Diabetes Epidemic: Part 1

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I think that Type Two Diabetes is an absolute catastrophe worldwide. This is probably the "greatest health catastrophe" of the century. Our food environment is setting us up to fail. As a problem that, we, as society are grappling with and particularly for children coming through. We are just not doing it with any sense of urgency whatsoever. 40 years ago, Type Two Diabetes was almost unheard of. Today, almost a quarter of a million New Zealander's live with it and that is not including the one hundred thousand more that have it and do not know it. Yet, Type Two Diabetes is entirely preventable. We are all supposed to have control over what we put in our mouths. So, what has happened to us so quickly? Brian Kairua loved his job as a Youth Social Worker, but last year, Type Two Diabetes forced him into early retirement. Now that I am at end stage renal failure, you cannot help but want to kick yourself for not listening to the professionals and being too stubborn. Pretty much devastated my body because of all the poor choices I made. Five years ago, Brian was given ten years to live. You do not think about Diabetes when you first get it. I seldom went to doctors appointments that I was supposed to go to. I never took any medication. I am less than half of the guy that I use to be now that I'm in a wheelchair. And now I have lots of regrets. Five weeks ago, I was admitted into hospital because I had a hypoglycemic episode. I just about "went" for good. You get lots of bugs when you are on dialysis. So I had a bug in my blood and that bug had settled into this infection in my hip. And as a consequence I could not walk anymore. They got that under control and it came right. Then unfortunately, and they looked at one of my toes and they said, "That toe needs to go." I heard that when you have poor diabetes you can have amputations but I did not think that my toe was that bad. I said, "Nah its all good mate it will come right." It is an "out of it" disease because it seems like people do not take too seriously. I did not even know what diabetes was when he was diagnosed. Type Two Diabetes will cut ten years off your life, number one cause of amputation beyond car accidents, number one cause of preventable blindness, number one cause of impotence in men, number one cause of kidney failure, dementia, doubles your risk, doubles your risk of heart disease. This is not a benign disease. So, how do people get Type Two Diabetes? Years of high blood sugar or glucose stops insulin from doing its job. And insulin is the magical hormone that allows the body to turn glucose into energy. We get most of our glucose from carbohydrates, especially sugar. And we are consuming well above the recommended limits. The reality is we only need about a teaspoon of sugar to maintain our blood sugar at the right level, the rest gets stored in our muscles and liver. But the problem is because we eat too much of it, it goes to the liver and it gets converted into fat. There is a complex way in which being fat, particularly the fat you cannot see, the fat in your liver, the fat inside your tummy, and the fat in your muscles, means that insulin does not work properly. And it is that that ultimately leads to Type Two Diabetes. The epidemic of Type Two Diabetes threatens to overwhelm the New Zealand health system. So Diabetes New Zealand is out in the community to help diagnose it before it is too late. (Man) Better to heed the warning now than later eh? (Lady) That's right, very good. People think because its in the family they do not have to do anything about it. They think, oh ok, my family has got it, I will leave it at that. And, if I get diabetes I will get it. They do not understand that there are stages, and there are steps that they can take to lower their risk of developing diabetes. I know it is a pretty severe condition that most Maori and Pacific people suffer with. It is something that we can prevent, I know that much about it. Ropata Adams-Walker is worried that his unhealthy diet has put him on the road to diabetes. How is your day going? Pretty good. I was walking past and thought I had better come and see what this is all about, and see what my chances are. This simple blood test will reveal if further testing is needed. While Ropata's blood sugar levels don't make him diabetic yet, he is overweight and has high blood pressure. He has been told to see a GP. I feel sorry for my family members that are suffering with diabetes. It's something I would like to prevent, to be able to be around for my children. I have hit 30, so I have to do something now or never. This is my antibiotic setup table and all of this here is purely to combat the infection in my hip. First I started losing my vision, then the sensation in my lower legs, and then in my feet. Now I have kidney failure and that is where I am at the moment. This is something I have to do four times a day. And this it is going directly into my artery, and rushing down into my hip, I hope. High levels of sugar in the blood, or sugary blood going round and round the system damages the blood vessels, both very small blood vessels like in the eyes, the kidneys, and the feet. As well as medium size arteries in the heart and in the brain, because these arteries, it's like rust is to pipes sugary blood tends to cause little blockages in the small blood vessels and also hemorrhages. Then in medium blood vessels in the heart and the brain can also have blockages leading to heart attacks and strokes. Ropata has come to his GP for a more accurate picture of his diabetes risk. (Ropata) I fit the criteria of a diabetic. It's not uncommon to be diabetic without knowing that you are. If anything there is a fear of not knowing whether I am or not. I know it's a silent killer amongst our people. Your reading is 8.6 What does that mean? Readings should be between 5 and 7. A finger prick test shows his blood sugar is high. Now he will be sent to a lab for a more accurate reading of his glucose tolerance. About five years ago I had a scare of becoming diabetic. So I took the precautions of joining a membership at the gym to help try and fight back. (Doctor) Are you working at the moment? Nah, I think that contributes a lot towards the stress as well. You make a few lifestyle changes then there are barriers that stop you, to allow you to get back out in the workforce. Hence that overwhelming feeling of stress. One door opens and before you even get a foot in the door it gets slammed straight in your face. On a daily basis we see lots of patients with similar problems. Stress has become a very common problem, and it's one of the risk factors for diabetes as well. You have got a family history, your weight is in the obese range, and you have a stressful life. All of this puts you at a higher risk of getting diabetes. What stress tends to do it causes secretion of stress hormones, and those stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline can actually help create glucose in the body. Stress and guilt are the common things that drive obesity. Guilt about being fat because no one really wants to be fat or obese. Feeling it is their fault. And stress because you sleep badly because your cortisol levels shoot up and that drives your blood sugars up and then you get insanely hungry. And what you want is comforting carbs. You want chocolate and all those lovely foods, which the food manufactures have carefully created to satisfy those urges. Brian's parents had diabetes, but raising four children on his own meant that he had little time to think about his own health. Now his kids are adults, it's his mokopuna he wants to be healthy for. At the very beginning dad just did not care. He use to run around the bush, hunting, all sorts of things, and now he is stuck in a wheelchair. So... I stopped caring when he did, I guess. And now he cares a lot but it's too late. There were those days when doctors told him to eat salads... but what is the point now? Is it too far gone. I don't care he can eat whatever he wants. I know he is scared. Yeah. He has lost so much weight. He has always been tough. He has always tried to be "the man." But these last couple of years, he is actually breaking down. It's sad that he's not taken the necessary precautions, earlier to prevent something like this from happening. We always had bread and butter, you had to stretch it out because you had four hungry kids. We were only allowed three hot chips per sandwich. $10 worth of hot chips that's a lot of sandwiches. I cannot remember a single time we had vegetables when we were young. A lot of fish and chips. It was simple diet back in those days, potatoes, mince and bread. And always a bottle of coke or sprite in the fridge. That was about it, meat, bread, salt... meant, bread, salt, butter... ...meat, bread, salt. I'll grab the grandchildren, feed them all that terrible stuff that you can get diabetes from... Duh.... But they are kids, they are young, and you think why not? But it is really cool that they love their Pappa, and they know their Pappa loves them. I let her have a little glass of fizzy drink sometimes, not all of the time because if I get caught... I get a hiding from my "Mrs". The progression of diabetes complications is by no means inevitable. And it is very closely linked to the level of control that people that people have with their blood sugar levels. I don't think people are to blame. It's a complex interaction between the biology, society, the food and nutrition system we have, and the environment we live in. Our world has changed and our biology has not changed. We are mismatched to the modern world. While there is a tendency to think that even in adults it's all about voluntary choice in behaviour. It is not as simple as that. There's a lot of biological drivers that are set up early in life, which are hard for people to change. Ropata has six children and one on the way. Looking after his own health is not a high priority. Because I have got young ones, they are the motivation. It's confusing, not knowing how to diet properly, and especially when you live on a set budget. I have got four children with my partner now, and two to two previous relationships. With the stressors of life you tend to forget about dieting, and you want to go back to your comfort foods. $1 pie, and you can get two pies at the cost of a fancy lettuce. When you weigh up those options to someone who's on a budget who doesn't have much money, and has a lot of people to feed, which would be the cheaper of the two? It's hard to break free of the cycle when it becomes a normality. They explain to you to drink water to help you feel full, but an hour later Maori boys are hungry. So you get a bite to eat, a quick burger, that will last a good hour or so. (Narrator) Diabetes does tend to run in families but that might not be entirely genetics. The biggest factor is families all have similar diets and lifestyles. (Brian) My dad died of renal failure, his younger brother also had diabetes. My mum has diabetes, and my youngest sister is also a Type Two Diabetic. I like my steak blood-red just about running around a paddock. They've put a massive BBQ on, and lots of salads. Normally I can't see the salad because I have really bad eyesight, so I will probably just eat meat and bread. I think a lot about my own kids and I hope they are bright enough... because I have made a big stuff up of it, that they don't do. He has always cared about everyone else before himself. My kids don't drink fizzies, I limit their lollies, and sugar intakes. I say, "Do you want to end up like Granddad?" "Do you want to end up with no teeth?" I've put my kids through so much this year. I was in ICU for ten days. It was the biggest shock of my life. I never thought I would end up in somewhere like there. I nearly "went" a couple of times when I was in there. I had to have three operations while I was in there. I was sedated heavily. And on an artificial ventilator. When I came too, all my children, and my family, my brothers, my sisters, my mum, were all around my bed. My daughter in laws, they were all there. You don't realize how much love can fit in one room, until you see it in their faces. I had tubes down my throat and I couldn't talk. But I could see their love and I could feel it. I tried to tell them that I was sorry for making them all worry. (Narrator) The diabetes epidemic should be avoidable. But we are surrounded by food that makes us fat. We need action on a population level, but individuals can make changes to their own diet. Nutritionist Caryn Zinn, is on a mission to show that healthy eating can be affordable. I believe you have been to the doctor today? Yes. I am boarder line and haven't yet been diagnosed. What sort of foods do you normally eat? We eat a lot of packaged and processed foods. Noodles. We try not to but when you're working with a budget, we are limited on the options. Ok, carbohydrates, eating lots of breads, lots of cereals, lots of cereals, and lots of muesli bars actually make you hungry. If we eat a diet that is very high in carbohydrate, your blood sugar will need to control that, and your hormone insulin will be secreted to help control your blood sugar. So instead of getting highs and lows, like we do throughout the day with lots of carbohydrate, the way forward is reducing the amount of carbohydrate that you eat and improving the quality of carbohydrate. Eating carbs from whole unprocessed foods, vegetables, fruit, milk, and yoghurt, and legumes, like lentils and chickpeas, which are a cheaper source of protein. Those carbohydrates are good quality carbohydrates. Eating whole unprocessed foods is how we should all eat. But it will be particularly beneficial for you because it will keep you insulin levels down, which is what you want for your diabetes. We are going to attempt to make homemade burgers, with garlic in it and mix it together with the mince. One of the more difficult things about diagnosing diabetes is that you can go to the doctor and have your blood sugar measured, and the blood sugar could be normal. But your hormone insulin could be raised throughout the day. So while your blood sugar is really important to look at for diagnosis, it's your insulin which is just as important, but the doesn't happen at the moment with diagnosis. So that's another reason that you keep your insulin levels down. One of the simplest message is to have a full fridge and an empty pantry, because it means you have lots of fresh ingredients in your fridge. You can lots of frozen vegetables in your freezer. And apart from having spices and that in your pantry, if it's empty it means there's not a lot of packaged stuff in there. (Ropata) So, that's a good thing? Yeah, that's a good thing definitely. This way of eating is not about eating a lot of meat or protein. Do you know what happens to protein if you eat too much of it? (Ropata) Does it go in with your stored fat? Interestingly, it gets turned into sugar. (Ropata) To be honest, I would normally have two patties on one burger. And how many burgers? (Ropata) Two and a half. That's a lot of protein. (Ropata) When you're brought up starving... you want to eat as much as you can. See these all look like little cups and what you can do is put in... some red onion, tomato, a bit of beetroot and then mayonnaise. So, you can then cover it with the other side. And here's your burger! (Ropata) (Laughs) thank you so much. Mmm, it's actually better than a McDonald's one. (Caryn) Oh that's good to hear. (Ropata) I've learnt that healthy food can taste nice and that it's very easy to cook. People eat poor quality food because it's there. If it wasn't there they would not be eating it. In my older days of being a dietician, I would look at people who were overweight and think it was their fault, and think they were lazy, undisciplined, and had poor food choices. Now I believe quite differently about it. I think the environment is setting us up to fail. And also the physiology is driving as to eat. Sugar is addictive. So when you eat a lot of sugar, and a lot of fast-food, that drives to you eat more. So, it's not the fault of the individual, it's the fault of what's happening to the physiology, as a result of eating this poor quality food, which is cheap and everywhere. (Bassy music) (Narrator) For 16 hours a week, Brian is connected to a dialysis machine. He's been doing this for five years. When I am on the machine, you get really cold as the blood leaves your body, your core temperature drops. I am in a lot of pain at the moment because of my feet. If my feet weren't such a problem, I would be a lot more relaxed. This has become a part of my life now. It's weird thinking your life depends on this machine and how well it keeps you clean of all the toxins. This is me, this is my real system right there. We have three shifts, morning, afternoon, and evening shift. Life length on dialysis is four to five years. But the evidence of our patients is five to ten years. I believe this indicates of our better service. It's causing a massive impact on our economy in terms of the healthcare costs and loss of productivity. And it's been very hard to find a figure on that but it's in the order of three hundred million in direct costs to the public healthcare system. It's going to be a long term trend and I think we're going to see the number of people with diabetes, coming through the hospital doors only increasing. (Narrator) The results are back from Ropata's blood glucose test. I've come in for my test results, and if the worst comes to worst with diabetes, I know that I am on the right track, that I have started my journey to healthy living. (Doctor) I've looked at your results and the good news is that you don't have any diabetes at this stage. But I did see some changes in the liver test. (Narrator) Ropata has fatty liver, which can be caused by insulin resistance. And is often associated with Type Two Diabetes. Fat in the liver and pancreas can be far more dangerous than more visible fat. About 20% of people with Type Two Diabetes are not overweight. (Ropata) Choice. People may well be what we call thin on the outside and fat on the inside. That means they appear relatively slim for their actual body fat in their key organs. What happens is you put on weight, particularly abdominal weight, weight around your gut, visceral fat, then this tips over and starts to fill up the liver and the pancreas. And when these two organs stop "talking to each other" that's when you have serious problems with insulin levels and therefore you tip over into Type Two Diabetes. But there is a long build up to it, many years during which maybe you haven't been as active as you once were, eating badly, You get the development of something called insulin resistance. And all of these things contribute. But in the end it is about central obesity. (Ropata) I've come to realise now I'm in the driver's seat of my own life, and that I have control on the outcome, which as given me an incentive to start regular exercise and start dieting. Although I look a bit flabby in the mirror, I can see the full potential that my body could have. Exercise actually is important, because it's not just the effect of exercise on weight, but it's the effect of exercise on the whole glucoses metabolism and being able to get rid of glucose out of the bloodstream. I go agree that the dominant driver of this increase of weight and obesity that we are seeing in almost all countries is due to increase in energy intake rather than reductions in physical activity. (Narrator) Brian has already had his toe removed, but that hasn't stopped the infection in his leg. Now doctors want to cut his right foot off. (Brian) The leg didn't look nice, the foot was all mangy looking. The doctor took one look at it and wanted to chop it, take the whole leg. And I was ready to run if they did that. So, Doctor Bevan said, "It's going to be along run Brian, but we will try our best." So, I was happy for the long run. It's just a necessary thing of diabetes that your circulation is going to be poor. Because the circulation is poor the healing factor is poor. And then you may lose a toe, two toes, four toes, half a foot, and then eventually a foot. They say that once the surgeons begin to chop it's pretty hard for them to stop after that. We are not even beginning to see the beginnings, and also we're not going to see the end of this particular disaster. Predictions in New Zealand are doubling of diabetes within the next twenty years. Already doubled in the last ten years. In the UK, rates of pre-diabetes have tripled in the last eight years. Up from 11% to 36%. This is only the crest of the wave, and when I say crest of the wave, it's the crest of a tsunami. At the bottom of the crest of the tsunami. I think Governments are finally going to be forced to act because it's going to bankrupt the health services all around the world. In our next program, Christina has dealt with Type Two Diabetes for more than a decade. People get quite judgemental and when you're eating at a function or somewhere, then someone says, "Should you be eating that?" I get really annoyed. I don't want to be too skinny, because I will look too sick. And Brian faces further amputations. Desperately trying to keep it under control and trying to hang on to these little tiny limbs I have left. I'm not on the winning side of that battle I'm afraid.
Channel: Attitude
Views: 58,559
Rating: 4.8807158 out of 5
Keywords: AttitudeLive, Disability, diabetes, type2diabetes, amputation, medicine, medical, hospital, healthy eating, diet, dietician, Diabetes, Physical disability, Chronic Health, amputee, The Disease That Is Killing My Family, Brian Kairau, Part 1, Type 2, Type 2 Diabetes
Id: 2fw9ZG5ARPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2016
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