Difference between String and string

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you know many times you know developer talk about this question you know what is the difference between this string and this string so in other words what is the difference between a the string with the capital S and the string with a small s so in this video we will try to demonstrate you know what exactly these two things are okay so what we'll do is first let me just go and create a variable with name of the capital string and let me give a value you're called a shiv in the same way let me take the small string and create a x2 variable and let me give a value as severe and let me just go and put a debug point so let me put a debug point here and let me execute this so you can see basically a both of these strings are you know operating exactly in the same way in other words if I see x1 it also has a value Shiv if I see x2 it also has a values values Shiv and I can do all the operations you know for example if I look at x2 I can go and check the length you know I can I can basically go and check Max value it's again the same way if I look at x1 it also has all all those methods you know which the small string has so again you know coming back to the same question so what is the difference between the capital string with the capital S the string with the capital S and the string with a cap small s so let me just stop this program here now let me move my mouse on to the small string now you can see this when I hold my mouse on the small string it is telling me that this string actually points to system dot string which is a capital S string can see over here you know this one is a capital S string here right in other words the small string the string with a small s is nothing but it's just Elias for the capital string s okay so in other words you can call you know any of them and irrespective of what it does you know it it will actually point to the same string class okay now the thing does an end here now there are lots of elias's you know like how we have the string and string so some of the Celaya cesare so the boolean can you know the boolean is a lies for a capital bullion the bite is a lies for the capital byte in the same way you can see some other veral Isis for example int is actually a lies for in 32 so in other words either you use int to declare an integer variable or you use in 32 it is one of the same thing in the same way we have you know unsigned int which is actually equivalent to unsigned in 32 so next time you know wherever you get in a such kind of situation where anything that you know both of the things are both of the data types are actually pointing towards the same thing you know just try to hunt you know if there are any kind of Alice's so I hope that this video was useful in this video we were trying to understand that what is the difference between a string with a small s and a string with the capital S so in summarizing they are nothing but Alice's the small string the the string with a small s is nothing but its allies for the capital string
Channel: .NET Interview Preparation videos
Views: 41,005
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Keywords: string vs String, difference between String and string, c# string tutorial, csharp string and String, learn c sharp programming language, csharp programming, c sharp programming, csharp string introduction, what is String and string in c#, c# step by step tutorial for beginners, c# course for beginners, c# beginners, dotnet and c# tutorial, how string is different from String
Id: Td3yjDYBv1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 51sec (171 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2011
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