DevOps End to End Automation made easy with Landmark Technologies - TEL:+14372152483

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also understand you know why uh there is a math watch why they which is crumble for devops engineers today you know and we are going to be getting testimonies of our class 24 that are graduating today you know we have a few testimony from them they truly can take everybody on testimony because this course again remains a hundred percent uh job guarantee training which implies if you go through the program you know and work on the projects then of course you should uh be able not only to have a job like to have jobs i always tell students there are two options you have in this program option one is a job option two is jobs and today you know amongst the people will be testifying we have one of our students who is graduating today who have already been able to secure three job offers and this is somebody from a mechanic you know to a devops engineer with multiple job offers and today again we are going to have a lot of folks graduating people with background like from you know i mean you know pharmacies we have nurses accountants chatted accountants you know i mean uh drivers factory workers and just to name a few psw cnas these are people who have decided okay to embrace a career in 90 and of course it's possible to do that you can embrace a career in i.t and succeed with it from end to end so these are the few stuff that i want us to take specific note of as far as this program itself is concerned you know today so that said uh we are going to have phase one is a demo of phase two again uh you know we are going to be taking uh testimonies and uh the final phase is going to be a thanksgiving face we'll be thanking god for the class that is finishing and also thanking god for the class that is starting and we are going to be thanking god because of course we are sure that all of you that are starting today you know the same way others are giving their testimonies you two will be testifying we don't care where your background is you know or where which kind of background that you have had in the past but we trust god that you know we just hop on with diligence that you are going to be investing in this program you will all leave this program not only rejoicing but you know becoming the next item engineer that the world is going to celebrate so that sets out just like us to pray as we get into this uh of phase one of our devops end-to-end demo session so let's just bother our head heavenly father we thank you lord for this morning we bless you lord for everyone that has come this morning lord with a deep desire to have a change in their career lord we thank you because it is even you that says in your word you see you are going to do a new thing which therefore implies embracing a new thing embracing a new career lord it is in line with your will for you speaking in the world you said you god will do a new thing lord i therefore pray that let this new desire that is in the heart of your people they are all pregnant lord not only to say that we have done i.t but to be able to contribute significantly in the world of i.t to be able to have a job lord and be effective lord and be productive in those tax lord i definitely cover every student with your blood and i pray and i commit this loss into your hands lord i pray that you'll have your way and let your will don't be done in our lives let god alone be exalted in our midst this morning for all those who will be testifying lord we return all the glory to you for we have seen you doing wonders things oh god in landmark students have been healed a lot we have seen people healed of tumor we have seen a lot of things taking place in our midst lord we say thank you this is the lord's dream it is marvelous in our sight we are humble lord take all the glory be exalted be magnified in the name of jesus amen so uh i hope you guys can hear me everybody yes prof you can hear you okay very good very good so i'm going to be taking you guys now to the devops uh end-to-end demo what devops is all about you know and why there is uh a mod watch as far as a devops engineers circumstance why is everybody you know scrambling to get a you know a devil's engineer in their organization so that's one thing that we are going to be able to look at in the next few minutes what is devops you know and why should i be a devops engineer at this time of the year so i'll be sharing my screen as well so that you can have uh what about the recording yeah at the moment we are on record already can you see my screen yeah perfect explosion screen very good um [Music] okay so this morning we we want to look at a simple project we are going to go through this stuff by looking at a simple project where you have a develop you have uh you own your company so for the mean time of mute everybody so that uh you'll not be able to mute yourself for the next probably 40 minutes in this first phase of our presentation uh okay now let's assume that this is you you have started a new job and that new job you're working in landmark software solution okay you're working in landmark in your new career this is you working in landmark landmark is an i.t company so what is our business we are developing softwares so now i want to see how you know all of this is going to evolve so this is landmark landmark has a customer and this time around the customer this client we have a client and our client is paper paper is our client now what does paypal want from us what paper desires that we do for them is to develop a software so this is landmark software solution landmark ss software solution they want us to develop a software for them now there are different ways that you can achieve their tasks the first method to achieve it is what we call the waterfall method this is what used to be there before the traditional waterfall method [Music] so we want to do this you know project for paper now paper is the client so paper wants us to develop okay a software for them and what is the purpose of that software the purpose of that software is to permit their customers to be able to access their account online you know and do business this is paper this is the client as you can see is the client now so we have landmark software solution we have been taxed to develop an application for paper so now this is what is going to happen in okay normally so what happens is that when we receive this tax from paper okay now you know in landmark we are going to understand the kind of tax that they want us to do so how we're going to understand that we are going to gather requirements requirements from the customer or from the client so requirements gadry so a meeting is going to be held with paper and now what are those that are going to be in this meeting in landmark our architects you see that our architect we are going to have architects and team lead so like you know managers and staff and of course today devops engineers are part of that list so now the architect will have a meeting with paper the client and what is going to be the outcome of that meeting the requirements of this project is going to be put together so this is what is going to happen you know as initiation yes you want me to do a job for you what is it that you want all of that is going to be put together so now once we have this part of the tax done with you see that once we have this done with the next thing that we are going to be seeing okay after requirements are gathered what is going to happen next now take note that this requirement is gathered by team lead you know in landmark and our architects they are going to have a meeting with the client landmark and the client a meeting is held now once this meeting takes place okay the next thing is that in landmark we are going to be doing design there's going to be a design okay now we are going to have a designing stage what happens in this designing stage in this designing stage we are going to be able to come up with okay this is what the client wants all of that is going to be documented so we have what we call high level documentation high level documentation and this high level documentation okay will still be managed by simulate now not just the high level documentation what do we need what are we going to require to carry out these tax for paper now we need to document it what kind of systems do we need so we have system requirement and all of this again we are going to have our team lead involved you see that the team lead are going to be involved in this stage so in the designing stage okay what are we doing we have to come up with what is needed for this project all of that is documented now once we document all what is needed to be done the next thing is that we are going to get members of our team to get to work and the next phase is going to be what we call implementation so now they need to implement whatever the client wants so we get into implementation implementation so this is the implementation stage now take note that the tax we have for this client okay is to develop you see that a software solution so at the level of implementation stage this is the time that we are going to get our developers involved so now developers this is a time for developers to get to work so at the level of implementations developers are going to be doing what we call they are going to be writing code so this is the tax of developers now once all of this has been accomplished you see that the next stage of this project is going to be testing now after this coat is waiting we need to get into a stage in the testing stage now this is testing at the level of the testing whatever was done here we have okay the qa guys quality assurance quality assurance team will run a test to make sure that everything that was expected has been delivered okay or has been you know implemented our developers have not as expected so this is the testing stage now after this product is tested you see that after the software is tested what are we going to be doing next now what we are going to be doing next is very important the next thing we are going to be doing is deployment and when we talk about deployment deployment stage okay is taking the software or the product to the market so now we have deployment this is deployment stage so in this stage the product or software is taking to the market and now who are those involved in this stage in this stage we are going to have middleware mean middleware that means we'll be involved in this stage so take note so these are the guys are in charge of deployments okay now this application needs to be deployed so we have middleware okay they are the ones that are involved in this stage middleware admins now once we have this application deployed which means that it has been taken to the market like for example this is a market product for paper therefore i can sign into my account here whatever i want to do okay i can do all of those you see that this is a market product now for paper so which therefore implies this is the implementation stage you see that this is implementation stage this is paper clients can log in whatever they want to do they are able to do that but now look at something when this application is running something could go wrong and this website is not available what happens there's going to be a problem the customers of paper are going to be complaining our app we know our applications okay we cannot access the application i cannot access my account you know i can't do stuffs that is a problem so how do we resolve this in this project delivery phases now we are going to have a phase where we call support fees now we are going to have support in this this support phase is all about maintenance or monitoring so we have a maintenance stage and this maintenance stage is all about supporting this application and ensuring that it is available at all times so we are going to have our support team so we have a support team okay we will ensure that this application is available at all time so now these are the different stages which you need to take specific note of when it comes to software delivery using what we call the waterfall model you see that the waterfall methodology okay the waterfall methodology now this is the stage that we have so if you were going to use the waterfall approach of accomplishing a project this is how you are going to accomplish that project but now if you use this kind of an approach what is the problem here look at something remember that we have different members of the team now when we use this method for project management the problem here is that okay our resource resources resource utilization okay resource utilization is poor so now resource utilization using this approach is very poor you see that it's poor why because now look at something when our team leads guarding requirements for this project developers are doing nothing you see that so the developers guys okay like for like two months they could have no job in the team the qa guys equally are waiting for developers to develop before they can do testing the middleweight guys are waiting for everything to be tested and approved before they can deploy it you see that and the maintenance guys can only start again monitoring you see that and supporting this application okay when everything has been done so the first problem here is that resource utilization okay it's poor now the second problem here which we observe we can observe is that if there is a problem in okay okay any of this stage it affects the entire study so you have to go back and start work designing so that is equally one of the drawbacks of this approach now one more approach is okay one more drawback is time you see that it is time consuming it consumes so much time you see that thinking about that now this approach can take like six months at times okay it would take like six months for a software to be delivered in the in the world that we live today ever it's going very fast so this is the problem with the waterfall approach now because of this problem okay companies have come up with what is commonly used today you see that and this is what we are going to be looking at next and this new approach get to do it the agile okay you know agile project management agile methodology how you can use the guy approach for your project we have seen the limitation okay if we're going to use the waterfall approach so how can we use the agile approach now still we have the same project that we are trying to achieve the same client paper now if you are going to use this agile approach okay one thing that we are going to be trying to achieve here is that now we are going to use you know this chrome method for example so in this approach let's look at chrome so we are going to use chrome now if you are going to use chrome you see that chrome is one of the agile approaches that we can use when it comes to project work okay project management and we call that agile project okay management now in this approach what happens is that you have a project from your client and that project okay now the project with paper for example we are going to sit down and find out now how much or how many features is this project going to be needed so let's assume that this project is going to need 50 features you see that because we want to develop this application for paper and this application requires 50 features this is the application for paper that we are trying to develop we have the future of a dashboard for pay and get paid wallet activity you know invoicing and stuff we have a lot of features that we want to deliver for our client now we want to use okay this chrome okay approach to achieve these stats now when it comes to scrum what is going to what happens is that now we are going to come up with you know different iterations or what we call sprint now we have different screens so if we have different spring for example you can have spring one now spring one spring two queen three okay now if i'm just gonna be next to you we have stuff like this now okay please make sure you mute yourself please mute yourself very important okay now we have the first print we have the third sprint now we have the food screen something like this get an illustration now look at something this is the project now these prints represent okay a production period for example or a development period so now we have 50 features which we want to be able to deliver to our client now we are using agile project management with chrome now in this springs so we have sprint like this as you can see we have screens like this now look at something a sprint most of the time a sprint is going to last for like you know a number of days so we can have a sprint let me come here so okay we can have a sprint okay that runs for 10 working days so we have our each screen is going to run for 10 working days which definitely implies that in the 50 features that we are developing for paper we are going to distribute these features depending on how many of the features we can be able to deliver for each of the screened so now based on that we will need to identify the resources that we have what are our resources let's assume that when it comes to our resources want to illustrate something for resources we have four developers for resources for developers what else do we have now we have one middleware admin who is going to do the deployment we have one middleware admin we have one middleware admin these are the members of our team now we have the qra guys somebody is going to check that everything is okay now and we have a project manager which in this case is going to be called a scrum master because that's an agitates okay project manager now we have is chrome master these are the members of our team so we have a team of seven one two three four five six seven so we are deciding how many features we are going to be able to deliver based on the resources that we have at our disposal and take note these are the resources that we have at our disposal this is what we have these are our resources we have four developers one middleware at me one person for quality assurance and we have you know an agile project manager now we decide that okay for us to carry out this entire project we are going to need about maybe 10 different screens and will be 10 different screen of 10 working days which is two weeks and for each spring we are going to be developing five features so which therefore implies we have five features for each sprint now so we have five features take note and take note that these five features we are going to be involving okay our resources these are the resources that we have so developers are going to be developing now which therefore implies every two weeks we are sure that five features okay is going to be developed fully tested okay and if everything is okay we are going to click on done so this is what we have but now if for some reason in spring one okay everybody is involved now if you look at okay what we have here in terms of the agile project okay management the team velocity is very high which implies all the members of the team must be involved so the team velocity is high but now if something happens okay in spring two and we did not have all our developer let's assume we have those three developers now therefore in sprint two okay we realized we cannot develop five features we can only develop three features for example why because the number of developers okay all of them are not on board if you look at this agile approach again now the problem here is the team velocity is high all the team members they need to be on ground you see that for us to be able to accomplish our times now in addition to all of this we have different meetings like we have what we call daily stand-up meetings you see that where you know members of the team will be present in a 15-minute meeting to discuss on what they did the day before and if they had any problems what we call bottlenecks now the scrum master will take note of those and try to see how to remove those bottlenecks or impediments for members of the team to carry out their project with relative ease so this this approach that you see here okay now companies are still implementing the agile okay approach in conjunction with the devops methodology which is what we are going to be looking at shortly from now so we are going to have meetings in this approach like as we said again we have what we call daily stand-up meetings you see that we have daily stand-up meetings for the meetings that you take note of when it comes to this approach okay we are going to have some like daily stand up daily daily stand-up meetings what else do we have we have the planning meeting what they call screen planning screen planning these are just some important meetings that i'll just show some light on them now we also have what we call okay spring retrospec spring virtual spec now where should spec this is like a review meeting so at the beginning of each sprint we are going to have a planning meeting and we are going to plan in this meeting members of the team were greeted this is what we want to do in this particular period so in this production period of 10 working days our target is to be able to develop five features of this application and deploy it to our client so this is how all of that is going to be managed and now what you should take note is that when it comes to the customer which is paper paper is our client very important now what should you understand about paper take note that paper is going to have in paper paper has their business analysis okay their business analysts business analysts you see that they are ba guides so in paper they have their ba guys so what happens is that whenever we are done okay with each of the screens now the business analyst of paper which is our client they will review what we did yes we are happy with that and if they are if they are glad with that okay they are going to click on done which therefore implies the features which we have developed in that sprint they are satisfied the client is satisfied and that satisfaction the people we are going to be communicating with would be the business analysis of paper the client but take note that in this whole project delivery what do you realize we at the beginning in landmark software solutions or landmark tech what do we do we have a meeting and we agree that for the next 10 working days this is what we are developing five features for our paypal client now at the end of the sprint we are going to have a retrospect meeting to ask ourselves questions like now what did we achieve in this sprint now what is it that we could have done better and how can you know and how can we improve what have we learned in this spring and how can we improve on what we have learned in the next okay production period or in the next sprint and but daily we have follow-up meetings so please take note it is very important the agile approach again is a very useful approach but now today we have gone beyond agile we have we now implement agile plus device so we are going to look at devops okay what is devops all about and why should i know devils and how does devops feed into all of this so now we want to look at devops devops is what you want to look at what is devops how does it fit and why you are why you should be doing develops this what we are going to be looking at now the devops approach now remember this is landmark software solution we are talking about so we have landmark software solution managing a project lss landmark software solution managing a project for her client and this client is paper we want to use devils you see that and why are we going to be using devils why is everybody using devops to be and why should you recommend devops okay if you were working in an environment where devops is not yet been implemented or the devil's practices now take note that devops is not a tool but devops is a methodology like one of our students went to an interview and they asked her tell us what is devops to you because if you understand devops today you you can explain it how you have understood it now the question was not what is devops they say thanks again for coming for this interview please question number one what is devops to you that was the question and she said to her devops is a process of continuous transformation continuous improvement that is devops is you using automation to continuously improve of your tax processes and the process of software delivery because all of this that we have looked at today is the process of software development like you know in software software development life cycle this is how it looks like we have different approaches okay the waterfall approach we have seen the agile approach and now we have to look at the devops approach now look at something we have a client call paper so immediately landmark okay have this customer called paper what are we going to do now we are going to start the process of developing the application for the client and in that process okay the first thing is that is going to be done is that now we are going to create what we call a repository for paper our client so our client is paper now we are creating a project repository for this client now this project repository is going to be created in git okay now this is what is being achieved so once we create these repositories we have developers let's assume that in this project we have our four developers who are going to be developing for paper for developers so now let's look at what is their function so developers are going to be writing code they are doing implementation so they are writing code for our paper client now when developers write this code okay these are the developers that we have developers are coding so now look at something please when they write their code what do we expect them to do this is landmark software solution and we are looking at the devops methodology when it comes to you know why companies are implementing okay devops processes in the organization now this is paper so in this process our developers will be writing code and they will be committing the code in github indeed so this is where the code is committed so all these developers okay they are going to be achieving the same tags so we use okay git for what we call versioning that is why we are using git so git is used for versioning so we have something like this now look at something please so developers are writing code for our client and they are committing this code okay using it to get let me put slash github so this is what is happening for our client now but look at something if you realize github okay is what if therefore github is what we are using to manage the code for paper to manage the softwares that our developers are writing so we are using okay git to get okay to achieve what we call the different versions of the codes and we use github for for our source code management but now as a devops engineer developers are the one writing the code what is my function my function is to create this repository in github so i am going to create this okay i create a repository where developers can commit their code so once i have done that the question is what would developers be committing so take note let me show you developers will be writing code okay i will represent it as src so developers like code now take note developers are writing code okay now but they for developers to effectively manage their job when they write code they need to test it so they will write code plus what we call test cases so they need to write the test cases or unit test cases thinking about that they write you need test cases so developers are writing code and they are writing unique test cases this is what developers will write now therefore what gets into github is codeplus plus the test cases that developers had written you see that why because if you write code you need to test the code and make sure that it is working as expected so this is what happens in real time so developers write the code and they equally write the test cases so what get into our repository here is the code developers have written plus the test cases but there is something very interesting now look at something when developers write this code for example okay in landmark we are managing what we call java projects so our developers are writing coding java so they can write a code like you know for the for the application we are trying to deploy they have written a code called java now all these developers are committing the code to github and one of the good things about github is that now github gives a platform where these developers can easily collaborate therefore if if developer one was working on this not where he or she ends developer too can just proceed from there therefore github helps you not to be okay not not for that it helps you okay to ensure that you don't repeat the tax that others have done and one other thing that git does is that it have to track the different versions of the port so it helps us for versioning but now look at something please when these developers are writing this quote now the destination of this code is going to our client now this is our client a paper so in paper okay now this application needs to be running in some paper savers you see that it needs to be running their servers and for for this application to run in their savers is very important now look at something the you can now it is only when the application is running in paper save us that we can access it like this now customers can get into their account and do whatever they want to do but look at something very important now in all of this process what are we trying to achieve now in in the server in our customer environment paper we are going to be deploying this top in jboss or tonka taking about that jboss or tomcat savers so this is the application server where the applications is running so we call this you see that application saver app saver technology very important app saver so this application is running in this application server in our client now but look at something one thing you will realize is that for this application to run in this server it cannot run in the way developers have written it so it is going to go through what we call a build process so it needs to be transformed okay in a you know in a form that this server this application server which is running either jboss or tomcat will easily interpret it who easily okay you know display it in this nice fashion when you go to your account like this so how do we achieve that process for us to achieve that process we need to do a bill um doing a bu is going to depend on the kind of project you are managing in landmark we are managing java projects and for you to build a java project you are going to use what we call marvin so we use marvin to do a bill and when we when a build is done that bill is going to generate okay some packages those packages as you will come to realize there are going to be jar packages were packages or year packages now this is for web and enterprise or standalone applications that we are developing so these are the packages that have been created now you can either use marvin some companies use um you see that you can use marvin you can use and okay it all depends but these are the packages that are created therefore we are deploying these packages to our custom to our client but for you to be able to do this build there is one additional tax that developers are going to do now when developers write this code they are going to write what we call a view script you see that they are going to write a script that is going to be used to do the view we call it build script we are going to write a bill script which is very important so developers are going to write build script technology so they write build script in addition to the code they have written you see that in addition to the unique test cases that they wrote so please take note about that so now with the help of the build script develop okay we can do a view using marvin so now a bill has been done this builder has been done it is not possible for us to deploy this build in our application server because this bill cannot be understood and interpreted by our client application savers but take note there is something because we are going to be managing okay applications that are very critical like paper get to do with people's money that is a financial organization what we call fintech you see that this is a fintech client you because when you finish this course you can work for fintech client that is client in the financial industry you see that paper is a fintech client now this fintech client can be a bank insurance company whatever it is so this is a very critical application so what are we going to do now before okay we deploy this application now we are going to make sure that we first of all we back it up so that if something happens okay we can access it so we are going to back this up in another tool called nexus so we are going to be using nexus to backup the artifacts because look at something please what mavi or is going to create here are javis jaguar we also call them artifacts so you can call them packages or we can call them artifacts so these are the artifacts so now what comes into nexus are these artifacts that you see here so we are going to have these artifacts our artifacts are going to be backed up in nexus our customers what are we going to do we first of all create a backup okay so now developers have written the code okay they have pushed or they have committed the coaching development we are going to use marvin to build and when we use mapping we create packages we call those packages artifacts those packages need to be deployed to our customers okay now before we deploy these packages to the customer we create a backup in nexus such that if something goes wrong with okay marvin and marvin is no longer available we know that we can get this stuff where it is backed up in nexus so please take note is important but look at something now before we even upload to nexus there is one additional thing that we need to do we need to do what we call code quality we need to review the job of developers so how are we going to review that we are going to use what we call sonarqueue we are going to be using sonar cube okay now what does sonar cube does it does quad quality it does call quality so in landmark now before our developers even start developing we are going to give them a blue print document where we are going to be telling them that in this project that you are going to be doing you must make sure that okay the quality of your job should be at least 95 percent for example because we are managing okay you know critical applications that get to do with fintech client okay we have client like you know in the health industry you see that we don't want to take any chances so for us to be able to you know deploy this application now we must make sure that the application we have because deploy means you are taking it to the market so if for example it was a vaccine okay now it must go through testing you see that that whatever has been done it must be tested so before we take it to the market before we take it to our customers okay there is one thing we want to achieve now in landmark we have a blueprint document where we have defined okay for example remember what we said here when developers write code they are expected to write unique text cases which implies when they write a code they need to test the code for example now if they write a code where okay developers can you know pay and get paid they need to test it you see that can can somebody actually debate can somebody actually get paid that is what is happening so that is what we are talking about in this process so now you know the the kind of work that we want the quality of tax that i want to accomplish is going to be recorded in this okay document called sonarq which is a saver therefore before we even upload the artifacts to nexus we must have run our quad quality analysis report and we need to be satisfied before we back it up if it is not satisfactory we are going to trash it and in front of other past that the tax you need there is a problem get it fixed but if everything is okay that is when it is now deployed okay to our okay that is when it is deployed to our client but now look at something very important now all of this big and pieces that you have seen now we are going to be able to look at a way that we can put all of this together and we are going to use what we call okay an integrator now we have an integrator an automation tool and this automation tool here is called jenkins so we are going to be using this tool to connect all of this bits and pieces together because if you look at this stuff here you realize that we are you know i mean you know git we are going to commit coding git what are we going to do with marvin we do a build nexus we upload the artifacts you see that upload artifacts okay upload we upload artifacts into nexus this is what is done artifacts are uploaded into nexus but now we need a tool that can connect all of this together and that is where you come in as a devops engineer so we are going to be using jenkins as an integrator and what jenkins does is it does continuous integration and it does continuous deployment so immediately developers commit any code to github this is what jenkins is going to do jenkins is going to pull the code from guitar now look at what jenkins does jenkins is going to pull this code from github well after jenkins pull the code jenkins is going to connect with marvin to do a bill so now this is what jenkins is doing jenkins is connecting with marvin and jenkins is doing the bill now once jenkins connect with marvin so look at something please this is this is step one developers are committing the code to github this is step two jenkins is pulling the code from github as you can see here jenkins is pulling the code from github this is step three jenkins is doing a bill with marvin techno jenkins is doing a b with marvin now once jenkins does a bill okay before the artifacts are saved uh upload that into nexus jenkins is going to connect with this guy called sonar cube to check if this quote that this okay to check if the code okay meet our quality threshold our benchmark when it comes to quality so this is how jenkins is going to achieve that jenkins connect with this guy called sonarq for code quality now if everything is okay this is step four what is jenkins going to do next jenkins will not upload their artifacts into nexus so the next stage is jenkins will upload these artifacts into nexus so the artifacts is going to get to nexus this is what jenkins does and this is step five so in step five the artifacts are going to be uploaded into nexus now look at what happened while these artifacts are uploaded into nexus it means everything is okay that is a time that jenkins is not going to deploy this artifact to our client so it is deployed to the client application savers so this is what is going to happen in real time and now look at something please so jenkins deployed this to our client application savers but now most of the time jenkins will not directly deploy to the client because we are going to have one additional tool which we are going to use for example let me show you something now paper has millions of customers they cannot use one savers for all their customers you have millions of customers so since they have millions of customers paper can have multiple application servers you see that paper is going to be having multiple app savers like you know multiple app savers take notes so paper has multiple app savers these are the different application servers of paper now watch what is happening so we have i'll just take this to me for now now look at something so when paper got this multiple app savers okay the best way for jenkins to do a deployment is that jenkins is going to add one more tool jk is going to okay we are going to have one more tool on our ci cd pipeline and this is going to be ansible or we can use what we call okay we can go for ansible or we can go for open code deploy so these are the options that we have and cebu urban could deploy now we have something like this so whatever artifacts is going to be created it's going to be shipped to ansible and ansible will manage the deployment with the hope of ansible antipeople can deploy this top with one command to even one thousand savers so this is why you are hired you are hired because you know uncivil okay the with the help of ansible you realize what ansible would do ansible comes here and ansible is deploying this application with one command okay to thousands of savers at once because we are using ansible for deployment now this is what is going to happen but look at something your application is running your clients are happy what are you supposed to do are you going to be coming to check every day if this if this application is available and running you won't be able to do that you can't do that that is not practicable so now we need to how do we ensure these applications are up and running how do we ensure that you see that how do we ensure that the applications are up and running we are going to be using a monitoring tool we use monitors it's just like your child is sleeping what do you do you install okay something to be able to you know watch that child what is that monitors you see that so we are going to be able to use okay monitoring tools to achieve that which is very important and now what are the monitoring tools that we can use we are going to see different monitoring tools in this course that we are going to be doing okay but now we have stuff like new relic you can use new relic you can use new relic what else can we use a part of new relic you are going to realize that a part of new relic we can use uh app dynamic okay we can use nudios these are okay monitoring tools and we have this group of monitoring tools that can be used for this purpose we even have more which we are going to be doing in this course but for the purpose of this illustration i will dwell on this to me now what are these two achieving these two is going to be achieving what we call continuous monitoring so it monitors this application savers and make sure that the applications are running you see that it monitors all these application servers to make sure that the applications are what are running it's monitoring the servers you see that it's monitoring the server so this is the purpose of this monitoring tools it monitors our application is the application running okay this is the purpose of the tool that's why we are using monitoring tools like this to monitor the application and if something goes wrong with this application what this monitoring tools does is that okay it is going to alert us immediately that something is wrong so it has an alerting system and with that alerting system we are going to have a support team okay now we are going to have a team that is going to be doing support okay so we have support and ticketing so now so if there is a problem this guy is going to be immediately informed you see that something is wrong there is a problem and the support guys will do what they will create a ticket to get that problem fixed maybe they have to notify okay so support and ticketing which is very important wait a minute what did i do i took out this guy let me come back here what are you supposed to do now so we have we have the sonar cube or code quality something like that so this is our support team so our support team will ensure that okay if something went wrong the you know tickets are issued you see that so tickets are issued and so tickets are going to be issued like for ticket yeah we are going to be using stuff like okay can you service now it's all option that you take note of that we have jira okay now tickets are going to be created and when this ticket are created you see that the members the right team members are going to be contacted so we are going to have ticket generated and the team members that need to be contacted would be fundamentally you know okay developers or our mean team depending on where the problem is so this is the end to end okay devops automation now with this process what are we able to achieve with this process what we're able to achieve is that if you look at the agile approach now we need about 10 working days to be able to develop a feature of our application you see that therefore if we are going to have 10 different spring that is 50 working days 50 weeks so if you take a lot of time now with the with the devops approach you will come to realize that with with the heart of this automated pipeline okay now whenever developers develop a new version of the code and commit it to github immediately that is done okay now a new application is deployed and that can take place in the next two hours so which therefore implies in one day we can even deploy like you know three different versions of the applications whereas with the traditional approach it took a lot of time so this is what develops end-to-end automation is concerned now there is also one thing i want to illustrate to you guys before you know now nowadays we also have micro services so with this micro services how are we going to be deploying this application how are we going to do that now with the hook up with micro services okay deployment is going to take place not via ansible like this or even if we have ansible okay we are going to be deploying this application in a kubernetes cluster that is we are going to now have ansible okay we deploy this application to kubernetes so we are going to have let me check out these guys i'm illustrated so we are going to have a kubernetes cluster like this where okay ansible this deployment is going to be taking place in a kubernetes cluster you see that so now we are going to have kubernetes so kubernetes so we are going to be doing kubernetes and docker in this course very important because nowadays companies are very heavy when it comes to micro services and you are going to come to understand all of that but now this is we see with that we'll still be monitoring the application so with the help of ansible okay we are going to use ansible again to deploy this application to our kubernetes cluster and once it is deployed we need to ensure that it is monitored so this is the scenario where we are managing micro services you see that so this gets to do with micro services let me just micro services application so if you have an application that is running on a microservice architecture this is how we are going to deploy it using kubernetes and docker software no this is what we are going to be covering okay as far as this particular program is concerned so take note is very important this is devops end-to-end automation this is what you needed to have a good understanding you see that so now what are some of the things i should let you guys know we have explained already the traditional approach and all the approaches and we have seen the end-to-end devops automation now the big question is okay when we do these calls people have asked me you know how would the program be run now this program is being gone using we have a lot of projects that we are going to run alongside this program like we have projects like this one our first project is just what we have explained where we have jenkins sonar cube we have nexus which is called sonar type we have marvin we have tomcat so in the course of the class we are going to do projects like this where once developers commit code to github jenkins is going to pull the code marvin is going to do a bill so that you will execute okay quote quality we report we'll upload our artifacts and we'll deploy the bill to tomcat which means you know our you know our clients okay clients can access that particular application please take note is very important so this is one more thing that i want to take specific note and here we have project two we'll see how we can do all of that by deploying it to docker okay and we have project three how we are going to bring in ansible okay and we are going to deploy that with docker so we also have project four you see that the same scenario we have project five so we have about you know seven to ten projects that we are going to do in this course and if you go through this course and do all your projects okay you understand your project you are going to be you know that is you are going to be like someone who have at least five years of it experience because this is what folks are doing at work now this is the syllabus of this program what we are going to be covering from end to end you see that this is what we are going to be able to cover we'll start with linux commands you see that we'll start with okay linux linux is normally the first three weeks so it's going to be 27 hours we have share scripting nine hours github is nine hours okay now we have marvin in our last class i think marvin was like five hours you know tomcat and jay boss also was about four hours so this is how we are going to be able to cover all of this we have sonar cube nexus jenkins in our last last jenkins was 15 hours now we have docker docker is 18 hours we have kubernetes 27 hours so this is what we are going to be able to cover ansible is going to cover 12 hours aws web services 12 hours you see that now we are going to equally do some gcp and we'll look at monitoring how to monitor our app applications and we equally look at terraform infrastructure as a code for 12 hours very important monitoring as well will be like six hours because we have to look at how do you monitor your applications and there is one thing that we do which is very unique to landmark we do interview preparations for all our students to help everybody okay to understand how to confront the interview because we understand that 90 plus of our students are people that are going to be doing i.t for the first time we also hop in resume lines once you have done with the course how should your resume line looks like now we have read live project that is done at work interview questions so this is why you take specific note of as far as this particular course is concerned and this class is going to be running okay there is going to be no class tomorrow the next the next steps will be the first class that is going to be linux is going to be on october 7th which is thursday next week so we have october 7th to february 17th so please take note it's important this is what you should expect as far as this program is concerned so february 7th 2020 2022 or 2021. pg-22 thank you so much for that observation to up to february 17 2021. so this is what we are going to be covering how many phones do you have how many calls oh she got a new phone now actually what time time let me see i think that the time should be psyched let me check now this is the last time once if you have enrolled already okay you should have been sent this information we should have sent this to you okay class 26 onboarding details if you have enrolled you need to have these onboarding details congratulations and thanks for choosing landmark technologies 100 job guarantee devops with aws and linux master program this is the schedule again thank you so much it's 2022 okay now this is a class schedule our next class is going to be on television and it's terrible i'm putting it in the new phone oh my god as you can see here it's thursday 7 p.m est which is new york time now the next class is going to run on saturday you see that 8 a.m to 11 a.m new york time and sundays 3 to 6 p.m now to make your learning easy join the following channels and class groups now join class 26 whatsapp group you need to be in this whatsapp group okay because that's where we are going to be you know be able to discuss as a class and share some other relevant information the next thing you have to do which is very important is you need to install telegram app on your phone and computer and join the class group and our 24 7 devops support updates now we understand that 90 percent of our students are completely new in 1990 for that reason we have a half decks that is running 24 7 which implies at any time okay you can be able to connect as far as all of this is concerned you see that you can connect at any time let me see something uh new participants okay now if you had a class and you were having and that is if you were because now look at something please what is the function of this hub that's here this half decks what does it do if you look at okay if you look at the objects what the hub decks does is that if you have a problem at any time of the day it doesn't matter whether it's at midnight 1 am 3 am or midday whenever you have a problem go to our telegram hub decks you see that just go to the hub desk and telegram somebody will help you because we have made the classes such that okay for example this is the half decks is that yes they have decks if you have any problem just post reporting on these updates and like for example somebody had a problem let me see at 2 34 a.m can you see that he says as regards on a cube now he or she hosts a meeting okay and folks are joining him at that time you see that that is two to two now look at something someone else had what issue at 1 35 a.m this morning okay so whenever you have a problem in the in this right journey post the problem on the hub dance just post up all the hob decks and you will have 500 engineers plus who are ready to help you it's very important and we actually have an a a desk for those that are working already okay just those that are working now once you get done as well you are going to be moved in to that particular platform what that does is that if you were at work and have a problem you can just share it and somebody in that group okay may have had the same experience in his or her own job so with that your problem can be easily resolved so this is what this end-to-end program has been and this is one thing you should take specific note of so it is very very important okay any question another question yes please can i work from home when if i finish the course if i get a job can i work from home that's my the most important thing for me if you get a job so far all our engineers are working and working from 100 okay yes that's that's the most important thing for me yeah because part of the things we teach is cloud computing like i forgot to explain that when you finish this course you have like seven jobs that you can do the first one is a devops engineer the second one is a cloud engineer infrastructure engineer platform engineer site reliability engineer you know so you what you can do you have like seven different jobs that you can do once you go to this particular program okay okay you are welcome let me try to check this oh yes please uh yes i have a quick question so just to make sure so tomorrow there's no class no class tomorrow nothing there's no class actual class is thursday next week because we have to make sure that everybody's environment is set up everybody's is has joined all the groups expected and you know the next class is going to be holding i have a question yes um um anyway it's personal whatever i'm over 60 how does that affect me getting a job it doesn't affect you our older student in the class is close to 70. okay okay thank you you're welcome yes yes i have a questions too i have a question yeah uh i don't have the schedule already or the one you send to everybody i don't have it okay don't worry you just ping me i'm going to share that with you okay now i have a question yes a question yes my question is um yeah how do you if a student miss a class how do they do a catch-up because sometimes schedule can really be crazy not that we don't want to oh we are not giving it priorities but things can happen and you miss a class okay how do you have a catch up okay please i want you guys to give me like some few minutes i'm trying to troubleshoot because this meeting some people are trying to join those are supposed to share testimony i think we have a lot of people out of the class who are unable to join let me just find out what is is uh just give me some few minutes oh and yes we do we are able to have that normally when the class is going on i knew everybody nobody can ask anything and when it's time to ask questions can people just raise up their hands to ask questions instead of multiple people talking at the same time yes we have that uh equally in place we have that in place uh good question hello yes i have a question [Music] is it possible to get a material on what was shared today like the introduction yes you are going to have the video after this class we'll be sharing the video after this class okay all right thank you you're welcome yeah another question sir yes no more i just want to find out what is the minimum qualification because i want to
Channel: Landmark Techologies
Views: 1,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rKWuCZoyeCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 1sec (4681 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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