Dialogue between Noam Chomsky and Lawrence Krauss - March 2015
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Channel: Eugene Taylor & Abraham Krikorian
Views: 177,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conscience Films, Eugene Taylor, Abraham Krikorian, Noam Chomsky, Lawrence Krauss, Physicist, Climate Change, Nuclear Weapons, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Vietnam, Henry Kissinger, War Crimes, Cuba, George Bush, Intellectuals, Education, Protests, Responsibility of Intellectuals, Genocide, El Salvadore, Guatemala, Edward Bernays, Propaganda, Goebbels, Israel, Palestine, Netanyahu, Palestinian State, Dick Cheney, Language, Arizona State University
Id: uBVb6wRdwV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 1sec (8821 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2015
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I know someone will probably say this is ad hominem, but why the hell would anyone take Lawrence sexual-harassment-scandal my-friend-the-pedophile-is-an-upright-moral-dude Krauss seriously when he talks about ethics?
I didn't know this existed. I love the thought that somewhere Sam Harris watched this 'discussion' and had a little cry about how Noam would talk with Krauss, but resorted to throwing shade at Sam be email.
I'm not entirely sure why he brought that up, but ,omg, Krauss, stop fucking with your tablet. Get a goddarn piece of paper. Jesus.
These types are like the ken hams of philosophy.
I was there, go ASU? I think this statement is a prelude to a really cringey part in which Krauss tries to convince Chomsky to get on board with nu atheism
I know this sounds lame but it's so obvious that Lawrence Krauss isn't really understanding Noam Chomsky's work. At least he's alright at presenting questions.
If only the Pusheen could come up in the textbox area...? /u/eitherorsayyes ? St. EOSY?
Krauss:Hume, fuck that guy
Jesus tapdancing Christ that outfit. I want to die. I want to cry.