Different Responses - Scripture Reflections: Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024

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the core of our Christian faith is the mystery of the Resurrection it's what we celebrate on Easter Sunday in fact on every Sunday and in fact in every moment of Our Lives as Christians it's something so dear to us and near to us that we can take it for granted I think that the gospel for Easter Sunday helps us to not take it for granted because we can see how different people different characters of our faith responded to the empty tomb in particular this gospel focuses on Mary of magdala Simon Peter and the Beloved disciple as we hear in the gospel each of them come to the tomb the first one who comes is Mary of magdala the scriptures tell us that she came when it was dark I have to believe that this darkness is not just an indication of the sunrise but also where her heart was at she was probably emotionally exhausted with all that had taken place in the last few days she goes to the tomb and she's shocked to see the stone rolled aside she does not it seems yet have faith she believes that the body of Jesus was stolen but with heartfelt love and concerned she runs back she runs back to tell Simon Peter and the Beloved disciple I see them as sort of the First Responders they immediately respond they run back to the tomb ready to deal with whoever is there or whatever is going on there and as they come Simon Peter boldly steps into the tomb while the Beloved disciple is a little more reticent and waits outside the scriptures will tell us that the Beloved disciple believed we do not yet hear the resurrection appearances which we will hear throughout the rest of the Easter season but we even here get a sense of three different people having different responses to the mystery of the Resurrection The Mystery that Jesus is alive I think that that's comforting for us because we all come from different backgrounds and we all have different experiences of conversion some of us it's very dramatic and maybe quick others it's gradual and subtle but for each of us God is working in our lives what is your journey of conversion like what has your journey of believing in the Risen Christ been like I might invite you as we celebrate Easter to reflect on this and to be grateful for the ways that God has led you and moved you in your experience we thank the Lord for the gift of his risen son and for the gift of faith
Channel: Franciscan University of Steubenville
Views: 647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ggUsTYyetfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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