Dialogflow Dialog Control: Shape the flow of your conversation [Basics 3/3]

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[MUSIC PLAYING] DAN IMRIE-SITUNAYAKE: Hey, everyone. I'm Dan Imrie-Situnayake. This is the third of three videos that teach you the fundamentals of Dialogflow, an awesome tool for building conversational experiences. In this video, we're going to talk about dialogue. The first two videos introduced how we can use intents and entities to capture what your users want to do and the specific things they mention. But there's more to conversation than making a single statement and getting a single reply. Conversation is a process where two speakers negotiate meaning and understanding through their back and forth. That back and forth over time is what we call dialogue. For anything more than the most simple experiences, you'll be building dialogue. So let's explore how dialogue works in Dialogflow. There are two types of dialogues we need to consider. We have linear dialogues and non-linear dialogues. Linear dialogues are used in the process of collecting all the information necessary to complete a required action, like booking an appointment or placing an order. Nonlinear dialogue is something closer to a real conversation with branches, twists, and turns based on changes in context. Let's take a closer look at linear dialogue. Imagine we're asking an agent to book an appointment to repair a bike. Before the agent can help us it needs to know a few things-- the type of service required, the date, and the time. It might be that the user provides all of this information in one statement. I'd like to make an appointment to repair a puncture tomorrow 4:00 PM. In this case, we now know the type of service they need, the date, and the time so we can satisfy their request. But what if the user only gave us some of the information? I'd like to book an appointment at 2:00 PM on Friday. We have the date and the time, but we still need the type of service. Fortunately, Dialogflow can help. When you add entities to an intent, it's possible to mark them as required. This means that if the user doesn't say something in their first statement, Dialogflow will automatically prompt for the necessary information, and you can customize the prompt so it sounds natural. We call this feature slot filling. Let's say we mark service type, date, and time as required. Since service type is currently missing, Dialogflow will now prompt for it. SPEAKER: What type of service does your bike need? DAN IMRIE-SITUNAYAKE: It has a puncture. SPEAKER: Thanks, you're scheduled for a puncture repair this Friday at 2:00 PM. DAN IMRIE-SITUNAYAKE: Slot filling can be incredibly powerful. You can support thousands of possible conversation paths just by checking a few boxes. The user can even go back and change things they've already set. Here's the same interaction happening in a different way. I want an appointment. SPEAKER: What type of service does your bike need? DAN IMRIE-SITUNAYAKE: It has a puncture. SPEAKER: What date are you available? DAN IMRIE-SITUNAYAKE: How about this Saturday? SPEAKER: What time would you prefer? DAN IMRIE-SITUNAYAKE: Actually, could read 2:00 PM on Friday? SPEAKER: Thanks. You're scheduled for a puncture repair this Friday at 2:00 PM. DAN IMRIE-SITUNAYAKE: Linear dialogue can be pretty impressive. But it only works when we have a specific set of facts we wish to collect. Non-linear dialogue is something closer to a real-life conversation. When the user says something, it's interpreted in the context of what was said before. To illustrate, let's see an example. I'd like to make an appointment to repair a puncture at 4:00 tomorrow. SPEAKER: So I'm booking you for a puncture repair tomorrow at 4:00 PM. Is that right? DAN IMRIE-SITUNAYAKE: Yes. SPEAKER: Should I send you a reminder? DAN IMRIE-SITUNAYAKE: Yes, please. SPEAKER: Will do. You on Friday. DAN IMRIE-SITUNAYAKE: The conversation we saw includes two yes/no questions. When the user answers the first question, our agent knows the user is confirming that booking. As a result, it asks about sending a reminder. When the user answers the second question, our agent knows they are confirming the reminder, not the booking. To understand which question is being answered and where in the conversation we are, Dialogflow uses a concept called contexts. For each intent, you can define multiple input and output contexts. In this case, our book repair intent has the output context confirm repair. When a specific intent is matched, it's output contexts are attached to the current conversation state. In this case, the conversation's contexts now include confirm repair. Each intent may also have input contexts. If an intent specifies the input context confirm repair, it will only be matched if the confirm repair context is currently attached to the conversation. In our example, we have four intents that match a yes or no from the user. But two of them are yes or no to confirming the repair, while the other's a yes or no to sending a reminder. We can use context to ensure only the appropriate intent is matched. We add the input context confirm repair to our repair.yes and no intents. To the yes intent, we also add the output context confirm reminder. Then we add the input context confirm reminder to our reminder.yes and no intents. Because of how we set both intents input contexts, the repair.yes or no intents will only match after the book repair intent and the reminder.yes or no intents will only match after the repair.yes. In addition to acting as a filter, contexts apply a bias to intent matching. So faced with two options, Dialogflow will be more likely to match a given user statement to an intent that has a matching input context. Contexts expire automatically after 20 minutes. And you can also specify how many subsequent turns of conversation they'll last. You can also use an intent output context to update or remove any contexts that are currently applied. Contexts are extremely powerful. They can even be used to store data, like the values of parameters, and make it available to subsequent intents. To learn more, visit the docs via the link in the description. Another useful tool in our quest to build conversations is the follow-up intent. It provides a shortcut for a common usage of contacts. For a given intent, you can add follow-up intents that will only be triggered after the initial intent has been matched. You can use these to match things like yes or no in answer to a specific question posed by an intent, like in our earlier example. By making them specific to a single intent, you avoid accidentally matching any yes or no answers given elsewhere in the conversation. Follow-up intents make use of contexts, So you can use them as a shortcut for this powerful feature. Another useful feature is the fallback intent. Fullback intents are triggered if a user's input is not matched to any of the available intents. You can use them to help guide the user in the right direction. Every agent comes with a default fallback intent, and you can create follow-up fallback intents that use contexts to ensure that they will only be matched after a specific intent has been triggered. So far, we've talked about using Dialogflow's built-in capabilities to control the flow of a conversation. However, there are always moments where you want your own logic to take control. You could be using parameter values to make something happen on your backend, like booking an appointments in a calendar. Or you could be making use of information about the user to build a custom response to their query. To control Dialogflow's conversations programmatically, you'll need to use fulfillment. It's easy with some basic programming skills. First, you create a web server that exposes a single HTTP endpoint. We call this a WebHook, and it's where your custom logic will live. While you can use any environment you prefer, we provide a built-in editor that lets you write JavaScript code and deploy it into Cloud Functions for Firebase with a single click. Next, you just enable fulfillment for any intents that need it. You can give each intent an action name that helps your fulfillment know which one was triggered. Now when one of these intents is matched, Dialogflow will send a JSON request to your WebHook that contains what the user said, the values of any entities that were extracted, and the action name, so you know which intent was matched. If you are using one of our one-click integrations, you'll also receive some data from that platform about the user. When you call our API directly, you can provide custom information of your own. In your WebHook, you can use this information to do stuff, like access your data store, trigger business logic, and call APIs. You can also generate a response. Whatever response you generate will be sent to the user by Dialogflow. You can also use the WebHook to set and remove context and parameter values, allowing you to control the flow of conversation through your code. Between all of these tools, we have a ton of ways to guide and control the flow of a conversation. There's a lot here to think about, but the best way to learn is to jump right in. Check the links in the description below for more information and have fun building. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Dialogflow
Views: 128,126
Rating: 4.9260502 out of 5
Keywords: Dialogflow, API.AI, Dialogs, Contexts, Fulfillment, Fallback intents, Natural Language Processing, Conversational Interface, Conversational Experience, Conversational UX, AI, Machine Learning, Dialogflow Intro, Chatbot, Dialogflow Guide, Actions on Google, Google Assistant, Alexa Skills, Slack, api.ai, artificial intelligence, natural language, NLU, NLP, natural language understanding, natural language processing, speech interfaces, dialog interfaces, API, cloud, speaktoit
Id: -tOamKtmxdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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