Dicebreaker Podcast - Episode 56 - FLAN ROUGE (with Nicola Twiston Davies!)

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[Music] hello and welcome back to the dicebreaker podcast it's episode 56. uh loli's i assume you have a number related factoid yeah i'm very confused by it fifty-six enthusiasm dropped so quickly there like yeah yeah well it's 56. was she worth it what um uh that sounds dubious it doesn't rhyme and i can only assume it's problematic i'm having a look to see what the meaning is but um in the meantime go on with the instructor fantastic well uh i'm matt jarvis i'm the editor in chief of dice breaker i am here once more with two of the team and also very special guest uh nicola do you mind introducing yourself to the folks at home tell us who you are and what you do yeah thanks matt so i'm nichola lovely to meet you all and great to be here so i um i run game plan live coaching which is a life coaching business but also games and play workshop for um for people looking to engage with their inner play and to live life on their terms and so yeah so i just use games and play and what i believe in to bring the best out in people either one-on-one or in groups and stuff thanks very much for joining us let's get down here and of course we have uh alex me in yeah turning once more how are you doing like a bad smell i never go i never said such a thing i just said you're here hello welcome and you're like yes i'm like like a bad smell yeah yeah uh somebody had to say it it's better if i say it because then it's less inside yeah i can't i can't smell you through the camera so i'm okay so yeah i think i think um we were we were around here for long enough that we remember uh what's up here of course alex lowly hi in the meantime i've looked up the meaning by the way local meanie alex local bully um so the explanation of this is no better than what it sounds uh was she worth it refers to the cost of a marriage license which back in the 1950s would set you back five shillings and a sixpence wow wow yeah i mean i guess that checks out being yeah from the 50s and just being like yeah that's uh yeah it doesn't hurt today it did it didn't really hold up then but yeah when marriage is like like acquiring a new hoover or something that's just like that gives you problems that might serve a purpose do you mean a vacuum cleaner because hoover is a licensed brand right are you doing well actually well should we talk about board games like that thing that we're here to do each week no we're talking about appliances that's not the bit that i'm concerned about oh hold on i'm not going to be here next week so i do want to just quickly say what next one's going to be because i know that means going to like this one i feel like i can't wait what dated stereotype do we have in mind this time it will make up for all the mean things go do it 57 heinz ferrari issues okay fine sure i'm so confused because you like beans but what because spitballing yeah just far east uh all right let's let's chat about some board games as usual we'll kick off with what we've been playing this week uh niggler let's throw over to you as our guest what have you been playing lately in terms of board games and tabletop stuff um actually i've been really addicted to code names duet i don't know if you've talked about it yet sorry it's fine we talk about the same stuff every week so don't worry we literally play like one game each and that's our bit well i have actually also played a new game um but our boy would code names direct first um i really like codenames drew i didn't really like co-op games much before the pandemic and um i've come around so that's really lovely yeah and yeah it's been it's a nice like nice feeling of collaboration makes your brain feel like it's worked a bit done a bit of exercise and and you know conversation starter like i i've learned now the the slogan for the oasis drink because i didn't know it and someone used the word poor p-o-u-r to get me to guess oasis because they thought i should remember that what what's the slogan is it just pork um drink more poor more i don't know it clearly [Laughter] honestly i've not drunk an oasis in a very long time so yeah i wouldn't be surprised if i knew that at one point and just forgot it but yeah yeah i love it it's good fun and i i streamed it um with the sunny on twitter on tuesday and we're doing it again tonight so um you can come come see me in action again this is not going out until friday nick it's weekly alex can't get out of that i was actually thinking do you know that you can't get out of that easily okay that was a special invite just for me and that you said on the podcast so i can't pretend like i didn't know about it okay good what's this nice oh yeah yeah yeah although code is not that old right it's like only a couple of years old i think i don't know yeah i said i feel like i'm just late to the party with code names you know like i i only really started playing it last year but i know it's been around a while yeah yeah it's like four years old or something yeah in board game years it's not that long yeah it's it's pretty like i feel like it's also just when it first came out people were big into it and it was like scooping up a load of awards and so on but it's now hitting that point where people who don't play like ball games other than like monopoly or scrabble and stuff like that like it's just it's managed to break into that kind of like world right the mainstream thing you spot it on shelves next to the stuff you'd expect that that everyone owns now it's become one of those which is probably why i need to save myself with another game right because i didn't want to leave games hey we're not judging here keeping we don't know it is a great game yeah we love coding i actually know a new game that you've played i'm wondering if this is the one you're about to say well i don't know um king domino oh okay yeah i only played that for the first time about two months ago it's really good actually isn't it it's cute right like it's it's really aesthetically pleasing and it's sort of like you're doing your own thing but you're competing it's um it's not and it's not too competitive so you can still be friends at the end not when you're playing with it [Laughter] absolutely well i i love queen domino which is how i came to that series um and i think people are kind of split nick if you played queen domino or if you only play kingdom no ah it's really good like i would if you're looking for because like king domino is great by itself but queen domino just adds like a couple of like extra rules that make it a tiny bit more complicated but without getting super uh you know it doesn't suddenly become like a super deep game but i think it just adds little kind of you can build on new red squares um and you can also pay a dragon to go and burn down some buildings so like a bit of you know torching other players buildings is probably going to be right up your alley right um king domino was we played it for you've never played because i'd never played it before so we played it like a few months ago with like when johnny was still here and i just remember and it was so annoying because he said it i think when we just stopped recording um and he was like oh my god king domino it's kingdom and amino and domino kingdom armani i was like oh my god actually yeah and he was just like really in love with the name of the game because he was like it's kingdom and domino epiphany i also know uh nick that you played flam rouge recently yeah that that is another one i played which um and how do you know that alex because i my copy of the game was at sonny's house and i went to collect it and he was like yeah nick and i played this and we're gonna play again i was like not with my copy or not no i didn't say it but i thought it yeah we did yeah yeah that's also a really nice game i am i definitely want to play that with more people and i think it like two people it was nice had you even played it because it was put away so perfectly i was like surely she's not touched though i played a few times yeah i love that game i just really look after my board games and also it's been at his house since the beginning of the the pandemic so and it's it's not that old a game so i i haven't played a huge amount before um it was no longer my possession for a long time you've not quite had the time to spill glasses of squash on it or like get you greasy i would never snack hands no stop don't don't talk to me like this don't don't start it happens in this house oh no no well you know no i yeah these things happen it's fine but yeah you're saying it's like it's good with two players but it's definitely one of those games that is better with more because there's like a mechanic in it where you um benefit when people are in the front and obviously the more players and and you want to be like you want to be behind them but not too far behind them so the more players you have the more that kind of comes into play and you can kind of like utilize that for your for your own benefit um so yeah it's all right i think but it's definitely one of those ones i think you'd want to play with three or four people ideally it's one of those like you know when they say two to four players but it's really not two don't lie to me yeah yeah i guess you're right i feel like you know right that mechanic doesn't really come into its own but it's quite nice yeah like kind of even if you're at the back you know you get to catch up and also people at the front um they get penalized right they get sort of tired tokens yeah and which will always happen so yeah there'll be more front riders yeah more people i think i guess both both players would be more prone to getting those tick uh those like tired cards more often which would i guess make for an interesting race when you like eventually just have a whole hand of like tired cards or whatever they're called crawling over the finish line yeah because it's meant to be based on like the tour de france right the whole sort of setting on it i think there's a race yeah i think there is i think it's named after it i think i am ignorant when it comes to cycling events it seems i am as well to be fair but the name just makes me think of food i don't know why would you like it [Laughter] [Music] delicious right all right nice uh is that about anyone else yeah uh lolis let's pray over to you what have you been playing recently same thing i've been playing everyday matt starr arms the stock market you say taking a slow draw from the start of this box well seems like we found ourselves in this position once again yeah pretty much since i am since i did that stream a couple of weeks ago um i've been playing like pretty much every day um i hosted a little tournament um recently as well for some people um where i didn't play obviously but um yeah the it's just it's just a good time i'm just going through that phase again where i play a lot of star runs i actually um realized today i think i saw on like facebook they were like talking about the new arena rules because every week they've got that like new arena rule and i was like oh yeah of course it's tuesday there's a new arena rule this week that i haven't even looked at yet so um i've been dying to go check it out i haven't had a chance yet today but um i think probably when we're done this i'm gonna go have a look and see what it is because um i love i love the arena i love the arena i'm sucked into star realms again lolis i mean i've i'm never really i'm never really out of styrons yeah i'm just always kind of hovering around it um you know but like a bad smell like a bad smell yeah oh i did play um hold on i did play it when was it was it last last wednesday i guess it would have been um so it would have been after we we filmed the last podcast and um uh so wise wizard games they do stream on twitch like a couple of days a week but it's usually like an american time like p.m so i don't often catch the streams um which obviously me being a massive star arms fan is a big pity but um they do this thing on wednesdays where you can like play against one of the inventors of the game so either darwin or rob and i did it once i think where i played rob and you can win like a prize when if you beat him so uh last week it was darwin who had played a couple of times and i'd i think we're on like or we were on equal scores i think we'd beaten each twi like each other twice each and we were kind of like we hadn't played since so i was like okay let's see if i can take darwin on and win myself 100 credits um and i played and i absolutely annihilated him like i won with 56 authority bear in mind you start with 50. uh i ended with 56 authority and and him very dead um that sounds good i don't know what it means but it sounds great it means that i beat i killed him whilst also gaining health myself i did i murdered him dead oh my goodness did he take it well he um yeah i think so i was his first match of that of that stream so i guess maybe i was like a warm-up i don't know um i didn't stick around too long because it was like midnight when i when i played the game um so i just wanted and went to sleep happily i just went peace dreamt nice dreams about being a oh winner that was good and um i've been playing some gloomhaven digital because obviously i can't play gloomhaven in real life at the moment but um i've been playing the digital version and um i'm playing it with a new person and because i've played gloomhaven i keep playing it with new people i've been playing the same like games over and over again so i've been i've finally gotten to that point where i've broken past the bit where like i've actually gotten further instead of playing the same scenarios over and over again um so that's exciting but i have realized that i think before i was like oh you know it's pretty true to the board game like they've done a really good job of it blah blah blah um there's definitely certain things that have been annoying me like one of them is uh like for example there's a bit where you have to like select who uh who you're targeting with your attack and um the game can be kind of confusing with the selection and then there's no way to fix it because it's a video game whereas in real life you would say i'm attacking these two and then you could just or you know you can like fix mistakes when you're playing a board game and that like when you're playing with an ai kind of thing it's it's not possible to do that stuff and that's been really frustrating me because in glebe haven in particular especially when you've got like some hard quests um like uh lots of little mistakes will make the difference at the end um so that's been a bit frustrating but also i've realized that in the board game well two things uh firstly um the number of enemies changed depending on how many players you've got um but also that the enemies always start in the same place so if you were to go to a quest and like you set up the enemies in a certain way if you then like i don't know died or just fancied playing that quest again or whatever um the enemies will start in the same place um that's not the case in the like digital version because um it's because i said i've played a few of the quests like uh multiple times now i've realized that they actually changed the location of where the enemies are which like i understand to a certain extent why they would do it because the whole kind of thing with gloomhaven is that you um aren't really supposed to have the information of where the enemies are when you go into a different room and stuff like that and also how many enemies there are so kind of like excuse that information for you a little bit i guess which makes it a bit fresher but also um i feel like they're probably the way the enemies are set up in the first place in the board game is done in a certain way that it's almost like a puzzle of how to like defeat them and that kind of gets taken away when they just get randomly like plopped on the on the board um so those are things that i've noticed um but they haven't like done a campaign version yet this is still just playing with that because it's still on beta so i'm looking forward to them finally just releasing the the full game and and playing through the campaign but yeah that's that's what i've been playing yes i keep meaning to check out the gleamhaven digital version because it's really good look i said before like the gleamhaven's combat stuff is really fun but the idea of unpacking gloomhaven to play it yes i think at this point just a hill i don't want to climb yeah yeah it's just it's a lot of investment for the sake of like it's it's a great game but you know like when you're spending as long packing it up and setting it up or even longer than you are playing it just feels a bit much yeah i think ideally you want to get a few games in if you're going to be playing it in real life because yeah it's like a weekend game rather than like an evening game yeah i think so just leave it out on your table i'm not made of tables our friend sonny uh who we mentioned earlier he um he owns the gloomhaven copy that i've played in irl and he's got a huge table so when he when it like when we were able to meet up in our like real life and play these games he would just leave it out if he knew that we're going to play it like the following weekend or whatever but obviously yeah that's table spaces can be a premium sometimes yeah it is a luxury definitely well do you think i have like hundreds of tables or something this is the gloomhaven table just like in a box you know like people have train sets or like dioramas in a box instead you've just got gloomhaven i mean it's something to strive towards right in in your life yeah having so many tables that can have you know every single game that you have can have its own table that it's set up on yeah i do like the the dining room tables the kind of board game tables where you lift out the middle and then i think people can store stuff flat under there that's quite nice but then i guess the miniatures would be too tall so you'd have to replace some tokens or something i don't know but that's quite a nice idea of just plonk this bit of wood on top lay them down to sleep yeah and then yeah yeah and then you know meehan wouldn't get squash all over the game either because that's you know they're designed to have the drinks exactly i wouldn't be i wouldn't be able to spill my cream soda over everything or i'm sorry yeah i'm aware of what dp is thank you i'm tip and hatman with the latest drinks of the 1940s it's it's really big in soho at the moment yeah it's hot it's hot stuff speaking of hot stuff what have you been playing alex you've been playing releases wow i know what you mean i'm just tunneling a lot and you know giving myself some compliments i need it after being told i think um yeah so i've been playing so i've had another week where i've actually been playing stuff so this is exciting and it's not like just the same games all the time um so keeping it fresh i won't take that personally as a member of your root and terraforming works of creaky group look i'm not throwing shade i just get mocked sometimes of basically being the scythe person or the root person that's true terraforming mars person so i'm shaking those chains off this week uh so i played two games this week um firstly i played stardew valley um indeed indeed yes uh there is yes stardew valley the board game i have not played stardew valley the video game oh that's interesting uh is it there's a game you were invited to then and you just yeah well like yeah let's let's do some farming yeah well my friend hosted it and they were like do you wanna because i was like i wanna play some more board games online and then we're like will we like star d valley do you wanna play that i was like hell yeah so hell to the yeah exactly um so again i'm not going to be able to provide a very good kind of comparison to the video game although i have a vague idea of what you do in it the artwork is basically from the video game so like including the character cards which are based off the kind of yeah designs of the characters you find in the video game whereas the rest of the artwork is all kind of pixelated and stuff it's very cute like the art style is really nice and if you like that art style you'll probably like this basically if you like stardew valley you'll probably like this game because it heavily borrows from the kind of things that you'll be doing in that game so um it takes place over four different seasons i wonder what those are um and these are like rounds um and it's a cart game so you're working together and you start the game with a selection of random objectives set to you by your grandfather yes who turns out yes who turns out is um it's masochistic because the objectives are actually really hard oh and uh so he's like you better get this done always everything is ruined so it turns out that maybe i sound like my grandfather maybe the main difference here from the video game is that it's it's quite a stressful experience really playing it because you're on a time limit in terms of getting everything done and a lot of the objectives are like require a lot of investment um so the ones we working with were like make this many friends uh fish this the legendary fish um i think there are some members that i can't remember but um we all kind of got assigned to different roles and we call them roles because they're not like this is all you do but it's more like this is what you're specialized in doing so i took the fishing one uh which meant that i spent a lot of my time going down to the lake and the sea uh and trying to get the fishes and a lot of the stuff you do works in a similar manner that you have a set of dice that you roll and you want to try and get certain results so from so for fishing i wanted to get the results to match the fish that i wanted but i was basically i was basically over fishing this island to the point where there was nothing left in the oceans which is terrible for the environment but because because i needed to find all the legendary fish but the fish are drawn randomly so you've got to hope that and the legendary fish just happened to be the last damn fish in the bag which meant that i spent most of the game fishing um someone else was was very good at like mining so they went off to the mines and like again a lot of it's rolling to get the right kind of results it worked slightly differently than all the same but this is the biggest criticism i'd have of stardew valley in the sense that a lot of it is based in rng in terms of you just got to hope that you get the results you need otherwise you're kind of a bit screwed because it kind of gets to the point so we had a quite a bad start to the game in terms of our luck was quite awful and it just kind of meant that we we we could have like pulled things round it's not like it's impossible once you have a bad start but then for example with me with the fish being the last ones in the bag like it meant that i spent so much time trying to do that but i couldn't help so much with everything else that we were doing and a lot of the strategy of the game is just like okay what do we have in our inventories um what equipment do we have so you can upgrade equipment once you you get the right kind of resources and that makes things easier but again you want to try and do that as quickly as possible and we weren't getting the resources we needed to do that so things were kind of stacked against us in that regard so we did lose we ran out of time before we could we could succeed but at no point did it kind of feel like oh we're doomed that's it it was close but i i'd say the biggest problem with that game is like there's a lot of randomness but i like games of randomness to be honest and i had a fun time playing it um you know it it's very accessible in the sense that there's a lot going on in it but what you're doing really isn't that complicated and you know especially as you're working as a group i was playing with people who have played before so they could kind of help walk me through what the best things you know to do are so i enjoyed it i would be interested to play again to see whether we could get better luck and whether the objectives we had were particularly difficult ones and again because we lost as part of a group didn't feel so bad and i think that's what a big strength of co-op games yeah is the fact that you lose as a team rather than on your own in the corner but um that was stardew valley so you can there's a mod on tts you can get for that because obviously buy games but it's very difficult to get stardew valley at the moment because it's basically sold out and it's only available in the us so i was going to say i think it came out in the u.s because it seemed to just expire and then within a day it was all gone it was like oh okay yeah i hope they make it more widely available even if that means they have to go for a larger publisher um oh god what's the company called something gorilla right concerned ape concerned [Laughter] yeah i hope they because they i think they release it themselves yeah i think so it's um i think their names eric something is that it's kind of like a one person yeah or yeah at least to begin with i imagine it's it's more people now but yeah yeah so i i do hope that maybe they try and do a deal with with a publisher to make it more widely available because i think a lot of people want to play that game and it is fun like it's not groundbreaking but it is better again as video game board games go it's one of the better ones in terms of there are some real crappy ones um so yeah i enjoyed that and then i also played unmatched battle of legends which is a nicely generic name um what is not generic though is the box art and the components which are incredible like the quality of that game is amazing in terms of the box feels so good the artwork is really nice both on the box and particularly on the cards so it's uh it's a skirmish game i'd call it with with card sort of playing mechanics so you do have a board with miniatures on and you control those characters using their specific deck of cards which allows them to kind of move and attack and do various other actions depending on you know who you're playing with and the premise of it has always been really interesting because it's entirely based on like fictional or historical characters firstly the ones that they manage to get the license to because they're in the public domain so the the core box that we played which is the first release they did was is king arthur sinbad alice from alice in wonderland and medusa so those are all characters that i think are in the public domain or a dinner party um but then they kind of did some future releases partnered with with licensed rat so like there's a jurassic park one where you can play as the philosoraptors there's a buffy the vampire slayer on yeah nicola you should be laughing it's so stupid yeah man but it's also kind of my like amazingly wonderful in the sense that they they've sort of i don't know how it works with those kind of characters but the ones that are in the core set that we played with they do like feel like they're part of the same you know game like the designs of the artwork and especially the cards it all kind of looks like this is not some weird mashups that that's odd they all look like they could be in the same universe like battling against one another for whatever reason um i played as alice and my friend played as medusa and yeah like it's accessible enough in the sense that it did not take us very long to learn the game the system it's based on wasn't it used for star wars like galaxy something yeah there was a star wars game that came out a long time ago i can't remember what it was called yeah um yeah it is it just pulls from that yeah but without the style i think rob davio was involved in the original thing and involved in this as well so yeah he is involved in this um and yeah the system is it's very accessible but it's great because it means that they're able to kind of build on top of a very solid framework in the terms of like alice for example had her own unique ability she could go big or small and like going you know choosing either of those sizes has their own advantages and she also had a sidekick the jabberwock who who counts as like a figure on the board is actually a token but like for example my opponent had to kill both alice and the jabberwock to win whereas they had medusa and three harpies but the harpies had less health than my jabberwock so even in then like we were you know we had different kind of advantages and disadvantages but medusa is definitely a character that is long-range attacks so so her abilities she could shoot like an arrow at her opponent as long as they're in the same zone and do damage but her deck was a lot more defensively based which meant that i had the agonizing experience of chasing her around the board constantly trying to get her as she just shot me from a distance and uh because alice's melee range she can't do long-range attacks so it definitely felt like the characters were unique in sense of the way you play them but i just cannot praise the artwork enough especially on the cards it's amazing like that some of that stuff is so it's so much better than you expect it to be in terms of this kind of game like it's it's just like really good quality so um i would definitely be interested in playing some of the other expansions and things like that and they've got a new core set coming out some point this year i think i wrote the story on it but yeah this is one of those games i've wanted to play for i think it was kind of hard to get a hold of in the uk uh for a bit it's because it's restoration oh it's restoration games and mondo right yeah like the pop culture poster and apparel and whatnot yeah yeah so yeah yeah yeah it's like a very odd like on an unmatched matchup between restoration games and mondo in the sense that like yeah i think mondo is what does i think they do the heavy lifting in terms of acquiring the franchise brand and stuff whereas restoration games like actually have made a workable system and then design the decks and make it look not like a piece of crap yeah it's it's so cool because the like you say the concept is kind of dumb because it's the equivalent of taking two action figures and just slamming them together you're like i've got t-rex and bruce lee let's see how they go that's one of them yeah but it's it sounds like from from what you've said and from what i've heard from others it sounds like it they really do pull it off and it seems to be like they've put out a lot of packs since that first set so presumably it's doing pretty well because they are continuing to put them out yeah i i i i enjoyed it it's not revolutionary but i i think that it's just very satisfying in terms of like because it's so simple and yet your brain is still forced to work for for that win or whatever like you have to it's not just like that that funko games thing that wills and i played which is like the funko ghost thing is like the dark universe version of this it's like how do you do this concept but terribly in the sense that literally like the opposite the components were horrible in terms of like the quality was terrible um like the gameplay was just so boring and stripped back and just not good um and it was obviously it that also works for different kind of licenses and stuff and it's kind of like you look over on match and you're like this is this is how you do that because this is actually fun to play it's not overly complicated it's fun and it doesn't look like crap so there you go i just wanted to stare apart i think chloe's just sat there going you didn't think it was that bad matt what did you play tell us uh i played a lot of magic the gathering oh look at you ivory tower um so uh yeah on on friday uh though friday afternoon me and chase and i played a bit of magic because the new strix haven set is out which is basically their version of hogwarts it has five colleges they do magic all that kind of thing yeah there's an attractive person yeah a few from what i understand um although that was not my draw to magic the gaming i played a video some other people have been trained like if if you are in for magic because of all the attractive people yeah that's basically um i'm not very good at it i've played before and actually so uh yeah like i say we we played and i ended up doing so i've been playing on magic the gathering arena um and i've played magic before i've played generally with like pre-made decks and like i enjoy it for what it's worth but i've kind of never really sunk into it in the way that it seems to grab other people this might be the closest i've come yet but i ended up going through the color challenges so there are five mana colors and they basically make you play with a single color deck for each color um and you go up against each of the other four colors and then you have to play a human at the end so you play like four ai then a human the biggest challenge yeah and win or lose you do actually pass pass it's fine um and i've i think i've done like four of the color challenges now so i played like a couple of dozen games because i also played some other games outside of that um and it's fun it's a good way of learning it it does a really good job of teaching you magic and kind of getting you to understand oh maybe you don't want to attack with all of your creatures this term because they're just going to get wrecked by this thing that has like five toughness um but i will say that i ended up i went through like say the different colors and i ended up using the red deck that you used me in and i hated it i hated that particular deck which is goblins everywhere something like that i know and i just usually i'd love that yeah i didn't gel with it at all it's actually the one i had the most trouble with i lost quite a few times so you're so essentially you're telling me but it was entirely detectful not mine but i that i lost so i didn't think i don't think it was your fault yeah i think you also had bad card draw um i played with the other round the deck wasn't great there was another red deck that i don't know whether i just wasn't getting good draws essentially when i played with chase and matt again i've not really played magic that much um i've played other card games that's a very very general sort of phrase um but i used to play a bit of half stone which is like an entirely digital based card game back in the day um and then i played some key forge so i know some of the fundamental kind of mechanics that those kind of games use um but magic is a bit different in the sense that obviously you have to use lan some manner and that can get confusing and it's been around forever so there are about a billion key words uh but i played against matt and chase using these two red decks because like chase recommended i try using red mana because of my general sort of play styles and they were both just terrible in the sense that i just wasn't drawing the cards that synergize with the other cards i had in my hand so it's like oh this does a really cool thing but you need to have this first i'm like well i don't have that so this is basically garbage you've just handed me and that happened twice whereas your green deck you drew three of those horrible rhino things yeah that was uh yeah they buffed each other and yeah kind of wiped out but i think that red deck definitely looks like i had real trouble until i played a very particular way which is basically just a stack load of enchantments that then did two damage every time i attacked and i ended up doing like 15 damage in one turn just because i'd stacked them all but it felt i didn't love it so yeah i would if you're not turned off by that experience on friday i would like just recommend trying a different colored deck i think that's kind of the nice thing about magic is you can make it what you want it to be in some ways if you don't gel with a color or a deck i mean chase and i so chase is is that our our teacher as it were in the magic world or at least it certainly is mine uh and afterwards i was feeling a bit silly and he was like let's try so there's friday night magic that you can do on magic arena which i think gives you a selection of decks to play against people and then you can win stuff if you do really well and so i was like okay i'll give it a go and we tried this white and black deck was it it was it was an odd deck because it was using the adventuring thing that that chase had used in one of his previous decks and i think that had been released um with zendika yeah i think that's right quests were part of friend of el drain and zendaka introduced something out of party rising introduced the party right i was getting confused so if yeah the throne of el drain introduced this adventure mechanic was very weird but kind of fun in the sense that cars will have two uses and you can play them as an effect or as a minion but all you so a lot of the cards we played the effect and then we played them as a minion afterwards and there were quite a lot of cards that synergized with having adventuring you know um cards played or like in your deck and we also had some flying minions as well and uh chase kind of sort of talked me through how to play it but um there was one card which was the stupidest thing i've ever seen that was um it was something like oh kill all other minions that aren't giants and it was a giant card we played so it basically killed all of the opponents minions on the board and i was like if i was that person i'd feel so sorry i'd be mad i wouldn't take that well at all i feel like generally that's yeah there are a few like magic cards that do do that but yeah that they tend to be like either expensive or just not as common like i feel like something you see more in key forge keyforge is just like you churn through creatures at an unbelievable rate yeah no keyboard is pretty much faster but i think that's because key forge doesn't isn't a mana based game yeah so yeah so getting minions out on the board isn't such a struggle but also minions aren't so important in terms of you're not trying to kill your opponent you're trying to forge keys so you know just having loads of bodies on the board isn't necessarily you know the aim of things it's more about what they can do for you in terms of gaining ember but yeah i'd be up for giving it another go yeah i feel like it's got enough of the hooks in at this point where i'm like oh you know what yeah like maybe maybe i'll like maybe i'll go down a little hole with this like i did with you yeah is this like like you full kind of demo the trading card game whole at some point it'd be like yeah i'll play this like solidly for a few months and see what happens but is this like what happened when you got into infinity for a bit and then you bought all those minutes yeah so i mean now you're gonna get that i think the big question for me will be like can i be asked to build a deck because that's where magic often falls apart is like i don't want to spend most of my time with this game doing admin looking up meta lists and like i just want to play the game like just let me play the game like of which i think is the appeal or something like this yeah there you go is it a long game magic like how much is it it's like on on arena like games can take five ten minutes like typically they're not super long and i think that's the thing is like if you spend half an hour to an hour like putting together your deck and then you play a five ten minute game and get trashed and just be like well i spent all this time investing in this deck and it's clearly just part of my life yeah so i think that's that'll be an interesting thing for me i think arena does help with that stuff because it does have those kind of really built decks and i'm kind of curious to see how the deck building stuff is in that um but but we'll see and i think it it's definitely nice having someone like chase to guide you through but arena does do a good job of introducing those concepts to you so we'll see um jason calls actually is not up on the website as of this podcast but next week jason coles has written a piece about pack wars which is like a format for magic where you just have a load of land cards then you open one booster pack and you don't know what's in it but that's your deck it's one booster pack and some lands and that sounds like the kind of fun magic that i'm into like i want to play draft as well because if if the the deck building is kind of part of the game i think that will interest me much more than i need to go away for two hours and study up on the meta yeah and then just get like say salty when something destroys me and i have to be like well clearly that didn't work time to go back to the drawing but yeah uh the only other thing uh as we move on is i have a copy of offset on this table with me and i'm pushing to play it it's a really big box given that root is not huge it's like a medium sized box ophius bloody massive i don't know if that's because uh later games kind of sent over the kickstarter edition so it might have a load of stuff that's not in the like whatever version comes out of retail but it's real big and it looks great there's a little pig from call farron on the side it's great as always matt shared the pig with us and we were like this is mvp i think the pig did come up actually in our play-through of oath when we played it with uh cole worley i think the pig came up as a treasure somewhere and go and check out that video if you want to see a little pig um let's move on to news shall we uh let's blast through these so first up alex meehan hello uh tell us about i mean great grail games yeah not not great news from grail games oh yeah i mean it's sort of not entirely unexpected either considering the way things have been going so yeah great games have kind of put a blog post out and it's an interesting one because it kind of goes through the history of of the publisher um and due to that history um they've unfortunately just decided to drop a lot of their planned reprints of rhino kenitsia he's back again back with a vengeance he's never really left um yeah so a lot of they had planned to reprints of several of kenitsia's kind of uh classics so they'd already done things like um uh yellow and yangtze which i think you like yeah i love it it's yeah it's scuttling because yellow yangtze is a really really good game uh and they've done the medici uh the card game and uh other like yeah beloved games from that designer and i think they had planned to do several other reprints including like a full-on remake of medici which they'd announced last year uh as and gone to kickstarter um has it gone to kickstarter yet i don't think so okay they were going to go to kickstarter but they've kind of um uh put that in the toilet uh as it were uh because it seems that uh reprints of you know games like this aren't doing so well so uh they explained their reasons as being like uh these reprints while great at getting um board game geekers specifically to notice what one is doing just hasn't sold well uh uh admitted uh harding um david harding who is basically the founder of grail games which is interesting because connor follows on from a story we had from said man games who had cancelled their euro classic line which had pretty much only featured kanitsi again yeah up to that point uh and their their their first game that was not a canizia game was about to come out and they cancelled that it's kind of like yeah a bit harsh but um and they they cited um so kimball um steve kimball who's basically the studio head of zeppelin game had also cited board game geek and sort of that that that difficulty of getting people to notice what you're doing outside of the real hobbyists which honestly i'm surprised because they put out a digital version of yellow and yangtze which is also like it's a really good port um but you would think that if they went in for an app you would think that game was doing well enough for them to go it's time to put a digital version because i would guess that the amount of people who buy a digital version of a ball game is probably a smaller proportion of the proportion that by that yeah so just i was surprised to hear that like oh yeah they just haven't really done very well which yeah yeah yangtze particularly because tigers and euphrates is like a beloved classic uh and very hard to find actually i think it was one of the ones that zed man or fantasy flight pat out yeah they put out uh yeah they put out a version of tigress and you're afraid are you freights you 30s i don't know yeah we talk about this often how the hell not a historian i only ever read these words um i mean it might be the case that you know you know and united did do well and it might be the case that the other reprints that they've done just haven't performed up to that standard in terms of what they'd hoped um and you know like i even though they're all by kenitsia it's kenitzia makes so many games that it might be the case of like you know like doesn't necessarily necessarily mean that all of canister's games are going to be hits or have been hit um yeah on paper yeah because like medici as well is it's not among his biggest games but it's like it's fairly well known in the the community in the hobby but maybe at this point it's just that maybe people already have copies yeah exactly the people that like it already like it don't need to buy a new copy and for everyone else it's kind of like a game from 30 years ago that they just don't feel the need to pick up because there's so much stuff coming out that's brand new so which is a real shame because medicine the card game also really loved it but they they gave it new art i think they reworked the rules so i would guess there was investment up front rather than just putting out it's kind of same work same rules that you know there i mean there's always investment involved because you still have to produce the actual games i mean it is a shame in the sense that the medici reformation project like it looked like a like a fundamental improvement on the original in terms of like its quality so like the artwork is a billion times better than the original like the original artwork is just like you know oh this is enticing sort of a weird looking man is here and he looks vaguely italian but um the but the new artwork uh you know what i mean uh the new artwork was just so much better in terms of the quality but it's kind of it's a shame that it's all that's that you know works all gone and i don't know whether they just thought it was worth you know stopping now rather than you know produce all that stuff and then it not do well but um yeah uh i think they're moving on to kind of new stuff now so there is they are releasing a new edition of fjords um which was co-created by phil walker harding and beth sobal who are both fairly prominent in the industry um there is a new game coming from scott elms who did tiny epic galaxies and there's so you know a few others that they apparently haven't announced yet which is exciting so you know to be honest with you i do prefer publishers to work on new stuff in general like you know i i kind of feel like those older games that i want to get my hands on most of the time i'll go for ones that are fairly easily obtainable rather than things that have been sort of out of print for a while but um i like new ideas so i'm not really that gutted by this but i think yeah there is a reason to be somewhat doubt about this if you really wanted to see those games yeah i think it's just particularly like i went hunting for tickers and euphrates to freight um on the app store because it used to be available because i played quite a lot of it and was very bad at it um but it you just can't find it anymore and i think that's more the like kind of the shame is that these games are just like if you do want to check them out there's not even a way of doing that digitally anymore i guess table simulator probably has a mod somewhere but they're not official so it's not like you're supporting the people who made it but so it's just a case of like oh like if you want to play dickerson you freakies that you either have to hunt down a copy somewhere that's probably going to be extravagantly expensive or kind of like settle for a tts mod or whatever it may be so it'd just be nice if there was a way of of these games being available in some form um for those who want to play i think that's more the shame is this the sense that they're just being dropped and like will we ever see them again or is that it for for these kind of games yeah i mean it sounds like grail games are still stocking these games at least until the end of the year so if you want to get your hands on copies do it now yeah like they do literally say like oh grandma we can because they go after that who knows yeah they're going in a landfill along with e.t all right let's move on to galaxy trucker quick one it's come back it's trucking back it's still trucking still trip that should be the tagline on the bottom of the box still trucking yeah i think galaxy tracker is a pretty popular game why not people seem to enjoy it i own it but i've never played it so this is going to be real insightful um yeah so it was it was kind of originally released in 2007 which is a long time ago now believe it or not speak for yourself um yeah and so the the publishers check games yes yeah check games edition yeah um uh they are releasing a brand new edition of the game uh with new artwork which looks nice it's bright and colorful i think it's way better than it looks like a kids game it looks better than the old one yeah it's still not very good yeah it's still somehow only not representative i mean i think in the press release for example i think they're really trying to push this as a very as an accessible game in terms of they were saying oh look there's a so i believe there's um it's apparently been somewhat streamlined the gameplay to make it a bit more you know again accessible um there is like a a campaign mode you can play called trans galactic trek which i think is designed for people want bit more challenge but having not played it i wouldn't be able to tell you what the difficulty level is like but they seem to really be pushing it as like a this is a family game that you can play with your kid it says 10 plus on the old box yeah it was designed by now help me out here matt did i do that right yeah there you go who made code names hmm so there you go nichola it all comes back around i feel like yeah vlad is like another one that just churns out games just quietly because i'd like space i think is his like mage knight and just all these games kind of just flying out but it's kind of say they turn them i always forget just how many of those kind of like recognizable names so um yeah galaxy tracker i think is is a pretty well rated i think it it looks so i'm saying it looks different it looks better i i looking at it now i'm more interested to play it whereas as i say i've had the game i've had the game for several years and i've not even opened the box i don't think um because the old cover looked like it was like a heavy game it didn't look like a like a family game they've gone in the opposite direction now yeah they've definitely rebranded it to try and like maybe because board gaming is more popular now so they're hoping that they'll be able to catch the eye of people uh because the theme is very playful because it's like you you you're basically a cargo ship flying through the galaxy star trucking star trucking exactly um so as far as the key differences mostly just gonna be artwork i think there's gonna be some more components and just gonna be better quality in general and as they say they they said the game line is going the gameplay is going to be streamlined i don't know what that means specifically it's like every publisher's favorite word now i feel is everything is streamlined yeah so uh how much of an effect that's going to have on things we don't know but you know i've heard this one banded about and i've been intrigued by it it sounds fun do you want to buy my old copy mian i'm going to have to upgrade so it's um it's it's sort of aiming for summer there's no specific date other than that but it seems like quite reasonably priced they've they said uh 25 pounds which is yeah i mean that's from me doing conversion from euros so it might not be that specifically but i think yeah under 30 quid though because it's it was 30 euro i'm guessing it's yeah basically one to one at this point cheers brexit um but i think like that's anything under 30 quid feels pretty reasonable for a board game nowadays yeah when when you're when some board games are priced over 100 pounds it is like 30 quid is now a deal um obviously that's dependent on what's in there but yeah that feels like because if i guess you can probably find code into what 15 quid nowadays yeah and this feels like the step up from that that feels about much smaller game though like code names yeah you get in there there's not a huge amount right in terms of it's just a bunch of cards really not that i love current names this is not slagging off just literally just being real and a sand timer yeah yeah yeah and and the little things for your little plastic things so your replacement you can sit in it i mean there's around there it's just a bunch of cards really as well right yeah true let's yeah let's dig in stop it yeah so i mean star wars is like a tenor right i feel like that's that feels all right but yeah i'm interested in this i've i don't know if i've ever played galaxy truck i don't think i have i think sometimes i get it confused with space alert matt i'm surprised because you seem like the trucking type thank you so kindly um no he's he's trained man yeah he can't be seen on a truck trucks are just trains of the land wait trains also go on land trucks are just trains of the road it's all wonderful get that on a bumper sticker put it on your truck my other truck is a train it's fun yeah i'm i i like games where you haul stuff from one place to another yes like wasteland express delivery service is a great game and that game is all just about you're in these mad max style trucks and you just lug in the car yeah because even in the post-apocalyptic mad max world people still need their their deliveries you know they still need their t-shirts yeah they're still the gig job yeah exactly but yeah uh interested to see galaxy chocolate and see how what streamlined means basically yeah like what what does that mean you just knocked a few words at the raw book what does that actually mean no you know matt jarvis tell us about what what's on on television these days i feel like i've heard this news before did you read it on dicebreaker.com uh you may yeah you may have confused it with like yeah we've got so many like television adaptations of board games really though i talk okay i mean really tell us what it is and then we'll leave it all right yeah yeah so guess who is being made into a television show yeah i know the classic game of do they have glasses do they have brown hair yeah do they all of that kind of yeah uh you know you flip over you try and guess who and now you'll try and guess who on your television screen i feel like we talked about this before and i feel like i literally talked about it at the weekend to a friend and i was like yeah they're making a tv show but guess who well am i psychic yeah i must have been psychic i mean this is this is from a few days ago yeah uh chase wrote it up so you may have just read the story maybe i did yeah it's not we're not this isn't the news breaking now but yeah i'm kind of we've guessed the story behind loneliness yeah history so uh yeah this is this is coming out of hasbro which owns the game uh as it does with risk and the other cluedos cludo that's got a movie on the way yeah that's not a and uh as well yeah magic they're gathering all of the stuff there's a lot of stuff coming up hasbro but this is going to be what sounds like a reality tv uh no sorry a game show not really tv show um we don't know anything more about it really we just know that it is going to be they say here in this story from chase uh it'll be a competition for cash prizes uh it's in development between entertainment one which is part of hasbro and um i think did who wants to be a millionaire and all of that kind of stuff it's like still like storied as a game show production company um so according from chase's story the show will feature unscripted episodes wherein contestants must rely on intuition and parceled up clues to judge situations in the moment much more about the structure of the show is unclear uh so this comes via deadline which broke the news so we basically don't know anything about it other than it's guess who and you can win some money by playing guess who is it people yeah that's the first thing that came to my head is it like celebrity squares but you just like you have famous people and you're trying to guess famous people yeah did you ever watch on your face or mine would you no i know and it was of it but it's so it was like yeah it was quite it's just again it's just so um like what does your face look like and you know it's quite a sort of shallow game i suppose you're basically just choosing which person looks more hot against another person and the audience yeah it's um it's a tough this sounds like that mixed with first day blind date even yeah oh wow if they turn it into a dating show imagine oh that sounds like a very that's sensitive yeah like say a slippery slime to go down is it just naked attraction but get it oh god [Music] uh yeah i'm intrigued to see what this ends up here it feels like at some point like whether it's next year whether it's the year of that we're suddenly going to have a lot of tv shows based on board games just spring out of the woodwork because there's all sorts like are you gonna tune in for an evening of like the risk series followed by the guess who game show followed by the ticket to ride reality show yeah there's all sorts in the works matt i can't stop looking at this quote guess who is a game that i loved playing when i was growing up and now i'm playing at home with my friends and family are you is this from one of the executives aren't you really playing that game at the moment because dude it's funny you laugh because actually i don't know if you've played it at all but and again our friend sonny he's been playing a version called subjective guess who on his stream which is fine because they're you know bits of card and they're not real people um i just usually just tune in um but you know you're sort of asking like broad questions trying to make assumptions about their personalities which brings a bit more flavor to the game yeah i mean it's not it's not a game i've played since i was maybe eight like i mean it's it's not again they're picking obviously they're picking games with name recognition or whatever for these television shows but it just infuriates me that hasbro have so much on offer that they could be picking and instead they're choosing the thing with the least substance it does feel a bit like they've run run if i ever run out of ideas for game shows and they're now just taking board games and trying to fix like yeah it's like a risk thing like the risk series like there's very little something there apart from there are some enemies that they should make a starving tv program because there's actually a lot of laura in star realms and i would definitely watch that show yeah i was gonna say like what game would you want to be turned into a tv star realms gloomhaven gap of game of thrones love letter love that he's got some laura some scandal there exactly that's your dating show you have to send letters yeah and you have to judge like the penmanship like the calligraphy and be like yes i would it's like married at first sight but you only get a letter first oh so many terrible shows this conversation starts making me realize that yeah matt jarvis knows all of them look television's a wonderful thing uh i feel like they hit the bottom of the barrel with game shows when there was the one hosted by uh what's his name the guy that's on everything bradley walsh and it was just the two penny machines that you get in an arcade but it's that i think it's called tipping points yes but it's just that on a big scale yeah and yeah every every idea is just um has been taken and turned into a game show like nightmare or like the crystal maze is that yeah i was going to say that's just fought by art of the christmas yeah exactly but then you can do a board game thing because it's basically like sort of like um an escape room like almost like haunted house on the hill at house of the hill as like a nightmare game can you imagine how amazing that is and then one of your one of your contestants that you're going with has to become the traitor and you have to work against them i would go [Laughter] if you're listening to sansbro which you're probably not but if you are please hasbro's lawyers hello make a betrayal at house on the hill game show like like nightmare or fort boyard or crystal maid because that would be amazing i'd watch the hell out of that all right well there we go this this funnel it's only a matter of time before the check comes in the post uh on a very quick related story um which i threw in here i talked a few stories out because we're short on time but werewolf is kind of getting a film sort of kind of but not really uh so there is a film on the way based on a vr game called werewolves within uh which was published by ubisoft of assassin's creed and what not but werewolves within is basically just werewolf the like party game in the there's a bunch of people one or more of them uh is a werewolf and you have to try and work out who it is before they or the other villagers and everyone else has like a specific role in the village and kind of has a unique ability and it plays out like that so where was within was like this reality uh virtual reality version of werewolf and now they're turning it into a live action film uh which is seeing a cinema release which is kind of wild in itself um it's a horror comedy it is also called werewolves of in and the trailer makes it look like kind of it's kind of got the whole fargo small town quirk stuff where it's like here here are the kooky residents of this small town called uh beaverfield i think and then they get snowed in together in a pub or a hotel or something like that and they have to work out what's killing like members of the party and whether it's someone among them so it's basically werewolf the film this is like the hateful eight mixed with now let me guess right it's based on a vr game that's based on werewolf yeah so this is like three three steps down the line as it were in terms of like an adaptation which to me is already a little bit on the dodgy side in terms of like the quality of this i'm i'm honestly amazed that it's it's going to cinemas yeah so uh june 25th is when it's out in north america we're gonna go and watch it matt a video i mean we don't live in america so no like i'm not flying to the u.s just to watch this this version particularly right now it's just like oh yeah like i did you know what i decided all the risks were worth it because i had to say okay so it's getting a video on demand release on july the 2nd so one week after the cinema release which i don't think they've confirmed if that's international but i believe it's kind of indicated that it will be um so if you if you're so uh driven you can go and find this film the trailer seems fine it just seems like one of those you know it it seems very much like one of those horror comedies where you see the punchlines coming a mile off and it's kind of got the look of a horror film and then suddenly it's not quite so scary and something else happens so but it doesn't it doesn't seem terrible i wasn't grimacing my way through it i was just kind of like yeah which given the the state of video game and board game adaptations is you know better than most i mean have you seen clue for phil uh no actually i have not with tim curry yeah it's good so actually the state of tabletop adaptation yeah so bad by and large but yeah yeah i i should go and watch clue although then you've got val uh battleships so you know um yeah really isn't it yeah i think there is a youtube supercut of all the times that rihanna in battleship says it's a battleship or something along those lines and it's like a good few minutes long oh wow uh but yeah that's our new section let's move on over to emails would you like to read this one from jesse please oh my god i would love to jesse says what do you think of legacy games do you struggle to actually finish them if you've started and would you consider streaming one and if you would which i've always wanted to play betrayal at house on the hill legacy but so doubtful it would get finished jesse thanks jesse yeah thank you jesse i've only ever played condem i've only ever played two months of the first pandemic legacy well and actually i guess i i've played a bit of gloomhaven um i really really like the idea of legacy games i just haven't really played a huge amount of them because i've always kind of been waiting um to get a group together that i know will kind of do it like see it the whole way through because i would i'd hate to like i don't know for somebody to to drop out or whatever i mean that could happen either way but i guess i've just kind of been waiting for the right moment i don't really host games at the moment like i haven't really been hosting games um at my own home and i think i'd like to get to that point and then get a group together that i know will like do it regularly so so i really like the idea and i've played a little bit of some but i've never actually played one through hmm uh nicola have you played in legacy games such kind of sports um no i actually haven't played any legacy games um i think two and as i've struggled enough to get a solid group of d d people together to consistently meet up even even during this lockdown we've managed to not always have a free evening on for online stuff so yeah similar to ladies yeah i feel like it is like it's basically that right it's like it's like the dnd group thing of like okay you need to commit to this like either once a week or however but as soon as you involve more than like three or four people you're just opening yourself up to like oh yeah yeah yeah we'll do it and then three three four weeks down the line someone can't make it and then it gets postponed and then it gets postponed and then before you know it like everyone's forgotten what happened and how to play and it just never comes back around again yeah i think our biggest downfall is someone to just become a new parent yeah that's tricky yeah right it is finding that time that's the most difficult thing with i mean wins board gaming but like with legacy game particularly because you are you know you are sort of restricted with playing with the same people and you know our my flatmate and i still haven't finished pandemic legacy season one we've had it like coming up to a year and a half um it's just like yeah with pandemic particularly you are basically it's not the same game every time but you know it's it's similar mechanics that you're you're doing and sometimes you just don't want to play that kind of game like every session like every week or whatever and i do enjoy it i think it's a really cool idea i think if there were more people i could play with in terms of like in terms of you know there's just a bit more variety there with the group and whatever i think it'd be a lot easier um yeah that's the only legacy of game i've played i have been interested by betrayal legacy because obviously i love the trailer house on the hill we do actually have a copy in the office which i was eyeing before the pandemic and i think if i can get a group together for that i definitely want to because again it sounds really interesting i think it's kind of slowed down a bit in terms of you know like people making legacy games or at least it feels like that i feel like there's been a big explosion with like pandemic legacy and then there were loads of you know legacy versions of games or at least fresh ones coming out um but i feel like it's slowed down a bit since you know recently um i i think it's an interesting format that you can do more with so i'll be up for seeing more um definitely because i love narrative experiences it seems like legacy games are ripe for that sort of thing uh i have been i think i've played quite a few legacy games uh at this point so i've done done the free pandemics two of which i reviewed so that was kind of i i think that's the thing as well as like because i was reviewing them it was very much a case of like well i need to play these in their entirety so i can not speak about any spoilers but know what happens towards the end so i can speak about them all um so quite a few of those i played with my wife um which obviously had the benefit of me saying hey i need to play this for work and also we both really like pandemic so it was quite easy to just sit down with with both season two and season three of pandemic legacy we played like a couple of games at night for a week or so um so it blasted from uh and c4 was another one that i reviewed um so c4 yeah again like played uh like quite a lot of my wife and a friend um betrayal was an interesting one because you need it i think c4 also needs more people but betrayal we got quite a big group together and i think we played for like a block of five or six hours because i also reviewed that so i think my experience is not like a typical one in the i had to play them in a very short span of time for review uh but also because of that have a group of friends and my wife who kind of know what i do for a job and we're kind of like okay yeah like sure we'll sit down with you for five hours and play betrayal um but patriarchal legacy is amazing yeah uh but legacy is is really fantastic like i think it's it's a really really good game um i think it's like it's easily the best betrayal game um i think it fixes a lot of issues even even outside of the legacy stuff like it tweaks the gameplay in the that makes it more fun to begin with uh i don't think it's as wild as some of the other legacy games which is kind of interesting because it's i think it's because betrayal is kind of weird and wild to begin with so like the legacy stuff is more just like a general kind of framework to that like it didn't surprise me as much as like c4 or pandemic or uh yeah uh like trying to think of the most surprising legacy game i think c4 has some really weird stuff in it that a lot of people won't see because almost nobody played that game but you can get it really cheap and you should play it like it's it's definitely flawed but i think like i still had an amazing time with it and it has some of the most interesting legacy stuff um so yeah i like legacy games i want to see a legacy dexterity game do it can you imagine how well that would be i feel like there must have been one there must have been wheels if any of them it must be like if any of them were going to do it must be like flick them off flick them up legacy i feel would happen that's in the realm of possibility hit me up who owns flick them up uh pretzel games i think yeah pretzels they did that crossover a dead of winter so you could do it you could do a legacy game yeah is it call me jenga legacy as soon as a brick falls down you have to burn all the wooden blocks and you can never put them back in the tower again like once you've pulled a block out you snap it in half and it's done yeah something wild like that yeah but yeah thank you jesse uh i'll read this one from aranda full friend of the site uh sam asks i've seen a lot of different strategies for storing games everything from simply putting them on bookshelves to tossing the box and putting them in storage containers no faults question mark big fat nope slowly says no i say nope to tossing the box and putting them in storage containers they're not packed lunch the box is like half the thing you're paying for yeah i'll just i just stick him in my biscuit a little bit along with the ice cream i understand if you were like for example going on holiday or taking your friends or something like doing that for like a temporary solution but and i kind of i get like you know not everyone's got a massive amount of space and they might want to own other board games but don't have the space and i totally get that but i mean i would just buy small games i don't know i will say like we have had a discussion where there are many times where the box is far larger than it ever needs to be because they'll make an enormous inlay in there and then like pot like a third of it will be used to actually hold the pieces and the rest just to make the box look big because that's how they market it so i do get the idea of taking those out and putting them in a more manageable like space not everyone's got a huge amount of storage space for their board games i know a lot of people just sell games or like give games away that they don't really use anymore when they've got an enormous collection or some people just really like having enormous collections i mean like my flatmate's copy of dead of winter is currently in a box because they went off to vietnam for two years and they were like well i want to take this with me but i don't want to take this enormous dang box so i'm going to stick it in this little felt container and it fits in there but i think some of the pieces got lost so hey you know swings and roundabouts really isn't it i i get it i get why you would but i don't think you should morally i think it's but for me as well at board games they're a bit like you know how people like having books on their bookshelf it's just really lovely to display your board games if you can just the small ones like when i had this question i was like oh i wonder if like i know you can make furniture with it or something if you're going to throw the box out anyway yeah you could um yeah you could you could even like cut it up and like put put it in a frame if it's a really nice box right you could like make it some scrap things but also it might i don't know how creative people are feeling but in my uh in my imagination this is really possible so you could almost you can always like make it into let's just say a really basic table but you could create the side of each box into like a drawer and then you just pull out the game and the pieces right oh that's pretty easy yeah stack the boxes i like that i like that yeah yeah it's my it's that's really strange yeah yeah see yeah i'm i'm kind of with you it's like like somebody to use a nickel with books like i think of them as like dvd like dvds i used to own hundreds of dvds i have downsized since but like i ne i could never put them in you know like the wallets people get where it's just the discs oh yeah because part of the yeah but part of the joy of it is like you have that like art on the front like it's the whole thing right it's like it's why people collect like vinyl records unless because it's like most of most of your dvds are given to you by your dad you're a card by leslie legal means so the front covers are just printouts that they've well that's a different that's a different argument yeah you should put those proudly on your bookshelf that's why you that's why you put the discs in the fluffy pink cat cd case because it's more tasteful that way [Laughter] but that's the it's like easier more tasteful than a fluffy pink cat cd case yeah but i think if i hit when you're 12 if i had a fluffy pinky uh like board game case i think it would just it would take it would feel like oh it's like storage tub sorry it's like it feels a bit sterile yeah like it's all part of the fun of getting the game out and like lifting off the lid and like i'm packing it's all part of it yeah so get box farts yeah so i've definitely with certain things so like pandemic is actually one example with the expansions there was enough room in the original box to fit like two or three of the expansions in there so we put all of them in one of the expansion boxes but they're all the same size yeah i get that recycled the other two but you're still keeping a box and making the use of it but yeah like on the most part like even stuff that leaves a lot of room i don't think i could bring myself to just like maximize the amount of like uh storage efficiency i was doing like i couldn't just have everything being like vacuum sealed packets and be like i've saved loads of space i'd rather kind of have fewer games where board games go to die in a vacuum package yeah like out in a garage somewhere like plastic within plastic with plastic and you just forget what's there because you never see the edge of it like it's just a load of cards i know it's fairly popular to make like hand make boxes like when you've got several expansions for your your game i think quite a few people make boxes to hold you know everything for that game specifically so for the call the core game and all the expansions i think that's a nice idea because i guess you'll be creative but you're also like it is is convenient to have all those bits in the same box although like a lot of publishers are doing the thing like um oh fantasy flight do it don't they were they released inlays with like just nothing in them yeah they expect it's like the channel expect you to to buy the expansions do it do it you idiot look there's all this empty space that you want to fill it that's the kind of attitude i get from that at least yeah but like on the flip side like if there isn't going to be any expansions like should we actually expect people to make smaller boxes i think yeah i think there's definitely i mean i've i've complained plenty of times about games where it's just empty and it's just like filled with plastic or like empty space and i i hate that i hate that with a passion and i so like i do get why people would do it but i i think like i don't know i i yeah i struggle i struggle with the thought of of putting things in like a little tupperware back box and uh like i don't know printing out a picture of the box so you know what guys or something i don't know i just um i really struggle with that idea i think and i think if anything like at that point like you i know obviously like one email to a publisher is not going to do anything but if loads of people feel that way if loads of people email and say make the book smaller maybe eventually publishers will just make like um boxes that are the right size for the game yeah yeah or you do you or all you get a large box you throw all of your dvds in it and then you draw on the front cover the pictures from all those dvds just like a patchwork that's what i did with all my disney sequels just a box of that really upsets me the idea of all those discs just getting scratched to bits like loose in a box as someone that alphabetized and catalogued like 600 dvds that that's that's that really sits wrong in a part i feel a bit sick yeah there was only one thing in there that was worthwhile anyway lion king two and that has since seen its final rest yeah probably scratched a bit no it wasn't vhs it was a vhs that'd been recorded off after oh yeah those are the days only one point my aunt who'd recorded it switch channels is legitimately good i will fight anyone who says i know like the lion king's fine but it's like that the idea of recording something off the tv is such a strange one now with netflix and all that uh just i remember like taping stuff from the radio and like you know when you listen back to it and then you listen to it so many times that you then like you'd be singing along then you'd know like the ad that you accidentally cut into it i'm imagining like me and watching the lion king too and like talking along with the lines from the film and then all of a sudden like in the middle of like a really dramatic scene just like an ad for i don't know like a washing powder and then like back to the film and she just thinks that's part of the sight yeah you know that quote from the lion king too right i can't believe all the product placement for like the bosch tumble dryer in the middle of the lion king it was the american football game and i don't remember the exact moment but i couldn't fast forward it because i was afraid it would chew up the the tape because that happened to me once it was devastating r.i.p cinderella [Laughter] that is that's genuinely all we have time for emails this week uh before we leave you for this week alex loli's what's coming up on youtube.com oh i actually i actually know because this week i'm alone on the video team so i have to know everything that's going on um so today is friday if you look back there will be already three videos that have been out this week because i am just on it like a machine this week tuesday you will have seen a sponsored let's play of monster hunter world the board game part two where instead of wheels we've actually got me in and uh playing i could never pronounce this a negante um yeah um monster so we're fighting a different monster and you got it you gotta just watch that if you haven't yet because it's it's really fun um on wednesday i'll have done a stream of uh micro macro and i will have colored in as i solve the crimes so it'll be quite a chill stream yeah it will have been quite a chill stream exactly on thursday matt me and myself uh would have played a route and it would have been my first game of route ever and we're playing with the river focal expansion as well so i'm like being doubly thrown in and i will have enjoyed that immensely i'm sure and then tomorrow um you should keep an eye out for burn bright part two which was uh also sponsored let's play um so part one would have come out last week part two available tomorrow at 3 p.m and on sunday we will have a you've never played and hold on to your hats peoples mian's never played ticket to ride so that'll come out on sunday uh a let's play of tickets um needs to be educated real bad yeah yeah and you're saying this you don't even like this skin i don't even like okay but also if you don't watch the video look at the thumb because i really enjoyed making the thumb yeah it's good uh yes we're we're acting as the the two sides of should you play ticket to ride because i love taker to ride and lowly's done i do not like to ride who am i going to listen to yeah exactly it's like we're both just trying to dissuade you yeah which one which version are you playing is it the original just the original i think yeah that's good let's go with vanilla take it to ride that's i think that's the way to go i love vanilla and you'll love ticket to ride well i i i'll find it hilarious if i'm different because then i'm just going to be like you too on my phone between two look it's it's not the best game in the world but it's i still think it's a good game and also the app version that will play is particularly good because it goes after each tone is it's just a joyful little thing that could win me over you know yeah it's really good are you playing it on your mobiles or on tabletop uh it'll be on pc i think yeah just play over steam so yeah but sometimes my wife and i just go boop-boop i'm talking about ticket to ride because we've played so much ticket to ride together that's so cute that's the foundation of our relationship anyway over on dicebreaker.com uh we will have up this week we've got a list as you listen to this is already live a list of the best board game artwork or box artwork from one alex mian i am a connoisseur you perused the gallery of board games um we already have up as a recording there so still be up by the time you list in uh listen chase wrote up his thoughts on the new magic gathering set strix haven uh and whether it's suitable for beginners if you're thinking of jumping in like me uh you should go and read that uh jason coles has also written a piece about magic the gathering arena on mobile uh which is very interesting as someone who's playing magic the covering on mobile right now and checking out some restricts right now we're in the middle of a podcast matt you can read and listen if you're listening to this uh we will have we've already got up kieran writing about master of niatep for call of cthulhu and why it's a good way of uh running an rpg campaign that lasts over several years because that's a long old campaign um we will have lot reinhold talking about safety tools in tabletop rpgs and we will have me and coming up next week a little preview ahead we have a sponsored guide uh hopefully up next week on how to host a great game night because i am the best host once it's safe to do so of course hostess of the most yes so indeed more like more like hostess who's the grossest [Music] full circle full circle folks yeah that's what you call a callback uh but yeah thank you so much for joining us nichola where can people find you where can they check out what you do ah thanks matt um yeah i'm on instagram um my target is at nicola td coaching and my website's super simple it's just gameplanlifecoaching.com excellent stuff so people should go and check it out but yeah thank you so much for being here and for for chatting with us uh thank you alex alludes and alex meehan of course as usual oh see i i tried bundling you into one just to shake it out and this is why we don't do this yeah this is what rigid structures thank you for listening to this week's break podcast we'll be back next friday with another episode but until then stay safe uh look after you stay in school it stays cool if you're in school uh and until we meet again have a lovely day [Music] goodbye
Channel: Dicebreaker
Views: 1,080
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Board games, Tabletop Games, Card Games, Dicebreaker, podcast, talk show
Id: vdaHvhtZLsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 57sec (5937 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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