DID THEY LIE? - Are Fesley guitars really THE BEST GUITARS ON AMAZON? (best is subjective but...)

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are the rumors true are fley guitars the very best guitars on Amazon let's crack One open and find out I've been seeing these pop up on channels like scar my guitar and zims friend of the show Zim's guitars and when they hit me up I was like yeah I got to check these things out I've been hearing that they're pretty great but we're going to find out together if any of that is true we got a gig bag here an actually kind of decent looking Cable in the bag nylon strap instruction manual hopefully it'll teach me how to play guitar I checked this morning and on Amazon these are currently listed at 159 I think down from from 179 175 somewhere in that territory this is going to be their single cut LP style guitar pretty standard lightweight style gig bag here no bells or whistles but it is a place to put your guitar as you move it around the world we got a silica gel pack and it's a bigan M I like that that's not a snack that's a meal here we go so let's take a look at what we have here we have a guitar that really wants you to know what brand made it we've got fley on the headstock we've got fley at the 12th fret as an inlay we've got fley printed on each covered humbucker here uh we got fley on the back of every single tuner they are leaning into their branding I don't hate it it's good for a builder to be proud of their name and proud of their identity you spend all that money on a logo might as well show it off right all right so we've got kind of like an open grain raw wood feel to the neck it's not raw it definitely has some sort of very thin clear coat over it to seal it in 3x3 headstock I don't hate the logo I don't hate the headstock shape I don't hate the logo I don't hate the headstock shape kind of a fun little stair step right there I haven't seen that before a lot of times cheap guitars that you find on Amazon and whatnot have embarrassing headstocks and I don't feel like this one's embarrassing it's classy neck shape feels very com comfortable and modern not too small not too big the ends of the Frets feel and look decent nice shine on those Frets too I like the uh the little open hole inlays on this that's classy kind of reminds me of the St Vincent it's got those uh eclipsing circles on there Comfort cuts on the body we've got a bolt-on neck classy looking binding around the edge flat matte finish on the flat top here I don't mind that burst at all I did request the pink one and they said they didn't have enough in stock to make it worthwhile but there is a pink one so you can go look that up there's also a black one as well very interested to hear these humbuckers they are covered like they are intended to be actives they're trying to do an EMG thing but I do not believe that they will be actives I don't see a battery clip here uh that wasn't in the description that I read maybe I'll be surprised but I I highly doubt it got black Hardware throughout it looks very classy I mean for under 200 bucks first impressions are strong I'll have to plug it in and see what it sounds like first though before I give any real full impressions of this [Music] guitar all tuned up and ready to explore I will say that the tuners feel just fine they're not extravagant in any sort of way but they're nice and smooth there's no sticking or jumping or dead spots or anything like that they're fine they're great no reason you need to swap those out unless you have some sort of extreme tuner personal preference let's check out some of the basic controls and stuff we've got a three-way switch here I'm assuming down is the bridge position oo there's a little bit of heat on that [Music] pickup might actually need to lower that pickup on the treble side it is uh pushing pretty stiff yeah that's a little better all right then the middle [Music] position and the neck position [Music] going to lower the treble side on the neck as well getting a little bit too spicy for [Music] me yeah that's better balance now it just came with the pickups a little bit too high on the trouble side and I could feel it just cutting and punching a little bit too aggressively for my own personal taste I mean you might like that sort of thing do whatever you want all right let's get into [Music] it got to say right off the bat it feels really well dialed in and comfortable like the action isn't crazy low but it's not like cheap guitar high it's not floating off the fretboard ridiculously it's pretty pretty close to where I would set up a guitar for my own [Music] Comfort I have a feeling if I wanted to I could drop it down to be a little bit faster if I was a shredder but I'm not so I'm not going to there's a little room on there to tweak the truss if you wanted to go flatter let's see if I can find any dead frets [Music] nothing on the B string oh I think we're out of the woods yeah I don't think dead Frets are going to be a problem [Music] here pickup sound nice and clear n [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sometimes on cheap guitars the nut can be cut too high causing you to pull out of tune in the lower fronts here the cowboy cord area and I'm not hearing any of that like so far I'm getting a really good impression of this guitar it might be true the rumors that the tales might be true this might be like I don't know about best I mean that's pretty hyperbolic but I you know sub 200 bucks I'm going to say that uh this is looking very promising for sub $200 Amazon guitar and when I start throwing gain at the pickups we'll see if they're microphonic I mean a lot of times guitars in this price point just are it's just part of the territory that you travel in if you're going to buy guitar at this price point but I don't know they might not be yeah I'm not hearing any sort of excessive noise or anything like that when I impact it let's tune it all the way up again just to make sure it's precise and I'll you know start throwing gain at [Music] it seems to be holding tune well right out of the box no big adjustments there all right let's throw some gain at it and see how it handles some light overdrive we are on the bridge [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] pickup I like the bright character of these pickups a lot of time on cheap guitars they can be kind of murky and muddy I'm actually getting quite a bit of highs out of this to the point where I'm like oh man maybe I should turn down the highs on my stuff on my pedals and the amps and whatnot [Music] a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] got a little bit into the weeds there didn't I yeah I like how clear and crispy it [Music] sounds I would rather a guitar eror on the side of bright and allow me to dial that back through my pedals or my amps or whatnot then have it be murky because when it's murky you can't get that brightness naturally it's never going to sound the same adding brightness into a murky guitar so I'm happy actually really am that it's got a bit of that bright kind of like piercing twang to it I wonder what kind of magnets they're using in these pickups it's probably not anything special or maybe it is something very special I don't know all right uh let's check out the knob see what those do I'm assuming it's either going to be volume tone tone or it's going to be volume volume tone but I'm pretty positive that's going to be a tone knob that was right now is this going to be a secondary tone knob nope that is the volume for the bridge pickup so that means we can do [Music] like or if you want to you can dial one to be lower output than the other [Music] let's get heavy gain now High Gain and see if it feeds back it does anything microphonic on us hello test that with the delay hello little bit but not too crazy hey that sounds pretty normal you usually get a little bit I'm not hearing it let's just stack gain I got three overdrive circuits stacked together now let's see what happens oh by the way I forgot to mention I am running into the two Princeton's rig but yeah not getting any microphonic feedback just yet put it on the bridge now if it was going to do it it would have done it just now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] can I keep going [Applause] [Applause] that was a pretty good test if it was going to feed back microphonic in the bad way that you don't want it would have done it just then I was stacking both sides of the 50/50 that's two DOD 250 circuits stacked into each other and I had the Wampler Bell stacked into those three overdrive circuits at the same time tons of gain many many many other sub $200 guitars that I've covered on this channel have had very microphonic pickups that feedback way before three overdrive circuit stacked on top of each other so I i' I'm impressed I'm impressed right now actually maybe we should put together a couple pedals just for this guitar on the table here try to build a rig specifically for that guitar this is not something I normally do in Guitar demos but here I am I'm just running with it I had the thought I had the impulse it's my own channel I'll do whatever I want and so this is what I'm going to do I've got a a bunch of pedals set up here now just for this guitar I put together a rig just for the fley the feasley however it's pronounced we've got ourselves a pitch effect with the Pitchfork then we've got a phaser from the JHS 3 Series then I have the Rev G8 Noise Gate why do I have a noise gate because I'm stacking a Metal Zone get in the zone Metal Zone into a cattle and bread Dirty Little Secret Deluxe so this is acting like an amp and this is pushing into the amp of course those are going to be very noisy so they are both running in the loop of the Noise Gate here then that is running into the dod rubber neck analog delay because there's plenty of brightness going on here we can afford a murky dark Soulful analog delay and we've got the white whale because I just demoed it the other day and I want to have some more fun with it all right here is that dry signal [Music] let's start having some fun might as well start with the metal zone right a listen to that that noise gate is working perfectly [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that's [Applause] [Music] nasty scoop the MS [Applause] [Music] let's throw some Pitchfork in there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Happ happy birthday [Applause] [Music] get some delay going I can tell that noise gate is doing a lot of work now there's some Buzz going on [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] I don't know what all this was supposed to prove other than the fact that I'm I'm actually having a a pretty good time playing this guitar usually I find something wrong right that's what we're used to around here it's me finding something wrong come on there's got to be something wrong the nut seems to be cut really well all the Frets are nice and flush with the end no uh no biting or grabbing at my soft delicate skin the pickups sound good they're not microphonic at all I mean like stacking these [Music] guys there's a lot of noise in the signal but any feedback is the strings feeding [Music] back this should be going crazy if it had microphonic pickups [Music] [Applause] it honestly like it it it plays really nice I'm going to unplug all this nonsense and go back into my main board again let's try it with my trueu spring reverb set up to be a very surfy drippy Reverb word [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] let's go more ambient with it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes I can't find anything wrong with it I'm looking I mean there you know everything is subjective you either like this style of guitar or not but I cover a lot of budget guitars around here I really do a lot of stuff that lands in that let's call it like 175 to 325 350 sort of price range this this is at the top of the stack this is up there with the SS and whatnot because there's nothing wrong with it it plays great out of the box the only thing I had to do is lower the pickups a little bit because they felt a little spicy on the treble side but the pickups sound great they're not microphonic which is a rare thing to run across these days in this price point I've covered a lot of guitars that have pickups that just squeal under High Gain even in bedroom level situations the tuners are good the nut seems to be cut really well uh I didn't have any issues going in and out of tune in the cowboy cord area or you know like it it it's held tuned this whole video really I checked up on it a little bit here and there but it really was doing great as far as tuning goes all the hardware seems solid there's no technical issues like it doesn't ground or something like that the neck feels comfortable it's got that raw wood sort of feel open grain the Frets are trimmed well and dressed nicely on the edges and the looks are subjective I don't mind it I think it looks kind of slick it's not typically my style of guitar but for a double humbucker single cut sort of thing I think it looks great it's also light let's weigh it old fish scale here let's find out 7 point 1 lb right on the edge of just being a 7B guitar it's great the Legends are true I don't know what else to tell you I was hoping for some drama some excitement to be like well actually here's the issue here and there and here's where why maybe you shouldn't buy this this is the sort of guitar that would be an excellent no-brainer for a new electric guitarist the prices there it's an easy player there's nothing here that's going to get in the way of a new player or it's like you just want to add a double humbucker guitar to your quiver you're already pretty experienced you want to do some weird modifications or something like that you want something that's low cost so you feel fine leaving around the house around the kids or taking it you know on a trip or something like that or you just like it or you just like it I I don't know what else to tell you so anyways huge thanks to feasley fle for sending this out to me thanks for watching thanks for getting to this point in the video I can't even find like cosmetic issues or anything like that I keep looking at The Binding like is there going to be like a weird hiccup in the Finish or something like that but it's it seems like it's great so thanks for watching and making it to the end please please click all the links down in the description I'll have links to all the pedals I use here and of course the guitar uh affiliate links helped me make a living around here so I do appreciate it but yeah thanks for watching please like subscribe dislike leave me rude nasty comment support us on patreon buy a shirt if you're naked and stay grounded bye everybody for
Channel: 60 Cycle Hum
Views: 154,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 60 cycle hum, fesley guitar, fesley guitar review, fesley lp guitar, fesley electric guitar, electric guitar, fesley les paul, fesley review, best guitar on amazon, best cheap guitar, best cheap humbucker guitar, best les paul copy, best budget, guitar, best cheap, ryan burke, 60cycle, 60cyclehum, guitar show, guitar demo, guitar review, best beginner electric guitar, best beginner electric guitar kit, beginner electric guitar, fender factory, gibson, eart, amazon guitar, zimms
Id: dMege-sFouo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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