Developer Experience Office Hours: Get a peek at what's coming for Developers in OpenShift 4.9

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] good morning good afternoon good evening and welcome to another special edition of the developer experience office hours i am joined by the one and only serena from the future uh how are you doing today serena hey chris i'm doing great how about yourself well a little sleep deprived but you know that's what coffee's for so exactly looking forward to the three-day weekend that red hat's giving us with the recharge day tomorrow which is awesome yeah so i'll be recharging for sure yeah and hoping we can get through this with uh some clusters work and we'll see what happens oh yeah i mean we have spares but we never like using spares right right exactly so you want to talk about the experience the new experience in four nine coming yeah yeah so so pretty funny right because 4 8's just kind of lies but we've got our developer console team has been working hard this quarter and as usual and along with a lot of the operator back teams that are that we're providing interfaces for and i wanted to kind of walk through some of those features um some are integrated into the cluster that i have so we're not at you know ga quality yet right we're still going through testing etc and then other things i was just going to show either designs for some of the screenshots that we have in prs just to give an idea of um what we've got going for people coming into you know for the 409 release which won't be for another quarter or so but still keep everybody interested in what we're doing great so let's see i have one cluster which just started kind of misbehaving so i'm going to try it on this one first and if we find a failure i'm going to move to another um so let's i'm going to talk about a number of different areas so today the first piece i was going to talk about are the new serverless features that we're introducing post 4.8 notice on this cluster i kind of have a banner i added a console notification on the top of the bottom that just says hey this contains post 48 features of course on my backup cluster i don't have that so um we're talking about things from the future on this stream folks yes definitely in the future so one of the cool features that we've got coming is community hamlet support so if i go into my ad page um you know there's a i can go into my developer catalog and in that developer catalog there are event sources and what you see here is the default four event sources that we provide um if you want okay so i'm going to take a step back so in order to see this what we have here we have to have the red hat openshift serverless operator installed which is already pre-installed by me if you want to in four nine if you want to um be able to utilize the cam community camlets what you also have to do is install the camel k operator so i've also done that here so two operators yes so two operators if i go into the developer catalog what you're gonna what i'm gonna be able to see here is this thing called an integration platform and that's the schema um that i'm gonna be able that i need to install in order to see the community cameras and what's going to be really you know what i'm going to cancel out of this one more time because i just want to go back here and show you guys one more time when i go into the event sources right here it's just showing me four so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back into the catalog i'm going to install this integration platform in my namespace so this can be done per namespace and when i do that we'll go back we'll go back into the event source catalog okay and now what you'll see is i've now not only do i have the four default event sources but i've also got 50 community cam community hamlets which are source camelets so if i go over into the camlet catalog which is here i can see there's a number of source and sinks but let's just look for the heck of it i have not tried this because i literally just installed it but i see earthquake source here right so now if i go back to my event source here i saw a chuck norris source too but you know so yeah so you know you can you can kind of create any of these obviously you'd have to have all the requirements ready and stuff in in order to utilize them but what this is really doing is it's in enabling our developers who are creating or building applications to be able to have a lot more event sources available to them now with this community camlet integration so it's pretty cool as i mentioned i said earth so that's why there's only one but yeah so there's 50 of them you know just to take a look through and i'm not going to demo installing one um but just to kind of take a quick look there's bitcoin kind of interesting yeah as you said chuck norris well i'm not sure what that one is yeah periodically get some jokes very nice there you go uh now i'm really wondering what i can build with that i know i know yeah so github source google mail you know i think i think there's slack down here as well telegram twitter wow okay twitter yeah so there's all kinds of great things you can do once you pull this in so um so that's a great new feature i think people are going to be excited about that now the next thing i'm going to do is talk about a little bit of extended or enhanced support that we have for native services i'm going to try to create a canada service right now and if it fails i'm going to have to pop over to the other cluster so um let me just say i'm going to deploy an image the hello openshift one and i'm just going to say make this a serverless deployment i'm going to hit create oh it worked awesome okay sorry because this is uh we just this is stuff from the future so yeah so i wasn't sure if it was gonna work there um but it looks like it works so thanks to jeff if he's listening because he just fixed it for me um okay so when we install the serverless application if i select it you can see on the right hand side right underneath the resources tab we've got pods revisions and routes so i can access this app by clicking on that route right and it's the route that's redefined right so it's that kind of the base default route that we provide but what we're doing now for serverless applications is enabling or supporting domain mapping so if i come to my edit my actions menu and say i want to edit hello openshift what i'll be able to do down here on the bottom and say i see i want to look at those routing options again and now i can add a domain mapping here super easily yeah super easily right so if i want it just to be like uh i could just call it or whatever whatever it happens to be right i can just hit create there it is it sets it for me and now i hit a save of course there's some additional setup you need to do in order for that to actually work right yeah um but i can now click on this object and now since i set that domain mapping you'll see that it's also here as well right so so basically the additional setup would be dns right like just creating a cname yep yeah awesome that's fantastic yeah so the other cool thing that you can so there's a number number of different things you can do here i guess they also have the ability to create a route that's not exposed publicly so it's called a cluster local url so i can also go through that so i'm going to do another ad container image i'm going to use hello world go i don't know if this one works i haven't tried this for a while and instead what i'm going to do this time instead of creating and going back and editing i'm just going to uncheck this box no route so what that's going to do is it's going to give me a route on my cluster so cluster local as they may say so when i hit create this is going to take a minute for this to come up but i should still be able to come here and i can see in that url that it's set to cluster local nice that route right so you also then do have the ability to come in here and set a domain mapping from this one as well um so wanted to kind of walk through those two so i think that you know those things uh the k-native upstream is is doing a lot of work in this area and we are you know um as they're continuing to do that work then we bring that into openshift serverless we're going to be continuing to to increase the amount of features that we provide in through the console so a lot of this stuff is already available if you go in and you're editing yaml or whatever but like i mentioned you know we're just trying to make sure that we create this uh these easier experiences through the console today so that was a that's kind of a nice one that's going to be in four nine question and chat here okay what is under the hood of the domain mapping i'm assuming the load balancer that's a good question ingress is part of that but the route itself is set up by the load balancer if i remember correctly i think i have i brought the link with me just in case some questions were asked that i did not know and i'm wondering if we'd be able to uh take a look at this here and we can maybe even stick that in the chats i'm not sure that this is let me find this let me get the link and else to get in the chat as well chris maybe you can take a peruse through and see if that might we'll do yeah i don't want to give you any information um because i would have to read to find out that detail and i'm not sure how quickly we can find that oh so hmm if you're using sdo it creates the seo gateway but that's yeah ingress router you guys are okay and actually it's standing up that hello world example in the docs here so or hello i should say yeah open shift okay okay um so yeah good to know uh awesome great question thank you for it all right uh so the next piece around serverless there's a couple other small things that are going to be done here so in geez i think it might have been in four seven what we did was we could even have n46 that we enabled visualizing channels and brokers in the ui and we had even had a form-based channel creation but we did not for broker so the so if you go to the ad page in four nine what you'll see is a broker item that will be available that you're just going to be able to create a broker through the cons you know through a form rather than having to do it through yaml this is um currently just supporting kind broker so it's only one type of broker that we're supporting through the creation format and when you create that there's a you know a unique visualization here um and then you can create your tree your add your triggers and connect those to your k native service um and add filters and values as needed but that feature has always kind of been here in the well next in sales the last couple of releases it's been in the console we're just exposing a form driven experience for that creation of the broker which is nice um the other thing that's going to be changed on the ad page for serverless stuff is today in 4 8 we have a serverless card and we also have event sources that are under the developer catalog in four nine what we're going to do is actually rename serverless to eventing and we'll have event source channel and broker all under that so as the operator is installed you get a single card that shows all the stuff that's eventing related in there which makes a lot of a lot of sense that's just kind of a little bit of a usability um enhancement there so moving on to another area that we're making changes is in is monitoring so if you guys notice in our navigation underneath topology instead of monitoring we have renamed it to be called observe nice i like this so yeah so we're trying to you know because as we're moving to a we have plans for in continuing to enhance our observability story so um over the next you know number of releases i'm sure you'll see additional uh things or features enabled here that will help with that story um but the first one is making that called observe in topology when you select an item actually we don't have it let me just put a regular deployment config right now we don't support that feature for serverless applications so if i select just a regular deployment you'll see that this tab here is called observe it used to be called monitoring there is a link that says view monitoring dashboard that's also going to get changed to view observe dashboard that's really not that exciting it's literally just the uh it's just the name but the other thing i do want to show you is the pr so hold on for one second i am going to pull up that pr for you guys because the pr is not merged yet i was kind of hoping that that was going to happen before our our demo occurred today but it did not but one of the exciting things is and this is a screenshot from the pr is let me go back to what we have today again i'm sorry uh if i go to observe we only have a single dashboard today what we're doing in 409 is we're going to have four dashboards so there will be a dashboard selector so this is one of the screenshots i'm just going to go back and pull over the other screenshot um this is an animated gif whoops maybe not as big as i might want it to be can i increase that let's see yeah we go so yeah there's a there's a workload dashboard there's a pod dashboard where you can do it in context and this is a little blurry because i had to increase that so sorry about that but we now have four of the dashboards um so if somebody went into the let's see am i logged in as admin here i might be so you know in the administrator dashboard it might take me a few minutes to figure out where that is over here or maybe i'm not oh you know what i am not admin yeah i'm not admin there i'm not seeing the tabs i would normally expect let's see here we go here we go dashboards so you know on that administrator side for administrators we have all kinds of dashboards much more what we're doing in four nine is we're just exposing four of those on the dev side we're also talking about having thinking about a mechanism where as people add dashboards here they might be able to tag them to show up for developers that would be post 49 but that's something for for example the k-native team has been talking about this that they want to really be able to enable their serverless applications to have additional dashboard you know monitoring and observability use cases fulfilled so that's something that we're looking further down the road after four nine um but this is we're hoping that this kind of sets the stage for that which will be nice yeah i'll say yeah okay so i'm gonna go back to my test cluster all right so the next piece that i have is around pipelines um now again for pipelines most people do know this but you need to have the open shift pipelines operator installed in order to have the pipelines items show up in the in the navigation on either developer or admin side but what we've done is made some major improvements inside the pipeline builder [Music] for people i don't know if people had done this previously when we did add tasks what we did was just showed a drop down of the available tasks just with the the name so if you didn't know right what that task name did you were in the dark so the first thing that we've kind of done is add the search capability so i can just type in let's just say uh maybe okay let's see yeah so i'll type in git so now this shows me all of the available tasks to me not only so it shows me some tags and some labels here so i can see this is a red hat community one this is actually from red hat um but it also shows me that little description on the right hand side right which so enables you to really be able to to know what you're doing without having to get out of the workflow to be able to know what time task you're adding um so that's one really nice piece the second piece which hasn't been merged yet is so what i'm showing you right now is it's just showing you the tasks that are in the current name space as well as the cluster tasks but what we're also going to be doing in four nine is we're going to be integrating tecton hub so all of these tasks that you see here in tecton hub when i say times task all of these will be available to you when you're creating pipelines from our pipeline builder in nine so we'll see those all in this um the same search dialogue so pretty cool because i i don't know the number of these because it's not showing me the number but it is going to expand the capability right off the bat for you if you want to use something from the community immediately right um so pretty cool and then so again so this is again talking for the future that will be in four nine this is um something that we have kind of like i mentioned there's prs up for these post four nine what we're talking about doing is the pipelines team has already started talking about having the capability of having your own local techton hub so um i have my own curated set of tasks on my own cluster right and so post 49 we would also integrate integrate that capability once we have that api we would be able to hook that into this workflow as well i know there's a number of customers who are have been asking about that so just kind of mentioning that as that's something that we will be looking at post 49 as well so yeah so that's pretty cool uh let's see what else have we done for pipelines the other thing i guess what what we are doing is we're going to be supporting pipelines as code this is another one that i'm going to have to show you the pr so give me one second here i'm going to copy the link and pull us over here and [Music] so today so again this is a screenshot of a pr that's up for review um today in for eight what we do is we only show pipelines in the ui if they have a pipelines resource associated with them what pipelines as code is doing is enabling us to look at a git repo and find pipeline definitions in that git repo which are considered pipeline as code um so this is like source of truth right that pipeline is code is now in git we are able to run those pipelines and then i'm going to show you another so as that pipeline is run you would still be able to see you would still be able to see the pipeline runs associated with it like you do today it's just that rather than creating pipelines through a kubernetes resource you're actually having it look at your git repo and your pipeline definitions right from your git repo which again is another thing that's been asked by quite a number of customers so this is something this is a dev preview feature for console that would be released in four nine so i think this will also um make people excited you know whether your pipe tecton pipelines user how getting more closer towards get offs etc right so those are the two main areas um in pipelines that we are uh are working on speaking of get ops that's yes three o'clock get ups guide to the galaxy will be on the channel so please feel free to tune in for that who who hosts that with you is that chris uh christian christian yeah all right mr get out of himself yeah there you go awesome um another thing that we're working on is user settings which is kind of interesting so today you know we have the ability ability to kind of remember settings right so let's see if i leave uh let's see if i get out of i'm gonna just show example if i get out of openshift when i'm in the administrator perspective hypothetically it's going to remember that and if i come back in here and come in let's hope yeah still an administrative perspective so now what we're doing is we're just starting to expose some of the user settings um in a nf form form based flow and give me one second because this is again something i'm going to have to look at um in the pr so what we're going to be doing is just some small things initially um see [Music] we're going to be exposing just a couple of the items that i'll show you here and again this is just a screenshot from the pr um [Music] you'll get it from the user menu there will be a settings item and then that was not the right one hold on [Laughter] which pr am i okay yeah either either the pia i went to the wrong one or the copy and pasted now one of the two let's see hold on nothing can ever be easy here let's see go here again 5939 copy and paste there we go okay so here we go so for now what we're going to be doing is um having general settings the first pr is just says general settings so what's my perspective it can either be set to whatever last viewed which is what it is today right whatever you leave as it return returns to when you come back in or you can always have it come in as admin or always come in as dev um also setting a default project we'll be able to do that through here as well as topology so i think people know for the most part in our topology view today we kind of have two different versions of it um interesting here what happened to my okay we've got kind of like this graphical view and then we also have this list view so that's that other setting is allowing you to again you can say last viewed or you can say graph or list so again these are some you know small user experience or usability issues uh or enhancements that we're trying to pull in um to get people a little excited about uh kind of the usability story another one that we have in the backlog which i know we've talked about here before and i'd still i would love to hear from users tweet tweet at me at serena marie125 if it's if it's something that you guys are interested in is the dark mode right we've been talking about this one for quite a long time and how important or not important it is to developers or users using a console um you know that's a good question and i'll drop your twitter and chat that would be great serena marie 125 yes exactly um i know it's not something that makes you want to purchase or not purchase something but sometimes it just makes the you know your experience that much better or not depends depends on the people but i'd love to get some feedback if people are um passionate about it one way or the other so serena is out there on the interwebs yeah awesome thank you so something that we had done in 4.8 was we enabled you know the the form-based edits for deployment configs and deployments so that is something we are also going to be doing for our build configs that's not available in a pr yet so i can't show you that but that's another thing that we've kind of got um coming up and another big feature that we've got in the works but don't have anything to show at the moment is being able to export your application so what we're going to have is a new button here that just says export app and what it's going to do is um give you a tar file with emails of everything that you have in your current um in your current namespace and what that will allow you to do is share it with others right or or the other thing you could do right is change your name space come here into my import uh import yaml you can drag in multiple yaml files at a time one spot right recreate but what this is really doing is setting us up for that capability of when you're integrated with get ops being able to export and put up a pr or shut my sync off for a second i'm going to do some changes in the console and then i want things to automatically resync um but those are things that we've kind of gotten that outer loop backlog of where we want to go and and are working on some of those supporting features to go forward that's awesome yeah i mean like you know just from a ghetto's perspective that's how i would want to check things in as opposed to going through each object and getting the ammo and saving it as its own special name and everything like just give me that target let me check that you know and as you know i see fit you know review it you know modify it if need be check it in that's going to be an awesome feature i can't wait for you yeah it's really cool um and it's been you we'll probably once we have that ready i think we'll come on and we'll demo that what that looks like today and also give credit to the teams that um have been working on it because we've got some some some people on the cto office we've got some people in the migration toolkit office who are doing kind of that back end work for us as well and it's been a really nice collaborative um project that we're working on and like i said dev preview initially but then we continue to see that kind of like really working um and providing some great capabilities for like for the get a ops mentality going forward yeah no longer can it be throw it over the wall or it works on my machine like it works on our cluster right right right you can't get much better proof than that yes yep exactly so i know it's only 30 minutes in but that's kind of what we have today that i can even give you the demos of um and talk through um but i'd love to have like i mentioned i'm glad you gave put my uh handle twitter handle out there anybody interested in learning more about any of these features or feedback please free to always dm me or just tweet um we're always looking to get feedback also of anything that you might have in your mind that we don't currently do and want to give me some feedback bad good indifferent doesn't matter right so you brought up dark mode and it's almost like well everyone else has done it we should probably add it at this point you know it's like one of those things where it's like never saw that becoming a thing but okay right it is yeah it's in my os now so yeah i know the thing that was funny to me was that one slot got it i heard everybody sl you know in the slack channel like oh did you see the dark mode right so like people are certain people are really um excited about that i guess you know it's easier on the eyes for some yeah sometimes people like to change the mode too based on if it's light or dark out yeah yeah i do wish it was more granular and could like follow the sun better right like i know there's the you know whole thing for like after dark like i want it to happen all day long light mode in the morning to wake me up and then by about four o'clock switch me back to dark kind of deal and you know i'm sure i could trigger that somehow but i wanted to happen universally right right yeah that would be that would be a fancy feature but we just need to start with it right right so i know our pattern fly team has been working on uh on a poc on how that would look from a pattern fly or design system perspective and we even started like a an initial poc for openshift around it but haven't determined if if or slash one that will make our our roadmap so um so yeah the more people we hear about it the better off it will be so definitely let us know um i think the other thing we kind of touched upon a little bit earlier was around that observability story so you know like uh another thing observability is just a hot thing right now um yes one of the many hot things right now right like getting better telemetry out of your apps so you can make better decisions with your infrastructure that whole a cost savings experience that you can get from it and then b performance knowledge right like you know how your app is going to perform the more you can plug into it that's kind of key yeah the key part of the favorability is tracing and monitoring and you know logs and everything else exactly yep and you know our topology view today we're not showing like some of the we have on our backlog being able to show some of them the traffic information but we're not doing that today um we have we are talking with a pm that's associated with tracing on how do we pull that in for an integrated observability story we're also talking to the the team that used to what was it it used to be java mission control i think it was called before where they create recordings now they are creating a an operator that's called cryostat where it allows you to create some recordings so you can see some some data around your java applications that's something that we're hoping to provide an operator for that would extend the ui from a monitoring perspective or observability perspective post 4 9. so we're working with them as well but we also have a number of we're starting to try to get a number of workshops of um customer empathy workshops around monitoring and observability we're trying to do them for both the admin space as well as for the developer persona so again if that's something that you're interested in please let me know i'll probably even tweet about that so um i know our ux team is i think they said that in september time frame we're thinking of starting some of those up so it would be great because what we're looking for is customers from different companies you know obviously if you have four or five in the same company that's great as well i love to hear the voice from many different um developers from different companies different companies groups exactly exactly yeah yeah the more info the better off we are the better solution we can build for sure so lots of opportunities to kind of influence the roadmap i'd say yeah and give and give your perspectives so wonderful well thank you for coming on serena i yeah all of this it's always so cool to see what y'all are up to in the future there so thank you again for tuning in and thank you for coming on serena and we'll catch up next time definitely kudos to the dev console team and everybody who's worked hard on all this and uh thanks all for joining or watching later on yeah thank you so much see you guys soon stay safe out there [Music] you
Channel: OpenShift
Views: 279
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: piTPv8_E0ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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