DevExpress WinForms Controls: Data Source Configuration Wizard

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in this video I'll show you how to use our data source configuration wizard which helps you easily bind our controls to data I'll use our grid control in this demo the wizard works with most available types of data such as SQL Entity framework XML and many others it automatically creates any required code Snippets so I'd recommend using the wizard compared to binding via the standard mechanism let's walk through the wizard I already have a project open with our grid control on the form you can start the wizard one of two ways either use the control smart tag and click on the data source wizard link or use this icon here on the bottom left the first thing to do here is to choose between the seven different Technologies available for this example I'll choose SQL data connection on the right you'll see a list of data sources available it's empty now so let's add one by clicking on the new data source button I'll mention here that the following pages may be different depending on which technology you've chosen this next box pops up to basically tell us that we can edit the data source later on by using the smart tag click okay and our connection editor wizard appears this helps you choose an existing connection or create a new one I'll choose no so I can specify the parameters myself and then click next here I'll create a new connection first choose a provider in this demo I'll select Microsoft Access 97 then select a database I'm going to locate our sample Northwind database and double click to open it you'll find this database in the dev Express demos installation folder depending on the provider you may need to specify additional settings like authorization credentials click next and here we're asked if we want to save the connection string to the application's configuration file we can also use authentication I'll keep everything as is and click next now we have to create a SQL query if there's any stored procedures available they would show up in this box here I'll need to click run query Builder a designer pops up and here's where we add the specific data we want to show for this demo I'll drag the products table over by checking this box we're selecting all the tables columns available I can then deselect the specific columns I don't need notice on the right that are query updates automatically I can make sure everything is connected by clicking on the preview results button I can also apply a predefined filter here I'll choose to only show products that have a units on order value greater than zero click okay to complete the query designer and then finish to complete the wizard and now we were able to connect our grid to data without writing a single line of code if I run the app you'll see our grid connected to all of the data we specified in the query and that's it thanks for watching and thank you for choosing devb [Music] Express
Channel: DevExpress
Views: 46,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Developer Express, DevExpress, Windows Forms, Binding, Data Binding, Grid, Data grid
Id: YVIdwRrQeF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 18 2015
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