Dev Latest Telugu Full Movie 4K | Karthi | Rakul Preet | Ramya Krishnan | Mango Telugu Cinema

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[phone vibrates] [wind howling] Due to Avalanche, there's been an abnormal incident. You're looking at it right now. This has become a challenge to the rescue team itself. Which was the last camp, you saw Dev? I'm asking about Dev, tell me where is Dev? In the process of searching a 28 years old person Dev Ramalingam from Andhra Pradesh, the rescue team is rushing on a helicopter. [chopper whirring] Copy! Copy! Not able to proceed cause of a troubled line. -What happened? -Sir, we can't go further. Alpha, returning back to base. [avalanche] [wind howling] Meghna! [door knocks] Samosa! Hey, open the door man! It's getting late for the show open the door. -Ah... I'm coming! -What are you doing man? -Hey, everyone is waiting for you. -Nisha is Vicky read yet? He just opened the door, I'll come in 1 minute. It's not an issue if he goes to abroad. But, how it would be if he visits the homeland as a tourist? -What do you say? -Hey! -We can't ask an extra sheet in passport -Enough of practice, people are waiting. Come fast, we have to go. I asked for an apple juice, where's it? -What did you ask? -Apple juice! -That's a bit too much now, come on! [groans] [applause] [cheering] Woohoo! Greetings! You must be really worn out working throughout the weekdays just to have a good laugh during the weekend, a very happy evening... very happy evening to all the humble souls who've bought tickets to this show. This is Vicky Word Magic! [applause] Among us everyone would be divided by wealth, caste and religion etc., But only one emotion takes everyone to one place. What's that emotion? Indian! Indian, uh? Huh! I think he use to watch the films of Arjun since he started wearing half trousers. The one and only emotion that unties youngsters in our country is... Engineering! Woohoo! [applaud, cheering] Watching the people applause here, I should ask this question for sure, Is there anyone who has not studied engineering? Brother! Damn you! I am searching for a person like you man, My jewel and gem. What did you even pursue, if not engineering? -Hotel Management! -Hotel Management, ah? So a job while you are studying, and Rs. 10,000 salary have you fallen for that? You are great buddy! While I was thinking about the topic for today, GST and Petrol price what's the use? Would our lifestyle changes if we discuss about them? Or am I going to become a Chief Minister? So, today I'm going to tell you a short story. A story about a person, who I never wished to meet in life. His name is, Dev Ramalingam! We both met him for the first time at a very strangely. He's a very unique person. Everyone cries to go to the school for the first time right? But he came in smiling and wiped our tears. When we thought becoming his friends, we came to know three of our birthdays were on the same date. Obviously, we became best friends. Do you know what he says, if we ask to copy his homework? Yes I am your friend, but I'll not show. Homework should be done on your own. It's not something you can copy. -Oh, you! -Get lost! Before we've decided not to meet him... he had done something who would never have expected and impressed us. -Hey, you have done your homework right? -You have done your homework right? Yes, I've finished the homework for my sake. And got chucked out for you. Actually, who is he? Ok, let it be. It's always fun being around him. She's escaping as she is a girl. But I get trapped because of his heroic antics. -Yea! -Yea! [whistle] What's this madam? Your daughter isn't doing her homework, don't you take care of it? Sorry sir, now onwards I'll make her do. I can understand your problem Menaka. It's hard to run the family without a partner. -My intention is... -Sir! If it's men, we are there for her. -What do you say, mom? -He trapped me! Why do you make satire dialogues infront of master man? It's ok, even if we don't make a good name infront of master in school. But we shouldn't get a bad name. Master use to punish me daily because of him. I got to know a truth that day. Cat and Tiger may look the same when they're young. But the issue lies when they grow up. NCC, SCOUT, running, trekking, he used to make me do all these which are use to burn fat. I thought I'll get rid of him after school. But he ended up in the same department in college. I grew up being Dev's friend, and lost my identity. Many people were not even aware of my name. They used to troll me saying 'Topper's friend joker'. I think of dying. Finally thought to get rid of by doing a job. Unfortunately I did engineering, who would give me a job? Three years passed just searching for a job. But he used to do adventures, photography etc, to earn money. But I used to listen my dad's scolding as I din't even know how to mix Samosa flour. Then one fine day what happened was... God had mercy on me and sent an MBA application to study in abroad. Dad, there is no diabetic disease abroad. They will grant us loan for opening a franchise, if I pursue MBA there. -Really? -Yeh! Anyhow, for the first time, I've managed to escape from him. Mr. Venkatesh Paramahamsa, my name was announced on the last call for boarding. But when I arrived there... I was shell-shocked! Huh! The person from whom I was running, he came there and received me yelling 'Surprise!'. [applause] It was him who sent that application. When I heard that, I realized there's a reaction in between laughing and crying. [applause] That means you don't like him. Excuse me, I like him a lot. -I can't live without him. -Then what's the issue between you both? I'll tell, brother. Why do you hurry? I've just begun to narrate the story. On the day of the completion of our final exam. I was drunk and sleeping happily, -where are you taking me dude? -Surprise! I cannot bear your surprise anymore. More how much distance man? Hey, count from 10 to 1... it'll come. Er... one! Damn! Count in reverse. 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1! Hey, my eyes are paining dude. [laughing] Happy birthday, dude! -Happy birthday, buddy! -Happy birthday, buddy! -Happy birthday! -Happy birthday, Nisha! -Aye... -Enjoy! [groans] Buddy, I don't have guts to do it... you push me over. [chuckles] Get lost! [shouts] Hey! Get up, dude. Isn't it exciting? Hey, from today onwards our relation is been cut. Get lost from here! [chuckles] Don't laugh! Hey! They say there are bears here. Come on, let's go. They are much better than you. It's better to live with them rather than you. -For God sake, get lost from here. -Hey... -There's much more to do, come on. -Hey, Samosa! Get up man. To collect water and sand wherever he goes to, I've been enduring tears. -Bad rhyming! -Bonjour! Bonjour! What did you say, food? Oh, wow! My birthday gift has arrived. It's time to impress her. I'm a Complan Boy! [grunts] -262! -Keep it up. -263... -Hello! -295 -Do you have water? -Yes! -Hey Samosa, it's embarrassing. -Don't shame us! -Get lost! -Thank you! -Hey! -What does she want? -She is asking water. Was she asking for water all this while? Nope! She's asking for a lift too. -Ah? -Mmm... Mr. Perfect must've denied, didn't he? -Pretty much... -Mmmm! Who is he to refuse? I've decided already. -You'll get trapped in 'MeToo' dude. -Hello, baby! I'll take you, please wait. [laughs] Ask him to start the vehicle. -Ah? -She will come with me. Hey! He told that everything is finished few moments ago. And now he's asking me to drive the vehicle. She came to us trusting on me, pity she don't even have clothes to change. Do want me to leave her here? Ask him to take her with us politely. It's alright let her come. [chuckles] -Come on then. -I love you! [chuckles] Wouldn't you change dude? Won't you change? [birds chirping] [singing in French] [singing in French] [singing in French] [singing in French] [singing in French] [vehicle honks] "Let's fly like a bird" "Let's blaze like the wind" "Let's glow like a star" "Let's search like a cloud" "To the story within us" "This journey will enlighten ourselvess" "Than take a sip from the cup of time slowly" "One sec hold on! And love the life then" "Hey, buddy! Dev!" "Riding a wave" "Come buddy Dev" "Crazy and Brave!" [bike vrooms] "Is this a friendship in one trip or a plane which spread it's wings" "Just one date with a friend, might turn into honeymoon for friendship" "Oh-oh! Anywhere is enjoyism!" "Oh-oh! Whatever we are doing it's very true" "Let's hop in the time machine called heart" "Moment when the raindrops fall" "Get drenched leaving the umbrella" "You're the first to get wet" "Know the coldness inside your heart" "My heart is smiling and that has bloom like a flower" "A colorful flower garden is welcoming you with all the colors" "Let's fly like a bird. Hey buddy!" "Let's blaze like the wind. Hey buddy!" "Let's glow like a star. Hey buddy!" -"Let's search like a cloud. Buddy! Dev!" -Buddy... -you asked for chocolate right? -Shucks! I don't want. Nisha, I'll be outside. -"Hey, buddy!" -Hey! What happened to him? That girl and he were talking for long. -Since then he's grumpy. -"Crazy and brave" -Fine, you too don't ask him anything. -"Hey buddy! Dev!" "Hey, buddy... Hey!" I'll miss you, Dev. Bye, Laila! See you! "Hey buddy!" Bye! "Hey buddy!" "Hey buddy!" "Hey, buddy! Dev! " -Buddy! -Ah! That was an awesome trip, thank you. What's that you are saying thanks? No, dude... I'm very tired. Just one photo, if I click it then I can send it to the magazine. [animal calls] Fine... what's so special about this place? Do you wanna hear, or see it yourself? -I wanna see. -Come on! Ok! Hey, don't be drinking too much. Come on. Did you remembered 'Milky Way' we use to learn in our childhood? -It's the one. -Wow! -Damn, it's so beautiful. -Yeah! But all the stars look alike. They are not all the same. Right from Ashwini to Revathi, there are a total of twenty seven kind. Mmmm! [camera captures] Is he still upset? [cicadas chirping] Yes, dude. Wait, I'll check on him. How much will you booze man! Hey, give it to me! You both have ruined my life together. What are you ranting? Am I ranting? No, I'm telling the truth. You have your mom, who'll do anything for you. And for him, his Dad will do anything even he doesn't ask. But no one would do anything for me. Even without studying, you guys score good. But me, in spite of studying I don't get good score. -Don't talk like a mad fellow. -Yes, I am mad fellow! That's the reason, you guys are taking me along with you. You guys will cheer up coming with me, right? Because I'm dark, fat and fit for nothing. You both together... [grunts] You're ranting because you got high boozing. Get down man! Get down! -Hey, leave me! Leave me! -Come on. My life become useless because of him. What's your problem dude? I don't like this way we are living, man. Like what? Lurking around the places, without any fear or seriousness about life. I can't be like how you are. Did I ever ask you to live like me? -No. -Alright... [animal calls] How do you want to live your life? Even I should have a respectful job, a good salary, party during the weekends, I wanna settle down with a beautiful wife. [chuckles] Dude, how are you able to think in a different way? [chuckles] Oh... So my dreams are a joke to you. [chuckles] No, dude... There are many different kind of people in this world. Whether you like it or not they work for some job, earning a lot of money and by saving it, end up buying unnecessary things and pay there EMI's and GST, This society which expects how you should be living like that is one kind. Do you see them sitting there? They are high looking for a different world leaving this world. Living like them is one kind. Dude we are born as a human being to explore. Not to suffer because of competition, pressure, ego... which have been forced on to us by the society unnessarily. Whatever the work you might do but except money and fame... which let's you be in peace and joy that is what you have to work for. Search for a job like that. Hey, I don't at all have the talent you are talking about. Who said so? You can turn anything into a comedy. There are a millions here to make people cry. You make them laugh. When we are in anger, How it would be if you were asked to go and do the comedy? He will be saying philosophy for everything. Happiness is like the wind... if we hold our life like a Lungi, the air of happiness will go through it. [applause] I got to know one thing, that whatever I do I cannot get rid of him. But if he gets rid of me? [chuckles] A girl is the only one who can control him. [laughs] [applause] -It has come. It has come... -Hey! It has come. -If it has come then go! -Oh no! -Bloody buffalo! -Oh no! Hey, why did you kick me so hard? Hey, if you wanna experience the life then you have to do it completely. You're only experiencing the half man. Hey, what's your problem now? Dude, you gotta fall in love. Hey, Samosa! Why are you so concerned about him? Err... I've been always concerned about him. But it's the time to be express it. Dude, love is an amazing feeling. Isn't that the other half of the life? Shucks! -Buddy! -Hmm... -I think... shucks! Hey! -Hey! -I think he has a point. -Hmm... Shucks! Wake up. -You like adventures. -Hmm... Love is nothing less than a adventure. Huh? Thank God, she got the point. That's fine... but I need to find the right girl. We can take care if I get a girl like that, now let me sleep. Nothing happen on it's own. How many times you've advised me, that exploring is life? -We have to search what we want dude. -Why are you seeking out for me? I saw a spark in your eye, when I said the word love. -Hmm? -Mmm-hmm! Get lost, idiot! -Hey! -Both of you are torturing me. -I have work in the morning. -Hey, wait dude. -We're going to find the one for you. -Wait man, I'm also coming. Let's login to Facebook, and start a new relationship dude. Relationship in Facebook, ah? Hey, what man you've took it so easily? These days the information about girls appears more on Facebook ID... ...than the details on the Aadhaar card man. Hey, just send only one friend request man. -I can't send request to stranger girls. -Hey! It'll be thrilling man. Hey! You just shut up. Hey, I'm just asking you to send a request. They'll accept, if they likes you. If not they'll reject you. -If anyone accepts, drop a 'Hi'. -Hmm... If they rejected, just say goodbye. If anyone replies, then impress her. -If you like her, then make over with her. -Hey! -Hey! -I just went with the flow. Hey, even school kids are nailing it these days. What's your problem? Just login, damn it. -I can't do it. -You! 'I love adventure' isn't that your password? -How do you know that? -What else you would keep? -First give me my laptop man. -Hey! -Hey, give it to me man. -Hey, give it to me. -Hey! Leave it. -Hey, it would -This is my laptop man! -Hey, leave it. -This is my laptop. -Hey, leave it. -Hey! -Hey! Hey, listen... not you nor him, We'll countdown 10 to 1 in friend suggestion... Whoever is No. 1 if that girl seems interesting to us, -then we'll proceed. -Ah... If not, you should stop disturbing him with this. I am okay with this, then what about him? -He's okay too. -Hey! Why are you taking his side? -Sounds interesting, let's give it a try. -Hey! What's this? I feels like I'm being scrutinized by an astrologer. Let's see what would happened man. Ten, nine, eight, seven... -It's full of men profiles. -Six! -Gotta hook him up. -Five... -Oh god... Oh god! -Four -Oh god... Oh god! -Three... -Oh god... Oh god! -Two... One! Oh god! [laughs] Come on give me the laptop. Come on, give me the laptop dude. I'll message, 'Tommy I love you'. Okay? Hey, this is cheating... -Let's start over again. -Hey! -The No. 1 which she told is this, dot. -Hey! Please man... Huh? Hmm... Dev! What happened? What are you looking at? Hey... She's so pretty. -She is... so pretty? -Yes. Show it to me. [chuckles] Meghna... Padmavati, ah! Why do you spell it like that? No dude, but the name sounds weird. -Do you feel so? -Oh no! Meghna Dev Padmavati. -Meghna Dev Padmavati. -It sounds really classic. Give me a shake hand. First send her a friend request. [gasps] -Hey! -It is delivered... [phone rings] [phone taps] "Got that super... super confidence you see" "Work so hard, there is just no one to stop me" "Imma do this like I own these streets" "Imma do this like an unstoppable queen" "I got that sunny... sunny confidence, you see" Good Morning! -Good morning, Ma'am. -Good morning, Deepti. -What's the agenda for today? -Ma'am, now we have a product development meeting and at 11am, we have a meeting with the investors. -Is Harish here? -Yes, he's here ma'am. Okay! Good morning! Hey Meghna, sorry couldn't take calls for past two days. That's fine. -Morning! -Good Morning! -Good morning, Meghna! -Good morning! -Good morning, ma'am. -Morning... Good morning! So, let's start. Meghna, there's a lens box in front of you. Wear those lenses and see. Trust me, you'll be surprised. [camera captures] Hereafter to take a picture, you won't need a camera or a mobile phone. To capture the beautiful moments without missing on it. This lens will be more than enough. [applause] Hey, that's a nice idea. Thank you! -What do you think, Meghna? -Very interesting idea. We'll get lot of profit definitely. But let's not do it. Err... Why? Many people will be affected by this, taking pictures or videos without ones knowledge and destroying some others' privacy. We'll become a tool who helped for that. Ma'am, what if the same idea as Hairsh is conceived by someone else? -They would do it right? -Not just anyone. Even ABC corporation can launch this product next week. There are many possibilities. -Am I right, Harish? -Ah! How would I know that? Weren't you there last Saturday? You don't know? Can you tell me, how much did they offer? Come on tell me, no issues. They offered twice than I draw here. Good, I think you should take the offer. Meghna! [sighs] Why are you overreacting this much? Ah! Getting hurt, by falling into pit is common sense. It's foolishness to try if you get hurt after falling into the pit. I am not a fool like you. I told them to cancel your contract and make the settlement by evening. You can leave. Meghna, I'm the CTO of this company. Who else can technically give a presentation... me for the product launch coming week. I can do it! Huh! You are terminating me because I have attended an interview? No! Because I lost trust on you. -Shall I give you a good news? -Umm... It's been six hours, since he spoke to us. Look at him he's running on the treadmill that treadmill would also get tired. -I'm safe. -I don't understand. You won't understand this. This has been my dream for ages. Hold on, I'll be back. What's up, dude! Looks like she accepted your friend request. What did you say? No, you seemed to be dancing romantic mood. 'Ecstatic Panda dance' What man? were you watching the dance of the Bear? Why, what happened now? What's wrong with you? I went through a lot and found that girl for you. Instead of focusing on her, you're focusing on this. Hey, Samosa! Let it go! He's not interested, why are you imposing? -Hey! -Buddy, you're right. That girl is not right for you, I'll cancel the request. Why? Why do we have to cancel the friend request? -Then? -First, give me that IPad. -Give it to me. -Anyways you're not interested. Even she hasn't accepted the request yet. -She hasn't accepted it yet? Give me that. -Hmm... Oh god, no! Hey, she's definitely not a good match for you. -Why is that? -She lives in America. What? In America? So what if she lives in America? Oh! So you are thinking to go to America that India is here and America is there? I'll whack you, damn it. It's okay if you go alone, you'll drag us along too. This won't work out. Just not that dude, this is a fake profile man. This is not how someone looks. They've photoshopped the picture. Look at the name... Meghna Padmavati. Actually both the names are good. Listen Facebook isn't working out for you. -Where's your mobile phone? -For what? Why? Ah! I found it. What buddy, what are you doing? Aren't you ashamed peeking into a guys mobile? Get lost. Get lost, damn it. Dude, give me a smile. [camera captures] Ah... this is good! -Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok... -Hey! -What are you doing? -It's Tinder, dude. We'll look for a girl within 10 kms and hook up. Hey, speed dating wouldn't work out. Cancel that thing first. Have you ever gone to speed dating. Have you! Have you! [phone keeps ringing] No! You haven't right? That's what I need. Look here, people are struggling to get one like. Look how many women are pinging you. You're a lucky fellow man! Who knows your dream girl would get set here itself. You come first. -We will go immediately. -Hey! -Keep moving. -Shucks! -This won't work out. Don't force me. -You go without talking. Everything would workout, go! Go! Come fast. Thank God! Hey, Samosa! There's a name for such life in my village. Ha! It's the same name even in my native too. But to push him in that, I don't mind doing it. Hi! See, I don't believe in love that's why I'm on Tinder. Love can hurt, you see. Are you ok with casual sex, right? Ah? Oh god! -Hey, stop there man! -Hey! Hey! You said it's dating and send me for mating? Hey, no! -Hey, stop there! I'm gonna kill you. -I set you up with 10 girls, -but you returned without doing anything. -Hey! -You won't be spared for this grave sin. -I won't leave you. -Hey! Politely open the door. -Thank god! -If not I will kill you. -I won't open it man. Is this fair for you? If I talk about work, you are saying adventure is great. But if I talk about the girls, you are saying that culture is great. I'll tell you one thing listen carefully. At present not only here, even in our native this is the trend. What are you calling a trend? Should everything have to be done just in the first place? No, dear... you stay like this only. Don't rush at all. Fall in love when you're 40 years and get married at 50 years, after that sit on the bed during the night and watch Pogo channel. What man, is there nothing except sex in life? There's living in between the dating and mating. You'll be sharing everything in your life with her. First learn to respect them. When you look at a girl, think with your head not your pants. Mr. Buddha, be a man. What do you mean by that? Having sex with every girl you meet is not a man. -Hey! -Listen... don't force me into this anymore. Love should happen eventually. It can't be forced or convinced to happen. Shucks! His advices... Hey! Just think logically man. Are you going to think like this and stay single throughout your life? Why would I stay single? I have you both as my friends. [groans] Oh no! [groans] -He's starting again from the beganning. -Nisha! [phone ringer] Why is she not taking the call? -Where did Nisha go? -I don't know man! It's 12 am, damn it. -Nisha, I've realized my mistake. -Hey, -don't show me your face anymore. -Hey, look she is there. -Get lost, from here! -Hey! Who's that? -Nisha! -Hey! -What happened Nisha? -Stop! -Hey you! Stop! -Hey! Stop there man! -Leave him. Nothing come. -Nisha, what happened? -What happened? -What do you want me to say? Twenty years ago... he abandoned us, stating I was not born to him suspecting my mother. Now that he's grown old, that is why his love for me is pouring in. -He's asking me to stay with him. -Hey, is that your father? A person who doesn't really deserve that word. -Fine, what did you say? -I told him, it's not possible. I told him that I won't come anywhere. Why did you say that? What else do you expect me to say? Yes, she is right. Should she go back to him if he asks? What's wrong if she goes? You're angry, because he was not there for you, when you needed him. But how it would be if you're repeating the same mistake. Hey, you are supporting him? I'm not supporting him. Think about it why should he comeback searching for you in this age? It seems, that there's no heir to his property. He told me that he will write all the property on my name. You men can make as many mistakes as you can. But we women should come if you call us? Hey! I didn't mean it that way. It's fine, if you don't wanna accept the person, who has realized his mistake. But I am saying not to ignore him. [sobbing] -After that Nisha accepted her father. -Nisha, don't cry. This is the reason... no matter how much I hate him, I can't getaway from him. Success in the sense is a party, right? Everyone was happy partying as they had completed there course. Don't even try searching for me there. Because, I'm not there. [phone rings] Hey, did you remembered me now? Don't be kidding Dev. You told that you were suppose to send pictures and videos. Why haven't you sent it yet? I didn't get paid for the previous months photos yet. You should be patient as you are a freelancer. I've been offering you a job since 2 years, right? -You better come and join. -I'll think about it. I can only think about it after 6 months. Why? I'm planning to climb Everest, should go for training. Is it that important to you? It's very risky. -Many died in an Avalanche over there. -Hey Dev, there's been an issue man. I'll call you back. -Four persons are beating our Vicky. -Hey, what happened? -Who are they? Where are they? -Come on man. Hey! [grunts] [speaking French] [grunts] Ah! Uh! Ah! [grunts] [groans] [siren] Hey, cops man! Run! Run! -Hey, Samosa! Run fast man. -Why are you making me run like this? I can't... hey! Oh no! I can't run man. [panting] -What man, did they hit you so hard? -Yes, man. That's ketcup man. They dragged hitting me while I was eating bun. -What did you do man? -I haven't done anything man. -Hey! -Hey! -You know Rosy, right? -Yes! She was with George in the first semister. She was with Anthony in the second semister. She was with David in the third semister. Okay, she would need a support after completing the course right? I asked whether she could be my mistress. -Oh you bloody! -They beat me saying that this is wrong. -They shouldn't have beat you... -Yes... -They should have killed you. -Oh no! Dad! Dad! [laughs] I know that it is wrong. But doing the thing which is suppose not to do is a habit to the youth. Even I am also an youngster right? [cheering, applaud] I made a mistake, when he was in his love track, I should've take him to America and abandoned him I am worried for everything, I should've arrived at San Fransisco airport, but landed at Vizag airport. I was wondering all the way that how he is being happy. -I got the answer at the airport. -Boss! -Mani! -You wait here. -Welcome boss, give me the bag. -What is all this? Everyone should know, you've arrived, that is why. A father, who perceives everything positively. Venu, how long have you decided to stay like this? Let the kids explore. World is not constrained by the walls around us. Don't scare yourself and turn the kids coward. Hey dear, how are you? -Dev uncle is here. -Bunked college is it? Let them live on their terms! [door creaks] Good morning dad! After a perfect and a beautiful family. What would we need more if we have a family like this? But, he too had a weakness in his heart. His, Mother! She passed, when he was born. His mother was very fond of photography. She used to take everyone's picture. you can't find her in any of the pictures. This imaginary sketch he drew, remained as his mother. He was raised by his father, that's why he's naturally courageous and smart. [infant chuckles] dear please wipe your tears. Oh no! [kid crying] Please wipe your tears. [kid crying] Now you should walk in without any fear. Your friends are waiting for you inside. -You should be smiling always. -His mother should stay with him forever so his father put the umbilical chord in the locket and gave it to him. Anyway As we would not know what would happen next, so we say that life will be interesting. [chuckles] It was going to happen for the first time which I wished for. Excuse me! Excuse me, please! -Ah? -Yea, thank you. -Hey! -"Got that super... confidence you see" "Work so hard, there is just no one to stop me" [phone rings] "Imma do this like I own there streets" -"Imma do this like an unstoppable queen" -Hello! -Tell me... -Hey, buddy... -I just saw her. -I know... -Whom did you see? -Mohana, damn it. Mohana uh? You were watching bear while you were on threadmill. Bear? Ah? -Is it Meghna? -Yes, I'm following her at the moment. -You saw her here? -Yes! Come, if you believe me. If not laze at home. Hey, I'm coming right away. Where are you? -Dev... -Bye aunty. -Hey, wait! Where are you rushing? -Hey... It's important, I'll come back and talk to you. -Is it more important than meeting me? -Oh no! I'm going to see a girl for me, I'll get back and talk to you. Always kidding around. -Oh no! I am getting late. -When you're gonna take over the business? -Son! -Yes, dad? [phone rings] Your phone is ringing, pick up and talk. Seems like you're headed for something important, okay carry on. I'll be back, dad. -I'll be back aunty. -Be careful, dear. -I love you dad. -Lingam! If you keep encouraging him like this, in the end, he'll end up doing nothing and spoil his life. Ask him to take over the business. [chuckles] Geetha! Our only job is to teach them how to walk. You should never stop, who wants to grow up and run. Nisha, where are you? I'm right here, following her. I know that, where are you right now? -I'm heading towards, NAD. -Okay. Okay. -I'm also coming there. -Come fast. [tires screeching] Where are you now? Hey, I am exactly at the signal. I'm there too. -Where are you exactly? -I'm next to Lifestyle. I'm facing east. I'm not able to spot you. Ah... Hey, my signal turned green. Wait I am coming. Hey, fool! What's wrong with you? [vehicles honking] -What happened? -A guy blocked my vehicle man. What car is she riding in? She's riding in a blue color Benz. If I had drove a little faster, could've caught her. Dev! Dev! [vehicles honking] [tires screeching] Hey, move the car! Move, damn it! [tires screeching] [shouting] -"Your words speaks many things" -Are you crazy? -Don't you have any sense? -"You mad me dumb" Have you gone blind, damn it? -"Like this" -Sorry. How are your even driving? "You spread much love" "Made me mad" "Like this..." [vehicles honking] Brother, seems like you're in love. A right age for the feeling though not at all wrong. It'll be great if you could pull over and not block the traffic. [slurps] I got it! There's one, their house has one too. Tommy, a dog. Who is that person with Tommy? Padmavati! It's Meghna Padmavati, damn it! [chuckles] I'm pretty sure, she uses Jio sim. Cause she's online 24/7, also she checks-in wherever she goes. So, if we catch her. We can reach Meghna too. Dude, proposing to a girl and making Rasagulla sweet are the same. -Ah! -Rasagulla can't be made with good milk. It can be prepared only from spoilt milk. So, when you speak to her, maintain your dignity. -Understood? -Hmm... Dignity it seems. Hey Tommy... ...damn, it's Meghna's mother. [gasps] -What do we do now? -Oh no! Hi, aunty! Hey, it's Meghna! -Oh no, it's Meghna! -Mom! -Why are you guys scared, come on get in. -Hey! Oh no! Leave me. -So good to see you. -I missed you too. -Buddy, talk to her. -How was your journey? -Good! -I can't over here. Turn around to her side... I like you do you like me too, ask her. It's impossible! In which generation you are? Hey, no matter in which generation we are in but the thing is same right? Oh no! I think she heard us. Any problem? Ah... Ah, starting trouble aunty. Be courageous and be confident. Hey, you're damn lucky man aunty had given a go, come on speak up. -Umm? -Ah! Lord Nagarjuna, save me from this. What the hell do you think of yourself? Are you playing games with me? Use your brains, man. I'm running on a tight schedule. [elevator door rings] No, I don't want an explanation. Excuse me! -You please go, queen mother. -She seemed too calm in the photo. -Hey, why are you scared? -Hey, come out man. I'm not scared. Caution! I shouldn't mess it up the first time. Hey, she doesn't know who you are? According to her, that guy and you are the same. Mmm... -He's correct! -Uh! -He's correct, right? -Mmm! Then you go and speak to her. -Hey! Don't push me into this. -Only a woman can understand, -another woman. Come on go. -No, man! I am tensed. -Nisha, Sri Anjaneyar! -Oh no! -Say, Prasanna Anjaneyam! -Shut you mouth Pig! -Come on, go! -Oh no! God! Dev is a good guy and he loves you very much? [indistinctive chatter] Excuse me. Yes? Where is the ladies restroom? -I think, it's over there... -Thanks! -It's like shit! -Oh no! Sorry, dude. Idiot! She's asking for restroom and you're not even opening your mouth. It's embarrassing to say that you are my friend. Ah? What! Listen, you don't become a man just by rejecting a girl who comes after you. But to impress the girl which a person likes is a real man. Now what, you want me to talk to her? That's what I've been ranting all this while. Go man, she's leaveing. He's marching as if he is going for a fight. "She is my, why girl?" "You're my girl" "She is my, why girl?" "You're my girl" "First time my heart is all riled up" "imposing me to love 24/7" -"Why girl?" -"Why girl... why?" "You're my girl" "First time it's longing in my heart to follow you" "Asked me to buzz around without stopping" -"Why girl?" -"Why girl... why?" "You're my girl... My girl!" "Shall we venture on a bike and go around the city" "This is very common in love" "You're sweet like honey why are you so irked with me?" "Fine, shall we at least go for a walk" "He is a feeler" "Hot choco sweeter" "Yega maga feeler" "He is a super whopper naughty feeler" "Feeler!" "Sweeter!" "Feeler!" "You're the definition for beauty" "You're the suffocation to my breath" "I'd be falling in the hell if you refuse" "I'd be stepping on the blue sky if you say yes" "Come we will get together for eachother and make our love stronger" "This heart doesn't stay still" "I don't remember you, but there aren't any thoughts without you" "I don't understand what is this, but this pain is good" "I can see love in you, I have my ego" "If I say yes, in which trauma you'd follow me?" "Okay! Okay!" "She is my, why girl?" "You're my girl" "She is my, why girl?" "You're my girl" "She is my, why girl?" "You're my girl" "She is my, why girl?" "You're my girl" "She is my, why girl?" "You're my girl" You guys said balloons idea was old one. Now see, it worked out. Dude, just stick to what we'd discussed. -Hi! -Hey! Who are you? Dev! -What do you want? -A small request. What? To your Facebook few days ago, I had sent a friend request. You haven't accepted it yet. It'll be great if you could accept it. [chuckles] Do you know me? [fingers snapping] Do I know you? Not yet. But we can get to know each other. Everyone is a stranger, before being friends. [chuckles] Oh! I don't have time for all this. Anyways, let's see your luck. I'm leaving in two minutes. Trying finding and accept it if you can. Four thousand friend requests. It's all men, damn it. Bloody traitor! I'll take care of you later. Waiting list is too long... -Oh no! -Time is up! -Oh no! -Samosa, your idea flopped. -Unfortunately. -Listen... so what If I couldn't find it. Why don't you send a friend request I'll accept it right away. Meghna! "You told many of your words" -"Made me dumb" -Dev, Meghna's mom has updated that... there's a product launch tomorrow. -"Like this..." -Let us go. It's okay, tell me something, why do you like her? "You spread your love" "And made me mad" "Like this..." "Oh... Sunandha" -"Come closer... Sunandha" -Her eyes! There's arrogance in her eyes, but there's something beyond it. I can't really explain though. That's what excites me. Good. I've never seen you confused. Something tells me, she's your girl. Let's give it one more try. She's right buddy. Even if you don't feel like at least give it a shot for my sake. [laughs] It's all because of you. Thank you! [vehicles honking] [applause] Good morning! Language! [camera captures] Right from telecommunication to governing a country, it's the most important tool for a human being. But how many of us can learn or speak another language easily? Many such questions came up also we found a solution to it. In this world, no matter who it is using this device, you can speak in your mother tongue and communicate. And it'll translate their language and replay it in your mother tongue. That too in split seconds. [applause] I would take any questions if you have? How far do you think, it will be successful in India? Our country has the diverse set of languages in the world. Approximately 150 languages. -Even if 1% is used, it's a success. -Brilliant! [applause] Dude, ask her if we can listen to the radio on it? Hi! I went online and searched to know more about you. I couldn't find anything else but your work. If you could tell us about yourself, people who are always thinking of you... I mean, like a role model, also the people who like to speak to you and get know you. You know for business purposes. Get to the point. [camera captures] You've achieved so much by the age of 25. -If you could share. -I feel this question is not important. But madam, youngsters who aspire to grow in their business, your replay will be an inspiration. So, please tell us about yourself. Please tell us, madam. [camera captures] [sighs] Okay! I was 5 years old. My mother and I, had gone abroad with a person who is not fit to be called as a father. A trip which we have gone for joyous one turned our lives, upside down. That man, abandoned us both and ran away. We didn't have our passports. Neither we had money nor we knew the language. They detained us in that country and locked us up in a refugee camp. My mother Padmavati, used to work really hard. She took care of me without any deficit. She's my only inspiration. I wanted to help my mother. But to work over there I was not old enough neither I had the strength. While I was wondering how to help her out, that one answer I figured was... Language! People out there had tough time communicating. I started to work as their translator. I don't get paid though... but I used to get a piece of bread for hunger. That marked the beginning, for the company and the life I have right now. [applause] Do you really think she will get impressed? Definitely not possible. -It's clear, why she isn't caring for you. -Come on, let's leave. She literally hates the entire race of men. Ma'am I have a question... But, my colleague is going to take your question. -Deepti! -Yes, ma'am. -Good morning everyone. -Hey, stop! Who the hell are you? Why are you stalking me? Don't you have anything better to do in your life? Guys like you are a disgrace. Meghna! Control yourself. It's fine, aunty. She has every right to be angry. I did come after her. I swear, it wasn't to stalk or to disturb. [chuckles] I saw you and liked you very much. Thought of telling you the same, that's why came after you. I won't disturb you anymore. What you've achieved is not a simple thing. Congrats! Bye! Whatever! Mom! Come let's leave. [cicadas chirping] Radio: Random song is played. Hey, you're singing song, eating the sandwich. That means, aren't you upset? -He's being a sport it seems. -I saw and liked her. I have tried and it didn't work out. Just like how we have the right to try, she has the same right to reject it too. Yes, that is true. Fine, what's the plan next? I'm gonna drop you guys and leave. Thank god! That guy doesn't seem like a bad person. Who are you talking about? The guy who you yelled at in the morning. Shucks! Mom, enough will you stop. Everyone is a good soul for you. He found me on Facebook and developed a liking right away. He's jobless and have been stalking me. So filmy! Shucks! Incorrigible! If a boy likes a girl, it's not wrong to express it in one way or the other. Mom, why are you being so supportive of that guy? I'm not taking his side. I trying to say, you need a companion. Do you think you'll get by without a companion? People who have endured being lonely will know its pain. In my life, relationship didn't work. But it not only affected me but you too. I'm sorry! Shucks! Now why are talking like this? Don't think, you'll endure the same like I did. Don't judge a person without knowing them. Just because a guy goes after a girl he can't be considered being desperate. Who knows, he might turn out good. I agree, that can't trust everyone we meet. That doesn't mean, we should stop living. Choose someone. Talk to him... Chat with him. Get to know him well. If you like him then tell me. I will support you. Come let's have our dinner. -Damn, what is this? -What is this dear? It's become a routine you're drunk and beating me up. If you both go out I can be peaceful in my home. -Just get out of my house. -Oh no! [tires screeching] Help! -Hey, she is escaping. -Hey, catch her. -Hey, don't leave her. -Hey, stop! -Hey, stop! -Come on guys. -Hey! -Hey! -Hey, stop! -Stop! Hey, don't! Hey... come on, let's leave from here. Are you alright? [gasps] [ship honks] They left. Let's go. What's it? Did they run away? Yes, they ran away. She's is our area girl you can leave, we'll take care of her. [chuckles] She's from your area? No issues, I'll manage. Come on. [gasps] Hey! Get lost! [thud] You stay over there. What are you staring at? Kill him, damn it. Hey, you too go on. [knife swishes] Hey! [groans] [metal clinks] -Hey! -Hey! Ah! -Hey! -Hey! [groans] [knife swishes] [ship honks] He made a mistake, so I had hit him. If you guys let me go I'll take the girl and be going from here. If we don't? I'll still take her, even if you don't. But one thing, you guys won't forget me forever. What man arrogance? Confidence! Hey! [groans] [knife swishes] [groans] [metal clinks] Hey! [groans] [knife swishes] Hey! [groans] Hey! [groans] [groans] [glass breaks] -Hey, run guys! -Come on run fast. [vehicles honking] Are you ok? He betrayed me in love. If it's not for you, I don't know what would've happened. [chuckles] If not me, it must've been someone else. Many did notice, but choose to ignore. Only you stopped your car. [sobs] Not sure why, I feel really safe around you. Will you be there for me? Sure, sister. [chuckles] Hey, check that vehicle. Stop that vehicle. -What's your name? -Krithika! Krithika, you're really pretty. You seem like an intelligent and bold woman. Let me tell you something, never force yourself into a relationship. Just because one betrayed you you'll end up accusing every man you meet. You'll be irritated with the notion of a man. But then one day, a true and an genuine man will come into your life. As you were betrayed before you don't have to miss out on him. Don't worry about what happened be happy. You have a lot of time, ok? [chuckles] Hmm... This is my house. What is your name? Dev! -Thanks a lot. -It's ok! Hey, look at her all calm, as if nothing happened. Hey, Krithika! I did tell you, this is risky and not to do it. If at all we had been caught alone, imagine what could've happened. Nothing has happened as you told, right? You are courageous because nothing has happened? No! I'm happy that I met a wise man. Take this, upload it right away. A young girl who got stuck with anti-social elements Dev Ramalingam saved her with utmost courage has gone viral on social media. Safety of women after dark is an impending issue also there's accusation of people who don't come forward to help -Hey Dev, wake up. -Hey! -Wake up, damn it. -What is it? You're a talk of the town and look how you are sleeping. Never force yourself into a relationship Just because you were betrayed by one preson Hey, remove your hand! [indistinctive voices] -Oh no! -Dev is coming in T. V. -Give me hand shake sir. -Why man? Channel no. 654. -What you don't have power at home? -They, don't have a camera sense. -You hung up the phone. -Even the technology has changed... -but you haven't changed man. -You said it right brother. -I'm leaving to office. -Ok, fine. Hereafter, come home late in the night. -Everyone feeling safe. -Get lost. [laughs] Do you have a formal dress? -I don't, why? -Fine, let's buy one. We have an important thing to do. I doesn't look crowded though. They all don't look like a competition to me. Moreover I'm wearing a well creased shirt... surprisingly, there's a girl waiting next to me. I'll get back to you, once I get job... Hi! -Hey Vicky, stop. -Vicky! -Why did you came out half way? -Come on, let's attend the interview. Hey, I believe you both are my friends. Your intentions are to never see me being successful in life, right? Dude, not just happy, you should be very happy. -This is not the place for your skills. -Enough, I don't have any talent neither there's a place for it. Just like my dad states, I'm useless, fit for nothing and dumb. Hey! I can handle my life, please leave me alone. Please! Dude, I think you're hungry. -That's why you're angry. -Oh! -Get lost! Damn it! -You come... -let's eat and talk. -Hey, leave me man. -Come on, dude. -How many here are been to USA? Nobody has gone to USA? Huh! Here nobody goes to USA, ah? Only going in WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram, ah? In my time when I am going to USA, there is a building in Begumpet. That is the only embassy of USA. US consulate... [laughs] Hey, isn't he doing great. Hey, stop over acting. Is he doing comedy? Is that so? -Boss! -Yes? What's that comedy? Can't even laugh. -Not funny? -I am not saying this he is saying. Hey, stop it man. -Ask him to come. -Unnecessarily dragging me. -Hmm... -Dude, go. -Come down sir. -Go man! -Come on the stage. -Come on, go... -Go man! -Boss, Vicky is coming. -Show them who you are. -Stop it guys. Come on Mr. Stand up comedian. -Hey! Go and talk man. Go! -Vicky! Vicky! Come on, do it. [applaud, cheering] -Good morning. -Everybody say good morning. Sir, wishing good morning... [groans] What's next attendance? [laughs] Hey, come on man. Come on... It's good, but first know is your heart right. Check it by tapping. Actually... Hmm... It's easy to comment from there. You will know how hard it is if you come to do. [crowd mocks] Now let's get back to real stand up comedy Huh! [indistinctive voices] Hey, where are you going? -Wait! -Leave me man! Everyone insulted me, are you happy now? Are you done now? Don't you have shame he is insulting you, will you leave him without doing anything? Hey, is that hard to give him counter? Ask him to come to my area, I'll bash him and send. -Do you have guts or not? -Hey... -do you think I am afraid of him? -Then go and talk. -Boss! -Exactly... Can he try once again? [sighs] He can try once again. -Hey, go man! Go! -Hey, no! [crowd applauds] Greetings to everyone. I'll talk in Telugu only. The real telugu stand up comedy boss. My friend Dev, asked me shall we go to coffee shop. Buddy, coffee shop means in which they play the songs which we don't understand, in which they keep names for the coffee which we don't understand and they sell Rs. 30, coffee for Rs. 300 we buy it and cool it for 5 hours and drink, I asked is that it? He said yes, it's the same. Fine, I came in to drink coffee... Brother was doing stand up comedy. Even I was seeing many times, any stand up comedian comes, they use to talk did you visited USA, did you visited Africa, have you gone in flight? If we would have gone there why would we come here to listen to your comedy? [laughs] [applause] [applause] [music mutes voice] [chuckles] [groans] [camera captures] -Thank you... -Bye... Thank you... [sighs] -Hmm... -Hmm... Hey, Samosa. I think you've become a celebrity in over night? From how many people have you shared number? Excuse me, I am not in the stage of taking number, I am in the stage of giving my number. [groans] [phone notification] Everything seems new. What are you looking at? [gasps] Hey! Meghna has sent him a friend request. Can I have your number...? She's asking for his number, shall I give it to her. -There's no need for it. -Why? She has yelled enough, -now she wants to yell over the phone. -How can you say that... ...she's asking to yell? Give it to me. [phone rings] Hey... she's calling from Facebook. Take it. Hello! Hello? Er... Hello... Hey... Hi! Can we talk? Umm... sure we can talk. Why did you cancel the friend request you sent before? Oh you've canceled it? I thought you weren't interested. Oh! Let's take it, I'm interested now. What, are you interested? When you came after me, if I had responded to you, what do you think, you would've done? If you asked me suddenly how can I say? Even you appeared suddenly in my life. Uncertain things are the most interesting ones. The excitement at the sight of you I wanted to know, if you feel the same too. -So, I came. -Ok... And? Uh? May be... we could've been friends. -Friend, really? -Umm, are you sure? Friend? So you just expecting friendship? -Hey, tell her man, -Say I love you. -Tell her. -What should I say? -Hey -Come on propose to her. -Are you there? -Eh...Ya! -Ah? Yeah! -Yes or no? So was it friendship you were expecting? -Uh-hu! Mmm... -Err... That is... That was not my intention, to just be friends. Ok. But, I don't believe in love at first sight. If you wish, we can meet for coffee and talk. [camera captures] Later if something develops, we'll think about it. Ok? Ok. Fine, I'll text you where shall we meet in a while. Bye! Bye. In unison: Yeah! Hi! [sighs] Nice place. I've been here many times. Still... looks more beautiful than before. And your smile is prettier than that. Agreed, we shouldn't say thanks or sorry to each other. -Anyhow, thanks for calling though. -Dude, that's awesome... [laughs] Huh? From where did you get these fries? Idiot! -You tell me.. -Let him be, -it'll work definitely. -Yes. "Dear, my foot steps meet yours" "Dear, because of you my heart beats" "Let's not part ways" [phone rings] -"We'll become together" -Hello? -Hi! -Where are you? I'm on the way. Oh, so you haven't reached yet, right? You told that we will meet at 4 pm, right? -I'll be there in 20 minutes. -Ok... But I've called you in regards to that. I have an important business meeting. -Huh? -I left the city in the morning. I totally forgot about our meeting. I just realized looking at the reminder. I'm busy for next 3 days, so we shall meet, once I'm back to Vizag. Ok? Hello! -Hello! -Ya... Shall we meet once I'm back? -Ok. -Bye! Mom, why are you staring that way? I really can't understand you even now. Why should we come today for the meeting you have tomorrow? It was you, who asked him to come. Then you should've met him right? I'm not sure who he is exactly. Me calling him to meet seems like, it happened in my dreams. My dear, all this ruse to just have a cup of coffee? I know, it's not required. But when you're confused about that one cup of coffee, it's pointless. Anyways, from the looks of him, doesn't feel like he's interested. How can you say that? Mom, I do know about men, it's been 5 minutes, since I hung up the call. By now, at least an 'Hi' 'Looking forward to see you', he should've sent a message. Look, there's no message from him. Ah... Phew! Oh no! [cicadas chirping] [vehicle honks] [phone taps] "Dear, my foot steps meet yours" "Dear, because of you my heart beats" "Let's not part ways" "We will become together and become a story" "Sunandha, oh my dear" "Let's break-free from this world" [bike revving] [vehicles honking] [bike vrooms] [gasps] Oh no! What is he doing here? Shall I get back in? Shucks! Why should I be scared? Meghna! -Hi! -Hi. What are you doing here? Obviously, you just called asked me out for a coffee. Then you just canceled and left for Mumbai. -I felt like meeting you. -Oh! -That is why I came. -So you just came all the way for that? Ok... Now that you've met me. -What now? -Now that I've met you, I'm happy. You said will meet after 3 days. I'll wait for 3 days, once you get back to Vizag, we'll meet. Really? You came down to just say that? Why, can't I come? I just felt like seeing you. You're just crazy. [chuckles] Wait... how do you know that I'm staying right here? Aunty had updated on the Facebook Mommy bonding with Meghna in Bombay. Hey! You're such a stalker, you know! [phone rings] Ya! No! I'm on my way, will be there on time. Fine, I really got to go now. It's time for the meeting -I'll see you, bye! -Ya... -Dev! -Ya.. My work will go on for two hours, later I have another meeting too but... I can take that over the phone. Can you wait, until I get back? We could probably do lunch. I've come down 1000 Kms Can't I wait for three hours. Ok, I'll see your later. I'll wait for you. "I got that sunny sunny confidence, you see" "Work so hard, there is just no one to stop me" "Imma do this like I own these streets" "Imma do this you got nothing against me" "Oh... my world!" "Everything here is just for me" [phone rings] -Hello! -Hey! I'm waiting at the lobby Coming. Dev, what's the plan? It's my plan, come on will let you know. Um... -On a bike? -Yes, come on. Okay... One minute. Thank you! "Dear, my foot steps meet yours" "Dear, because of you my heart beats" "Don't go away" "We will become together and become a story" Have you been to Mumbai before? Quite often, there's no place in India, which I haven't been to. Oh! So how many girls did you impress like this on bike? It's the same as how many times you've been impressed by guys and rode on a bike. Hey, who told you that I've come with you because I'm impressed with you? The same person who said I was trying to impress you. Argh! I really can't win with you in a conversation. Do you wanna win? Why? Just let me know, if you wanna win, I'll lose. After all it's you. [chuckles] You're such a flirt. I'm being serious, not flirting. Whatever! But... I like this. This place? Yeah! It's too crowded. Will we get a table? I'll take care of it. [indistinctive voices] -There's no table available, please wait. -Damn it! -Ok? -does no one cook in North India too? Excuse me. Hello... hello, excuse me. -Mukesh Khanna? -Ah... Excuse Me! Are you Mukesh Khanna? -Mukesh Khanna? -No! Dev! Just wait, It'll take some time. Brother, girlfriend is waiting... not a chance, please wait sir. Hey! Don't you understand the plight of single guys. Please understand. Hmm... What are you doing? Fine, you get in. I'll handle it. -Get in... -But you're not letting us in. Chotu, clean the Table no. 2. Come on, he's my friend. Meghna! Ask them to send the quotations. Meghna! -Ya, I'll wait for the mail. [whistles] Brother, excuse me! [indistinctive conversation] Excuse me... -Excuse me, excuse me... -Please come. Come. What do you like to have? Two Shaaks, two Paneer Butter Masala, Lacha Paratha? Two Lacha Paratha and one Egg Burji. Listen and that Mango Lassi. Seems like you're damn hungry. Thank you! We're done with starters, are you ready for the main course? Main Course uh? That's right, we have never started a conversation -Right here? -No, definitely not here. Wow! I really don't know that there is beautiful place near by Mumbai. If you travel in flight and if you are busy in phone even when you travel in car how could you see? Fine! Fine! Hmm... Why do you like me? Huh? Why did you ask me suddenly? I talk like this only. Ok, I'll get habituated. Actually, why I liked you because... -you look beautiful. -Damn! Even you are same as other guys right? I thought I could get something better from you. If I wouldn't look beautiful... -you wouldn't like me right? -Oh! Hold on! Hold on! -I haven't completed yet. -Ok, go ahead. You look so beautiful, any man would fall for you for the first sight. But don't know why, I can't see anything except your eyes. Later I understood, that I don't only have physical attraction on you. Not only that, I saw adventure seeing you. I thought not to miss it. That is why I am coming behind you I think. [chuckles] Umm... Even this is first time for me. Even I went for dinner with many men, eighter as a friend if not for business. I didn't go with anyone for date. Don't bluff. -Hey, I mean it. -Tell me anything about you. What should I say? Ask me, I'll say. It would be like an interview if I ask you. -So? -We'll do something. I am not myself and you are not yourself. I didn't understand. -There used to be a king in a town. -Umm... -That kings name is Dev. -Ok. -There use to be a queen in a town, -Mmm... -And her name was Meghna! -Exactly! That king likes adventures a lot. -And her... -And her? Umm... yeah! She likes to earn money very much. -Boring, he likes to spend very much. -Oh! Doesn't he have work? They said that world would be extinct soon. Why should we seek for money? His wish is to earn some and do world tour. By the way, does she likes if we call with respect? Why? No, it feels like there's some distance between us saying that. -Mmm... then tell me dude -Wow! Ok, babe. Hey! -I also agreed for you calling me... -Yes... -Fine let's go now. -Meghna, a little more time, -We have come just now right? -No... I have much work to do. You should also return back to Vizag right? Come on. Come fast. [vehicles honking] -Meghna! -Huh? Have you done something adventurous in your life? Like what? If I give you an idea, would you be up for it? Tell me, I'll think about it. -I'll have to return to Vizag, all alone -Mmm... -Can you ride with me? -What? Are you crazy? Hey! Come on! Just met for lunch and few words were exchanged, how would you know anything about me? If we ride for 1300 Kms, approximately 20 hours of journey try traveling with me. At the end of the trip... at least it'll help you decide whether to keep in touch with me. That's never gonna happen. No way! Ok, thank you. Meghna, please listen to me once. No! Meghna! I want to talk to you. Do you believe in destiny? Why? Twenty days ago, we were strangers. But now at least we know each other to greet! I've never went after a girl, neither I had any intentions like that. First time, I have this unique feeling. If I had taken a flight or a private jet instead of a bike. Never did it occur to me, I could've reached sooner. That's because your thoughts were clouded the entire ride. I don't know why, may be that's why I want to get to know you. And I know you're interested too. I would love to ride with you. Genuinely, with no expectations. To be honest, I don't feel like leaving without you. Will you ride with me? Ok! It's safe, I'll reach Vizag in two days. -Hello! -Huh? I need to talk to you. -Come with me. -Oh no! Do I have to convince the queen too? Aunty, you really don't have to worry I'm a good guy and will take good care of her. It's not that man! How did you manage to convince her? -Huh? -Give me your hand first She's very stubborn. But she's a very nice person. If she ends up liking you, won't let go off you. -All the best! -Thanks aunty, thanks. Meghna, isn't it great? You and me on a single bike joyfully... so fast... Actually this is my first time, what about you? [humming] What whoa! Damn! Dev, what happened? Don't you have a conscience? -Why do you say that? -A person is driving in this sun, poor fellow, can't you talk? Hey, haven't you come alone while coming to Mumbai? I don't know all that. What if I ram into something being sleepy? Oh no! Fine, I'll talk. [chuckles] Sure? -Hmm... yeah! -Good. -Mmm... Hey, have you read Economic Times? -No! They predict another recession soon I should handle it very carefully this time. Stop it! Enough. I'll handle it hereafter. -To rescission? -No! You! [bike revving] "Path I've been on a million times" "seems so new to me right now" "What magic is in you dear?" "What happened to me?" [chuckles] Are you asking me? It's only you here... Hmm... Go on! "venturing into a travel far off" "but you make it easier" "What magic is in you dear?" "What happened to me?" "It's you who is shocked" "It's you in dreams" "You've carved an idol in thin air" "I'm a Lotus in the pond" "I don't belong to the land" "You've forgotten the fact, what do I do?" "Path I've been on a million times" "seems so new to me right now" "What magic is in you dear?" "What happened to me?" "I've never got drenched in rain" "Oh never have I bathe in a pond" "I've never seen any mountains" "Never did I dream too!" "I just came along with you" "I got smitten totally by it" "I've blossomed and am engulfed in joy" "Path I've been on a million times" "seems so new to me right now" "What magic is in you dear?" "What happened to me?" "Oh my love!" "Oh my love!" "Oh my love!" "Oh my love!" "You are present high up in the sky" "You're like the shining star" "This round earth has become a ball in your hand" "Like a new born baby" "You've smiled from the heart" "I've lived for a hundred years in just today" Meghna! -Wake up! -Come outside. -Where to? -Just come... Fine, give me 10 minutes. [cicadas chirping] Dev, where are you taking me at this time? -I think we are going in the wrong route. -I know the route, don't worry. I'm scared seeing this route. Shall we ask anyone? -Whom can we ask in this time? -Then is this required now? You trust me right? Do you think I have come so far without trusting you? Then wait for another 2 minutes. Ok. -But tell me what is the surprise? -Wait. 1, 2, 3... [group of birds chirping] 4... This is a rare phenomenon [group of birds chirping] They call it murmuration. [group of birds chirping] Tell me the truth when did you plan all of this? When I started from Vizag to see you. [chuckles] I hate you for this. But thanks. It's beautiful. I'm travelling with the girl I like won't I plan something like this? [chuckles] "You told many of your words" "And made me dumb like this" "You spread your love" -"And made me mad" -A better moment than this, -I don't know I would get next time. -"Like this..." I love you! "Oh... Sunandha" -"Come closer... Sunandha" -It's getting late, Let's go! [birds chirping] -Meghna? -I said we will move. What man did I propose her too early? She doesn't even speak to me? It's all because of you. I brought you when I am having those many bikes... Anyway, without taking a bus or lorry, if she is still coming with you... -there's something in you -What happened brother aren't you coming? It's not safe to travel in that route at night, I'll start early in the morning. [bike revving] [vehicle honks] -I'm going to sleep, goodnight. -Ok, goodnight. [vehicle honks] Hi... [bike revving] Oh no! [tires screeching] [shouts] [tires screeching] [screaming] [infant crying] Mummy! [groans] Leave it! Who are you? Please leave it. [shouting] Hey! [knife swishes] [groans] [knife swishes] [groans] [groans] [knife swishes] [groans] [screaming in pain] [groans] [groans] [panting] Mummy it's paining. -Please sir! -Mummy! [knife swishes] [groans] [knife swishes] Hey! [groans] [metal clinks] [groans] [groans] Hello! [screaming in pain] An accident took place near Mysore to Ganagapur junction. Can you please send an ambulance immediately? -Oh! Don't cry dear. -Mummy... [siren] -Hey, they are safe. -Hey! It's good that they wore the seat belt. Shall we go? Dev... Are you crazy? you just started fighting with them on the road... To us, in fact if something had happened to you what you would do? If it has to be, then it will. If everyone ignores, then who will save? [chuckles] You did the most stupidest thing. But that was the right thing to do. That girl's smile was very beautiful, if you wouldn't have stopped the bike we wouldn't have seen that beauty. -Meghna! -Huh? -Thanks! -Why? For the build up you gave to me. -Huh! Hey, it's getting late. Let's go. -We will start, come on. [thunders rumbling] See you, bye! Is that all? Umm... [thunders rumbling] Go home before it starts to rain. You never said, about what you've decided. What should I say? Hey, you told that you are very genuine and have no expectations. I did say that... Still I need to know, should I continue or not Ok, you're a good person than I expected. But I'm not sure, if I love you I doubt it will happen though. May be we can stay friends. In two weeks, I'll be leaving to America. There's mobile phone, you can text me whenever you feel Ike. I'll reply when I'm free. Bye! [thunders rumbling] [metal door creaks] Hey, hero! Are you upset? You're leaving me right? So I'm really happy. Oh! That means, you won't try convincing me? Love should happen naturally. It should not be forced or imposed. Shucks! When you have such clarity, what is upsetting you? My mind has got the clarity, but the pain lies in a different zone. [chuckles] Idiot! What!? What did you say? Idiot! Why wouldn't you call me that. Can't refuse though, I've turned into a pet dog. [whistling rocket bursts] Great, what a timing! [thunders rumbling] What? Hey, can't I make you wait for a little while? -Hey, will you stay the same forever? -I will. I'll need your undivided attention everyday. -Hope you won't disappoint me! -I won't! Tell me the truth! Why are you so crazy about me? Because, I'm scared of you. Huh? Why? Do I look like a demon to you? [chuckles] -No! -I am asking you, tell me. [whistling rocket bursts] [thunders rumbling] Before I met you... I was confident in leading my life alone. But now I fear that it's impossible. I love you! I love you too. [chuckles] [thunders rumbling] [light music] What is this? Mom! Say something. I love you! Fine, say it better You! Better than that. Us! [thunders rumbling] [gasps] Are you ok? Hey! Meghna! -Hey, move! Please leave. -Hey! -I don't know, what you're doing to me. -What happened? -Leave! It's better we take it slow. -I am not that kind of guy. -Let's just talk. -Whatever it is, we will talk later. -Meghna! -Leave, Dev! Meghna, please trust me. I totally trust you but not on me. What if I do something to you? At least let me stay until the rain stops. You do like nature, don't you? Leave. Leave! [chuckles] Should I really go? Go man. [thunders rumbling] "Dear, my foot steps meet yours" "Dear, because of you my heart beats" "We'll never part ways" "We will be together and become a story" Hey! Tell me when you get confidence on me. We'll cuddle and talk. Bye, I love you! Get lost! -Damn it boy, so much has happened. -Dude at last you made her fall for you. What happened next? Say, damn it! Get lost, I'm feeling shy. -Blushing! -Samosa, what's happening? You'll realize when you're in love. Love and us? [phone ringing] You never let us out of your sight man? [phone rings] -She's calling. -Hey, driver! -Hi, baby! -Hi, baby. What are you doing? Just chilling with friends. Fine, shall we meet. I'm leaving out of town tonight, -I'll be gone for a week. -One week? I'll miss you though. I'll miss you too, baby. Can I come along? Will you? Only if you have confidence on me. If not, then leave it. [chuckles] I have full confidence on you. Really? Then I'm coming along. I love you! I love you, too. Love is injurious to friendship. I thought, will get him hitched and get rid of him. But in the end, I didn't have company to even banter. [chuckles] Umm... [phone rings] Hello! Ya, ya... I'll be there by afternoon. Ya! Dev, we're running late! Baby, come. I'm not gonna accept this. We have the App Launch tomorrow. What kind of an answer is this? Yeah! [phone rings] Hello! No, no I can't agree to this deal. I've already informed you guys! Ya, please book my stay there. [tires screeching] Gotcha! "Oh dear, shall we ask?" "Weather to become more cooler" "This is the moment, for us to move" "Let's tell girl..." "The sweetness to rise a bit" "Here are the lips, let's not leave them anymore" "Beyond the shores you hit me like a storm" "Come like the musical tune" "Come closer to me prepared" "Bring in everything whenever we meet" "Sunandha, come to me" "Let's break-free from this world" "Sunandha rush towards me" "Let's build a mansion together" "I've gone crazy loving you all day" "I'm that Angel who is waiting with love at night fall" "Splurging light all over picking on the moon" "Isn't that a conspiracy of the nature" "Like a room filled with attires" "Like the walls having pictures on them" "Like the breath in the body" "You've given mu such memories!" "Eyes like fire" "Lips like honey dripping" "I've paired up with him and bloomed like a flowering tree" "Is it a second or a love era?" "Is it a war or reason for peace?" "I've forgotten myself being half of you" "Beyond the shores you hit me like a storm" "Come like the musical tune" "Come closer to me prepared" "Bring in everything whenever we meet" "Sunandha, fly to me" "Let's break-free from this world" "Sunandha rush towards me" "Let's build a mansion together" I've never been so happy in my life. You're the sole reason for it. [chuckles] Umm... No matter what happens, we should stay happy as ever. Promise? Promise! What if we run into issues? Why will we have problems? No dude, every relationship has its sour moments. What if we end up fighting in future? Simple, I won't fight with you. -Umm... What if we fight? -Mmm. Come on! Let's see, what if you really end up fighting. Hey, are you mad? You said that day, meeting me itself is an adventure. That's why you came after me. Yes! Now that I'm yours, adventures has ended. Here on, you won't love me the same. [chuckles] -Meghna, what's wrong with you? -No tell me, I need to know. Ok! If you have to ask me, why I love you... ...I can give you a thousand reasons. But that's not the answer to it. Because love can't be constrained by words. -It can only be perceived. -Shucks! No, you're lying. I don't see truth in your eyes. No one can love someone so much. Moreover guys who speak romantically can't be trusted. I'm a fool, who is falling into this trap. What if you abandon me, just like my Dad? Do you even realize what you're saying? Hmm... Ya! I'm well aware of it. Hey, Dev! What happened? -Let me go. -Where are you going? Please! Dev! Thanks for hurting me. Baby, baby please listen to me. You've said enough Dev! You still don't trust me and I'm not sure If I can get you to trust me -There's no point. -Dev, please! -Please listen to me. -Bye! Dev... please. Baby! Why are you crying! Who the hell is that guy? Seems too lewd. Hello! Mind your own business. This is between me and my boyfriend. Did you say boyfriend? And that guy? Damn, you have a very bad taste! You look really hot. Let him go, you can find someone better. Hello, mind your own business, ok. Your wish. Hey! -Stop there -Hey! How dare you leave me? -Hey! -And you wear glasses in the dark! -If not! -It's hurting. I'm the only one for you in this life. Hmm... is that so? Yes! Be careful, I came back this time. I won't do the same again. Why? Are you so egoistic? Doesn't matter, if you don't, I'll come for you. I've never trusted a man before. Wish to continue the same. Except for you. Don't leave me! Will you hold on to this for me? Whenever you have doubts about me, ask my mom. She'll tell you. How much I love you. 'Love' is a crazy feeling. Huh! Since we got our sixth sense we think a tad bit much than required. There's no chance. The design is awesome. -Isn't it good, brother? -Thank you. -Can it be more creative? -Sure, sir. -That's a great design, brother. -Will try something else. -Hey, Dev! Come here. -Yes? Come here for a bit. Come... This is the design of our upcoming shopping mall. I really like this design. But none of them seem to like this design. Why don't you tell me how is it? -Do you have other options? -Yes sir, please check. Give me a pencil. -What's the measurement of our site? - 1/2 acre, sir. Frontage will be 120/180. -What about FSI? -FSI will be around 2. Wow, it's nice. Dad, this is just an idea. If we reduce the footprint and construct it elevated we'll get more parking space. Our site is at a 4 road junction. It'll be already cluttered. By choosing such an architecture, our mall would be a landmark It'll attract youngsters too. -Do as he says. -Ok, sir. Son, is it possible for you to take care of this construction? Ok, dad. Thank you! You guys carry on. Sure Sir, thank you. Ritu, keep this design as reference. -Yes, sir. -we need to take approval... tomorrow afternoon. -Ok, sir. -Dad! -Hmm... I need to talk to you. Please come in, son. Dad, I'm in love with a girl. Her name is Meghna. She's a very good girl. Raised by a single mom, lives in USA. She runs her own company. I like her to be part of our family. I'm very happy, son. If you mom was alive, she would've celebrated it. [laughs] Cute! What's your next plan? I would love to take care of our business. Still, I'll be here and she'll be over there. No idea how it's gonna work out. I feel it might be tough for her, If I'm not with her. She's a very good girl. She went through a lot during her childhood. Whenever she's with me, she feels happy. I don't want to disappoint her. You speak just like your mother. Don't fear in doing something, which you love. Doesn't matter what it is. It's not imperative you have to take care of family business. So what if you guys can't be with me I'll be with you guys. Thank you, dad. Dad! I'll take care of the construction of our upcoming mall. Thank you. That's fine... ...when do I get to meet the girl? [chuckles] She's quite busy at the moment. I'll invite her for the Mall opening. Good, get her. [birds chirping] Hi baby! -Hi baby! -Where are you? Jogging! Oh great! Our flight is at 06:45. It's 2 now, get ready. I'll come and pick you up. Baby, boys are bound to pick up girls. -So... I'll come. -Ok. [phone rings] Hello! Good afternoon sir, this is Murthy architect. Tell me. Would you be able to come down at 6 pm at the site? Only 4 days are left for Bhoomi Pooja. If you approve the design, it'll be great. I have a flight to catch at 6:45. Can we meet at 3 o'clock? [crow caws] What is this sir? Sir, we discussed a design, but you've done the opposite. This is not the plan I designed. Sorry sir, that's why we came for a clarification. If you sit with us for few hours, we can do it. I have a flight in an hour. [phone rings] Baby have you started? I'm stuck in a situation, there's a small issue. -Hey are you ok? -Ya, ya I'm ok. Baby, you please carry on. I don't think I can join you. -Is it ok? -Ok! -Sorry uh, bye. -Bye! I'll call you back. -All is well? -Huh? Ya! He's trying to prank me, that he can't make it. But he'll surprise me being at the airport. [phone rings] Hi baby! Baby where are you? Didn't I mention, that I was stuck with work. Oh! You take care, darling. Ok? Bye! What exactly is he busy with? No calls, not even a text, what's wrong with him? In 2017 businesses with less than, $5 Million annual revenue, experienced an average growth of 7.8% in sales. [phone rings] Past performance of Dictate Inc. Ms.Meghana Padmavati. CEO of Dictate Inc. has guaranteed her future returns. But there's certainly a market for these offerings of small businesses. [phone vibrates] -Hello! -Hi baby! What happened to you? Where are you? I'm preparing a surprise for you. I don't want any surprises, I just want you. If all the girls remain like you, boys won't have any issues. Fine baby, I'll call you back. -Bye! -Hey, Dev... Have you told her yet? I haven't yet. Haven't you told her that the mall carries her name? That is what the surprise is. What's so important work does he than me? Is he working during the night too? [phone rings] -Baby... -Hey, hi! I'll call you back later. Bye. Hello! Hey, what's this? [laughs] -Hey! What's wrong with you? -Ah! -Why are you making me miss you like this? -To surprise you What's the surprise? -Welcome. -Hey, where are we going? Welcome. -I'll tell you, wait. -Tell me, Dev. -Ok fine, tell me where we're going -Don't rush, keep patience, I'll show. -Come on. -Ok, fine. Ta-Da! [indistinctive chatters] -Hi sir, welcome. -Hi! -How's it? -It's nice. Meghna Mall. Can you guess who designed it? Who did? Keep guessing. You gotta meet someone, one minute. I'll be back. -You should eat without wasting it. -Dad... Meghna is here. Is that so! -Excellent, design. -Sir, designed it. There's no chance, someone can do so much in just 5 days. He didn't think about anything else but was focused on work. At this rate, the business he's going to take over no one can compete with him. He has spoken about you ma'am. You're very lucky. Nice family, and he's a good man. -Where is she? -I asked her to stay here. Sorry sir, I got late. Brother, it's getting late for Pooja, come fast. -They are calling you. -You carry on dad, I'll get her. -Dev, come. -You carry on... [phone rings] [chants] [phone rings] [phone rings] Hello Meghna, where are you? I left. Why, what happened? Was this building your surprise? Yes! Is this why you didn't speak to me for 36 hours? Without speaking... Which 36 hours? The four days, where you didn't think about me. The time you avoided me. [chuckles] I never avoided you. In 4 days, at least over the phone had you spent 2 hours with me? Is that a surprise too? What were up to the rest of the time? I was taking care of the construction over here. Oh! What's with the sudden interest in construction? First time, Dad asked me something. How can I refuse. Fine, how long will you be busy with construction? May be until it's over, take it 6 months. Then, what about me? My time with you? Meghna, Am I going to do business my entire life? Dev, don't teach me about business. I very well know, what will happen once you begin. That's the reason, I was scared all this while. That's why, I kept asking you again and again. The reason I liked you was, that you'd stay with me and spend time with me. Baby, let everything go. Hereafter, I won't do any such thing and will be only around you. Promise me that. I'll take care of you. You'll take care of me? What do you mean? It's enough, if you're with me. What you did in these past 28 years I want you to do the same with me for next 50 years No matter what happens, you never took anything seriously and enjoyed your life. Baby, you're very unique. That's why I chose you. You chose me? Am I a product to you? You've been talking just about you all this while doesn't it sound selfish to you? Oh, is this called being selfish? Then if a girl is good looking, being with her is an adventure, she'll be good homemaker. and have my babies. Don't you guys expect this from a girl? What do you call that? I am selfish! I chose something which will make me happy in life there's nothing wrong being selfish about it. Meghna, not all men are the same. If you wish to be, then be selfish. But love is something, which not only concerns you, but it concerns me as well. If you're around it's enough and your happiness is what matters. You said this. Now you're talking differently. In the name of adventure, you do something interesting on and off. So... the same thing is done by many though. You haven't done squat to be proud of. What are you trying to get at? Are you trying to say that I am useless? You're asking me to be in your control and listen to you. If so, then all this while you never loved me. Yes, I didn't love you. I trusted you... ...there's no use in talking anymore. Good Bye Meghna... why are you fighting now? [phone disconnection beep] Hello! Hello! Meghna! -Hey, what happened? -Mom! -Let us leave. -Why are you so angry? Why are you crying? I won't cry anymore. I've booked tickets, we're returning right away. Hey, hey Meghna. What happened? Meghna, what are you doing? Tell me what happened? I'm out of this relationship. -This won't work out. -Why? -It won't work out. -Tell me why, damn it. He can't give me the time I require. It's enough we got betrayed in the name of dad. I don't want to get betrayed once again. Don't act in haste, Meghna. Think for once. He's a very good guy. I don't need anyone, anymore. Meghna, please listen to me. Are you coming with me or not? Meghna! Meghna! Meghna! Meghna! Meghna! Meghna, I'm sorry. Whatever it is we can sort it out. -Please stop the car. -Just listen what he is going to say. [vehicles honking] [vehicle honks] [tires screeching] [glass breaks] [siren] Mr. Ramalingam! -How's my son? -There are 4 fractures, he'll be alright. You can go see him. [door opens] [beeps] Sorry, dad. I'm hurting you guys a lot. I did all this, so that she doesn't have to worry. The name of our daughter... ...also the name of our son, we had decided it. Without her... ...she knows very well, that I can't live. Still she was ignorant and left. Along with it, she took my life too. Before she disappeared from my sight... -...I felt like killing myself dad. -Dev! Dev. I understand your pain very well. I was in the same state as yours, when your mother died. That time, you guys were there for me. Now, I'm there for you. I'm not sure, what she did was right or wrong? But I'm sure, I raised you well. No matter what is your decision, I'll support you on that. But I can't bear another loss. This smile is your identity. This is where I see your mother. Please don't lose this at any cost. Mom! Mom, please open the door. [door knocks] Why are you so angry with me? [door knocks] As it is he hurt me, why are you hurting me more? I thought you'll change if a man enters your life. But when I saw you not respecting any relationship, What's the point in talking? [door opens] [coughs] -Were you asleep? -Huh? No! Friend, what is your name? Dev! How did you get hurt? Did you fall down? I fell, when I was trying to climb a mountain. You can climb a mountain? -Super! -Mmmm. What is your name? I'm Meenakshi, and she's Dora. My mother's name is Meenakshi too. -Oh, just like mine. -Mmmm. Friend, Dora and I don't like to stay in this hospital. So we're planning to climb a mountain and hide there. But she's very scared of fox. Is it possible for you to take us along? Ok, promise? Promise. What the hell is going on? Why is the team being so incompetent? Just because I'm not here, why there is no progress? -Ma'am -What? They've selected you as the Best Asian business leader, this year. The award ceremony is happening in Singapore. Congrats, ma'am. Congratulations! "Where have you gone, leaving me in despair" "I can't leave and go anywhere" "Where have you gone, leaving me in despair" "I can't leave and go anywhere" "Reeds go dry, without water" "There is no love without tears" -"Leaving me in despair..." -Dev... Dev, we've been searching for you everywhere. Buddy, why are you torturing yourself? I thought I was very strong. -But didn't realize, it will hurt so much. -Dude, don't cry... -...please! -Can't see you in this state. First, go and get her. There's nothing new to mention anymore. But I know... ...she'll definitely come back. Dev, what if she doesn't? Dev, come on let's play. Harish, am I a bad person? Er... You are not a bad person though. But you consider only your opinions. So, are you calling me selfish? Aren't you? What is the most desired wish in your life? Just once... ...I want to climb, The Everest. [laughs] -Hey! -Hey, what happened? -If you like anything other than me... -I like you... I only like you. ...I'll bite you off. [chuckles] Say it... -Tell me that you just like me. -Whatever you say, ok? Come on, say it, Dev. Until I'm with you, won't let you take any risk. "Without you around, it's like a sky without rainbow" "There is no greenery on the land you aren't there" "You are like my oxygen, fill my lungs" "You are my love light, stay with me" "What was my fault in this?" "Why is this distance then?" "You are but another form of me" "But I never get angry on myself!" It's hurting to see you in this state. So what if she's gone, we'll find another girl I'll find a million matches for you. If I agree to that, then it's not called love. "I can't leave and go anywhere" Why are you leaving all of a sudden? -Do you really need to leave? -Yes, dad. I've lost her, already. I'm scared, I'll lose myself too. I need some time, to figure out what I want in life. Please take care of yourself. "You literally burnt my heart to ashes" "It was me who got smouldered, but not my love 'O' dear" "You may swipe the dates on calendar, but I'll be your well wisher" "I can take 10 lives if you reject me in this" "Turning my life into my voice" "I'm expressing my love to you" "Before I get buried into the ground" "Please tell me your love for me is true" "Where have you gone, leaving me in despair" "I can't leave and go anywhere" "Reeds go dry, without water" "There's no love without tears" Every step you take on Everest is risky. You can only win, if you have a strong will. All the best! "without you 'O' dear" "without you 'O' dear" "where did you go my love?" "where did you go my love?" [ice rumbling] Dear mountainers... Usually it's not this cold during this time. You have to be very careful. You have to use your mountain gears. Keep it in bag. Hey, careful. -That's ok. -Give me your bag. Give it to me, it's fine. -Hi, I'm Swathi. -I'm Dev. Thanks! Are you alright? Yeah. You guys are here to prove that you are physically strong. I'm here to see, if I'm mentally strong. Earlier it was just a wish to climb this mountain. Now it has turned into a need. [applause] Victory is something... ...which makes a person stand out. But this isn't enough for me. I wish to run faster than this happiness. [camera captures] [wind howling] [metal ladder creaks] [metal ladder creaking] [metal ladder creaking] [wind howling] [ice rumbling] Come fast! -Hold the rope, don't let go. -Hey, hold it. Hey! [screams] -Help... Help! -Hey! Hey, Swathi! [screams] [screams] Help! Dev! Help! I'm slipping. -I'm not able to hold. -Help! -Come on -Please, help. Help! Help! -Ah! -I'm not able to breathe. Help! -I'm not able to hold. Dev, help. Dev, Hold... hold my hand. Yes...Yes! Yes! [grunts] [screams] Hold... hold. Use your ice axe! Climb up! Put your foot on my shoulder. [grunts] Yeah! [grunts] There's a chance of avalanche in Base Camp: 3 don't send the mountaineers up here. I repeat! Do not send any mountaineers to Base Camp: 3. Meghna! [phone rings] Until this minute, they haven't found Dev Ramalingam. everyone is worried if he can hold up, until the rescue team gets to him. [phone rings] Hello! -Vicky! -Shucks! [phone rings] What the hell! Hello. -Vignesh, I wanna meet Dev, please. -Hey, hang up, damn it. Vignesh, I want to live my rest of the life with him. There's no use in realizing now, they're saying that he died trying to climb Mt. Everest in an avalanche. Why are women so confused? You don't trust the genuine guys who loves you, but you end up with the wrong ones and suffer. Only then you women will get some sense. [sobs] Dev! Wake up Dev, come on let's play. [panting in pain] [wind howling] I thought you would change if someone comes in your life. But you think that whatever you do is right [grunts] Dev will you take me and Dora over the mountain? Will you the stay the same forever? You won't abandon me, right? [chopper blades whirring] [chopper blades whirring] [panting] Dev! Are you alright? Don't you have any sense? You climbed up so high without oxygen? You could've died if we got late! Officers... ensure that he's attended to immediately. With all the necessary first aid. [sobs] Hey, are you crazy? What if something had happened to you? It's all because of her. You don't need her anymore. I'm here for you now. No... ...I don't need you. I only need her. Hey, she's an arrogant woman. But, I'm not like her. I'm really sweet. I can't live without her. She feels the same too. Then why did she leave you? She left... so that she can return. You never change, do you? I won't! I love you! I love you too. In the end, she returned just as Dev had mentioned. If you ask, how you stay positive no matter what happens? He said one answer. Dude, there's no confusion in how to lead a life, it's enough if you just listen to your heart. Your heart always lets you know your choices. "Dear, my foot steps meet yours" "Dear, because of you my heart beats" "We'll become together" "We will become together and become a story"
Channel: Mango Telugu Cinema
Views: 16,669,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dev Latest Telugu Full Movie 4K, Karthi, Rakul Preet, Mango Telugu Cinema, Dev Movie, Dev Telugu Movie, Dev Full Movie, Dev Movie Online, Dev Telugu Full Movie, Dev Movie Scenes, Dev Movie Songs, Dev Movie Video Songs, 2023 Latest Telugu Movies, 2023 Telugu Movies, 2023 Telugu Comedy Movies, Karthi Movies, Karthi Songs, Karthi Telugu Movies, Karthi New Movie, Superhit Telugu Movies 2023, Rakul Preet Movies, Rakul Preet Songs, Rakul Preet Video Songs, Telugu New Movies 2023
Id: BLoBy5sPjFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 24sec (9204 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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