Did You Ever Love Me ? (Multifandom)

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You're being crazy I'm being crazy Yes, how long have you been hung up on robin? Eight years And you're still killing yourself to fetch dumb little  trinkets for her that's crazy that's more than crazy  I don't think there's a word for what that is Actually, there is a word for that its love   I'm in love with her okay If you're looking for  the word that means caring about someone beyond   All rationality and wanting them to have  everything they want no matter how much it   Destroys you it's love And when you love someone you just don't stop ever Did you ever love me? How can you even ask that? You just don't give up because if I could give up   if I could just you know take the whole  world's advice and move on and find   Someone else that wouldn't be loved  that would be that would be some other   The disposable thing that is not worth fighting for  Oh stop this Just tell me the truth About what? Did you ever love me ? I don't know What if you decide to go be a painter and then  you realize I don't fit into your life anymore   And three months becomes forever Can you promise me that that's not gonna happen? Marshall Because  if you can't promise me that we should just  break up right now I'm not gonna wait around   For three months just to have my heart ripped out I don't know that's a really good  question because I've been driving myself   insane making a complete ass of myself literally  trying everything possible to try to save what   we have and you've been throwing yourself at Jeremy That's not fair It's not fair   I see the way you look at him I know because you still look at me that way Are you telling me this is all a lie?  I know that I was changing your mind  nothing was ever going to change my mind   I promised my parents six months  and that's what I've given you Please don't make me answer that. sometimes hours can feel like minutes and  sometimes a single second can last a lifetime The fact is I'm still just a stranger Gus? I don't know But I know it's not you I warn you, I'll break your heart You have to let me go You have to let me let you go I need you to do that for me Don't say another word. You're so selfish. And now you want me to come and watch the  the worst thing you could possibly imagine   do you have any idea what you're asking? Already broken No i wish i had never met you I'm so tired of disappointing you I know Where next night you know well  it's all right to be angry   Hey why should I be mad I'm saying  at least he said goodbye this time   I just wish I hadn't wasted my money buying  this stupid present But with everybody else gone   I know it might not be what you want it  might be too hard for you to keep fighting so   If you want to go I want you to know it's okay. It's okay.
Channel: Sooraj Vids
Views: 2,213,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fm-NxEqkAVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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