DevOpsDays Rockies 2016: How Netflix Thinks About DevOps by Dave Hahn
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Channel: Confreaks
Views: 13,042
Rating: 4.9796953 out of 5
Id: HmM4V33ReCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The issue is that: A) Your entire company culture needs to support the DevOps mindset (this includes accountability)...not just few devs that want to randomly change things in production. B) Your business strategy and technical system architecture needs to be able to support constantly changing applications. (Also your customers need to be ok with this...some markets may definitely not like constant change) C) Not hire idiots