Devil's Brigade "Black Devils" Honoured

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they were known as the black Devils a joint us-canadian military unit that took part in risky missions during the Second World War they were the world's first Special Forces team and now there's a push to war this elite group of veterans a rare congressional honor here's our Washington bureau chief Eric Sorenson they move carefully now as you'd expect for almost 90 year olds but 70 years ago I wasn't expecting exactly what I got into Jack callow Hill was 19 and Charles Mann was 20 when they signed on for the first Special Operations training in modern warfare welcome to the first Special Service Force their exploits were featured in Hollywood's The Devil's Brigade about Canadian and American recruits in a single command for the first time real story is even better Canadians and Americans Lumberjacks miners already tough outdoorsmen brought together at a secret base in Montana in the second world war they trained hard hand-to-hand combat mountain climbing flame-throwing parachute jumping if you have to break an arm or a leg you were gone because the training was so severe then came real combat they took on missions that no other Allied Force could handle nor would want to chronicled in this new documentary the Special Forces took enormous casualties but for every man they lost they killed 25 they scaled cliffs moved quickly and with faces painted terrorized the enemy leaving their calling cards that said in German the worst is yet to come we left him on their corpses hero one German commander is said to have called them black devils and the name stuck they were so successful they became the forerunner of today's Navy SEALs Green Berets and Canada's jtf2 absolutely is an enormous connection small unit tactics and the the ability to operate in all sorts of terrain and certainly coolness under fire about 230 members of the original black Devils are still alive and there is an effort underway after all this time to honor them here you never failed a mission never this US Senator is trying to pass a law to award the entire unit the Congressional Gold Medal that's it's urgent and a lot of these guys aren't gonna be around forever but their legacy will be not just for new tactics and killing but ultimately for saving lives I was getting the new what I wanted to do settle or Eric Sorenson Global News Washington
Channel: canmildoc
Views: 71,359
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Keywords: war, Devil's Brigade, The Black Devils, 1st Special Service Force, Allied Forces, Army, Commando, Special operations
Id: iAjKfNaf7QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 39sec (159 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 05 2012
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