Diablo 4 Season 1: S-TIER T100 Pushing Sorcerer Chain Lightning Hydra Burn Hybrid! Full Build Guide!

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foreign and welcome to another Diablo 4 build guide so as promised I promise to make a barber chain lightning build and here it is I know I've been talking a lot about Baba being not a real Challenge and being completely overpowered and now you can actually see what I'm talking about I didn't really put a lot of effort into this build pretty much all I did is mush together some skills and put in the barber Hut and the result is just well basically it just turns Diablo into Hello Kitty Island like it makes tier 100 the complete Cake Walk you can just go through the dungeon within like four to six minutes you can't even die like literally you don't really get hit at all like sometimes read like a ranged attack but that's pretty much it so don't get me wrong I think it's fun to play but also if you think about it tier 100 being the highest dungeon tier in this game and it just feels too easy like it takes like three seconds to kill bosses it takes like five seconds to kill Elite packs everything is Perma stunned all the way like you can't even take damage like pretty much the only thing you need to do is Dodge stuff on the ground like if there's random explosion it's gonna kill you if there's like a drifting shade thingy thingy it's gonna kill you but it's very hard to actually get killed by mobs I mean you can get killed by mobs if you like don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing but in general it's not so easy to die anyway that being said before deep diving into this build let me just give a very quick explanation on how this build works because this one is a little different here so in this build we're using the cage Dart of the barber and if you don't know what it does it pretty much turns all single Target damage into AOE damage so whenever you Critical Strike a monster that's gonna pretty much start a timer of 2 seconds and after that two seconds all damage that monster received explodes in an AOE explosion dealing like I don't know 20 bonus damage this explosion itself then also contributes into other Barbers which are in the absorbing State and it just creates a Cascade of explosions pretty much for that we just need a very high single Target damage spell and the highest single Target damage available is simply Hydra burning damage you notice we have chain lightning of the bar and not just Hydra so our main source of damage is Hydra but we also use chain lightning for two reasons first we need to use our Mana so we can use the Hydra enchantment to spawn additional hydras because with the recent changes to the Hydra enchantments we can actually have four hydros up at a time the second reason we use chain lightning is to generate crackling energy and regenerate this crackling energy so we can pick it up and then use the lightning spare enchantment to spawn lightning those lightning spares don't really do a lot of damage but they stun enemies and this is what drives this build the Lightning space just travel far off screen and are stunning all the enemies and you just need to walk there drop a Hydra and kill them if the enemies have a little bit more life you just Frost Nova them for vulnerable and then they still die within like one or two seconds the only difficulty by playing this build is actually moving fast enough so if you just kill like 50 mobs and then spend like 15 seconds looting stuff then all your lightning spares are going to be expired so what you're really going to do is you wanna take your lightning spares from one pack to the next pack it's not a big deal if you have unstable currents up you can just launch unstable currents and it's going to conjure lightning spares automatically but you're not gonna have it up all the time so I think this is pretty much one of the best sorcerer uh tier 100 builds you can come up with I mean I have seen many and I haven't seen anyone which was as fast as this one here and I also like how defensive this build is it's in general very forgiving as long as you dodge all the stuff on the ground you're pretty much good so in this guide we are going through the skill build the skills use the legendary aspect and unique items the items and step priorities as well as the Paragon board and also at the end of this video I'm Gonna Leave You two full tier 100 nightmare Dungeons and remember the links to specific sections as well as through the full build in the planner are in the description down below so let's just check out how we melt down this boss here real quick and after that we're gonna Deep dive into the skill build ready again for the skill build we put two points into Firebolt we are not using Fireball at all we just needed to get access to our core skills then for our core skills we just put one point into chain lightning one point into enhanced chain lightning and one point into destructive chain lightning so we can generate the crackling energy we need to spawn lightning spares I have a plus 4 on my gloves this is definitely not required um the chain lightning damage doesn't really matter at all then we put one point in Devastation just to get access to our defensive skills there we put one point the device arm or one pointed to enhance ice armor in one point into shimmering eyes are more shimmering ice armor hips a lot with ranged attacks which is pretty nice then we get one point in the frost Nova one point into enhance Frost Nova and one point into mystical Frost Nova and I have a plus three defensives on my amulet and other defensives on my boots so I want to have as high as possible flame Shield without actually putting any points we are not using teleport at all um it would be nice to have instead of the 3-2 teleport would be to have three into ice armor unfortunately I don't have that and then we put three into glass Cannon and one into Elemental Attunement as in pretty much every sorcerer built then we max out Hydra it's nice if you have um a plus three Hydra on your helmet but it's definitely not required um the main damage is coming from the burn here anyway that being said one point into enhance Hydra and one point into summoned Hydra to gain the burn damage that's our core damage we are using here then for defensive wanting to align the elements 3 into Mana Shield this is a nice damage reduction and three into protection this is our main barrier generator one point into lightning spare one pointed to enhanced Lightning Spear and one point into invoked Lightnings where this keeps all enemies nice and stunned all the time then we put three into conjuration Mastery and I have another plus three from my Amway tier which is pretty nice remember we always have like four hydras up at a time and additional lightning spares so this makes a pretty nice damage application then we have three points into enough Flames just to give our hydras a little bit more damage and three points into devouring Blaze to bump our crit damage three points into static discharge to generate some extra crackling energy and three points into invigorating conduit so we can also regenerate Mana when we are picking up crackling energy then we have few research 45 mono regeneration um we are always killing burning enemies one point into unstable currents and one point into Prime unstable currents this is our secondary lightning spare generator pretty much one point in the closing currents and three points into electrocution just to give us a nice little more damage reduction and finally one point into combustion this is massively increasing our Hydra damage I've seen videos where they say every Hydra head counts as one source of damage so this is pretty much 18 Hydro heads times two percent so that would be an extra 36 percent I don't know if that's true but anyway twenty percent is nice at all skills so we are using unstable currents pretty much just to generate lightning spares to stun everything then Frost Nova as our main vulnerable applicator ice armor which is pretty nice in high tier dungeons because it gives you 10 extra armor if you're running the proper aspect and also it gives you some extra barrier then we use flame Shield as our main engaging skill in this one because we don't have teleports so we pop flame Shield run in pop Frost Nova or we can obviously use this to get out of stunts and all kinds of other stuff chain lightning here we just used to spend Mana regenerate mana and spawn more lightning spares by collecting the crackling energy the damage of the Lightning Spear doesn't really matter for this build at all and then the Hydra is our main damaging spell for enchantments we use the lightning spare enchantment which is getting us more lightning spares to keep all enemies stunned at all the time and then the Hydra enchantment for the extra five-headed hydras and remember with the recent change we can now have a total of four hydras we can have two from the regular cast and we can have another two from the enchantment let's start with the defensive aspects we are using a lot of defensive aspects in this build as defensive aspects tend to be very nice when doing tier 100 dungeons so we are using the frostblitz aspect for an additional Frost Nova charge this is pretty important since this is our only applicator of vulnerable in this build then we use the aspect of Disobedience which is pretty much the strongest defensive aspect in the game we are using the snow build aspect um this gives our ice armor an extra 10 damage and the Unstoppable is pretty nice as well and on our boots we use the exploiters aspect just for the 20 extra crowd control duration then for offensive aspects we use the accelerating aspect for extra attack speed we use the retribution aspect um this just gives us a little more survivability versus distant enemies and also the 18 damage to stunned enemies is a nice damage multiplicator we are getting here then we use the serpentine aspect to just get an extra Hydra and we use the aspect of control here for some extra damage to crowd controlled enemies and the last offensive aspect here is the aspect of unbroken tether which allows our chain lightning to get additional bounces I don't really know if this is needed I haven't tested without this one because we are pretty much wasting a spot on our amulet just to generate some more crackling energy so there's probably a better aspect for this I haven't tested this out yet and our last aspect is the aspect of recharging the recharging aspect that just helps us regenerate the Mana we spend with chain lightning here going through the item instead priorities for our helmet we want crowd control duration total armor maximum life and hydro skills I have maximum Mana here which is pretty much a wasted skill so if you can get plus two Hydra that's actually pretty nice um on our chest piece you just want as much damage reduction as possible as you can see I have a pretty nice one here um which has damage from the reduction from burning damage reduction damage reduction from distant and total armor so this is pretty much the best you can get um damage reduction from this stand I would say is the most important since distant enemies is pretty much the only thing which can kill you so try to get Edge smudge damage reduction from distant as possible same goes for our pants here we want three damage reduction roads and one maximum life roll again I have close distant and regular damage reduction here so this is a pretty nice piece as well on our boots you want ranks to Flame shield and Ice armor unfortunately I don't have ice armor here um I have the frost Nova movement speed and Mana cost reduction is also pretty nice um on our weapon you want vulnerable damage Critical Strike damage mainstad and a random force that you can have another damage that or all stats it pretty much doesn't matter at all on our Focus we want resource generation mainstad cooldown reduction and crowd control duration so this is pretty much a good piece if you can't get this main stat for example you can also have Critical Strike chance on there um again this is also not so important just try to get crowd control duration on all pieces on our amulet we want conjuration Mastery and defensive skills movement speed and mainstat so this is pretty much also the best you can get for this build on our Rings we want Critical Strike chance maximum life vulnerable damage and the last that is pretty much debatable um just get whatever you can get Max Mana or resource cost reduction is nice as flat damage that you can also use so it's it's pretty much up to you um here again Cricket strike chance maximum life and vulnerable damage and critical strike damage is always good stats to have here cage Hearts we are using the cage chart of the barber since this is turning our Hydra damage into area of effect damage you want to have a low roll so you want to have two seconds ideally maybe 2.5 is okay and you also want to try to have a level five one so you have the high armor roll so priority definitely the amount of seconds so the lowest amount of seconds like two seconds is the most important if you can get one with high armor that's even better then furthermore we're using the cage tart of Revenge for extra damage reduction here um we don't need tempting fate in this build since this is not a crit damage based build so the Caged heart of Revenge just gives us some nice extra damage reduction and then furthermore we want to use the cage tart of tar Russia as in this build we can use four different elements that's lightning from the chain lightning that's fire from the hydras it is Frost from the frost Nova and you actually get shadow shadow from the um Baba heart explosion so this gives us um four stacks of the cage Dart of Russia all the time for the Paragon board we just pick up the non-physical damage nodes at the start and put in our conjure glyph here um we don't get all the intelligence nodes we need since the damage bonus here is not so important we pretty much just picked this glue for the 20 increased duration then we're moving on to the burning Instinct board we are getting all the burning damage and damage reduction from burning nodes here as well as the burning Instinct node which gives us a real real big increase to the burning damage of our hydras then we move over to The Frigid fade board here this is just for vulnerable damage pretty much every build uses the same board here we just put the tactician glyph in here for some extra additional damage after using a defensive skill and then moving over to the next board is the static search one we just pick up the Mana and damage to damage to stunt nodes here and we pick up the note here unfortunately I don't have 540 dexterity right now I could probably optimize this to hit it but it doesn't really matter at all you will see and then we put in the flame feeder glyph here with 44 dexterity which gives us bonus damage to burning enemies then moving to the next board this is the keyslist conduit board we just used this for the glyph slot here so we put in the destruction glyphs here for 94 for dexterity and the Critical Strike damage that's crackling energy no it doesn't really matter at all moving to the next spot is the Searing heat and this board we also use for the glyph slot here so we put the control glyph in with 39 dexterity for damage to crowd controlled enemies and we pick up the Critical Strike damage notes Here In The Middle okay this sums up this build and um remember the link to the planner is in the description down below also if you scroll to the very bottom of the description you can find links to all my other build guides there I'm now going to be leaving you two full nightmare dungeon footages these are both tier 100s so just check them out and until next time thank you for watching tired I'm not ready yet foreign thank you I need time to put it I'm not ready yet thank you foreign foreign ah I'm not ready yet foreign foreign foreign I need time to prepare that ready yet I need time to prepare that I need time to prepare that thank you
Channel: goldfarmingGUIDE
Views: 39,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4, diablo iv, t100 pushing, t100, tier 100, diablo 4 tier 100, tier 100 guide, tier 100 sorc, tier 100 sorcerer, tier 100 nightmare dungeon, tier 100 nm, build guide, sorcerer, chain lightning, sorcerer guide, sorceress guide, diablo 4 guide, diablo 4 sorcerer, chain lightning guide, sorcerer nightmare dungeon, diablo 4 gameplay, sorc paragon, sorc, d4, diablo 4 summoner, diablo 4 hydra, diablo 4 conjuration, hydra build, conjuration build, tier 100 hydra, barber
Id: Ga4qvyCIHM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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