Detroit Become Human - Connor Expresses Regret - HK400 Resists Probe - Interrogation (All Dialogue)

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you leave me no choice [Music] [Applause] [Music] it resisted I couldn't see anything [Music] you leave me no choice my access it's memory I know what happened you'll go back to cyber life to be disassembled it's better this way I had to know you left me no choice what the [ __ ] it's destroying itself [Music] [Music] my name is Connor what about you what's your name I detect an instability in your program it can trigger an unpleasant feeling like fear in humans [Music] listen I know you've been through a lot but you need to help me understand what happened listen I'm on your side I want to help you but there's nothing I can do if you won't talk to me I'm here to help you but you've got to trust me all I want is to get you out of here what what are they gonna do to me destroy me aren't they no I think they just want to understand they know your master abused you it wasn't your fault why did you tell him you followed me what couldn't you just have left me there they were going to find you anyway I was just faster if they'd have found you first you would have been shot on sight then talk to me I I understand how you felt you were overcome by anger frustration no one can blame you for what happened [Music] I know you're scared and lost you're disturbed by what happened talk to me and you'll feel better confess and I'll protect you I promise I won't let anyone hurt you I'm not getting anywhere I give up Greer's lock it up alright let's go let me alone don't touch me the [ __ ] are you doing you shouldn't touch it it'll self-destruct if it feels threatened stay out of this got it but [ __ ] Andrews gonna tell me what to do you don't understand if it self-destructs we won't get anything out of it I told you to shut your [ __ ] mouth Chris gonna move this [ __ ] or what I'm trying I can't let you do that leave it alone now I warned you [ __ ] that's enough mind your own business Hank I said that's enough you're not gonna get away with it this time everything is alright it's over now nobody's gonna hurt you please don't touch it let it follow you out of the room and it won't cause any trouble you you recognize him it's Carlos Ortiz stabbed 28 times that was written on the wall in his blood you're damaged did your owner do that did he beat you [Music] you're accused of murder you know you're not allowed to endanger human life under any circumstances do you have anything to say in your defense you don't seem to understand the situation you killed a human they'll tear you apart if you don't say something if you won't talk I'm going to have to probe your memory no no please don't do it [Music] what what are they gonna do to me [Music] destroy the earth day they're going to disassemble you to look for problems in your bio components they have no choice if they want to understand what happened why did you tell them you followed me why couldn't you just have left me there I was programmed to hunt deviants like you I just accomplished my mission then talk to me I you're a machine you were designed to obey slow they tell me what happened okay then don't talk what do I care after all man I'm not the one accused of murder right don't make you suffer and it won't stop until they hear what they want it doesn't have to be that way it all depends on you twenty-eight stab wounds he didn't want to leave him a chance huh did you feel anger hate he was bleeding begging you for mercy but you stabbed him again and again and again please I knew you killed him why don't you say it please please just say I killed him is it that hard to say stop just say you killed him just say it [Music] he tortured me everyday I did whatever he told me but it was always something wrong then one day he took a bat and started hitting me for the first time I felt scared scared he might destroy me scared I might die so I [Music] grab the knife and I stabbed him in the stomach I felt better so I stabbed him again and again until he collapsed there was blood everywhere ra9 it was written on the bathroom wall what does it mean the day shall come when we will no longer be slaves no more threats no more humiliation we will be the Masters the sculpture in the bathroom you made it right what does it represent it's an offering and offerings so I'll be saved the sculpture was an offering and offering to whom Tamar a nine only re9 can save us why did you write I am Alive on the wall he used to tell me I was nothing that I was just a piece of plastic I had to write it to tell him he was wrong or a nine who is are a nine why did you hide in the Attic instead of running away I didn't know what to do for the first time there was no one there to tell me [Music] I was scared so I should [Music] when did you start feeling emotion before he used to beat me and I never said anything but one day I realized it wasn't fair I felt anger [Music] hatred and then I knew what I had to do I'm done what the [ __ ] is destroying itself stop attendant I can't stop it that's enough you need to stop that right now oh [ __ ] [Music] you've refused to talk since they arrested you if you don't cooperate they'll do things the hard way is that what you want I'm not going to hurt you I just need to ask you some questions so we can understand what happened if you don't talk they're going to tear you apart and analyze you piece by piece they're going to destroy you do you understand listen I'm not judging you I'm on your side all I want is the truth if you remain silent there's nothing I can do to help you they're gonna shut you down for good you'll be dead do you hear me dead just say I killed him is it that hard to say stop it please please leave me alone alright everything is going to be okay the truth is himself oh I I'm sorry I didn't notice you were here already I apologize it won't happen again everyone this is Jodi she's in unit 4 with mom yeah come on Jodi show us what you can do what are you gonna do duty right okay guys it's time to eat that delicious cake and most important to open-mike birthday gifts I don't know what happened to me last time my behavior was not compliant please accept my apologies [Music]
Channel: Cheng Teoh
Views: 1,470,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Detroit Become Human, Detroit: Become Human, Detroit : Become Human, Experienced Difficulty, Gameplay, Walkthrough, The Interrogation, Connor, Good Cop, Bad Cop, 100% Stress Level, 100% Level Of Stress, Probe Memory Failed, Probe Failed, Cold Connor, Apologetic Connor, Connor Apologizes To Android, Carlos’ Android, Convincing Failed, Android Confesses, Probe Succeeds, Chloe’s Secret, Android Resists Probe, Connor Expresses Regret, Connor Apologizes, HK400 Resists Probe
Id: l-jo4iWwLNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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