Difference b/w isDisplayed, isEnabled and isSelected Methods - Selenium WebDriver Session 13

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hello friends welcome to selenium training once again okay guys so today I am going to cover one very important topic and although it's very easy topic that the difference between this displayed method is enabled and is selected method okay it's a very famous and interview question that they will ask you okay what is the difference between these three methods and when to use and how to use apart from that it these three methods are really useful especially for some validations on the specific elements like for images logo and some buttons are enabled or disabled okay you can check especially for the GUI testing point of UI testing point of view you can use these three methods very properly okay but you should know that when to use and how to use these three methods okay so for this thing what exactly I'm going to do that we will pick this particular application that this is free CRM dot-com application and I will go to a signup page and what I'll do that you know we will see something like the submit button is enabled or disabled or displayed or not displayed this checkbox is selected or not selected okay so let's create a class and let's see my class name is element element visibility test okay okay and select the main method and click on finish so let's say this is my class name and in this class I'll do the same thing till here and drink the URL and then directly okay I'm coming on the register page okay I am coming directly jumping on this register page so I'm launching this URL whether I would get okay but the first method we will discuss about it that is is displayed method okay this respect method is disparate method is applicable for all the elements it will check that particular element is displayed or not okay it will return true if it is displayed otherwise it will return false so let's see I want to check this submit button visibility okay I want to check the submit button is visible or not so I will spy this submit button currently it is visible obviously so I'll take this ID is equal to name and simple I'll write the code that driver dot find element by dot ID sorry ID yeah by dot ID and ID is this and then we have this method is displayed see all these method is displayed is enabled and is selected are here so is displayed method okay I'll write and it's displayed method will return one boolean value so I'll let see a list or in some boolean value bajillion b1 is equal to this and I will print system dot out dot println b1 okay so what is happening here so this is for submit button okay this is for some mid button so if submit button is displayed on the page right this submit button is available is displayed on the page then it will return true otherwise it will return false so the stomach button is available on the page it will return true right so it should return true so if you run this program you let's run it okay so see it's coming on this page and it's returning true giving true it's launching this URL and it's submit button is available on the page it means this method will return true so it's printing to write very simple so is displayed method is very simple ways if the logo is available his button is available on the page is displayed on the page if it is not displayed you cannot see it then it will return false if it is displayed it will return to very simple now the second thing is we will see is enabled method so is enable method right now let's okay right now we see that this submit button is not enabled this is disabled right because I cannot click on it and if you aspire this submit button you will see disabled property is equal to disabled it means in this particular submit button is disabled but how to check is disabled or not so we have that same driver to submit button under use okay submit button dot we have one method is enabled method okay is enabled will return true or false if it is enabled it will return true if it is disabled it will return false so in let's see understood and some different boolean value boolean b2 is equal to this and then print system dot out dot println I will print B to okay so by wrote ID submit button is enabled so if it is enabled right now it is not enabled right so it will return false so for this it will return false okay so let's run it so Google Chrome is getting launched and you see the output it's returning false right because this is not enabled submit button is not enabled so how to make it enable now so I'll click on this checkbox now it will be enabled now if you see the property of submit button now the disabled property is gone okay it's not available now it means this particular submit button is enable no so what I'll do I'll check this check box and select this check box and I'll make the submit button enabled so this check box name is agree terms and quickly what I'll do select I agree check box so simple i'll do driver dot find element by dot name yeah by dot name and I'll click on it simple dot click OK I am clicking on check box okay so once I click on this check box some bit button will be enabled again so what I will do I will check it again is enabled method okay I'll just store in b3 boolean value and then b3 now once it is enabled after selecting this checkbox so what exactly happening submit button is enabled now so the moment is enabled and check is enabled so it will return true because it is enabled now okay it is enabled now okay fine so after selecting the checkbox it became enabled so it's printing to it's returning to fine so this is after selecting checkbox so this is a very good example that at a time of interview you can give give me the example of is enabled so you can see that this I agree mint I agree terms and conditions I agree the agreement okay the moment you select the checkbox then only some red button will be displayed okay so these examples you can give at a time of interview you have to give some proper example ways okay okay now third method is is displayed method okay it's displayed method what exactly first of all is displayed method is only applicable for checkbox drop-down and radio buttons okay order it is a split so are you guys it's selected method sorry is selected method is only applicable for checkboxes drop-down and radio button it means that particular checkbox is selected or thought this particular drop-down is rarely selected or not or we have the value I mean that the radio button is selected or not so we have to check like this okay so how to check okay so what I'll do I will check it on that particular element checkbox element okay so dot is selected so checkbox we have already selected in this particular step at line number 36 p.m. already selected the checkbox right so once it is selected it will return true so boolean B 4 is equal to this and I will print B for value system dot out dot println B for right it means what I'm saying here the moment you selected then if you apply is selected it will return true again you deselect it then you apply is selected it will return false very simple so it will return currently it will written too okay now what I will do I will make it I will select it again I'll click on this particular checkbox again to deselect it so simple deselect the books so how to deselect the checkbox again I click on this particular checkbox okay agree terms and I'm d selecting the checkbox the moment to deselect it it will be like this not selected again I'll check and store in boolean b5 like this boolean b5 so the moment we deselect the value deselect the checkbox it is d selected and applying is selected obviously it will return false now so it will be false right so for the different condition we have written so output should be like this true false true true and false so let's run it and you will see the output output is C true false true true works right so C true false true and true and false right so I will repeat the summary once again is displayed method is simply for all the elements if that particular element is available on the page is displayed on the page it will return true if it is not available straight forward it will return false very simple is enabled method of math button or element is available on the page but it is disabled with a disabled property if it is disabled on the page then it will return false okay the particular method button is not enabled it is disabled so it will return false but the particular element is enabled example is I I select the checkbox now the submit button is enabled right then it will return true okay and it's selected method is only applicable for okay it's only applicable for checkboxes drop-down and radio button it means if the radio button or checkbox is selected it will return true otherwise it and polls right so simply at the time of interview we can take this example is selected is enabled is enabled is very important they will ask you is displayed versus is enabled so is displayed is fine in is enabled you can take this example select the egg egg DeMint checkbox and then it will be enabled then it will return true otherwise it will return false right is enabled means element is there on the page but it will check it is displayed with enabled or disabled property if it is displayed it will return false otherwise it will written something like this very simple okay and is selected is only applicable for checkboxes radio buttons into opt outs if it is checkbox is selected it will written yes true otherwise it will return false okay so so the summary here is the difference between these three things that is displayed method is applicable for all and it is the method which is used to verify the presence of the element on the page if it is available on the page it will return true otherwise false is enabled method is the method to verify the web element is enabled or disabled if it is enabled it will return true otherwise false especially for buttons I agree and click on some red button or something like that in that case it will be like this is selected method is only to verify that particular element is selected or not and particular element means either for drop-down checkboxes and radio buttons nice so this is the best example you can give and just the exact definition you have to give at a time of interview wait okay so they will ask for the time of interview with proper example please learn these three things is very very simple please practice and then I think then you are good to great so I'll upload this particular file in my gaiter URL also so you can check this particular gate to repository and you can get the reference of this URL I mean get the reference of this code and please subscribe raise my channel there are a lot of videos are coming in future and whatever the videos I have floated please go through all the videos you will learn lot of new things ok in future also I'm going to cover a lot of new things like docker and Jenkins jobs and everything so it will be really useful for you guys ok so please subscribe and press the bell icon and share the videos thank you so much
Channel: Naveen AutomationLabs
Views: 49,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Selenium, WebDriver, isDisplayed, isEnabled, isSelected, selenium locators
Id: dHVdUFvPimY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2017
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