Diamond Rects Fundamental Tool
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Deb Tucker's Studio 180 Design
Views: 56,952
Rating: 4.9347825 out of 5
Keywords: Deb Tucker, Studio 180, hunters star, hunter's star, rapid fire, Lemoyne star, tucker trimmer, wing clipper, square squared, square 2, v block, corner beam, spotlight, split rects, diamond rects, high/low, sidekick, liberty star, blazing Lemoyne, fussy cut, strip pieced migrating geese, shaded four patch, shaded 4 patch, pickets, quickets, sliver
Id: F9hiTQ0v6Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 09 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.