Dictionary Page Triple Pocket, Super Easy Junk Journal Ideas and Ephemera with Pink Monarch Prints

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hey everyone I am here with a really fun little way to do kind of a page fold over triple pocket um and it's so easy so I'm just going to start with this and then we're gonna just have some fun filling up our pockets so this is just a dictionary page and I love how it's worn out and just old and awesome um I've had this dictionary for a long long time and I use it all the time so I just tore a page out and I didn't even cut this Edge because I liked having the raw Edge now if you want to duplicate this exactly that'll be rough because every dictionary page is probably a little different size this one is 11 inches by almost eight inches so but you can adjust according to whatever book page you have now what I've done is all I did was fold this into kind of an accordion and I'm going to give you those measurements but I don't really think they will be that helpful it's more like whatever you have to fill the pockets with is how you want to gauge how big your pockets are so for mine I have let me turn it upside down I'm going to tell you from the bottom up because to me that just makes better sense so from the bottom up I folded at two and a quarter four six and a half an eight and a quarter inches and all I did was fold up and then under creating that little pocket and then fold again and fold it up to create that little pocket so so so easy all right then once you have that folded to how you want and I know what's going in these so I know that'll be a good height for my pocket so really you can kind of play with whatever you've got and then see where you like those folds to fall and how deep you want your pockets so all of that will depend on how your page is but the point is is you're just gonna accordion fold it until you get those Pockets I'll show you from this side what that looks like just like that okay now I folded it in half because I'm going to put this on two sides of a page I did a really great job of folding it in half all right so now I'm going to create that into an actual pocket and the way I'm going to be doing that is first of all I want to glue these back pieces down so right here in this section I want to glue that down make sure you're not gluing your pockets shut that would be bad so I'm just going to use my glue stick this is pretty um fine paper so I want to be extra careful I'm trying to get rid of that little sunlight for you guys there we go all right and then we have another one right here so nice and gentle I don't want to rip that page and then that's coming down all right so that was on the back and now we're going to go back to the front so now we just kind of have things starting to be glued into place now I want to be extra careful because like I said this is a very fine paper so I'm going to glue that end down come up how high I need and glue that down and just do the same on the other side and I left those edges raw just because I think it's fun if you want to Ink you should ink before this point just to make it a little easier on yourself but I kind of like this raw look for this project it just kind of fits so I'm leaving mine raw all right and now we have created those pockets and it's folded in half so what we're going to do next is we're going to glue this glue this right into our book now this half is going all the way glued down so on the other side I might create a pocket I don't know yet we're kind of playing so I'm going to go ahead and glue my pocket into my book especially getting those edges and corners yes okay and then you decide where you want on your book this is just a journal I've been working on for a while and I just add to it as it strikes my fancy and this project seemed like a good one for this journal oh I forgot false alarm pull that piece up I have a fun background page that I wanted to tuck under there so I'm gonna hurry and do that so this is just from an old book that I have it's like an order form oh and it is very fragile let me add to the awesomeness of it right so super duper fragile and I also ink dyed it so that was just a fun I'll show you how to do that because I'm going to put one on the back page as well and then I can show you how that's awesome with that rip actually put that pocket back down that was a good save good save Anna all right now I just have some scraps that I wanted to create a little cluster here on the front and you can see this is a fairly deep pocket so I can just kind of play around with how I want these to go I just have little bits um this is from a different kit that I've used so I will post that link down below if you're interested or you can just use whatever little bits and pieces you have so just something fun like that we'll just go for it and again you could ink or not this is just a piece I ripped off from the top of another page but I thought it was cute how I had the number on it so I'm keeping it so I can show that cute little number it's funny what jumps out to you huh like the little details you just kind of never know what's going to strike your fancy I love it love it love it and these and little bits I cut out and I Inked and some of them I even distressed pretty good so I love having those on hand they are one of the best things to just have on hand for me because when you're just looking at a page and something just doesn't feel right and you want a little something those are my go-to's pretty much always work all right fun I hope you guys that's okay that's okay I glued my pocket shut this was supposed to be a pocket too but that's okay we're gonna we're gonna adapt so this one will just have two tags on it and that's okay so I have to pick I have these really fun stamped cards and I have um ink distressed them and added little bits if I wanted and they are printed on the back as well so anyway they are just fun and I can link that to so let's see I think I want oh yeah I glued that one shut I think I want one here that's kind of cute with just two though and oh I like this one this one up there we go and I could put two in there if I wanted but I think I just want to keep it pretty simple all right so now we have that but we kind of have a big blank pla place right here so I kind of have a little collage I just wanted to put together with a tiny pocket and this is just the back collage piece so we're going to glue that down there are so many fun little bits of ephemera out there floating around if you are willing to go on the hunt if you don't want to go on the hunt I can link this down below that's bothering me there we go and I'm gonna just glue that down with a little heavy duty glue all right so I'm going to turn this cute little ticket into a tiny little pocket and that's just easy to do just make it a little tuck and I have this tiny little tag from another kit that I made and I just love the plaque anyway it fits with this style so well and I want it to show so that's why I love having this teeny tiny pocket because I don't wanna to be too hidden and I'm not gonna put it all the way in because I don't want to pop that glue open and then I just have this cute little number strip which side which side I think I want it over here yep I do and so I'm kind of just making this up as I go there I like that coming down a little lower now let's see is there something else I would like to add maybe a stamp would be fun this is a fun one um these are Tim Holtz Stampers Anonymous and you really can't go wrong with that these are ones I use again and again I don't really like um I love it guys I love these stamps but I need another thing on it so here we go a lot of stamps I don't love but these ones are just amazing let's see yeah yeah that would be cute maybe I can do it in red see if I can find my red ink oh there it is my reading's getting old I need to get a new red ink okay oh so fun okay and that is just done and way cute I love it so let's go ahead and do the other side oh Shades falling down I'm a hot mess this morning all right let's keep going I love it I'm just trying to see if there's anything else nope it's perfect all right so let's come over and do this side now and remember we have our three texts and I did not glue this one down so that was smart I did it right this time all right so I'm going to show you a little bit more of the process with this half that way you can skip out if you think you know or you can hang around if you want to watch this part but this is kind of how I ink distress these and you'll have to forgive me because I'm gonna have to leave for a second and go do um my heat embossing gun to dry this because this is a really fine paper but it's super fun um to Ink distress on it but you can see it's going to go right through there so I'll be right back you'll hear the blow dryer going there we go see how quick that is because it's so fine it dries really fast but isn't that fun all right let's see if we can do this without ripping it this time even though the rip was kind of fun it's just paper thin I think I actually ordered this online so I didn't get to see it before but when it got here I loved it it's so fun just every page just looks like this an order form and it just makes such pretty layering paper let's see I think I'll come a little lower this time and just glue that down and I just do that because I like the layered look that it gives it so not necessary but fun okay um so the way that I did I just have some plastic packaging that I use and I just put some ink and a little water and that's the same way that I just stress these little cards you can kind of see if you look up close and depending on how much water it will give it a completely different look see I don't you love that look and this is like less water that one's just the water just left very splotchy so anyway totally different effects depending on how you do it and each one of them is just lovely so all right let's go ahead and glue this down this time we're gonna make sure to keep it into a pocket and I'm gonna put some over here just because I want it held in there really good now I'm also going to really quickly just see where that card Falls flip it over and put some glue along there because I don't want the card to go below that I want you to be able to see it while it's in there so that's just going to create a bottom for that back pocket awesome all right no no you find that paper is let's go ahead and put these in I'll do that one in the back I love this one with a little card on it so I think I want to do that and let's do this one that has a little tag on top just to change it up a little bit I should have probably put that a little lower if that's okay all right anyways so there we have it just some stacked tag Pockets now let's go ahead and put in over here this time I wanted to do a bigger pocket for this really awesome bigger tag so I'm gonna kind of just layer that I'm trying to decide do I want it down low I think I like it up top but I kind of don't want to hide my bird cages but it'll show when you take it out so that will be okay all right sorry you're getting you're getting the creative process in my brain version so let's go ahead and create your pocket just like so I love this red and black and craft did I say that right red black and craft color scheme I think it's so fun so we just need something else on that page so that's why we go ahead and do that and now let's see I have lots of little bits oh this is kind of dramatic I kind of like that I think I think we're gonna do it but I think I just need to grunge it up just to hear more love it okay so that's really fun let's go ahead and I'll just use a little bit of this all right let's see we're gonna layer a few more things on top of this just to collage it out a little more I'm really just playing I really didn't plan this one I'm just having fun so Hold On Tight you never know what you're gonna get love it what about some more red that's kind of fun all right I think I'm gonna do it do we want a dramatic oh you know it would be fun just kind of a butterfly out of nowhere I think we can do it all right let's go ahead and send it I'm just gonna go ahead and kind of keep it where I like it but when I put it back together again it might be a little different and that's okay I love these faux tickets they're so much fun all right so I'm just putting these on wherever it floats my boat and see I think I totally switched there like this I do I like it all right special delivery do you guys remember I don't know if you're I used to watch Mr Rogers when I was a kid and I always loved it when they had three I know that dates me but oh my Heavens Mr Rogers was my hero bye I wouldn't mind another Mr Rogers if any of you know another Mr Rogers out there let me know cute that's fun with the butterfly okay this is a lot going on but I love how it looks all together uh this plaid just kind of pops and you've got these cute cards three little journaling cards some journaling here I think some stamping would be kind of fun maybe we should play with that I mean we've already got all of this why not add a little bit more sometimes they say less is more and sometimes I just think more is better I think this would be fun cool cool see what would be another fun little thing I wonder if oh this would probably fit let's see that would be fun and I think I will do it in red maybe poor red ink pad it has been well loved it has Stained my fingers many times I suppose that's a happy ink pad right that's cool okay we've got a little inking oh sorry I'm shaking the camera anyway we have it that's about all we need I'm gonna call that good this was so fun um I'll just link up everything below if you want to create kind of the same vibe but way cool we have this side that is a little simpler and this side that just says I love everything so very cool okay um anyway way fun pocket easy to do and to be able to put some fun journaling spots in there so play around with it see what you come up with and we will talk to you later bye
Channel: PinkMonarchPrints
Views: 3,781
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Keywords: Junk Journaling Ideas, Junk Journaling Tutorial, Pink Monarch Prints, Easy Junk Journal Ideas, Beginner Junk Journal, Printable Junk Journal Kits, Easy Ideas for Junk Journals, Junk Journaling Ephemera, DIY Junk Journal, Tutorial, Digital Junk Journal Kits, Embellishments, Envelope Ephemera, Mass MAke, Junk Journal Mass Make, Anna, Junk Journaling Tags, Layering Tags, Collage Tags, Vintage Journaling Tags, Stamped Journaling Tags, Craft Along, Book Page Pocket, Triple Pocket
Id: _nMWQ3Qh_8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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