DevExpress WinForms: Wait Form and Splash Screen Manager

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hello and welcome in this video we will see how to add a devexpress wait form in the project first go to solution explorer right click on the project and add a devexpress item [Music] choose the progress indicator and press add item button now open the wait form [Music] to change the caption and details of the wait form select the description control now click the small arrow here you can write the caption and description of the wait form [Music] after adding the description save the wait form now open the form where you want to show this wait form let's drag a button and label control on the form [Music] [Applause] do [Music] suppose we have a process that is taking some time and we want to show a wait form till the process ends let's add thread.sleep for 8 seconds here so we can test our wait form [Music] to show the wait form splash screen manager is used just drag this control on the form [Music] press this ctrl and open the properties link the wait form with the splash screen manager now open the code file and show and close this wait form [Music] let me change the startup form before running the project let's run the project now [Music] press the button now here we can see our wait form and the wait form will automatically be closed after the 8 seconds do like and subscribe my channel for more informative videos
Channel: Dex Code Lab
Views: 5,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DevExpress, WaitForm, SplashScreenManager, Wait Form, Splash Screen Manager, Visual Studios, c#, Visual Basic, VB, DOTNET, Dot Net, .Net, Loading Form, DevExpress Controls, Win Forms, Desktop Application
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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