'Didn’t even ask for…', Annamalai recalls how Cong didn’t support Tharoor’s UN Secy-Gen candidature

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shash and myself we had a debate in Chennai sir he came for T debate both of us are supposed to sit here and Center gumu G will sit and we are supposed to debate and discuss on ideas unfortunately my flight got delayed from Delhi and we agreed that Sashi G will speak first then after I come to the stage if Sashi G is graciously sitting in the stage I will speak in front of him if I will reply to his uh questions also if not I will speak speak by the time I reached and climbed up the stage shashii said long journey tired he has spoken for long and he wants rest and he left the stage then since it's a two speaker event I have to give my answers to him now Sashi made lot of arguments there I'm sure the same argument holds for Kerala also here also he might say the same thing the first argument he said oh you see after BJP has come to power in 2014 all institutions have collapsed all institutions of there's nothing called Judiciary there's nothing called a free and fair Democratic way of an arrest everything now we have to understand Shashi Tor comes from a party when he decide to contest the Congress nominee for the national president Shashi came to Tamil Nadu for campaign please ask Shashi Shashi G how many people came to receive him in congress party office in Chennai two people State party president escaped all MLS escaped all MPS escaped Shashi was standing alone in the Tamil I am telling you this as a challenge you ask shash who talking about institution two people were in the state party office in Chennai when Shashi G was campaigning for the National Party president election then the Press asked the other fellows why you do not go and see Sashi because it's a mad in the top they said both the person should be given an equal opportunity be it Malik Arjuna K or shash both will be treated very nicely then the congress party people said no no Gandhi family we cannot receive he's only a namesake fellow it is Malik they have sent it and if he receive they will fire us also terribly embarrassed Shashi returned back now he is talking about being BJP as a party where all of us first generation people and many of you first generation our fathers and mothers are simple Farm people who are doing farming we are standing in front of you he wants to compare about BJ second Shashi ran to be the United Nations Secretary General very interesting story I I actually want you to ask sash he failed he failed then very beautifully two three books were written later um on on the UN process that happened which I gave in my TL speech also that day later Sashi also says when Manan sing G sits in a lunch working lunch with the American US Secretary of State when the visit happened to India Manmohan sing G did not even seek WS for Shashi the Americans of course wanted to support a Korean Banky Moon he didn't even ask him please support our candidature there were many countries in the Middle East where the Indian Ambassador did not even go and seek votes for shashu that was the nature of Indian diplomacy which Sashu G also writes in a open magazine article that government of India did not support me properly now I was telling in the tukl function if it is Modi as prime minister 100% we would have made Sashi as un Secretary General if he qualified enough second part is different sir if he qualified enough since he was our official candidate where was the congress party what foreign policy is he talking when when is when the own congress party when he was not a member when he was a diplomat suddenly becomes a member of Congress party suddenly he says oh congress all great all super and fantastic the third one Congress alone used 91 Times article 356 Madam indraa Gand used it 51 times he comes from that Legacy Modi G in the last 10 years you please recall one instance sir where mod has used article 356 such a strong government 303 MP 17 States in power why mod did not use a single 356 he is taking us a lecture on democracy you used it 91 times Madam Indra Gandhi alone used it 51 times and then sidu takes a lesson to us saying oh institutions have collapsed after Modi has come what institution has collapsed sir what institution has collapsed suddenly they want to make electral bond an issue sir 44% of electral bond BJP received 56 b% elal Bond opposition party received then should we blame oh opposition parties you went and threatened you got 56% we got only 44% what nonsense are they talking sir a ruling party for 10 years okay 2004 to 14 we'll we'll flip the argument when Congress was in power how much corporate donation BJP received 70% Congress in power BJP receiving 70% means sir you have your money in the packet sir you come to me you come to my friend and say J Shankar G and say J Shankar G I have 100 rupes in packet can I contribute to your party now J Shankar will say no no no no no please go and give 30 rupes to Communist Party 40 rupes to congress party they struggling poor people and 20 rupes to all regional party 10 Rupees to me that is enough you show me one person who will say that sir a money will chase a place where they think that money is well utilized when BJP receives 44 % of elal bonds it simply means people trust it is not Corporate simple person they want to buy a bond for 1,000 rupe 2,000 rupe they want to come and give when Congress was in power for 10 years 2004 to 14 70% of corporate donation BJP received why because they believed this fellows have messed up everything BJP will come and right now we have to kill all this nonsense in the butt ELR Bond they Twisted this person there were some intelligent Congress people pulv attack after that somebody gave money to somebody some company in New Delhi some company in Karachi one con see this Karachi fellow donating that is the level of brain Sur people all of you I really feel for you because argument can be counted with an argument how will you how will you contradict nonsense with an argument the last 10 years half of our job was only countering this Congress nonsense so institutional collapse all this are bogus
Channel: The Economic Times
Views: 544,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Business News, Financial News, Coimbatore Lok Sabha Candidate K Annamalai, K Annamalai, K Annamalai hit out at Congress, Congress Coimbatore Lok Sabha Candidate Shashi Tharoor, Annamalai, Shashi Tharoor, United Nations General Secretary
Id: gtAUscA9CkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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