a  cycloid. And if we invert the cycloid like this,   and we have a piece of string that's  tied up there, and then we let it go,   we saw that we got the cycloid pendulum,  and that thing there was also a cycloid. So,   as Huygens realized with this pendulum business,  that the involute of a cycloid is another cycloid. Another important example is a catenary. So,  we had a catenary, which was the shape of a   hanging chain. I remind you, that was basically a  hyperbolic function. And if you take its involute,   so for example, you might stretch a  string from here around the curve,   maybe to the midpoint there, and  then if you let that piece go,   you get an important curve called tractrix.  So, that's the involute of a catenary. This is also the path that you get when  you take your pet rock for a walk. So,   if you are here and you are walking in this  direction, and you have your pet rock which   is sitting here and it's on a leash, and  this is a sort of a plainer representation,   so this is the plane, and you're walking this  way, well, as you walk, once you're over here,   the rock will have been dragged a certain amount.  It just drags behind you on its leash. And when   you're over here, well, it'll be over here  like this. And when you're very far out,   it'll be like this. So, the path that  that rock makes is also a tractrix.   That's over for what we said here: the  tractrix is the involute of a catenary.  So, the catenary is the evolute of the tractrix.  In other words, if we take normals to the tractrix   and we look at adjacent normals or almost  adjacent normals, then they're going to meet   on the catenary. Another interesting curve is the  parabola. So, if we take our favorite parabola y   equals x squared, we can, of course, take its  involute or its evolute. So, if we take its   involute, say we put a string from somewhere along  here and then cut it here and let it fall, well,   we could do it on this side or on that side,  we would get something that looks like that. But perhaps more interesting is what happens  if we look at the evolute. So, if we look at   normals to the parabola at every point, we draw a  normal, then what it turns out happening is that   there is an interesting curve that results.  The evolute looks like something like this. The evolute is evolutive a parabola. Here's what's called a semi-cubical parabola, and  it has an equation that looks, well, in this case,   it will have the equation y equals one-half plus  3/4 - x to the 2/3, and if you draw a diagram of   this accurately, then what you see is that below  the evolute there is no crossing of the normals,   but above the evolute, there's a rich  crisscrossing of normals. Down here,   all the normals are sort of separate; above the  evolute, they're all forming this checkerboard   kind of pattern. Alright, so those are some of the  investigations that were made with planar curves. There was also some important work done on  space curves or three-dimensional curves,   and the person most responsible for this  was Alexis Claude Clairaut (1713-1765),   and then Euler and Co. also contributed in big  ways. So, we have a three-dimensional situation   now, and we have a curve in space,  and it's not necessarily in a plane;   it's twisting all around. So, what can you do  with such a thing? Well, Clairaut said okay,   one of the things we can do certainly is we  can look at a tangent line. So, at a point P,   we can look at a tangent line as usual. Another  thing we can do is we can look at three adjacent   points. Those three adjacent points are going to  form a plane; we're also going to form a circle,   but that circle will lie in a plane  that's called the osculating plane. So, we have three adjacent points like P, Q,  and R, and when I say adjacent, I mean very,   very close together, almost touching. Yes,  sorry, all three, yeah. If we take P and   we take two other adjacent points R and Q,  then all three points together form a plane,   and that's called the oscillating plane of the  curve. Let's call the curve C at the point P,   and of course, that plane then has a  normal direction. So, there are, in fact,   then sort of three special directions that you  can associate to the curve at the point P. You   can specify its tangent direction, then you  can specify another direction that's in this   osculating plane perpendicular to the tangent  direction, so usually called the binormal,   I believe, or principle normal. That's the  principle normal, that's in this plane but   perpendicular to the tangent. Here's the  tangent. And then there was a third one,   which is perpendicular to both of those, which is  perpendicular to the oscillating plane, and that   one's called the binormal. So, that's a basic  sort of theoretical framework that was realized   was important. You have a space curve, then at  every point there are these three directions   associated with the curve, and as you move along  the curve, these three directions change. So, they   perform a role of a reference frame with respect  to the curve that plays an important role in the   theoretical development. There's lots of formulas  associated with it which we won't write down. Alright, then the next study concentrated  on surfaces, a very natural extension. We're   working in three-dimensional space; we have  some kind of two-dimensional surface. Okay,   maybe try to make it some nice  surface, and we want to study this. So, I guess the main contributors here were Euler  in 1760 and then Moens a little later. Euler liked   to be specific, so he often visualized the surface  in terms of a three-dimensional coordinate system.   And if you have a three-dimensional coordinate  system, you can specify a curve by thinking of   it in the form Z equals f of XY, they give us a  function lying over some region in the XY plane. But his considerations work for a general kind  of surface. So what did Euler do? What can you   do in such a situation? Well, the thing to  do is to start with a point and say, "Well,   let's study this surface near a point."  So if you have a point, let's call it P,   and it's on a surface, then the natural thing  to do, which is sort of in the same spirit as   what we're doing with the curves, is to  look at the tangent plane to the surface.   The tangent plane, that's a plane that  just touches the surface at that point. Okay, so that's a tangent plane. A very good  surface to think about is your hand. The hand   is a great surface. Okay, so if you look at  your hand, there's all kinds of points on it,   but you could choose any point at all. Say, I  choose that point right there, then the tangent   plane to that point is going to be something  like this. Well, if I choose the point up here,   the tangent plane might be like this. Well,  if I choose a point there, the tangent plane   would be like that. And of course, associated  to such a tangent plane is a normal direction   because every plane has a normal direction.  So we have a tangent plane at every point,   and we also have a direction that's perpendicular  to the tangent plane, which is a normal direction. And then Euler said, "Okay, that's alright, but  I know all about curvature of curves. So how can   I talk about the curvature of a surface?" Well,  he said, "What I need to do is I need to slice   this surface so that I get a curve." So suppose  I take a plane through P, and I won't just take   any plane, I'll take a plane which contains the  normal direction. Okay, so Euler said, "All right,   Euler considered planes through P containing  the normal." So in terms of one's hand, what   would that mean? So, okay, let's use this hand  here. So there's a hand, there's a point there,   okay, then the tangent plane is like this, and  the normal direction is coming out like this. So   I want to look at planes which pass through the  point and contain the normal direction. So that   would be such a plane. There's another one. All of  these planes as I rotate them around, they're all   going through P and they're all going through the  normal vector, and each one of them is slicing my   hand and would give you a cross-section of my hand  if you actually sliced. Okay, so imagine each one   of these planes making a cross-section through the  surface. So if we take any one of those planes,   let's sort of put it something like this. That's  supposed to be a plane that goes through P and   also contains the normal, then that's going to  slice the surface in a curve, a planar curve. Right, so you can just actually see there will  be a line on my hand where that plane touches,   cuts my hand. Question? Well, it's not, it doesn't  actually have to go through, you can just draw   it right on the surface of the hand with a pen.  Right, so there's a point P, then that might be   one such curve, there might be another such curve,  just the intersection of the surface with a plane   containing the point and a normal to it. Okay, so  that's just one possible such curve, but we can   take the curvature of that curve that's what Euler  did, and we can consider the planes through P   containing the normal, and that gives us a curve,  gives us a planar, it's a cross-section curve. And that curve has a curvature, and maybe  we could think of the K, the curvature K,   as depending on some angle, the  angle that this plane makes with   some specified direction. So  as we rotate the plane around,   we get different curvatures of all these  different cross-sections, one for every angle. And then Euler proved a theorem that in fact, as  we look at all these possible curvatures, as we   vary the plane through P, look at all the possible  curvatures, the curvatures go up and down,   but there's one maximum value and one minimum  value. There will be one direction in which   it's curved the most and one direction which is  curved the least. Okay, so there, as we go around,   there is then sort of two special, two critical  values. In the calculus language, critical values   of the curvature, let's call them k1 and k2,  and these are sometimes called the principal   curvatures of the surface at the point P. Now, if you go back to our hand again,   I have to say a little bit more. So, suppose  that I happen to take a point which is right   in the crux right here. Again, that's a rather  interesting point because the tangent plane will   be flat like this, and the normal will be straight  up. So, the planes that I'm considering are planes   that are going right through my hand, up and down  like this. Then, the most extreme curves are the   one that's going up like this and over, and the  other extreme one is one that's going like this. So, here, the circle of curvature is in this  direction, and here, the circle of curvature is   down here. So, in this framework, what we have  to actually do is we have to consider signed   curvatures. So, we have to give this curvature a  different sign from this one. So, this is positive   something, then this is going to be negative  something. Okay, so this is a situation where   the two different curvatures, the two principal  curvatures, have different signs. That's a rather   different situation from a situation like this,  where the two curvatures are both positive. Okay, so the next person to really  take on this subject and really go a   long way in it was the great German  mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss. So, Carl Friedrich Gauss, preeminent  mathematician of the 19th century (1777 to 1855),   sort of the Colossus of mathematics during his  time, spent most of his years in Gottingen,   did very important work even as a young person.  As a teenager perhaps, he figured out that you   could make a ruler and compass construction of  the regular 17-gon. He gave several proofs of   the fundamental theorem of algebra. He wrote  the greatest work of number theory written,   which is "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae". That was  in 1801 when he was still a relatively young man,   but this just took number theory to a whole  new level and established him as one of the   great mathematicians of the day. He also became  famous in a public way as a result of some work in   astronomy. He predicted where a certain asteroid,  Ceres, would end up showing up. So, they had some   asteroid that they were plotting and they lost  sight of it, and eventually he was able to   calculate where they should look for it, and they  were right, he was right. And then later on in   his life, he had some official positions involving  geodesy. He became involved in lots of field work. And this work probably contributed to his  interest in surfaces was actually going out   there and making measurements and mountains  and rivers and so on. And we actually derive   some of his work in the differential  geometry note as a result of this. So,   he did a lot of things in this direction,  but there's one sort of main theorem that   we can state in terms of these  principal curvatures of Euler,   and this is a result that he liked it so much  that he called it his theorem "Egregium",   which means something like excellent theorem.  And that is that if you take the two principal   curvatures that we've been talking about, the ones  Euler and take the product, the product of the two   principal curvatures is a new kind of curvature  which is determinable from the surface itself. In other words, if you were a bug and you were  living on some two-dimensional surface and you   could only scoot around on this surface, but  let's say you had rulers you could drag around,   you had protractors that you could  drag around and make measurements,   you could figure out what the curvature of the  surface is at some point. You couldn't figure out   what K1 and K2 were individually, but you could  figure out what the product was at the point P. Okay, one way of thinking about that is let's say  you're on a sphere. Suppose you were on a sphere   and you suspect that you were on a sphere,  not a flat Earth, and you wanted to prove to   someone you're on a sphere. How could you do it  by just making measurements on a sphere? Well,   one way to do it would be to take a circle, a  circle of radius R, and to measure carefully   the area of that circle. The area for a planar  circle would be πR², but if you didn't get πR²   and you got something different, you might start  to suspect that maybe I'm not on a plane. In fact,   you could tell by men if you took a smaller  sphere and you also went it the same distance R,   you would find that the circle of radius R  on the big sphere and the circle of radius   R on the little sphere would be different. And  by making simple measurements on the surface,   you could tell whether you're on a big sphere  or a little sphere. So, in other words,   you could tell the curvature just by making  measurements on the surface without having to   look at it from outside. That's essentially the  content of Gauss's theorem, oh, hey, egregium. And this constant K is now called the  Gaussian curvature, Gaussian curvature   of the surface at a point, at a point.  Of course, for a sphere, the Gaussian   curvature is not too hard to figure out because  at any point P, if the sphere has radius say ρ,   then any curve that you get by taking what  these normal sections is a great circle,   and that great circle has radius ρ. And so the  curvature K1 will be the same as the curvature K2,   will be 1 over ρ, and so the Gaussian  curvature will be 1 over ρ squared. So, for a sphere, the curvature is constant,  is the same at every point, sort of obvious   from the symmetry, but the formula also works.  So, that's what's called a curve or a surface   of constant curvature. And rather remarkably, it  was discovered that there were some other surfaces   of constant curvature. The sphere is kind of  an obvious one, but there's another surface   called a pseudosphere, which you get by taking  the tractrix that we considered earlier. So,   you take the tractrix, that's the curve that you  get by taking the involute of the catenary or   dragging your rock for a walk, and you rotate  it around the axis that you would walk on,   and you get some surface of rotation. So, the  tractrix revolved, that's called the pseudosphere.  Now, that thing has some remarkable properties. One of its remarkable properties is that it's of  constant curvature, constant Gaussian curvature.   That means that if you look at some point on it,  well, there'll be one of the principal curves or   directions will be in a circle going this way,  and the other principal direction will be a circle   going this way, and one of them has positive  curvature, whichever way you're measuring,   the other one has negative curvature. So  it's like a point on the saddle of your hand,   and the product of those two curvatures  happens to be the same no matter where you   are on the surface. So this thing has constant  negative curvature, constant negative curvature. This sphere, the pseudosphere, ended up being an  important model for hyperbolic geometry later on. So the notion of curvature was quite  important. First curvature of planes,   then curvature of surfaces, and then the  story goes in more complicated directions.   I might just mention two more names. One is  the essentially a student of Gauss, Riemann,   who was a remarkable genius who extended ideas  of differential geometry from three-dimensional   space to n-dimensional space and outlined ideas  of curvature even for higher-dimensional surfaces,   whatever they might be. And it was all rather  abstract and seemingly not good for anything too   practical until Albert Einstein came along. After  his special theory of relativity in the 1910-1918   area, he was trying to extend his special theory  of relativity to general theory of relativity,   and it turned out exactly what he needed was  Riemann Raymond's notions of differential geometry   and higher dimensions. In particular, notions of  curvature ended up playing a very important role.   Einstein basically realized that somehow mass  curves space-time, and the amount of curvature   induced by a mass in space-time by a mass is  proportional to the mass. So this curvature   played and it still plays a very important  role in modern physics. So next time we're   going to have a look at topology, the beginnings  of topology in the more modern era. See you then.
Channel: Insights into Mathematics
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Keywords: MathHistory16, Mathematics, history, differential, geometry, Wildberger, course, Huygens, planar, curves, involute, evolute, pendulum, clock, French, Academy, of, Sciences, radius, curvature, center, tractrix, catenary, cycloid, parabola, semi-cubical, space, binormal, osculating, circle, tangent, line, plane, principal, curvatures, Gaussian, Euler, Gauss, Riemann, Einstein, relativity
Id: 6xgtMQ7WSzQ
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Length: 51min 31sec (3091 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2012
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