Difference between MADE OF / MADE FROM / MADE WITH / MADE OUT OF Super Useful English Grammar

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made of made from made with made out of what's the difference today we are going to study and practice four very important and super useful English Expressions but there's a problem they are extremely similar and they are easily confused do you know why because of this right here the preposition is changing and it has a totally different meaning so let's get started why are they so hard to differentiate because they follow the same pattern so all of those right here are followed by a material for example wood metal plastic or even oil any material can be put after each one of these Expressions you could say made of wood made from wood made with wood made out of wood all of them work now let me help you out right away let's start with made of with made of the focus is on the core material the main material you can see the original material so there is not much change that is key right there you can see the original material remember this right here we have Legos so what would you say Legos are made of of plastic you can see the plastic the plastic has been molded into Legos but you can still see the plastic so Legos are made of plastic here's another example the table is of course made of wood you can see the wood what about this one the vase the vase is made of glass perfect it's easy isn't it now let's move move on to made from made from means that something was changed into something else so you cannot see the original material so that's the difference between made of and made from made of you can see made from you cannot see the original material so from X to Y there is a lot of change now here we go that's a great example right here we have trees and we have paper you ready so paper is made from trees you cannot see the trees anymore you cannot see the wood in the paper there has been a lot of change another example right here perfect example you ready wine is made from grapes did you get it I hope so now let's move on to made with made with focuses on the ingredients or the different parts used in the making of something okay so you could say it has X in it it has something in it for example the pie okay so you could say this pie was made with our own apples here's another example this sauce is made with real pumpkin but there is a different way to use it my YouTube videos are always made with care so you can use care it's not really an ingredient but I put a lot of care into making my videos you could say my videos are always made with love or made with you in mind so don't forget to like and don't forget to subscribe okay now a more challenging one made out of made out of means the focus is on the core material but creativity is involved here's an example so it's similar to made from but with an interesting twist okay so this is the core material right here and it was turned into something else you cannot see the original material so you could say these sculptures were made out of old old flip flops so it means they are made from old flip flops but there is a lot of creativity so that's why we say made out of old flipflops another example now this one is similar to made of because you can still see the main material you can still see the shipping containers look at the house you can see them so it's similar to made of but with an interesting twist of creativity so you would say believe it or not this house is made out of old shipping containers now let's review to make sure you notice the differences between the four key Expressions made of is the main material and there's little or no change you can see the main material made from same thing but there's a lot of change so you cannot see the main material IAL anymore made with is an ingredient or ingredients or part of the whole thing made out of main material plus creativity now it's quiz time so test yourself let's go a sandwich is bread meat and veggies here are your options so choose the best answer you've studied well so you should should know that a sandwich is made with bread meat and veggies question two this bag is old jeans you ready this bag is made out of old jeans because it's very creative right question three cheese is milk 3 2 1 and the answer is cheese is made from milk of course you cannot see the milk in the cheese anymore question four she is wearing a necklace pearls ready and the answer is she's wearing a necklace made of pearls because you can still see the pearls on the necklace there is no change great now let's make it a little more challenging I'm giving you no help now so you have only the four Expressions so question five glass is sand 3 2 1 and the answer is glasses made from Sand you cannot see the sand in the glass anymore question six cake is flour and eggs so remember the ingredients so cake is made with flour and eggs question seven this bridge is steel beams if you look at the picture you can see the steel beams you can clearly see them so this bridge is made of steel beams last question local people a bridge bamboo now you can see in this example that you can also separate them there is no problem so local people made a bridge bamboo so this bridge is quite original right so you would say local people made a bridge out of bamboo great hey I hope you learned something new today and if you want to learn even more useful English check out the two videos on the right hand side see you in our next video bye-bye I
Channel: English Speaking 360
Views: 683,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: made of, made from, made with, made out of, made of vs made from, made of vs made with, made of vs made out of, made from vs made with, made from vs made out of, made with vs made out of, made of from with out of, verb made and prepositions, difference between made of and made from
Id: Z52FTMNV4ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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