Diablo 2 - Building the Poison Necro! ULTIMATE GRAIL ACCOUNT

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thank you very much um hi kitty let's take a look all right we gotta do quest on this guy water walks okay so he doesn't have any rings um [Music] okay let me get the break points for everything here okay so he's got the same so we have 20 40 i guess we want a spirit on him huh that would make sense um actually no yeah i mean it still probably is spirit honestly it still probably is do i want to make poison or do i want to make what do you think guys should we do should we poison nova or should we do bone first i want to make both oh boy all right let's do poison to start okay lower resist um and then poison how much longer are we going to go for and we just started here we'll go for a couple hours probably and i guess we'll get one point in bone armor to start uh yeah yeah i think that's that's good enough hmm let's see what we have in our rares there we go to the necro wow this is actually a pretty baller if this had 20 fcr oh my god that would be so good there's the 20 fcr on the barb and the amazon dang thanks player to the assassin paladin oh we got a 220 pali that's actually nice gosh dang no necros huh well that's unfortunate all right well we'll keep a shaco then um full trains get out of here i want to run mara's okay we'll run i have atletch until we can run mars do i have a nice necroamy let's actually look at that to the cold skills paladin summoning traps lightning nope no we do not a gift for you one point one six months six six six six seven years thank you can we get the inventory sorted out before two year fresh mr llama sc gifted a tier one sub to arielco 77. um okay so man i just don't have any i've got some nice fcr stuff but let's do i have outlet for now obviously we're gonna do a death web um there oh my god i can't use death web until 66. gosh dang i can't use anything all right we'll just use our white wand until we can use death web i can't use enigma yet either so i'll use stealth for now um let's do [Music] did i quit my job yeah really i don't have any homunculus except that one for you thanks to it eight seven eight five for my sub gift well that kind of sucks oh yeah yeah yeah alright we need another homunculus transgloves iraq will get later water walks fine what's our fcr like 20 40 65 yeah all right so we'll go to 75 thank you mariano um okay so let's grab an soj probably bull catholes put a three percenter on hello and probably that guy but maybe i've got 10 fcr with like good strength that's some good life and mana kind of like that one but it is very little resistance we'll see if we need that much res or not oh look at that it's pretty solid man i have some really nice rings in here oh look at that guy what a ring jesus what a ring if that mf was a little higher that would be insane uh thank you tato plays okay so we've got all that um we'll work on max block later i guess and let's see so [Music] that that lore resists [Music] decrepify yeah that all seems appropriate how's our rest not great okay let's go back to normal and what do we have left to do radimate heck it's late yeah so i went to the gym and then we just kind of like stayed a little later at the gym and then they wanted to go grab dinner so then we all went and got dinner together and uh and then i came back and i started playing some chess and then you know when you start losing and you just have to keep playing to try and claw back some rating but then you keep losing that was a little bit of today um and then it was later than i expected but i had to shower i'm at 15 70 maybe so i didn't lose that much i ended up kind of clawing some back give me that point um yeah so climbing was really good and also terrible um no we got sushi it was like really cheap sushi though it was okay um yeah i almost went full tilt but decided against it um i uh no i i went and i sent a 10c 510c then i sent a 511a and i crushed it too which is crazy because i've never sent a 511a before i don't think um and i like dominated it and then i couldn't climb after that like my forearms were completely gone i've never felt so worthless so quickly nice mister hope went well it was brutal absolutely brutal so you know such as life but uh yeah that's still fun okay uh-huh okay travico talk to take on his portal for nilathak okay we're all good there let's go get this one in nightmare how about a climbing stream i would really like to do a climbing stream but i'm not like quite there yet i've only been back climbing for what four weeks or something um a gift for you alex loving the stream as always thank you appreciate that hi versus so like give me a few months back into climbing where i'm starting to feel better can we expect the mr lomas the invitational for show excuse me yeah i actually really do want to do a climbing stream at some point and so i would probably wait till i'm like four or five months back in and climbing longer and better then i'd be down for it oh yeah we have grand charms that'll help the character remove the item sound today good call i did see it yeah the speed climbing stuff's fun fun to watch it's climbing like parkour yeah a little bit the parkour i mean parkour could involve climbing in it so but when you're climbing you're not like flipping over things really and stuff you know it's not like that chowder man poison nova just it's not good okay let's go back and see if there's anything any other quests we have here no okay we're good on all that fine millethack okay how many items left oh wait i gotta go read it and nightmare that's right um what do we have left guys 15 items and then like 93 on the ethgrail something like that all who oppose me beware oh okay it's there can't go to betty ate cheap sushi this is true technically this is the truth excuse me yeah we'll grab ik why not why not all right where's our den gonna be well it's i threw away a lot of the non-ethereal items i have every item if you combine all the ethereal and non-ethereal but now i'm trying to i'm like recollecting those that i missed essentially has he said anything about mvs not yet i did schedule some of the stuff in but there's still one thing i really have to schedule in that i've been unable to so that's been the main difficulty issue just trying to get that done i'll just yeah take your rest days um you can't ref anymore why not sure hey hunk just been exhausted lately so is that like you can't ever ref or like right now while you're exhausted because i feel you me too world's just been exhausting you know i actually don't think the world has been as exhausting uh lately so much as uh it's just like everything is finally settling down you know it's it's like we've had our adrenaline pumping i mean there's still plenty of junk going on but our adrenaline has been pumping for so long and it's we're finally kind of like getting a slight chill i think that's where we're at right now okay it's my theory at least um all right let's take a jeeds pnb 18 lifer summoning skills isn't it did i miss a pnb on the first page really should organize these that's the next thing to do i guess come on nah i picked it up already huh all right is that all the pnbs i have four five that's a week very weak um let's grab for now at least uh our 20 30. get our resistances up a little bit how's it going good king's grace hey man i mean it's a nice one to pound some dudes okay still have to do forge here and no torch i'm only 63 so later uh am i a coffee drinker no though i did want to go get a boba tea today but i decided against it oh boy yeah that one hurt that one hurt a little bit golem answer walkthrough gonna happen maybe on pd2 possible there okay i really need teleporting summons man oh we are just not not strong enough for this right now all right let's find a waypoint there we go we're just like so glass cannon at the moment we do have every item in the game so now we find them all ethereal the show must go on this character is level 63 very under leveled all right good we got lower cross we can do stuff there later now that super poison hurts [Music] it's locked no stop it thank you this character is far from optimized because a lot of items require level like 66 67 around there why am i not just running bone because chat said we should run poison so blame chat has served its purpose i shall delve into its secrets ouch stuff chad's dumb hey man i don't know why you're trying to argue with me right now uh [Music] i feel like cows would be fun i am overburdened okay so let's go back oh boy that's the really the closest we have can you farm cows and solo sure oh we leveled that's nice oh so you could do some eldritch farming to get some levels if we really wanted you know necro is probably not a bad uh countess farmer right could really use a cta yeah i mean there's a lot of stuff we could use right now this character is very under uh done oh yeah poisons cta d-web enigma mercenary arachnid torch annihilus there's there is uh many a thing we're gonna wanna pick up we already told you we support copying the enigma it just feels cheating i don't mind sharing it but even then i can't use it right now so i might share it over after this just for for some temporary oh shark skins they're on my tail though yeah i mean bramble probably probably would be a fine thing since we don't have our enigma yet but rare antlers excuse me i've already figured out my end games for all the builds yeah i'm going to build each one of these characters and then we are going to make a guide for each one of these characters as well so it's going to be the whole shebang okay yeah we got a lot of a lot of stuff to to do and make and everything she bangs it is nice how easy though the leveling is right now like our damage is good enough you know it's not perfect but i'm a chameleon [Music] you can transfer over your characters to d2r yep you can run free decade kane this place immediately are we gonna save timmy too excuse me i'm trying to convince them to basically build plug into the game that's what i'm currently doing just trying to constantly convince them i'm like just make make plugi an option that's all we ask are all the features of it um [Music] okay let's go baby i feel like we should be players like five out here oh god as soon as i say that we get an extra fast pack that makes me regret saying that thankfully they already spawned oh god no no no no no move no move no i'm just gonna die actually that'll be that'll be better i don't want to lose my portal all right maybe players three until we get stronger we need a little bit better gear first out come on with the moves and the jesus no [Music] ugh this is gonna be tough it's the cold that really is the hard part when i was cold there oh a mercenary right now my mercenary would just get murdered all right let's keep going doing great oh the holy freeze um um do i need the falcon at all i don't believe so now all right uh let's grab potion all right we're 66 which means we should be able to use homunculus now though i do need a spare homunculus which is actually pretty rough so that's the thing we're gonna have to figure out yeah you gotta you gotta hurt your moose good time try streaming earlier tomorrow i will tomorrow i'm streaming at 11 a.m my time we're gonna do a chess sub battle with maria if you would like to participate um [Music] here is the link can you set that for exclamation mark battle you're going out for a walk with friends at that time it's a lame excuse yeah against photo chess oh god all right good enough um let's see do i want to go what do we need to change out can i even use mars yet no it's one more level oh wait i can use death web nice okay that's actually really nice um it's a 2 negative 40. wait where's my other death web oh yeah right here wait 2 negative 45. all right let's use that okay white wand cool all right death the web should help us a lot so that's very nice um i really just want to use homunculus i'm just gonna do it we will figure it out but i i feel like i need to join yeah we could do that until but we're gonna get our enigma really soon so it's not worth it in my opinion you know a monkey list um i might socket this and then just shove like uh i mean obviously we could facet it but it might be better to just shove a pee diamond or something in it right now i mean you can get this a lot of places a maroon now we ain't wasting enough room on it all right um i guess let's look at our facets here's a five five and there's a five five so we have one five five di155 um level doesn't really matter um [Music] yeah okay so let's put the five five die in that oh i also want one in death's web actually okay ah dang it dang it who has an open socket quest available um how about you cool what's good how you doing all right now oops we grab the five five here cool and that seems nice i don't like copying a save file with socket quest seems opie seems like the same cheating idea you know i mean once again people can do whatever they want um is there anything else that we need let's see now if players 5 feels fine out here honestly not bad for players five not bad what damage does my poison do 7k right now it's got some work a lot of work to be done on it eh we'll get there bone shield don't believe we need a wall this is what this character is good at though just like i mean when he's better equipped with stuff which once again will respect him later um but he is he is very good grim shielded wall no grim shield is lidless that's wall of the eyeless there's that one thank you jan other wall i advocate for max block yeah i think so with homunculus i think it makes sense hey sai how are you doing great chess we had a rough chess day i mean it wasn't a terrible chest day i've i've been hovering in the same spot though i need to get out of that spot um love the title of it thank you me too all right so now we're gonna do players five and let's see if we can find an experienced shrine we do have a shrine uh no i i don't actually have eight pnb skillers surprisingly i only have how many was it chat five or something it's very sad yeah very very disappointing i have not uh make a little breastplate enigma there if we want this is honestly just good experience here i can't carry any more all right i don't see one good to see you we'll keep that base no mercenary not at the moment oh my god look at how much of a difference this is good lord death web is so essential on this character it's insane i mean this is players five we're killing faster on players five than we were on players one all because of death swept actually insane is that a meme armor actually useful in a breastplate no enigma actually gets made in a breastplate um just for strength requirements if you're playing defense doesn't matter then very very low strength does this level good give good drops yeah you get a lot of drops out here a lot of bases can be found and a lot of runes those are gonna be two things you generally find but i mean also experience is nice early on it's only level area level 81 though so eventually your experience does kind of fade out some but it's still pretty good still pretty good but yeah as we uh bump up a little bit more and whatever it'll just get even better so yeah oh god now why did i run in there that was unfortunate running i i didn't look there's a little resist sleepy llama nah just stupid llama ow sting these champions are brutal man i also need to respect max block here dang possessed hey glenda welcome over happy to have you i am overwhelmed corpse explosion op that's pretty good skill why the top skills in the game for sure static teleport corpse explosion s oh man don't believe i need stone raven uh where's my thing nope good evening how are you doing act one mers with harmony i don't know if that's really used that often also that's pd2 is what i assume you're talking about but unless you're saying put faith on it or or just not faith you want harmony but then i don't know regardless my mercenary will die at the drop of a hat so we'll deal with the mercenary later this train set good in game gear some of the train set is good overall the whole training set's not that great just because the vampire doesn't play as well he's got kind of bad frames and things but overall the set is decent for sure it's definitely not a terrible set train shield is also nice yeah i mean they're very very bad frames i need a key it's trying to be nice to the frames cool we're up to 70. that's nice which means we can use amara's let's put on uh i don't know a 29. um that's helpful for our resistances and we can also use enigma now torch no we can use annie not torch though all right i am overburdened we'll leave stealth there um okay and now annie goes right here um it's a decent annie sure that'll work save up for torch there uh i do have a necro torch very nice okay um oh yeah the baba baba looks cool in some of those armors for sure december will be released in d2r seems likely around there i would say um my hands are like dry today i need some lotion man what else do we need to upgrade that's fine that's fine that's all good that's good we've got the bull cathodes trains all right i guess we just need treachery honestly or not treachery um we do need a mercenary at some point but uh torch oh yay i can't right iraq is gonna be later and then a 220 would be very nice but who knows i've got so many 220s and none of them are for a necro so sad but it's okay because i'm magic finding anyways so having a shaco is not like end a 320 would technically be best 320 with two open sockets oh god stay back they're giving more stash base i already said that inventory the same yeah they're not going to upgrade the inventory which i'm very happy about i i do not want an upgraded inventory at all i don't i don't like it no cta oh yeah we do need to make another cta excuse you we do need to make another one bill oh stop points and energy on this character move i just want the skull [Music] two jewels diablo 5 is going to be an esport sounds about right yeah man this character kills man what mercenary do you even use with this character i guess you use insight maybe just for mana because you're going to be teleporting around that would make sense but you could also probably just put on something crazy if you really wanted because you get mana per kill actually so i don't even know if you need that infinity for fire damage and corpse explosion i don't know if i'm gonna waste an infinity on that no three-piece trains uh yeah i mean i considered it but i mean what are you running shield gloves belts yeah i feel like this murse would be either in sight or we're just going big old damage on them ballista he bought it mercenary i was actually kind of thinking that maybe if we get another zodran do you like the red pants but red pants oh wait i have teleport i forgot i put the enigma on hey how about that five head oh 22mf should have made bramble i guess so i mean if i'm gonna be this silly might as well goodnight mri oh 15 and 8 kind of okay i wish it was a little better but we'll take it i think about last epoch i don't think about last epoch that's what i think about it yeah 1539 nice i got diablo 2 resurrected and diablo 4 coming i think i'm thinking about other games be out you dang mind one more level till we get our torch that'll be really nice oh boy wow so nasty thank you trainers yeah i'm very shocked we haven't had a beta yet very shocked well like yeah i mean we had the alpha but i figured there would have been something right now yeah it i agree i think they really want it to be really good and basically ready at that point basically release ready and then just testing out like how to servers and everything handle multiplayer and that would be my assumption yeah i mean bramble's still decent it's not a bad pickup by any means yeah they gave us a taste and now we all want more exactly exactly i mean i played so much d2r and there was only act one and two normal and what three characters or something hey five we played so much when there was so little to do and it was still awesome itching for more move my raggeds boys nervous growing on you poison nova is i like poison nova i i actually do like poison over it's on my favorite skills i just hate the necro usually most any other case it it just takes so long for poison nova to get good that's pretty much the issue dang we're only 65 percent chance to block ouch yeah it's one of the coolest looking skills i agreed cool let's go get our torch necro uh okay put you away for now oh i have a pnb skiller right here cool very nice goes there first page why didn't you say so and what's our reds like 49 71 63 okay i could also i'm a shaco if i really wanted for a little bit higher resistances um it might be a way to go for block all right let's get i guess just go like this gosh dang i this character uses so many skills man gonna call it sounds good have a good night um let's go get a mercenary do i have another fort probably not i think i've used both of them oh wait i still have to do anya that's right okay challen okay so we have a five open socket flail so let's make a cta that was a weird i don't know what i what spot in the stash i clicked on to make it swap there very strange um ooh what do you use though if you're not running enough strength for spirit i guess you just use what lidless probably yeah that would make sense uh or saigons but that might be too much um what is my strength at 114 okay do i have a spared lidless no [Music] okay [Music] um all right we'll use saigons okay uh and then let's go make a cta m ral mal is ohm amral malist um always double check amral now ah so if you asked hey five bow nice three five four oh my god i don't have enough hotkeys to run my battle cry and what the heck all right well i'm not using decrepify all right let's do this and let's create another hotkey oh wait i already have it cool so many hotkeys on this character okay um all right let's see so we need mercenary we could give him obedience and just have him be massive i kind of like that idea i can let him smoke yeah i've got doom but it's in a berserker um all right so i don't have anything with that i would love to make him like a treachery or something go to our bases and see what we have so we have an f4 open socket so maybe i should just make a couple fortitudes honestly that's that's probably the best way to do it impossible really yeah what other armors do i have i have a lot of armors i need to e-bug okay wait [Music] yeah we have tons of low runes okay that's awesome um what do you got been working out all right also dolo el sol dolo l so cool no 29 rs cool all right now i think i want to give him this obedience just let him smack some dudes around and [Music] do i want to give him guillaumes or do i want to give him gays just have lifesteal on it no okay so we need to give him gays oh wait let me look he can't wear andy's yet oops um yeah this would be nice but i mean he needs some lifesteal otherwise he's just screwed though he does have yeah yeah why obedience i don't know it's just a big old damage weapon man let's go grab a gaze i'll put that together any shrines it's not um insight would all also be kind of nice okay let's do this i guess we can go here how may do i get 10. yeah this is cta buffed oh did i no it's it's there oh yeah there we go ooh ethereal do we need that ethereal i was wondering why it was so short i thought i don't know what i thought i was very confused a jade talon as well needed that yesterday all good now god my fcr is so bad a gift for you happy anniversary mr l lama thanks sue oh mr llama appreciate that welcome back thank you uh gray colossus folds dropped i don't know if i want that i mean this is player seven so yeah this is this is going great uh let's just keep bumping up this i guess enchant good for yeah i mean i really like obedience but i might want insight in the long run might want insight we'll just see doing iron golem in sight i don't get my clay golem i just hate doing iron golems they always die or despawn hey good morning again hum they're just terrible i can't get him like running blood golem maybe in the older patches i mean clay golem is actually not that useful here but i don't know what golem i care to run so i'm just running clay as a tank an additional tank pretty much it fire to attract mobs or clay to slow it's kind of my thoughts as well with straight poison over not doing enough damage i mean straight poison over does good damage don't get me wrong we're doing 10 to 11k right now but you get you have extra skill points there's only 60 points to put in the poison tree so this character always gets you know you have double the points basically available almost so what do you do with it i get yourself a little summon army to help out hi silent how you doing yeah i've got bone armor i have a single point in it you know i don't really use it much but technically it's something this is a game called diablo 2. older game is it fun i like it how'd you find me i think it's one of the best games random nice oh welcome in yeah we definitely are running out of mana though with this yeah it's not a common thing somebody comes in and doesn't know the the game it's not a easy stream to stumble upon in my opinion all right do we have enough shadow thing is the question or is it new no dang it we have it should you follow i mean that's up to you man i'd love for you to follow but you know that's your own personal choice to make there all right um cool you followed welcome happy to have you uh let's take this and go [Music] worldstone try some player 7 world stone and see how it goes i have not played last we do not have an inside iron golem i don't like losing my iron golems yeah it's generally not a good thing to do silent people usually get upset about it so it makes sense honestly fantastic build for here i mean this is once again this is player 7 you guys this is player 7 we're on fabulous doesn't the level of meditation matter when i create the golem yep whatever stats the item has the golem will take those as well all right we need to fix our fcr though rfcr is a joke wow that is a tough group right there i think we should just avoid them physical and poison that pretty much knocks us out do i have a license from my guns uh do you need a license in texas i feel like everybody in texas just has a bunch of unlicensed guns all over the place oh yeah with a little more fcr will be good we need to fix it though come on oh boy oh god okay [Music] now as a colossus girdle similar to the blade but more of a girdle you know you know how it is mf necro a little bit he's got a little mf needs stuff that needs to be done to help him out but he's doing all right for himself can't kill the souls cool hmm get him don't have enough hot keys oh can you update that home watcher thank you no what are these mods only super mods oh it's the stream elements oh okay wait no you can update commands it's not a command ah okay i gotcha oh this is not a good way for us all right we just need to amp damage everybody and then blow him up good lord all right well this is not my favorite so perfect hey look at that it worked did you ban me peace or lily like banned from my own chat this is ridiculous all right well that's not the most fun area all right we should be able to super slow him though see how fast we actually kill him call him are you not hitting there we go go little buddies go keep them slowed uh this is just for fun this character is not made for bail almost nice almost nice but he does murder the cows how we do in chaos actually let's get our forge and do anya that'll be better hi from russia hello and uconn all right that's one of the cool things about twitch so international uh is this split off at all there we go there's a split off doesn't take us anywhere but technically it's a split there we go is it worth it to farmer festo no i don't think so estrone please ah still a good rune but i need estrans man i'm ruined like i say i mean that's still not a bad rune right you can't be mad about an um but we have a lot of um's and one ist i mean i could start morphing mall runes up and um runes up which i might just end up having to do that might just be our uh solution ultimately to start morphing okay what do i need a strings for it's just used in so many things one it's good for magic find right you get uh the most magic find out of an estrone two it's good for um a lot of rune words especially important ones like cta use very often in cta chain of honor exactly uh so it's in a lot of very popular rune words so and i need to make ctas for every one of my characters that is the one item that every single character is going to use like enigma won't be on every character though a lot of them and stuff like that but is on everyone so i might need like 30 plus ctas which means i'll need like 30 plus this just for those so that'll be thank you show cool how many names do i have one or two is all more common than this no just like looking at it um okay so that brings our res up better for sure uh okay let's go so i will also need the home runes and stuff but honestly i have more of those home runes so i am overwhelmed gross pit map no thank you duel appreciate that seven months crazy didn't miss the gun show nope we're working on making them bigger guns wow smt do as i say not as i do yes all right let's see um all right we can put a rack on finally finally an erected mesh okay so this brings us to 40 50 so that gets us to the 48 break point and i don't think there's any other scr so i guess that's where we would need a 220 do i have any like crafted where are my crafted things at on this anybody know my my good crafted amulets where i put those huh nope here we go druid combat 210 assassin 27 217 that's nice ah all right it's a two nine dang out of a nicer um arkham plate uh [Music] right no it's a mage plate sorry pluggy and no it's not okay so we're 20 40 50. so i can only get to 69 so i do need to get like a 220 helm or something and then i could pop that bad boy on even a 210 would would get us there but regardless we've hit the 48 break point now at the very least which is very nice so a gift for you thank you desert spud appreciate that oh no it was a gem shrine i thought it was refilling or one of the others dang where to use that rip gems dark force does not have fcr it has fbr which is why we uh are playing into the blocking that we're doing we could use spirit but oh dark force sorry um [Music] i mean i'm running a max block homunculus build right now i mean yeah that that does i mean it's just 2 30. you know like this is just better would lose 40 all reds which i need badly right now i would gain the fcr but you know that's just brutal i can't i can't lose the the resistances and such that would murder me how do you block with a slimy shrink head you know 12 skelly's yep we got 33 points in it yeah maybe it scares them away who knows i actually think i might need more route rooms i need a place to store my railroads though that's definitely something i do need have we done any pit runs yeah we did a pit run in the last one i mean we're kind of clearing a lot of areas with this character just because you know we have our skellies he's got a lot of areas that he can really move around in which is nice he was great in the pits he's you know good in the cows all of this is player seven so he did great in the uh in act five there world stone keep and stuff how long do you spend on the last five ten items years the last item alone took me half the grill time i was very unlucky with it but it still took me half the grail time almost so how crazy it is man poison equals underrated i agree i i i think he also doesn't quite get the credit he deserves like i say this is player seven and uh it's it's a it's a musicer over here you know it really did duffy oh yeah you teleport than the skeletons those skills dmx so the nice thing with the poison necro is that skill wise bam bam bam that's it like he hits all of his necessary skills so fast which does a lot for you because it gives you options of where you kind of want to go that so you could go really hard into like a golem if you want you could go into revives if you want um you could go into maybe like really buffing up a bone armor or something if you wanted um you could you know dance around more in curses you could put even more into corpse explosion if you just want to blow up the whole world uh you know there's honestly a lot of things that you can do no they're not going to rebounces i like to go for skellies because all the skillers are pmbs yeah except i have a jeez there but this just gives you a lot of protection that's what i really like about this is like you teleport in and you just have an army so they protect you and at the same time also help out with just you know being in the way being meat shields and they do good damage so i i like him because they can help you get that initial kill which can be really nice do i need a razor switch i don't think i do no just a rib cracker true home watcher that was the best that density run was amazing the nice thing is lower res covers the entire screen like 18 yards yeah your mercenary's gonna do the bosses but i'm gonna not even really go after many bosses here just because kind of like why you know i did not do any duping i was i was a good boy there i had two weeks where i bought it and then i quit playing the game immediately after because i was like oh well this isn't fun anymore nice i'll take a six percent mf charm i also got scammed a ton this is true somebody's got to be the one that gets scammed greg with a t3 for 26 months mwah thank you so much um sorry [Music] no is there anything else you want to grab for this guy i don't think so all right i want to check out how the chaos rolls well i play my dope immortal king rap i play it at the start and end of every stream that is our schedule you can also just do exclamation mark rap and check it out there you can also go follow mortal king on youtube on spotify i guess on youtube it's just my youtube but you can follow him on spotify and uh rap31 you know i was just talking to my buddy day i was like let's just sit down and have a day and we'll just pump out the whole wrap or at least a large chunk of it so maybe we'll do something here soon i've been on a break from twitch but glad to catch you tonight 26 months already time sure flies time sure flies man crazy wait where's that skull at there it is time sure flies honestly not bad for player seven a little slow but mm-hmm dead tired yeah we're up a little late here um i have not made the crafting tutorial yet i promise you there will be a guide video and written guide up for you guys at some point though this year before d2r hmm all right i guess now we have to face diablo and that's kind of the bad part that's going to be awful good job little golem okay not actually too bad on players three not too bad not amazing but what it is not bad uh okay let's try some world stone i don't believe i need that impossible okay don't need a meat scraper i don't need that i think we're good on all those things hmm see real llamas in the andes i've seen lots of real llamas our llamas there's llamas on a farm that literally is like right next to where i live i heard you had to wake up cute dog yeah called them and he was like i was asleep dude started his stream and fell asleep immediately what a goob i even donated a llama to a family not to be eaten not to be eaten nice already 82. this character is uh feeling good man feeling good yeah four and a half hours of start screen i kind of like going around here a little more just cuz i mean cows are nice but like we're already over leveled of on cows you know like they're area level 81 or 82 already so like i get more experience at here plus you can drop any item out here but it is player seven there is good runes and things potential there so bro he had like a thousand people watching the whole time it was hilarious well pendle's immune to poison so i'd have to let the physical damage wear them down and they'd probably do okay with them on players one they would maybe i need to do that start my stream and then just log off for a bit oh god just kind of like let it chill for three four hours see how it does just have called arms playing on repeat the whole time i like it i actually like the idea now good for uh immortal king branding 200 viewers that sounds great to me any plans on live performance with an audience i would love to have a live performance but one i need to get probably a couple more songs and two i can't oh really um we got some not people to listen but i'd i have to get a couple more songs and then like figure out how to even get set with all that stuff i like i have no clue how do you try and get a live audience for it i don't know i've already asked blizzard if i could perform and they were like we'll definitely have you out for diablo to play so not looking great [Applause] so instead we got the soft rejection instead i i need to find uh that would you know try and perform at like a little local place or something no stay alive challenge no skelly's how did you let him die awful that's right he did honestly pretty good for himself yeah he's been pretty invincible so like he needs to have a death somewhere it's all good what detour change am i looking forward to i'm really looking forward to multiple stash pages i think that'll be really nice least looking forward to um probably the size of the screen being so large i i think it's gonna potentially cause some balance issues people on like ultra wides and stuff so they'll need to be really careful with that i really hope they decide to block it so that it does black bar if it gets too big otherwise it's gonna be really advantageous for certain people take one thing in pd2 and put in d2r i mean they're already putting the stuff that i want from pd2 into d2r really i don't know maybe maybe mapping in some way some sort of end game mapping idea like that 15 max but seven energy put it over there in case i need like just a max jewel however my pixel art with my gems i don't believe so seems fun though uh okay i'm gonna need yeah i'm gonna need a new place for my railroads or just to start crafting um yeah yeah i've chatted with the devs a lot about stuff uh okay can make a llama it does seem viable how many towels make us odd i would imagine a billion no kappa good day good day something like that see marano have a good one oh you got death swept nice that's sick such a good find [Applause] thank you appreciate that your mama it takes 200 billion towels i would imagine it's a little less than that i think 1 billion or 10 billion or something around there but maybe it is 200 billion i know it's a lot this much i can tell you it's 14 trillion l's to make a single zod 19 billion towels okay that seems that seems about right 13 billion whatever it is 18 billion towels how about that teen billion can you repeat uh how many skills and stats chat has team skills and 11 sets how many skills 18 or 15. oh so good [Music] team have you ever done any live shows no i am i am live showless right kill okay you're right i've done gdqs i thought he meant for a mortal king not for mr lomassie yeah i've done gdqs and i've done blizzcon for um for that i've performed live on stream but i haven't i haven't done any like actual venue um immortal king rapping one day hey affiliates yeah my goal is to perform at blizzcon one day i'm good how you doing prince am i farming something uh just general stuff levels plus bases looking for like monarch shields it's one of the main things i want right now but australia tour hey man if you guys go uh follow a mortal king on spotify exclamation mark rap and uh listen there and such like the videos that you see all of those things maybe maybe you know help it grow big enough where i or i can go do a little stuff because right now my spotify has made 51 dollars doesn't even cover the beat so you know but it's still nice we're still in the negative on on our rapping tire manager to not made more on your chess career than your rap career i've made over five grand on my chess career i've got fabulous tournament winnings from chess that's the best part ever oh yeah i mean that is like the greatest thing what's my elo 1500 bullet 1600 blitz 1700 rapid i would imagine rapping is considered a hobby for this but i do use it on stream so who knows i deduct it because well like i said i use it on stream it's related enough at least right now it is who knows where it'll be in the future um so yeah no i'm i'm very happy though with our uh yes i competed in a bullet tournament i got second place there and won three grand which was dope and then i competed in twitch rivals hand and brain and got second place there and won 22.50 so like yeah i am that was 50 250 more than i ever expected to make from chess i tell you what chess resurrected yeah bishop needs a nerf but the prize pulls up for those twitch did and then cash app did so yeah i was i was just happy to to be a part in any capacity well twitch rivals they you know they do stuff oh i know t's uh let's go here do i plan on doing a d2 speed run soon yeah let's see tomorrow we're actually doing chess and i think i'm gonna also maybe play some like starcraft or something with maria exclamation mark battle if you would like to join and participate thanks truck appreciate that so if you want to participate in the battle tomorrow go do so starcraft is an rts me favorite rts starcraft or aoe i mean it's probably starcraft just because i grew up on it more but i also really liked age of empires and age of mythology when i was younger are we gonna do some bounds again ah that was fun zelda bound our nintendo band such a good one thank you viking samurai can you speed run d2 normal to hell in a day yeah oh for sure um unless it's derpy then maybe unless it's mvs uh llama one last man burst stream thank you very much so nice try even with chat trying to stop me llama can do it because we only allowed it due to estroy's birthday wow all right hey fans uh i i don't remember it random i'd have to look yeah there's the ethereum we're looking for for that any percent run not even ah jeez no all right i don't really care to kill diablo in player 7 with this character um hey
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 34,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: ogEbtL0iC4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 16sec (9076 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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