Did Jesus Die On Cross (BBC Four Documentary)
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Channel: IneeMaakaYaMasroor
Views: 1,694,325
Rating: 4.0323567 out of 5
Keywords: Did, Jesus, Die, On, Cross, BBC, Four, Documentary
Id: qbe3Bw72G-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 3sec (3543 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Consider that the crucifixion is presented as the gold standard for physical torture, at least as I understood it. It's entire reason for importance is based on the fact that Jesus endured suffering that we supposedly couldn't imagine, so that we wouldn't have to.
...and these guys do it voluntarily.
Not to mention the fact that Jesus had to have known that he would simply rise again, thus meaning that he was never in danger of true permanent death to begin with.
Sort of minimizes the whole 'sacrifice', doesn't it?
Came expecting to go, "Meh, ridiculous Christians..."
Left going, "HOLY FUckinG gOD dAAMNitT!"
Just... why?
I about barfed ,and im not squeamish but dang.
Doesn't their ability to willingly go through this diminish Jesus' willingness to and thus undermine the incredible sacrifice of Jesus?