Dev Saturday (Godot, Android, Dragonbones) 1/2

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[Music] so [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] hello hello uh let's do this scene all right so i'm trying something new today because i don't really have much um much uh content because i have a bunch of random stuff i need i've been needing to get done but um i just haven't had time so uh yeah hi chris um hopefully chris is okay i'm i'm lazy with names uh man calculus i haven't done that forever i'm sure i'll get to it eventually but if you have anything to share i'd love to look at it at some point because yeah so um the the first thing uh that i've been meaning to do if you look here um if you go to my dragonbone website uh it expired my wix subscriptions expired and i didn't really feel like paying the money for it so i'm gonna be creating new binaries and um and putting them on and then redirecting the the the domain to it so i'll start with that um hopefully my this one's not what i want hopefully i can connect my server i got to figure out what my server's ip address is so oh i should probably switch to here yeah that's better okay so where are my devices connected devices is that here no here nope nope probably in basic then all right connected devices there we go uh this is probably it hosted our server there we go um actually i'm actually curious now i think i can i think i added that route oh i did sweet um okay so what do i need to do here um do i have a chat box on this one no we're not a chat box this screen just so i can add source checkbox all right this chat box can go here i'll probably be fine okay so i've got this now what i need to do um go to my github and i'm doing good dragon bones [Music] so from here what i need to do is i need to make sure it builds with the new go dot uh build because i want to bring it up to three three three i think is the latest one uh [Music] something like that no [Music] good no end in good deal okay so um yeah the recent release of three three what's the tags um three three three stable so this is where we want to go so i think it's in source let's get check out um 3.3.3 that's a stable [Music] oh i should probably get full can i make this can i zoom in on this at all doesn't look like it properties again let's make it let's make it a little bit bigger for the stream okay um cool so i'm unstable now cd modules cd could build dragon bones and get full i think i'm i guess i made some changes what were the recent changes uh this oh this comment was breaking android build i guess i haven't i haven't done anything with this in a while updated android build process okay so hopefully um hopefully this will just work so uh build all right i actually have a docker file here where i can do version 3.3 up three right and that's going to i think check out 3.3.3 stable adobe version yeah so let's just make sure that command is actually same hit checkout slash 3.3.3 dash stable okay yeah that worked so cd modules um [Music] we go dragon bone build and i don't rocker file so we want the master branch of good old dragon bones uh this is going to be bumped to three three five one um so let's get dough dragon bones branch dragon bones version [Music] version next one so that's the only place it's used here it's probably in container build script then version bill dragon bones version there we go and that's creating version names let me see if i just want to make sure that i'm not updated docker file updating version container build script in here i think this is gonna have to be manual uh line 129. there it is three three [Music] oh i think yeah three three five one let me need that and [Music] not build.version.5 three three oops all right one i should document this at some point uh i did this one i did this one and i did this one okay so the version's updated good um so let's let's make sure oh i don't i don't want any of these i know god get ignored so i want to just do any of these files that [Music] star got this that's better hit add git commit updating 2 3 3 3 stable okay now let's just check that commit to make sure it makes sense uh three three three stable three three five one good all right i think that's good now i think we can kick off the build script that take the build script takes a while so we're gonna move on to the next task while we're while this is going but we'll have uh leave this running in the background so uh link script um build sh is what i want to do right [Music] right um [Music] i got that looks okay um [Music] see the dragon bones there and let's just remove everything in here permission denied all right because it's darker volume [Music] okay that's fine see the engine [Music] i think this is my password yeah okay yeah this uh this is a windows sub system for linux so um what what this is i've i've got um i've got a second computer next to me that's connected over my network which is actually i use it as a build server for when i'm doing long builds like this and i'm ssh into that box to be able to just run the build scripts when i'm actually doing development i actually just do it directly on on this machine it just um yeah and i just use the windows subsystem to ssh in because i don't like personally don't like the this command prompt nonsense so let's clean the last directory [Music] but yeah i i had it working for um i think i think i had the the visual studio code working with the windows subsystem linux subsystem but i don't know i didn't like it very much it seemed like too much work so i actually if i need to work in linux i have i would either use a vm or as what i'm doing now i actually have a separate hard drive with a different os installed that i boot into when i need to um that's mostly for work at this point but yeah so uh where was i uh building that's where we're at oh hopefully i'm just gonna run a sane build here so i gotta remember what the command was bull uh build goodwill and then x so just just to make sure i'm gonna run this once to make sure that it actually builds and if it builds then we will um damn it i hate this i hate the windows terminal uh there okay and if it builds we know that the docker container should be okay and we will just cook it off hello losado yeah so uh i if you're just joining i'm currently just updating some good old dragon bones binaries updating to three three uh three stable also if there's any issues with the sound quality let me know i think i got the levels about right and i think the filter is removing the sound from my really loud server next to me oh and if you don't have one of these cups with a battery inside to keep your tea warm i would get one they're great oh so with that doing that let's look at our itch page uh so yeah these are really old so this is going to be where the i'm going to be keeping the binaries uh coming up because it'll be uh it's free to keep here um yeah so i'm going to be directing people here don't think i need to do much i would need to update my domain to point here but we'll do that uh yeah i might as well do that now while the other thing's building let's keep an eye on it though uh [Music] so where am i putting this i need to i think it's dns here domain forward so let's take this domain forward manage uh edit forwarding let's put it here all right cool that's better okay so that's that that domain is pointing to the right spot now these are just warnings so i'll be fine cool that's good yeah sometimes uh this my mic is too sensitive because it's uh i actually i got this in vietnam for pretty cheap oh god that that's probably annoying i won't do that again 33 percent okay all right so that's uh that's a temporary redirect i don't know can i make it a permanent redirect it doesn't matter i don't care what what the code is all right um so that's compiling what else did we need to do while this is happening we need i'll make this smaller it looks like it's gonna work okay it's i think it's gotten past the dragon bones part which is the only issue i'm really concerned about um what did i need to do though let me write down what i meant to do today i i left in in somewhere but so whether it's the godot dragon bones stuff so binaries and templates and domain that's one thing that's mostly gonna be taken care of i've got the i've got a bug i believe uh let me check my comments apparently there was a bug on the leaderboard video leaderboards leaderboards achievements um i think it was leaderboards uh great tutorial that's not it not it not it nope that's not it uh there's this one uh this is actually an enhancement which is uh going to be useful so let's not use notepad because let's just open this all right so we got this issue um where we should be returning the leaderboard id as well leaderboard and there was a bug too i'm pretty sure yeah here and retrieve leaderboard id doesn't return the current user's score this is actually a bug that needs to be fixed which uh it's actually my own fault i should have tested it better tried to test it with two users but i ran into a problem and i was running out of time so all right so retrieve leaderboard school [Music] fix up for good on google play it's very easy to set up i can tell you what what'd you fix like which part did you fix um okay so that's gonna be what i do for leaderboards um so let's go back to notepad and grab the first thing first task first task second task and the last one is mostly for solo slime stuff there was a bug um bug when starting restarting i think it was on the ground and then i wanted to see uh released up i think that's the main things i had on my mind today oh yeah the the people the error code 4 thing what i've been hearing is that we need that people have been needing to put uh web token inside there so uh let's let's go here so let's open this so i don't know why because i don't maybe i did and i don't remember doing it but in my admob google play in the init start services yeah see in in it i've been told that people have had to put a web web token inside here you don't have to fill out anything of sha 1 when it comes to credentials don't have to put anything about scopes either at okay don't need to put anything without scopes either app description or icon on our website okay so the the stuff that i was doing was mostly if i for release steps if you want to release it i guess um i feel like you want to kind of credentials i see that's weird maybe you need to oh you know what maybe maybe it worked for me because the website i put in was authenticated as the website of my account and maybe if they were putting garbage inside or fake websites or something it wouldn't work um i don't know yeah so i'll take a look at that why is this chat box not working anyway you guys should be seeing a chat box oh yeah this okay it's just delayed can i turn off the delay oh weird okay so it just doesn't stay up very long okay cool so um i'll look i'll definitely look into that the next android project when i look into in-app purchases i was gonna set up a new project and make a new new game type stuff probably do a game jam use that game jam to do in-app purchases and set up google play services um i'll i'll keep that in mind when i when i go to do that yeah i i i did know that that when for leaderboards if you publish it you can't delete it but um i usually keep it in draft mode for the most part i think i might hit publish by accident um anyways uh what's this this is oops this is going good um all right so let's if i still have android studio on here i do good so now you guys get to see kind of how i and how i got no error code anymore don't press review and publish if app is not released also weird okay okay i'll have to think i'll i'll definitely look into that because yeah i know for the most part i was when i made the first video ages ago i was literally just guessing everything was the first my first try so um i managed to get it to work uh consistently i had recreated the process i'd done the project a couple times before making the video but um it worked for me and it seemed to work mostly for people until 3-3 came along and um which broke the plug-in and also the auto review and publish it when it gets released interesting okay are you done loading yet why are you taking forever oh it's just doing that is first thing i should do is check to see if it's up to date yeah it's up to date okay so the first thing i wanted to fix was uh we'll fix the retrieve leaderboard score after but first we want to say on leaderboard board score retrieve can't write down we have to do trial and error right yeah yeah i noticed that the google documentation is awful it looks like they've made it once when they first made the product and then they never went back to it but that's you know i having worked in tech that's generally how it happens because we hate writing documentation it's the worst so uh retrieve leaderboard score um so we want this to return a leaderboard id so we want it to basically use a leaderboard meter board id ring like that uh and again we'll probably put a leaderboard id in the [Music] in here so that's gonna be what it looks like now i think i need to go into leaderboards controller listener on current leaderboard score loaded score.json okay let me let me go to my repository to see okay so this worked let's uh let's uh let's kick off the full build which will take a while but i'm i'm more than happy to have a thousand messages messages are great um i can't you guys have helped more people than i've probably helped um with this google play stuff uh because you guys hit a bunch of errors i never hit and i don't have time to go try and recreate all the errors all the time so um right so and now that that'll run for like three hours but what wait what's this docker file first line error no stop stop stop it too many commands i got to make that file better uh so nano what was here the error was docker line okay all right i guess that video's got quite a few few views at this point uh parse airline 76 unknown instruction deep oh oh 76 uh line 76 okay so what's what's happening here what oh apparently that's probably better there we go that looks that looks better that looks much better okay let's put that back there uh i was checking uh this is okay i was checking this see what i did uh add ability to get player high score and rank play services gadot kt which returned to string so i think i need to oops retrieve leaderboard score this is in the game services kt ktkt play game services kt where is that when when you do too many things and you just can't keep track of everything anymore play game services all right this is an intellisense i can just do this play game services kt uh retrieved so we want to return two strings like this and then that's a signal now we want to miss signal name what okay this this is annoying um all right so here this is retrieved and it's going to emit the signal here with score json which is not what we want we want to admit we made a different signal because we want we need a leaderboard id here leaderboard id and then we leave it for about d like this right that looks right and then we also want to do this for the id okay so that should why is this overrides nothing okay that's okay because now we just need to find that function this is fine uh leaderboardslistener so i was in the roughly right spot there leaderboards listener leaderboard id string and leaderboard id string now that should solve this issue yes that's good this is good controller retrieve leaderboard score i'm big i never actually tried to mine all the people how do you protest i guess i need i need that um so the first how do i approach people's code it's kind of kind of weird it's kind of something that you get used to but let's let's just go and get up and see maybe i could see if i can find something oh this is crap um is there browse features explore there we go uh entity so usually the the first thing i do like i've actually used entity before um it's actually going to be part of our game engine series but when i approached this the first thing i did was try to find resources so like the readme usually if you're if it's open source or readme is the best way to start um okay this is still going okay um so first thing is you look at for code example um this shows this but you want to be able to integrate it so here integration is usually the first step how do i add it to my code um so this i know it's a c plus c make project so or my project with a cmake project so i'd start here um or uh you sometimes you you get a feel for it so with cmake you know you can all use like the add subdirectory command for almost any cmake package so i kind of just guessed with this one but for the let's say the android plug-in this ptsp let's look back at what this look like so the first thing i think i remember doing in this was uh googling how how android plugins work in godot so like if i do godot and then android uh create android plugin i started with this which gave me the roughly how it works type thing so i built a very simple i went through this example and built a simple one once i knew how to build a very simple version uh i knew how to load the someone else's android plug-in right so once i knew how to load an android plug-in i learned how to build this plug-in and um yeah so i built this plug-in i loaded it into android studio and then what i did is since i had used the plugin myself uh in here i started with uh i started with something i knew so i went with uh like on uh something something that was simple like um like show leaderboard or something like that the first thing i tried to do was figure out how to for example connect into show leaderboard and make it print something when you get there so once you go here you can take this command and you can search the entire project for show leaderboard and anywhere that that shows up you'll start seeing kind of the pattern of where everything is put together so like for show leaderboard you can see that it required something inside this kt file and inside um there was with the leaderboards controller where the where was doing something in leaderboard listener it had an on submit function which was called i believe from inside one of these things i don't remember where it's called but something like that and that's basically how i go about it so like for this one here what i did was i once i figured out where everything kind of was i put a new function in there and just figure out how to pass something very simple so i would have done something like create a new function and it was would just be like on give me a string or something like that right and then i would call that try to call that function from within godot build it put the load the plugin try to get it working and just debug from there uh how does it go export to android from visual studio okay so that is um i'll show you i've been i've actually been looking into that um that is something that i wouldn't even look at at godot itself on how to do that because uh they've got a really big pipeline when you're looking at game engines it's a huge pipeline so uh i've actually been looking into cross-platform development and uh i actually shared it a little bit on my discord so i'm here yeah see i had i got um i got a i got it working on javascript on desktop and on the android simulator and uh i have it in here in this cross engine this one's a cmake project but um it's going to be very similar doing everything else so the the general idea i use sdl um making a mobile game with godot and i'm thinking you [Music] um so uh yes uh okay so just quickly so object like no other um i would say if you're not expecting to do crazy amounts of stuff i would consider the plug-in pretty much production ready there's some there's some stuff that doesn't that are some performance issues if you get too many sprites on screen um but i haven't seen it crash for no reason like um this like this is the project i've used the plug-in through the most and i've never seen this never had an issue with anything not working right so like everything always works and i've never had really had an issue with it but if you want to do um very complicated like it doesn't i don't it doesn't do any batch processing and the dragon bones uh project itself the the people in china who work on dragon bones it's completely dead so you're not to get any updates so there's more stuff that could be done on the plug-in side to give convenience features but there's no more features coming into dragon bones itself yeah um yeah so it going back to the cross engine so the way i got it working was sdl um so the biggest thing is inside here there's this graphics.h checks to different platforms for android it defines tles and m script and it uses gles and then for glad for desktop it's using glad and it binds to different things and looks for function handles and stuff like that um there's a i'll put it in the chat box uh i started looking at this guide here which he actually does he goes through and does all of it but i found it really kind of outdated and hard to follow so uh where's i i'm pretty sure i have no i don't have it open let me sign into chat here that's that's the website that i was following yeah just close that yeah so um that that website was actually really useful for how i did it all so i figured out i looked into sdl i made it differently he he did everything he has a mac so he did everything with a mac setup which didn't translate perfectly and he he relies on scripts more than i i when i then i'd like he's got scripts like absolutely everywhere to do everything so i kind of i changed it a little bit but um that's generally how i figure stuff out is i i find the most basic version of what i'm looking for so when i was looking for android integration i be i think i looked up this setup console app and then jumped to the android piece immediately and then um took that and then remade it in my own way and figured it out from there and it's it's really it's a skill you develop over time um yeah i know sdl is kind of a lifesaver here i i want to figure out how to do it without stl but um the only difference would be without sdl if you're working with um you're gonna have to initialize your own context and work directly with glx and windows windows and stuff like that it's really annoying um how's this doing this is still going so we're fine uh let's get back to adding this stuff so here and also i should mention looking at commits also is another way i figured out how something's done so like if i was looking at adding a feature let's look at um let's just look at good old engine it's something complicated uh branches uh so let's if you look at the commits a lot of times you well see i don't like this commit history very much too many merge pull requests [Music] is there a feature somewhere in here um yeah so like if if for example i wanted to work on audio stuff in godot um i would do something like uh i would just look like audio inside here and just look at the commit history in here so you'll get stuff like um do all audio uh fix theming in the audiobus editor and this is where i would get started i would find something that's roughly connected to where i want to go and um yeah roughly connect to where i want to go and then look into that piece of code figure out which files i'm working in and then see if there's something that i can do that will affect the product directly so that if if you can give yourself a slider to tweak that you can see the output whether it's a console output or or ui output or anything that's the easiest way i find that i gain progress yeah i i just started a new job working on um just this thing i'm working on this pro on the with on this these days and um let's just say their engine is is complicated and uh i've i've picking up the new code bases is quite quite fun new code bases are always kind of fun to look into so uh leaderboards um what's this complaining about retrieve leaderboard score why is this red so it's because it's not calling it needs to pass in the leaderboard id right good and leaderboard id now i think i could be wrong but i think that's all i need to do for that specific issue uh for passing in leaderboard id i don't wanna save how do i strike through what's the shortcut for that i don't know no i would get a job when i don't i personally when i first started working for actual programming companies i got my happiness level just went way up i mean i don't know what you're doing now but if you're not if you're working for like retail like i was the the difference in in work environment by itself will make such a difference in your life that um that even if you're you're you're you're not working on something super interesting it's it's pretty awesome i mean it feels good to be working as a programmer um okay so we want to compile that so i think i can just hit the build button right i think i've i've done everything i need for that so i don't need to do that i've updated this one i don't need to add these because they were already added retrieve leaderboard score that's fine emit signal i fix that um [Music] then just so uh if if you're wondering yeah going outside is good for you too um if you're wondering how like exactly what i had on my resume when i got a job uh it was i think it was literally just this it was just i had this project which was a fairly big project admittedly um [Music] which i had built myself and i also had the dream desk and those were really all that was on my resume when i when i got my job at when i got my job at cisco so um you don't need a lot if you've got a lot of projects that are fairly beefy even if they're not necessarily related if they're beefy and on github you should i honestly i would go out there and just jump in you're not gonna get really good at stuff until you jump into until you have 17 other people telling you why you're doing stuff wrong space app space games etc yeah i i get the whole boring part um that's why it's the main reason why i changed um moved from cisco working on network devices is not not not extremely interesting so is this built all right so this is built let's find let's find it well where did i put the source for that i could probably open and open and show an explorer there we go okay so um where's my build uh app build output arr is this what i want let's let's look at the readme it's probably in here build uh release download build okay build build build uh there's probably it's a good oh engine android plug it's probably in here too uh [Music] short just to run and that's it i've got five big apps that i've made yeah well i mean if you're if you're working for me for yourself and you're making enough money don't don't stop doing that um on okay sleep well uh yeah i i believe you're you're in you're somewhere on the the east of me i believe like over across the ocean right thanks for watching um so the [Music] um maybe i don't like where that that box is can i give the chat box a background a little bit [Music] let's see properties background color oh cool all right let's see okay uh theme boxed always oh no see i i like this always show message box that's what i was looking for um but i would like no it didn't give me a background why didn't it give me a background that's annoying is there an alpha channel that i missed in there it will oh background color is only for preview purposes will not be shown in your stream well that's annoying but there's this one this boxed is twitch what does these look like uh old school i don't mind that one too much europe nice chunky no i like box i think it'll make box will make it easier to read hopefully that works um oh thanks thanks for testing oh yeah that looks better that's much better cool yeah that makes it a lot easier to read not so much with the names but i think if my resolution was bigger on my my preview i would see that a lot better so i think that's good all right thanks for helping and yeah i guess with the box i don't need to show it forever i'll just delay it a little bit more uh we'll keep it up on the screen for a little bit longer though uh maybe like a minute and then it'll disappear okay oh and every time i change settings of course it clears the box that makes sense okay so um what was i doing i was trying to compile i was trying to compile my project does it i don't think i i set anything to remove oh maybe because i i think that there's a setting i can click that says like uh no i didn't i didn't click stream for children so i i don't expect it to remove curse words but maybe there's a setting that i don't know about let's see because honestly i don't care oh maybe maybe i shouldn't show this page it looks like there was some stuff on there um let's see uh toggle time stamps stream settings i don't see any customization live chat live chat replay slow mode redirect no i don't see any settings here to to mute the curse words there's no age restriction settings no i'll look it up after um that's weird when are you finished that's why i said go on google and chose your plugin for my game and made it on monday when they approve it now i'm thinking about how to promote and stuff since i'm alone well um one thing you could do i'd i'm i'm always gonna promote my discord um but if you go to the discord i do have a showcase channel where i encourage people to share whatever they have and uh it seems like people at least check it out every once in a while other than that i don't know i i i don't really do promotion i just kind of turn out content and and hope for the best man okay i got distracted let's let's get let's get this uh let's make sure this is working so what i want to do i want to drink some tea that's what i want to do problem okay all right so i want to build a release version of this um what what's the command i used to know this like it's it's something like gradle whoops like gradle w example release or something no [Music] hey that looked like it might have worked please tell me compile release huh interesting apparently i guess that right let's see what this gave me uh uh build outputs ar yeah there we go we got a release version so let's uh let's go to here where's yeah see like i've got so many projects going on all the time we're solo slime though solo slime i think is this one android plug-ins uh let's just uh make this a backup file in case i screw something up all right so that's good and now let's uh now i need to get a wire to plug this guy in so let's see this is the wire i need yes this firework all right so do uh cancel that allow debugging okay let's build uh version mismatch god damn god dang it i'm in the wrong godot editor uh desktop 331 yeah that my biggest annoyance honestly my biggest annoyance with android projects in godot is every time you change versions you have to like completely rebuild your android project or change something that i don't know where to change but uh let's why don't you close this i don't know i like i i work i work on all sorts of projects every day so on an on so today i i'm i'm working on like i for example i did the dragonbone stuff now i'm doing android stuff uh on a my work day usually i will i'll start working with my work project but i have a side project building that cross platform engine that's actually kind of related to work but i have that that going on i've got um if you look uh here inside it depends how much you can keep track of but um once after a while you kind of get used to being able to jump between code bases where's my all right um it's not in document it's in source i think source so um actually it'll be easier just go here so what i'm currently working on right now i've got the dragonbones engine this cross engine is my own personal thing which i'm doing research on um this is the game engine for the youtube series this is the c plus plus series the network application uh the mud that we're i'm building uh this is the an earlier project with the modules uh no playbr this is the the vr version of the youtube engine it's written it's worse it's not written as well because it was written first and it was kind of like my my my research engine but this actually supports vr it gets it it outputs my my thing yeah i don't i take what other people say really with a grain of salt um from what i've seen some people don't want to do a lot um so they don't want other people to do a lot so like if you're working at a job a lot of times they'll tell you oh don't do that because you're going to make the rest of us look bad and i couldn't really care less i mean i do what i do i mean if you like being if you like doing a lot of stuff do a lot of stuff otherwise you're going to get bored right and once you get bored that's the easiest way for everything to stop you get bored on one project and you get discouraged so you stop working on that project which makes you feel worse which makes you not work on a different project and then you just start like pissing away your time on like playing games and stuff which isn't wrong i play games too but um what's going on in here okay let's keep this open could not install the device why not okay my guess is that the version on here is probably the release version so i just need to uninstall it from my phone probably and then it'll probably be fine okay do it now i'm glad uh i i personally think that i mean as you can probably tell i spend most of my time uh programming just random stuff i like i'm i'm i want to be the best at this kind of stuff or really good at this kind of stuff anyway why can't you install on my device maybe if i change the mode that'll work am i out of memory i doubt i'm out of memory yeah that that's the problem i get it why that's so annoying all right time to do this android uh users local pdf data sdk cd platform tools and then i think it's adb logcat [Music] let's make you bigger too you done yet geez all right all right now what are you complaining about really uh battery change failed receive you saw it okay it literally didn't didn't do anything or might have let's grab go dot on pause what oh did it why is it things activity slow on pause i thought i uninstalled it yeah it's uninstalled i you know what i'm going to restart my phone it's probably something stupid like that while that happens i'm going to drink some tea and look at my output over here so what's it doing now uh which build is it on initial build building target that's x11 so it's building another x11 build it looks like oh yeah um so if you look at my if you look at uh the the new plug-in that i did um so i actually updated that not in the plug-in it was here source uh and my i don't know why i have things in different places i really need to organize myself better but if you go inside here plug-ins it's not in plug-ins it's in because it shouldn't stop it from installing it would just stop it from running um [Music] where is it it's build i think it's in the end it's in one of these ones i think i was looking at it in here yeah i trust the authors it's me um i think it's min sdk is it in this one no build.gradle config.gradle yeah here uh is 21 i is 21 right because usually that what would happen was that that would be the error would be thrown on build not on install um i think this defaults to 18. here i think this defaults to 18 and uh like if you look look on i think i left it as a pinned comment on that old video on the google play services video there's it this one let's open it on here yeah so the main reason i i offload my my long builds to my server is so that um this doesn't isn't taking up a bunch of cpu cycles uh here uh yes it i changed minimum sdk from 18 to 21. my screen's frozen that's not good um here to me here let me do this let me know if you've seen the screen change [Music] to do is it still frozen let me let me just open it up on my phone to take a look [Music] oh uh looks fine on my own now at least uh looking at my phone okay cool cool all right good recovered fantastic all right so let's see it was probably you know opening too many tabs i need i'm planning on buying a a better cpu real soon let's uh go back here oh yeah i got a bunch of errors skip frames detected 37 over the last two minutes yeah i definitely need a new cpu at some point probably just have too much stuff up and honestly um also the the um [Music] audio filtering um that's filtering out the sound of my sent a message one minute yeah i let me see if i can fix the the delay maybe that's something that's on my end too uh oh you know what this is probably stream delay you know what no no that's not stream delay source yeah the stream delay is probably um yeah the stream delay is probably just due to it being kind of ackey uh let me see if i can look that up uh youtube produce stream delay go to youtube studio stream or manage from the stream stream settings under all right so i think i can click this button i don't want to show that screen because i think it has keys on it so uh stream settings okay so um code snipers yeah uh okay so here what i'm gonna do um i'm gonna go offline for a second and i'm gonna restart the stream with um with low latency turned on so uh let me just here uh i found the setting for low latency
Channel: Ozzadar
Views: 101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EBD7Y7hWun8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 9sec (4569 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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