Diamond and Silk - Western Conservative Summit 2018

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please welcome America's dynamic duo diamond and silk I can't really see y'all because all of these lights and I am so so very happy to be here let me just give some special thank you yes so Dan sweetie from the Colorado Christian University I hope I said that right sweetie sweetie sweetie what sweetie listen listen I'm so happy to be here Jeff hunt yes for the Western conservative summit thank you so much and everybody does here just give yourself a hand for being a so let's get down to business because I don't want to bore you y'all know we black yes but we found that just because you black it didn't mean you had to vote Democrat that's right it didn't mean that baby no no no so what we did we got off of that Democratic plantation huh we yes we did baby we switched our party to Republican to vote for Donald J Trump that's just how it was well we did yes and I know so people is wondering you know okay so who are you all who are we huh because we be here rumors they be calling us what they say to pay Sheils is that what they say a lot of stuff I didn't know what that was until the other day yeah so let me just give you the backstory and tell you how it all happened so I was minding my business watching my TV and Donald Trump was announcing that he was running for president so I called my sister I said girl I said cut on your TV now I know it's turn on your TV I'm from the south I said cut on your TV I said Donald Trump is announcing that he's running for president and I cut on my TV and then she called me back away halfway back when she said girl girl that's how she said it she said this is going to be the next president of the United States that's right I was that's exactly what I said now oh I look so pretty up there oh yeah she's looking good you're looking flat we didn't think nothing else of it no but we noticed how the media started throwing him under the bus and started calling him out of his name and we didn't like it so we got on our small little YouTube channel with no more than ten people and started talking about that's right we just didn't know all you people was going to hear it know that [Applause] and you know people say well were you trying to do something for something no we didn't know what we were doing all we know we like to dis billionaire that's right because he was talking about you have to secure the border don't you secure your house don't you ain't the White House secure ain't it what why isn't America how secure and then I want to bring back jobs where we're thriving again why would our government outsource our jobs and leave the American people riding dirty they didn't make no sense or didn't then make no sense and then he said I want to bring back spirits and I said you know what that's what we need yes a little spirit in this country because I'm tired of seeing everybody bickering for no reason yeah they mad about this mm-hmm they met about that yes and I said that the other day I said you know we need to stop dividing ourselves based on skin color and start uniting ourselves based on the fact that we are American we are Americans baby Wow oh yes that's right and we need to understand that there's only one race and that is a human race it's what we need to understand that's right well you all know what we did all of that the left bio lost a mind they couldn't understand they couldn't understand how two black women was wanting to vote for a Republican uh-huh who happened to be a businessman that's right we called him a baller a ball a shot-caller uh-huh uh negotiating a job creator a motivator that's right I just get so happy when I talk about our president y'all I'm sorry yeah so they couldn't understand it and so what we had to inform them is that we can no longer vote for a system that kept handing us crimes we had our own minds we can think for ourselves we that's what we told us that's what we told them we didn't need any one spoon feeding us a narrative we can feed ourselves is what we told them that's right can't y'all tell I don't know about you sick I'm slimming down a little bit but I love to eat but you know so we had to let the left know that we wasn't falling for the okey-doke anymore that's right yeah we weren't falling for no no no uh-uh yeah and so I know you all are hearing a lot about the plantation mm-hm and people becoming free thinkers yes and people start revolutions mm-hmm but I need y'all to understand that the revolution started back in 2015 when Donald Trump walked down those escalators and started shaking awake America yeah what he did that's what he did yeah [Applause] back in June of 2015 diamond and silk started telling people to get off of that Democratic plantation and they started walking off yes and what you see today is people evolving by golly President Trump is going to make this place great again and I love it that's right that's right yes now we didn't mean to go get famous no we didn't so the president he was then Donald Trump yeah we loved him so much we loved everything that he was saying you are we switched our party to Republican and we started something called the ditch and switch now that's what we saw oh yes we did let's see I'm a believer like this before I tell you to partake in something I'm gonna make sure that I'm doing I got to do it myself if I tell you to get out and vote uh-huh I'm going to get out and vote that's right and baby we started something called the ditch and switch now movement and we use social media that's what he's so mad that's why Mark Zuckerberg is so mad with us today because we took his liberal platform and we push ditch and switch now and we had so many Democrats switching their parties to Republicans [Laughter] we'll talk about him in a minute yes we will and then you are there was no way that Donald Trump was going to come to North Carolina and we not be there oh yes honey so it was a rally time he was coming to North Carolina we were so excited yes yes yes so i'ma give y'all the back story cuz I don't want to bore you all so it was arranged for us to meet him Donald Trump never met this man today in our life all I know we was stumping for Trump we don't switch to our party that's who we gonna vote for that's right cuz we like them okay so he's coming to North Carolina we up in Raleigh I'm in my hotel room pacing back and forth mm-hmm some kind of driver come pick me up yeah I didn't have a problem with sitting in the back seat I know Rosa I've had a problem with sitting in the back of the bus yeah I did that have a problem no issues cuz we didn't have the right we didn't have to drive on have to drive that's right they take us to this building yeah they whisk us around back hmm I said why we got to go in the back why can't we go in the front don't know my thought we can go in the front go to Friday I'll have to go in the back got to go through the back don't I didn't notice that's where they take the famous people around back I didn't know I didn't know they whisk us up some stairs yeah they put us in the little room mm-hmm well why we got to sit here in this little room Wow see I didn't know nothing about the green room I'm reading where the big room where the sit with everybody else that's right why y'all hiding us see I just didn't know didn't know no worries they came and got us out their room they took us in and they said stand right here yes so when he walk in he's gonna take pictures with everybody know where are we so we just waiting and I'm all over the place where he ready yeah and you all the doors open lights was flashing in walk Donald Trump and it was like I was taken aback that's him girl that's young that's him so my god that's the desk you that's him so he walks in yeah he start taking taking pictures with everybody and then he looks up and the first person he notices sill so he points to her then he spotted my wild self but you know what you all about that experience and I love I love the fact that we were able to talk to him then it's Donald Trump and he paid attention he listened so one thing the left can get mad but he listened to the voices yeah American people's right he listens listen yes oh yes he did he wasn't running around like Hillary Clinton with a bottle of hot sauce oh he wasn't he stood there and he listened so you all so we took our little picture mm-hmm he chatted with us a little bit yeah I can't tell you what he said any none of y'all busy I'll always know that's right and then they whisk us off into the audience so we get in the audience so people want to come over and say something to us okay so I really don't know that I'm famous but I want to know why all these men around us and won't let these people get to us yeah I didn't know that was security see I'm learning I didn't know that that was security I know who they were I thought they were just trying to keep people away from us but the one thing that I loved in the video is somewhere out there on Google just google it the fact that that night we didn't even know we were going to go on stage and that night they were asking the audience questions and they looked at this y'all want to ask some questions like well yeah we asked him a question about ready to ask him a question and he turned around and noticed us and he said oh wow no you know what I love about this man he stepped back and he gave us his microphone yes and there was so many cameras back there you all I couldn't even count and that was the night that we endorsed him and we told them that night that this is going to be the next president of the United States that's right that's what we told them total and you all this true today I love it and so now we thought we would go back into our life when once he became the president we did okay this is a this is a wrap I'm gonna go back into my life and I'm about to just chill yeah but we noticed how you had the women going out there with a little wussy hats on mm-hmm marching in the streets mm-hmm but what they should have did was marched to the polls because we marched to the polls and voted for Donald J Trump that's right they didn't want to do that mm-hmm we had people calling him out of his name calling him that our world yeah trying to paint him as if he's a racist just ticked me off so bad honey it was no more active African American it was time for me to act black and I had to let him know Donald Trump is not a racist he's a realist and the only color he sees is green and he wants you to have some other that's right baby Oh Lord yes I want to go sit down I had to continue to talk that's because these people got a twist and then they want to talk about Russia Russia Russia this yes and Russia that uh-huh and the only Russian we know is that Russian dressing then I put on my corned beef sandwich yes baby because he wasn't Russian that they take dictated or define anything in this election we the American people got out and voted for this man that's right I'll get it twisted right that's right I'm sorry silk what's wrong I'm looking for Jeff's a shelf where you're at Jeff I'm looking for him cuz I just need him to on recuse himself for one moment one moment and go head on and arrest some of these folks that's right because I am tired of this system trying to railroad a city president and undermine this administration I have a problem with I have a problem with the truth that's right oh yes and we can see this with all eight uh uh uh huh I hadn't been smoking on this oh we hear nor we had I had an under the whole week honey but all of the stuff in it nobody see what we see exactly what's happening and then he can go back and some recusal if he wants water he arrests some folks that's right listen you don't have to work for the American people that's right here you go i'ma talk about yes and I love just session but any who you are okay so okay so we in this thing we back and forth and then all of a sudden you are Facebook when a sensor our free speech don't hold me back soon I'm gonna hold you back I won't hold you back no I was trying to be calm mmm-hmm Mark Zuckerberg up there on the hill yeah they didn't put him under oath but when two black sisters got up there they putted us up under oath as if we had done something do you see the hypocrisy yes you know let me just say this here how is it that Hillary Clinton can't commit crimes in this country and she never go under old mmm-hmm and not go out there and talk about my freedoms of speech my freedom of speech now you want to put the sisters I know I'm strange don't rain I'm strange oh don't worry though mm-hmm cuz I didn't have nothing to lie about I was ready that's right so Mark Zuckerberg had his time mm-hmm with all of his foolishness oh but when we went up there we went up there to tell our story about how we were being censored mm-hmm how you were censoring our free speech and you were censoring at the conservative free speech because you didn't want their voices to be heard I don't know if y'all noticed but do you know we have the right to free speech hahaha but what you don't do you don't get to mess with the sisters that's right so we went right on up there in the hill I was looking real pretty that dick is I had on a cute dress he was sharp we was clean we was clean car dropped me off yes cameras all laughing there was a protest uh-huh I thought they were protesting I said what y'all better when I thought it wasn't us don't worry about what not yeah we get in there somebody yelled my name I said hey y'all we go on through they whisk us away and then now they whisk us through this chamber and we sit here mm-hmm and you know I have to come in and thank every Republican that was up there that made sure diamond and silk had a seat at the table y'all getting public is a hand that's you know we didn't have to go out in the streets and burn down one community no I didn't have to go protest with a side no because we was invited to the table a table baby maybe these NFL players can learn something about oh yes cuz they don't got all of this twist that's right now I don't mean a jump on to that stop by go ahead on a jump over Indian jump back okay but how you go make millions of dollars yes that us pay treat other people pay you to run a ball from one side of the field to the other but you tell us that you don't disrespect this country by kneeling on our flag okay you you you you losing you losing it mm-hmm see what they don't understand is we stay and wondered the this is the greatest country on those you ain't gonna find none better than this if you find some let me know let us know where you can make millions of dollars yes so no you not gonna do that on our watch our time or our dime you go stand up and up oh you will kneel in the unemployment line that's where we at put them in an appointment line that's right if you want to kneel you go kneel in a church in prayer hallelujah and you continue to pray that the president can continue to make this place great again that's right dude that's right so let me flip back you a jump back so we have this hearing uh-huh the Republicans they treated us fair and the reason why I have to call up the Republicans is because oftentimes you are we were taught coming up they teach you as this is what the Left teach you that the Republic is is this they're bad people yeah you're not gonna eat up under a Republican Oh don't vote for a Republican mm-hmm but it was the Republicans my brothers they invited us to the table to talk about our freedoms of speech and then you have somebody like all Sheila Jackson hmm master Jackson yeah and Oh Hank Johnson hanky-panky mm-hmm sitting there upset with us because they think we may be making a dollar too much well these are the same people that get out in the streets and preach about equality at home and say they need that for african-americans to come up yet we have african-americans in here that's Democrats that do not want black sisters to obtain the American Dream that's a problem for me that's right a big problem oh yeah no no we don't just need to drain the Swap it's time to expose the swamp it's time to vote these people out that's right I think they forgot that we pay base salary but you're getting over like a fat rat mm-hmm because some of you win in porn I you filthy rich that's right and you mad about us making a dollar too much we pay you to listen to our voices not illegal aliens that's right yes we pay you to listen to our voices not dank members that want to cut off our hands and our guts out that's right sorry diamond I had to laugh on that one and again you all I was trying to be dignified yeah we was trying and I was trying to act African America huh but as you notice I had to go ahead on an act black black we're fun get a little gangster because this is the United States of America we are Americans and we deserve the American Dream that's right that's right you know what diamond what girl if an illegal alien can come to this country and obtain the American dream why can't diamond and silk that's right and so I think that we ought to take a look at who's running our government that's right we need to expose these people it's time to vote these people send them home on an early retirement Maxine you're running around talking about we got trying to impeach her get her out that's right that's right you got Nancy Pelosi sitting up talking about oh you were just handed crumbs oh it don't matter about you having employment she is out of touch but you know what she is like the gift that keeps on giving yeah she democratic party let her keep talk that I keep Thailand are cute ah that's right she's so out of touch yeah see that's what happened when you get filthy rich er you don't even understand what you're saying that's right you don't even she don't know you don't even know no no no then she won around talking about Armageddon uh-huh well Nancy I'm getting more money in my pocket that's right hmm and you know you are gonna be so dignified I know they don't want you to a call ugly so I try to make sure I'm active right yeah but there's something else that's been getting on my nerves and when I get tired of them pouncing around this porn star I'm making her feel like she's a victim mm-hmm a victim my watch did you not get paid she signed a contract at the land on our back now wait a minute I wouldn't talk about it I will never talk about ever but I gotta talk about it when I see them trying to make her as if she's a victim hmm a victim of what circumstances hmm and how is this porn star go help us build a wall how was she gonna do sign up and down one of the power look should go good what she goes down so we don't have time for this you are yes we are trying to make America great again and I don't have time for your kickback paddywhack give a dog a bone no we don't one day your this way to next day you this way I don't have time for you to be folding it's time to get behind this president it's not pushing all of this other food that's right because I pour custard can't help us do anything nothing all we can do is look at it because she did that we didn't do nothing no pleasure out of none of that none of it okay be nice you know I am I love our freakin set we have in this country yes I love our faith you know people say diamond why you always got to be acting like that you act like a preacher where I was raised in a Christian home hallelujah I was raised with a mother and father where you sat at a table and you had a meal yes now I know what the left is trying to do they don't want to say one of the fit will get about God they want us to forget about family they want I don't know what they trying to push and I know they keep telling they people y'all staying folks they whoa but let me tell you what I want you to do I want you all to pay attention that's right attention yes Oh cuz they trying to push a fast one they trying to but they not gonna be able to do it now y'all know that the congressional elections are coming out that's right Lee is gonna be rolling around real soon yes and what we want you to do we want you to get out and we want you to vote that's right we want you to vote vote and you gonna have to vote right before you get left that's right cuz those democrats and i already told you they want to take away your money because they want to wait what they don't want one hand you cries right they don't already told you what they were going to do so we can't just sit and watch him we got to pay attention and we got to vote them out that's what we have to do now am i close and I'm gonna say this again I'm gonna go cuz I'm not gonna bore you all mm-hmm I always say you never get what you want you always get what you think and what you feel that's right so if you feel positive if you feel good if you feel like you got what it takes then you do that that's right and all other things will fall into place thank you all so much thank you thank you Centennial Institute thank you thank thank you thank you God thank you thank y'all thank you to the Centennial Institute yes thank you bless you all and God bless the United States of America [Applause]
Channel: Centennial Institute
Views: 53,311
Rating: 4.8620081 out of 5
Keywords: Diamond and Silk, Western Conservative Summit, Centennial Institute, Colorado Christian University
Id: y2EBvF7l9n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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