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Channel: Top Ideas
Views: 1,281,217
Rating: 4.4434781 out of 5
Keywords: como fazer uma micro, micro, idea, experiment, hack, life, tutorial, Como, artesanal, ferramentas caseiras, construir, romanursu, Portugues, fazer, como fazer, manualmente, presentes, brinquedos, simplesmente, como fazer mágica simples, caseira, Kitchen Gadgets, Gadgets, Kitchen, gadgets test, food, food life hacks, food hacks, life hacks, kitchen gadgets test, kitchen tricks, food gadgets, kitchen tools, gadget test, food tricks, how to, make
Id: f7g4Aqvn4dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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