Detenuto in Attesa di Giudizio (Why?) - Film Completo (Eng Subs) by Film&Clips

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Here it is! Thank you! Mr Ambassador... Director Hultzor. Thank you! Boschvil. - Thank you! - Cheers. Prosit! Cin-cin! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Cin-cin! <i>The italian spakling wine</i> <i>is very good.</i> Thank you, director Hultzor. Attention! You'll begin in three weeks. If you fall behind, another firm we'll take over. Categorically! We'll start in three weeks. I'll stake my honour on it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank... you! Thank you, director Hultzor. Glad to meet you! You see, Your Excellency, down there we'll build the houses... ...for the tehnicians and workers. Well done! It's a sure thing, boys! Thank you and good luck to everyone! Congratulations even to you surveyor! Thank you! Thank you, boys! - How can you begin in three weeks? - It's not possible... ...first, Your Excellency. We have to wait for the materials... ...from Finland, so that I'll use the oppurtunity... take my wife and children to Italy. - Bravo! You're going to Italy? - Eh, I don't try to hide my emotion. At last, this year I'm going back to Italy with my family. - How I wish I could come with you! - Ah, ah... Really, Your Excellency? Yes, who's speaking? Ah, it's you ma'am! - To you and to your co-workers. All italians? - All! All! A sweet and loving break a leg, long Italy! Thank you, Your Excellency! It really is very nice of you! - Good-bye! - And thank you for coming! - Are you already a <i>cavaliere</i>? - No, Your Excellency! It doesn't matter. - Woking is what matters! - No, I'll make a report to Rome concernig... ...your thriving activity. - Too kind! I'll come and see you... ...when I'll return and thank you for your moral support. - <i>Cavaliere</i>... - Eh, you've already begun? - Your wife has called, she's ready to go. - Alright, I'm going. Better than joking with the <i>cavaliere</i>, remember... we've sweated for this contract and how many firms... ...are ready to steal it from us, but everything's in our hands! Don't worry, everything will be ready when you'll return. We'll meet again in three weeks! You know... ...the Swedes: If we go over the deadline the contract's gone! - You can trust us! - See you soon! Good-bye to you all! - Have a good trip! - Good-bye! - I'm off to Italy! I'm off to Italy! IN PRISON AWAITING TRIAL <i>From Russia to the North Pole</i> <i>an endless range of colours.</i> <i>But Italy, Italy is something else.</i> <i>Ah, ah, ah. Is that thing</i> <i>in your heart.</i> <i>From Swiss to the Ecuator...</i> <i>... From Brazil to Tennessee...</i> <i>... an endless range of colours.</i> <i>But Italy, Italy is something else,</i> <i>something called love.</i> <i>Ah, ah. Bella Italia,</i> <i>beloved shores...</i> ...I return to see you. Shiver does in chest the... <i>... soul and shy with pleasure</i> <i>sure is.</i> Everything you see is wonderful, because Italy is the most beautiful country in the world. But as I am objective, I won't say it. You'll see it for yourselves, I'm taking you just for that! <i>- Mother, daddy.</i> <i>- But that's not daddy.</i> He's in love with you! <i>He sees his father</i> <i>in every man.</i> Thank you! Have a good trip! - Good day! - Good day! - Passports, please! - Passports, Ingrid! Mother, can I have a candy? So, this is mine and the children are indicated... ...on my wife's. - Thank you! - Please! - Here it is! Come, take it! - You'll get no sweets! - Ah, ah, ah. Afterward you'll be ashamed to come out in the bathing suit. - This is the last one. - Daddy, unwrap it for me! I won't eat all the holiday. Yes, even he... ...sweet! Yes, yes. - Ma'am. - Thank you! - Daddy'll unwrap it. - Daddy, I! - You want the chocolate? Daddy'll unwrap it. Mr. Di Noi would you please come for a second in the office? - Yes, immediately! - It's just a formality. - Giuseppe. - Yes? - Anything wrong? - Eh, all the documents are ok. I hope they don't us to put the muzzle to the dog! Ah ah. - I was joking with my wife. - Pardon? "I hope they don't us to put the muzzle to the dog!" This way. Ma'am, please, move on the right side, you're hindering traffic. Yes, right now! What do you want from me? Where are we going? My family's waiting. - Come, advance! - There's a mistake! My wife and my children... Daddy, daddy... Look, daddy! Cut it off with this daddy mania! <i>Where have you taken me?</i> <i>This is a cell!</i> - Move! - It's not possible! What have I done? - Please, make yourself comfortable! Please! - Yes, but you've been telling... "make yourself comfortable" since this morning! They say: "come, Mr Di Noi,'s onlya formality." "Alright, I'm coming", says I. Now my family is at the border, they don't know anyone, they don't know where to go. <i>Excuse me, dottore, couldn't you tell</i> <i>me what's all about?</i> It's been a very sudden thing. What are you doing? Ah, thank you! Excuse me, could I know why am I being arrested? You'll find it out from the Investigating Judge when he'll hear you. What? But I haven't done anything! It's a mistake, ...why should I be interrogated by the Judge? - We don't know! You don't know? And isn't there anyone who knows? But I have the right to know why have I been taken here! Handcuffed! In jail! I was unwrapping a chocolate for my son, when... Send a cable to the Prosecutor's Office and try and find out what's the... ...crime. - Name and surname! - What are you doing to me? - Nothing! These are the rules! - Giuseppe... Giuseppe Di Noi. Look what happened: I arrive at the border, they tell me to sit down. - It's a little formality... - Father? - Vincenzo, deceased. - Alright, says I... - Born? - In Tivoli. - Date? On... but excuse me, isn't everything written here? Stay calm! I've told you, these are the rules! I'm sorry, but I'm so confused. You were saying, sorry? - When were you born? - In Tivoli in '24. On 15/6/1924. - Occuaption? - Surveyor. Graduated. Infestious diseases? Have you ever had infectious diseases? - Eh, no! - None. Identification marks: Negative. Is this your first detention? Have you ever been in jail before? Eh, no! Now! It's you that asks me this? It's you that have told me at the border: "Come, it's only a formality". <i>And then? No!</i> <i>What are you doing?</i> Nothing! Rules! Fingerprints. What do you mean fingerprints? What am I, a delinquent? - I'm an honest man. - Here! - I was going on holiday with my family - And here. Profile! <i>Now turn! The other way round!</i> <i>The other profile!</i> <i>Done!</i> - Let's go, come with me. - Where? - Take off your coat! - Do I have to? - Yes. - Excuse me, but the Inspector... - Nothing, there's no Inspector. E beh, but at this point you must tell me what do you... ...want from me? - You must just get undressed. - Undress. - O, yes! Everything. Lo Cascio! I'm going in inspection, you take care. They must check but I haven't done anything. Here I am, I always have to do everything? Put everything down. You take of your shirt and underwear! What have you said, excuse me? After all, even the shirt and underwear... <i>Must I even take off my underwear?</i> <i>And what's that?</i> It's the Gibaud, for rheumatism. You have to, in Sweden is very ...cold. It's a northern country! - As if Milano is... the south?! I'm aching all over. Stand up a little! Even this? - How many pieces are there? - Can't you see how many? - The back piece... - The back piece. <i>- Yes. The arm piece.</i> <i>- The arm piece.</i> <i>- The panty piece.</i> <i>- The panty piece.</i> - The knee-pad. <i>- And?</i> - And the ankle piece! <i>- The knee-pad and the ankle piece?</i> - The ankle piece is coming. Aha! What...? - What are you doing? It's nothing! Stay calm! Don't worry! Stay calm!? You shove a finger down my ass and you say... ...don't worry. - We have to do it, it's the rules. What "rules"? Did you think you'd find a bomb? - I'm innocent! - All are! 179 judicial solitary! <i>179 judicial solitary!</i> <i>179 judicial solitary!</i> - Where? - 179! What? Are you locking me now? You're even putting me in a cell? Wait! Try to think! Take me to the judge! Open up! How is it possible that you can do what you're doing? It's not true, you must wake him up right now! <i>- You've already woken me up, madame!</i> - It's a very urgent matter! <i>Then call tomorrow, but not at home,</i> <i>at the office.</i> But if the consul is not in Milan, how can he be in the office tomorrow morning? <i>Then don't call!</i> <i>Good night!</i> How much? - 2,025 <i>lire</i>. - Keep the change! - I'm sorry, but what are these? - Swedish crowns. - What can I do with those? - And I? But, madame, with this currency here... <i>Listen, madame...</i> <i>Please, come for one moment!</i> <i>What will, what will be,</i> <i>what will be. What will be with my life...</i> Ah, madame, the fill is 7,002. Hey, what a blonde! I'm sorry, but I haven't yet had the time to change. - I don't even know what they're worth! - Come on, I'll give it to you. - What will be, will be. - Here are 7,002. You must sleep with your face uncovered! It's because of the light, I can't turn it off. - Hey, are you playing it, or you really are? - Isn't there a switch? - I dind't find it. - The light must always stay on... ...for surveillance reasons. - Let me see! - What are you doing? - Why are you sleeping with your clothes on? - What do you think, I was cold! You'll have to undress! It's forbidden sleeping with... ...your clothes on. - Forbidden, he says. Everything's forbidden here! But you can't forbid me to know why am I here, ...why have you arrested me! - Ah, I don't know anything. And neither do I! I was at the border with my family, Hey, enough busting my balls, or I'll send you to ...the punishment cell! - Punishment cell? And what is this? The one I'll be telling you now, don't spread it around, please, because you'll spoil it! Nobody says jokes as I do. A policeman is looking for a girl. As soon as she sees him: "What are you doing? Are you armed?" Miss, I'm a soldier and I'm always armed! Hey, what's with this chaos? Why are you still awake? I can't resist anymore! I must go to the toilette. I'm calling, but nobody's hearing me! I need the big one! Stand up when talking to a superior! Are you making fun of me? Why are you saying this, if I may? I can't hold it anymore! - I have to! - This is the toillet! - Ah, this is! I didn't know. - Superior! When answering, you must say "superior". I didn't know, superior! Pick everything up! The cell must be kept clean and in order. - Yes. I'm sorry, just a second. - Shit a second. Superior! Superior to who? Superior to what? To me? Everyone knows him, just ask! What are you doing at Poggio Reale? The escort? Where's the escort? - It should be with those in transit. - Move it Mickey Mouse! You must be polite with the prisoners, got it? - Pasetti! Pasetti for transport! - But now that there's the escort... ...available the group Grosseto, Volterra, Civitavecchia... - Sergeant. no more? Where is it? We've inquired, but nothing came out. So? What do you mean "nothing"? Eh, I really don't know what to do about it! Well, we could communicate at once with the Public Prosecutor's Office... ...the reasons for the wrong translation. Make way! Because without the medical certificate, without his personal file, and, especially without the prisoner, I'm not leaving! Di Noi what are you doing here? Di Noi? Where did you hide? - I? Where should I be? - We've been waiting you for two hours. Move! Does it look we are at your disposal? Move! Move ahead! - Mr Di Noi, listen! - Yes... The Prosecutor's office has answered why an arrest warrant has been... ...issued on your name. - At last. - Now you'll be happy. - Thank you. You're accused of manslaughter in the second degree... ...against one Mr. Franz Kaltenbrunner. So! And who's he? Who? I don't know him! Move! Move! Absolute silence <i>Who can this</i> <i>Franz Kaltenbrunner be?</i> <i>I've never dealt with Germans.</i> <i>Ah, yes, maybe during the war,</i> <i>in '43!</i> They've once stopped us at a checkpoint at the <i>Castelli Romani</i>... <i>... and a German frisked me.</i> <i>He threw me in a stable</i> <i>and beat the hell out of me.</i> <i>Wanna bet he is</i> <i>this Franz Kaltenbrunner?</i> Maybe he died from the beating he gave me! <i>Damn shit!</i> <i>What are we still doing here?</i> <i>We've been here for three hours,</i> <i>standing still under the sun,</i> <i>are we moving or what?</i> I don't want it! These are not 25 grams! That's what the B table of the subcontracting... ...agreement says. - Let me read it! I'm intitled to this! Even animals are fed to their hunger. Half a <i>ciriola</i> and 25 grams of mortadella after six hours? <i>You'll starve us to death!</i> A little water... Thank you! Can I give it to that jerk that's always protesting? <i>- Fucking souls of your dead!</i> - My Rome! <i>Get ready to get down!</i> Come in! What "come in"? Hurry up, let's go! <i>- Hey, listen.</i> - What? - It's you that... - I wasn't hungry... Thank you! You're a friend! Careful with the Red! He got life for a shoe. He burnt a sailor, but forgot to burn one shoe. - Where're we going? Where're they taking us? - In prison, at <i>Regina Coeli</i>. Who're you, I've never seen you? Cut it out! No! Don't touch me! - Why at <i>Regina Coeli</i>? - Inmates can't... by night. - Courage! Don't let yourself down! - No. I must only have... ...a little patience, and I'll be out soon. The Consul asks you to forgive him for not being able to receive you personally. He phoned he'll only be back in Milan tomorrow. Have you known Di Noi for a long time? - For more than six years. - Oh, then it isn't just someone you happen to know. Happen to know? We've got two children. Oh, then things do change. Do they live in Italy? No, no, in Sweden. He has a building company in Norkopping. Does Mr. Di Noi come in Italy often? No. Since coming in Sweden, more than six years ago, he never went back in Italy. But, maybe he went to Italy without you knowing it... You know the way italians are. Has he ever talked to you about his... ...italian past? - Can we at least know why has he been arrested? He's accused of having killed a man. <i>Manslaughter</i> <i>in the second degree.</i> - Out with all your things. - Si! Here I am! Ready! - All, I said all your things! - All? This is not my stuff. Must I take it also? It's been a weeking you've been keeping me... ...inside. I had already begun speaking to myself! - Where're you going? - Where to? - This way, you must return the things. - Are they giving me back my personal belongings? - Di Noi Giuseppe! - He's coming! - Documents and personal belongings. - Thank you! - Where're you taking me? - To Sagunto. - To Sagunto? - To the Judicial Prison. - I thought I was going out! <i>Hey, Vittorio,</i> <i>did you make it?</i> - Yes, I made it. - Hey, Vittorio, where're you coming from? From Trani. I demanded <i>Regina Coeli</i>, for the clinic. - Or they'll send me to Pianosa. - I'm going to Sagunto for the appeal. - How is it going'? - Fine! I've got TB. - I'm also going to Sagunto. Where's it? - What do you care? - Move! - It's in Salerno. - It's a good place! - But my family... Get a place in the third wing, you can see the sea. Did you manage getting a guitar? It's been 16 month my mother's sent me the guitar. - And you still haven't got it? - No way! They take me around... ...from one prison to another, and the guitar stays put... ...and doesn't get to me. - You're also going for appeal? No, I'm only to be interrogated by the judge. - Eh, then everything's only begining for you. - No, it's ending. It's a confusion, it only needs clearing up. Nothing's simple when dealing with justice, remember this. Hurry up, and don't talk anymore! That's where you belong, learn you lesson, thieves! The hands! They should cut your hands of! What's there to look at, jerks? - Where're you going? - 3 kg of olives and 16 months in prison... ...because I stole 3 kg of olives! - Stop it! Let me go, shitface! - What are you looking at? Jerks! - What are you doing? Leaning? Yes. Make way! - Please, let us through! <i>- Come, Ganriella, there's a seat!</i> - Get going! Get going! - Let us through! Please. Please, leave! Come, come! Out! And these, you're leaving them on? I'm not going to escape! Excuse me! They say "manslaughter in the second degree". - What does it mean? - Manslaughter: It wasn't your fault. On the contrary! And "in second degree"? The damage was greater than you had anticipated. <i>Did you get it?</i> <i>I'll explain it better now.</i> <i>Let's admit you only wanted to</i> <i>threaten or hit him.</i> <i>- This... What's his name?</i> <i>- Franz Kaltenbrunner.</i> You did it without the intent. Like if you were innocent. - But you killed him. - Who? I didn't kill anyone! I don't even know Franz Kaltenbrunner! Stay calm! As soon as you'll get to Sagunto you'll tell it all to the judge. As for me, I'm "with intent". I got aggravation... ...for house-breaking. It means I intended... do it, because to pinch the olives I put aside... ...the barbed wire fence. Then, I also got aggravation for association to commit a crime... ...because my brothers came after me. It was an association to commit a crime because there were three of us. And, besides, the harshest aggravation, was due to the fact that the olives... ...belonged to the State. - No, I got mine. - Can I have one? Hey, can I have one? - Yes. You're going to Sagunto to appeal? No, no! It's for something else! It's beacuse I spat in the face of... ...a deputy, because I'm a psychopath. The manager of the asylum for the criminal insane told me that... If not, I wouldn't have spat. I went sick with my nerves in prison. I did a lot of punishment cells... ...and then from one cell to another, ...from one asylum to the next one. I spat the deputy in the face <i>but he provoked me!</i> And at the trial, either the judge believes... ...all my witnesses and acquits me, ...or, when I get out, I'll kill him. I always curse the moment I was brought into this world. Calm, you must keep! Calm! Always calm! You must endure every humiliation without rebelling, every injustice, without ever protesting. <i>Calm, I says to you!</i> <i>Always calm!</i> <i>'Cause, surveyor, you,</i> <i>a learned person,</i> ...keep this in mind for ever: It's enough to turn your head once, only once, I says, and you, from the prison, you'll never get out! And now let me 'cause me wants to have a sleep. Excuse me, <i>carabiniere</i>, can I go to the toillet? - Can't you do without it? - How could I? I have to go. - Go! - Come on! Thank you! What is it? - Ah, the door must stay open! - Yes. Please! Beh what? I feel it coming from the border, ...but I can't do it with a <i>carabiniere</i> looking at me! Good evening! Hello to everyone! - Good evening! - Good evening. Inmates from there, to the Registration Office. - How are you, chief? You look well! - Hi! I wanted to know if there's a package stored for me. Chief, after all, has that guitar arrived? Is there a guitar? <i>- Yes.</i> - At last! <i>But he was in Grosseto,</i> <i>we sent it there.</i> You heard? It's in Grosseto. We'll inquire. Can we have this a little louder? Guardascione Saverio and Di Noi Giuseppe. Ah, Di Noi! Di Noi Giuseppe! You've made it at last! We've been waiting you for some time. - Where have you been till now? - You are asking me? I'm... ...asking you where are you taking me. What's this way of talking? How dare you? Another one that protests, who says big words. Everything... ...must happen to us. Where do you think you are? In prison! You've shown me all of them... ...and the cell waggons, and the <i>carabinieri</i>, and the chains... I can't even remember for how long you've been moving me around, if I were a package! <i>Italy. Perfect!</i> <i>We're in the 85th minute.</i> <i>What teams are playing!</i> - They're stubborn these Maceratesi! But stupid, also. They should play the joker, and right now! - Eh... Beh? What is it? - I'm sorry, sergeant. - There's a big mistake going on! - The joker... You're a sensitive and learned person. I even see you like TV... - These imbeciles! - I'd like to know what do you want from me? Does it seem right to you? I know nothing about my family! I've spent my holiday in prison, but I must go back to Sweden! It's important! I want to speak to the judge! Go search him! It's the third time you've searched me! - The sergeant can vouch for it. - Vouch what? Young master, here it's I that am in command! Take him away, or I'll also dennounce him! What's this son of a bitch? Eh? An intellectual? No, he's just a little conceited because he lived abroad. Excuse us, we're a little tired, and we'd like to leave. If you'd just sign for the transfer... They should play the joker! - Is anything the matter? - Uhm? No, no! We have... check the jail things... No, we've already done that. Sign, please! - Imbeciles! They should play the joker... - Good night! Good night! <i>Gloves...</i> They've sat down all day long... <i>- Yellow ring.</i> - And they got the allowance, ...and the per diem. <i>- 700 dollars...</i> - Tired. <i>- International driving licence.</i> - Show me! <i>- Compass.</i> Turn the TV off. Anti-pain arm piece, technicolor watch... - Ah... He's got money, this one! - Picnic knife... ...with chain. - Wouldn't he be a rich one? How is it going? Then? Alright! Good day, warden! All calm. - Good day! Any complaints? - Yes, verbal ones: For a problem... ...with the showers. Write to the contractor firm. - Haven't I wrote it already? - Write another one! We must show the Inquiring Judge we've done everything in our power. You, know, regarding Carrano Bruno everything's alright. - He was sentenced for life. - Yes, yes, calm... From life they'll comuite his sentence to thirty years, he does fifteen, and then he busts our balls. <i>Mala tempora currunt.</i> What are you doing dressed like this? - Is it New Year's? Order, Zacaria! - Good day. - How is it going? - My daughter graduates with honors. - Bravo! Congratulations! - Thank you! Oh, as for the money for the roof for the walk yard... ...when it rains, there's nothing from the Ministry. I'm bringing the warden in. In Rome they don't give a shit on what we're doing here. They think about fucking, making a career and fucking. - How the sppirit, boys? - Dead and gone! No one lauhgs here! - If you wanna laugh, laugh! - Fine, fine! Laugh, laugh! Prisoner Pierantoni begs Your Illustrious Excellency... be allowed to change cell, for health reasons. - Yes, health. - He's loaded. - Health? What are we gonna do? - He stays put. - He's coming. <i>- Warden, excuse me.</i> - Yes? Here I am, Father! Tell me. - I wanted to remind you... ...about that special leave, if you could endorse the application... ...with the tutelary judge. - No. Better not. - Let's help him, because it's a case... - I know it, dear Don Paolo! That's too much turmoil here. I must apply the rules. Ah, we've got something on Guardascione Saverio, - an old acquaintance. Remember, the one with the spit? - Yes. He writes: I pray your lordship to have my suit cleaned, on my expense, in an external laundry, - as I have a lawsuit. - No, it could by body of evidence. If it's be a body of evidence, it'd be in custody with the Tribunal. - I don't want no trouble. Ask for permission! - And? - The suit stays where it is. - There also is... ...Di Noi, whose presence... - Ah Don Paolo, I have to... ...take the kids to the sea. I'll give you a ride. - No thank you, I prefer walking. - Fuck you, then! - Oh, I was talking about Di Noi. - Yes. - Whose presence was... ...demanded a couple of times by the examining magistrate. - Uhm. He has asked permission to send these cables. - How many are there? Fifteen? - Express. Ingrid Werner Knorkopping, what kind of guy is he? "To Ingrid Werner, swedish consulate in Rome..." <i>"Di Noi Limited</i> <i>Contractors LKVQQ. " Well...</i> - How do you know it's swedish? - Because... ...the cables were sent to the Swedish Embassy in Rome... ...or in Sweden, then I assumed they are written in... Let's send them to the Ministry of Justice for the green light. - Percuoco? - Di Noi has enclosed... ...the Italian translation. - Who says they match? How stupid I am, I hadn't thought at this! No massage today, because I feel nervous! Ah! Take, Percuoco, contraband stuff! - Thank you! - We'll send the cables, sergeant, all of them, to the Prosecutor's Office, so it's their problem. So, as they may be proofs in th examening proceedings, we're sending you... <i>We never lose anyone.</i> <i>As you can see, we have here...</i> <i>... files containing</i> <i>records of all...</i> ...detentions and all the movements of all prisoners. Gargiulo. - Then, where is Giuseppe? - Have you found Di Noi's file? Not yet, <i>dottore</i>! Should we send a... ...cable? - Yes, send it to all detention centers. <i>Please, where can we get</i> <i>in touch with you?</i> - Where do you live? - Here, in front - At the Colosseum? - Yes, in a trailer. So, please, let me know as soon as you find out something, because Giuseppe... ...must repair right away in Sweden, for his work. And if he doesn't repair right away, everything goes to shit! - I don't speak Italian too good. Haven't you understood? - No, I have. <i>Dottore</i>, there's no need to cable We've found him. - Where is he? - He was taken... He was taken to San Vittore Prison. - I already knew that, isn't there more? - Yes, yes, you're right! As a matter of fact, it seems he was transferred from Milan. - Where? - To <i>Regina Coeli</i>. But he isn't there anymore, he was transferred! Where to? You know, your cables... What are you mumbling? Prisoners in solitary confinement can't... with anyone! - That's exactly why... ...I was talking to him, telling him he shouldn't talk to me. - Di Noi Giuseppe! - Here! - To the judge! - Right now! - Are we moving? - Yes, yes, I'm ready! Here I am! Hey, easy! Easy! Where're you running? Hey? Sorry, I didn't realise. It seems natural, it's been so long I've been waiting. - Calm! - Yes, sorry! Di Noi for the judge. Di Noi for the judge. Di Noi for the judge. Di Noi for the judge. Thank you! - Di Noi for the judge. - Sit down and wait! - When your turn comes, you'll get in. - Yes, but when? - One moment! - Yes. You already wanted to get in? I've been waiting so long... ass got to my head. - Well... Excuse me, may I? <i>- Di Noi for the judge.</i> - Yes. Di Noi for the judge. Hey, what are you doing? Are you mad? - I'm sorry, I didn't see you. - Where're you running to? - I'm going to the judge. - Room number twelve. - Thank you! - Don't run! Walk, you don't have to here. How is the judge? Is he kind? Neither good, nor bad, He's a judge. - It's in your interest to deny. Always deny! - I'm innocent! Come in! May I? - Good afternoon, your honor! - Good afternoon! - Here I am at last! - You are... Unfortunately I am the one who came from Sweden in Italy... ...with his family to spend a happy holiday. A hell of a holiday! I don't know where... family is, and I'm chained together with thieves, not knowing why! Without understanding! Please, don't gesticulate so much! It's not me that's gesticulating. Judge, sir, it's like a nervous spasm... ...a nervous spasm I can't control, it has never happened to me. But here they treat me as if I were a criminal! - I'll decied if you're one. - As you wish, Judge, sir. - Sit down! - Thank you! I had forgotten how a chair was llike. I've been waiting for you for some time. Where have you been? Where have I been? - I'm on the point of laughing. - I don't think it's the right time! I take it lightly because my conscience's clear. - But if you'd know how I've cried! - Name and surname! - Di Noi Giuseppe. - "Di Noi" in two words? - What do you mean? - Yes, two. Born in? - In Tivoli. - Region? - Rome. - On the? - 15/6/1924. - With domicile in? - In Norkopping. - Where? In Norkopping, It's a town in Sweden. - How do you spell it? - N-O-R-K-O with two dots. - Street? - Ingorsveganbrunkebaiscattan. Forget about the address. Profession in civil life? - Surveyor. <i>- Have you served?</i> - If I did what, beg your pardon? - Have you done your military service? - Yes, Albania and Greece. - You haven't yet chosen a... ...a lawyer. - I don't need a lawyer. - I'd only want to know... - You don't have to know anything! According to the new law, I can't proceed... ...if your lawyer is not present. - Excuse me, but I'm... ...sure you'll agree with me when you'll have listened to me. I don't have to listen to what you're saying, I only have to interrogate you. Where can I find a lawyer? I don't know anyone! - And you'd like me to find one for you? - If only! You know them better. - Get out! And find yourself a lawyer. - Yessir. - Or we'll meet after my holiday. - No, no. - I'll do as you say, Judge, sir! - Alright! Go! Thank you! If I m ay, what am I to do? Whom must I talk to for the lawyer? Put it in writing at the prison's registry office - Thank you! - You're welcome! Please excuse me, Judge, sir. And I'll always be grateful to you! Come, move it! <i>Di Noi for the office!</i> <i>Di Noi for the office!</i> Guardascione, are you ready? - All done, youngmaster! - Of course I am, Chief? Do you think it was possible I wasn't ready? - What's this, a brush? - Have you spat on it? - No. - Spit! Spit! Well done! Saverio, what if your guitar gets here? Who the fuck carea about the guitar? If case be, you'll send it to me at home. Guardascione for the lawsuit. Today they'll fry me, and I'll be off. Hey, surveyor... - How are you? - Very well! The big day's here. I'll be out this time! A pity they haven't... ...cleaned my trousers and my T-shirt. If I'd have... ...a jacket like yours, the judge'd listen! - You want it? - Not allowed to talk in solitary. - Thanks! I'll give it back. Yes, but not here. You'll give it back outside. - Have you already talked to the judge? - No. - I need a lawyer. - Take mine, it's cheap... ...but he's good! You see I'm almost out! He's name is Sallustio Giordana. <i>- Thank you!</i> - Thank you! You're a pal. - Another one! - Yes. I have the best lawyer. Write Santoro... ...and you won't be sorry. Don't lick it. Open, for censorship. Ballpoint, paper, envelope. Trust me, D'Angelo is the lwayer you need! Another one! - What are you doing? - I'm thinking. Giacchesi, let's go! Thank you! All bribed here. Forget Santoro and D'Angelo. Take Lombardi! <i>But why did you recommend him to me</i> <i>if he was away on holiday,</i> <i>especially he was together with</i> <i>the ambassador? Give me the name...</i> <i>... of another lawyer,</i> <i>who can leave for...</i> ...Sagunto, as soon as I get the confirmation. Miss, what about Sagunto? - The prefix doesn't work. - But, ten minutes for Stockholm, and more than an hour for Sagunto? It can't be! - I'll retry right away. - Thank you! Thank you! Hey, don't rattle, or I'll fix you! - Answer that phone! - Let me out! I'm innocent! You all are innocents. Answer the phone! It's useless complaining to me... ...because I don't count a shit! Hello, Judicial Prison... I'd like to speak right away with mister Giuseppe Di Noi. One moment. Who's this Di Noi Giuseppe? One that was brought yesterday. - A warder? - Warder my ass? A prisoner! A prisoner? <i>- Madame, you want to talk</i> <i>to a prisoner?</i> - Yes! Do you think the prison's a hotel? <i>Superior!</i> <i>Excuse me, superior! Please open!</i> - What do you want? - I must empty the can, I can't breathe. - Why don't you open the window if you want air. - <i>No!</i> - What window? You call that a window? It's a hole. - <i>No!</i> Let me go! Let me go! I'll kill you all! - Let me go! - What do you want to do? And fuck you, you and your jacket! <i>Holy Virgin!</i> - Stop! - Holy Virgin! Beautiful Virgin! - Have you gone mad? - Four and a half years they've... ...put me in because of you! I've prayed and you've betrayed me! Damn it! - Stay calm! - Let me go! Don't touch me! I wanna get out! I must get out! No! No! No! No! - Be reasonable! - I don't want to go in! - Calm! - I don't want to go in! I don't want to get back inside! No! No! No! - No! No! No! - Make a report! <i>- Superior!</i> <i>Excuse me, superior...</i> ...why are you reporting him? What happened? Nothing! - Who are you? <i>- A friend.</i> Do you know anything? What did Saverio do? - Did he get an hysterical attack? <i>- No. He got...</i> <i>...four and a half years.</i> - No! And the lawyer? <i>- He bungled everything!</i> - Lh! O God! What about me? Superior! Superior! Is it true Saverio got four years? Ahh, what's this stench? Don't you recognize it? It's the soup. It doesn't change it's perfume, ...we give it back just how we receive it. - Come empty it! It's mine. - Give it! - I had given it to Saverio. - Did he throw it? - Mingozzi! <i>- At your orders!</i> Take it back to 59. Excuse me, superior, but is it true Saverio took 4 years in appeal? Is it true? Then I've made a big mistake! I didn't need... ...a lawyer, but the judge says: "You can't be interrogated". Alright", says I. "But I don't have a lawyer". Saverio says "take mine"... Percuoco says: "He's a phenomenon". Hell of a phenomenon. The judge aquits him, and what does the lawyer do? Get's him convicted? Then I must change my lawyer! Can I? - Make a request. - Alright! To whom must I make it, if I may? - To me. Then I'll make it right away. No, tomorrow morning, at breakfast. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, superior! You're good people, despite your uniforms. What have I to do with it? I don't even know why they've sent me to prison! I'm here only to get out... Superior... Superior... <i>Mingozzi. Mingozzi!!</i> Call the guard commander. Quickly! And go to the infirmary! <i>Castaldo, Mazzullo, come!</i> <i>Piras, Scimeni, Russo!</i> Easy! Go easy! Easy! Come! Go in your cell! What are you doing there? They sent me empty the can. <i>Raffaele, I'm Carmen. Maria couldn't come.</i> <i>She's worried.</i> <i>Nannina, don't worry!</i> No! O, no! Who is it? Why? Tonight also? - Shut up and sleep! - How can I sleep, - if you wake people up at this hour? - What people are to taking about? - What's this, a complaint? - No, no! Please, superior! But at least tonight you could have checked the bars on the first round! We're doing our duty. No! Because the regulation doesn't say when you must... ...check the bars. - It's written, but you don't give a shit! Calm down! Calm down, surveyor! Always calm! Guardascione spat in their face. <i>Silence!</i> In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. - May the Lord be with you. - And with your ghost. The regulation forbids it. <i>Almighty God...</i> - What's forbidden? - You can't answer. ...and bring us to everlasting life. - Amen! Hey, you! Don't forget you're in solitary. You must shut down, got it? - I was praying, not speaking. - Article 142 says... ...that inmates but observe silence while attending Mass! You may not know it, but in the New Mass it's... ...the whorshippers that answer the priest. - You pray in your mind! - I'll answer in silence. Silence! <i>Have mercy, O Lord!</i> Have mercy, O Lord! Have mercy, O Christ! Have mercy, O Christ! <i>May the Lord be with you.</i> <i>- And with your ghost!</i> <i>- Let's raise our hearts.</i> They have turned to the Lord. Yes? What's this bullshit, sergeant? Is now a prison warden forced to... ...attend the inmates's Mass? No, no, no, no! But in certain delicate situations, he should. Come quickly, I'll wait for you outside! What are these packages doing here? And the ham? Take it away! No, no, that is n ot a ham, it's a guitar. Oh, yes? Come on, let's go! <i>... in Heaven. O Lord, Who art</i> <i>mercy and forgiveness,</i> O Lord, Who art mercy and forgiveness, <i>we pray Thee for the</i> <i>soul of Thine servant...</i> <i>...Saverio Guardascione.</i> <i>- We pray Thee for...</i> ...for the soul of Thine servant, Saverio Gardascione. <i>Don't abandon it in the hands</i> <i>of the Evil one.</i> Don't abandon it in the hands of the Evil one. But receive it with your saint angels. But receive it with your saint angels. Well? Are you using the Mass for a demonstration? - To stir the souls? - Can't I even conduct... ...a commemoration, any more? - You can, but not a rally. I want no rallies inside here! <i>I'm using my prerogatives.</i> That must be agreed... ...with the managing authority. Even the regulation says it. And, here inside, let it be clear for all. Until proven otherwise, <i>the managing authority,</i> <i>it's me!</i> Listen, o merciful God, our prayer. Listen, o merciful God, our prayer. Receive this soul in the home of Thine Heaven. Receive this soul in the home of Thine Heaven. <i>Listen, o merciful God,</i> <i>our prayer.</i> Listen, o merciful God, our prayer. <i>And deliver Thine servants from the chains</i> <i>of their captivity.</i> And deliver Thine servants from the chains of their captivity. - Amen. - Amen! - Take the papers. - I don't want them! The warden... ...removes everything: Asses, tits, thighs, anyway. Everything! We can't... ...even wank off! And I don't want this also! I don't want it, it makes me sick. I don't want this shit! Bad luck for you! Inside! What the fuck do you put in this soup? Farts? - Ah, that's good. - If you don't want it, bad luck for you! Inside! You also don't want to eat? - No, no, I'll eat! Thank you! - You don't protest? Me? I wouldn't want to get punished, now that I've found a lawyer. The judge must interrogate me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! - Kiss my ass! - That's it! You throw it? What are you doing? - What am I doing? - You're on hunger strike also, aren't you? Not me. Please! What strike? I like it! It's tasty! I'm telling the truth, it's tasty! That's how my mother made, when I was a kid. Because she kneew I liked it. I was mad about codfish! <i>Hands off,</i> <i>piece of shit!</i> <i>Castaldo! Piras!</i> <i>- You eat this shit!</i> <i>- Call the guard commander.</i> Upstairs, Bergelli with Santonocito. At 36, Frangibene. <i>Let me go! Don't touch me!</i> <i>Leave me alone.</i> I don't want to get inside, got it? Let go of me! Take your hands off me, don't you get it? Leave me alone! <i>Son of a bitch!</i> <i>Piece of shit! Hangmen!</i> <i>Slobs! Bastards!</i> <i>There's a fire</i> <i>in the third wing!</i> <i>They are setting fire</i> <i>to all the mattresses!</i> <i>Must we all hang ourselves</i> <i>to make you happy?</i> Out! Everyone out! <i>Set the fire guys!</i> <i>Set everything on fire!</i> <i>Listen to me!</i> Listen to me carefully! It's your warden, who's speaking to you! Get the commander... And I'm only doing it for your own good. It's in your best interest to get back immediately into your cells... <i>- I'm talking to you like a father.</i> <i>- I'm a parricide!</i> <i>Listen carefully, guys. Like this</i> <i>you only manage...</i> <i>... to hinder our work, that's only</i> <i>intended towards...</i> ...your rehabilitation... Alert the police headquarters! <i>Moral and spiritual rehabilitation.</i> <i>Instead, in this moments,</i> <i>you should acknowledge...</i> <i>... all the progress made</i> <i>in the prison,</i> hygienic, educational... <i>Come on, don't make us force!</i> <i>Get down,</i> <i>- and go back into your cells!</i> <i>- You go inot the cell and...</i> <i>... get bitten by bugs</i> <i>and cockroaches.</i> <i>Go back into your cells, my sons! How</i> <i>many haven't suffered the consequences,</i> <i>even more innocent than you?</i> <i>Until a date to be</i> <i>made known your...</i> ...walk and conversation privileges have been revoked... <i>I didn't do anything!</i> <i>I was arrested because...</i> <i>... I sold the fridge they had</i> <i>distrained from...</i> <i>...from my wife.</i> <i>- Our cell is four meters on two...</i> <i>... and there're six of us.</i> We're in prison without knowing if we'll get out or not! <i>Justice is always guity!</i> <i>The delay for investigation has</i> <i>expired!</i> <i>You must abolish the fascist</i> <i>penitentiary laws in use!</i> No, no, everything's calm around here. Sure, the inmates are a little exasperated especially... the length of procedures. Do you understand, Your Excellency? Here we have prisoners waiting for their trial, who've been waiting for eleven moths, eighteen... two... Yes. No, no. Alright! I'll keep you posted. It's in my power! Let me go! No! Let me go! No! Let me go. <i>Call the Attorney General!</i> <i>And the examining magistrate.</i> <i>And the journalists.</i> <i>We also want the journalists</i> <i>And the lawyers also...</i> <i> - They must all find out</i> <i>the kind of life we live!</i> <i>I'll dennounce you!</i> <i>Bastards,</i> <i>what are you waiting to come here...</i> <i> we can kill you.</i> <i>- I'm Francesco Nicosia,</i>'s been a year I've been waiting a supplement of investigation! Renzo Peverello, outrage and resisting arrest. After three months I haven't yet seen the judge. Luigi Donato, class of 1942. Waiting trial for seventh months! <i>I have a wife and children who</i> <i>starve because of you!</i> My name is Di Noi! Di Noi Giuseppe! They say I've killed a german. But I don't even know him. Help me prove... <i>... my innocence!</i> <i>Help me talk to the judge!</i> <i>- Free! We're free!</i> <i>- I can't take it anymore!</i> <i>- Get me out of here!</i> <i>- What are you waiting for? Get out!</i> <i>Get out, you're free!</i> - Who says so? - We! Come, we'll take care of it! Out! <i>- Everyone out!</i> <i>- Who cares, they are dogs!</i> <i>They won't shoot!</i> <i>They don't have the guts!</i> <i>To the gates!</i> <i>To the gates!</i> - Excuse me, what's happening? Are you leaving? - Of course! Hurry up! But can we? Is it legal? No, they're crazy! O God! They killed me! <i>- What are you doing inside?</i> <i>- What am I doing inside?</i> <i>- But you put me inside!</i> <i>- Delinquent! S wine!</i> <i>Ten requests for a special leave</i> <i>to see my mother.</i> <i>And now she's underground.</i> <i>Criminals!</i> - Are you a father? - Yes, I have seven children. I've got two. They're swedes. I live in S weden. Happy you, living in S weden. I've got a cousin there... ...who sells fabric. He has a car and women. - Because swedish women are all whores. - Well, not all. <i>- All! All! - No! - Give me a</i> <i>cigarette! - Yes.</i> Excuse me, sergeant. You're a witness. You'll tell the warden... ...that I've got nothing to do with what's happening! - And to me are you telling it? - To whom else? - I'm less than shit. They give me 86.000 <i>lire</i> a month, and for it I have to stick my neck out! Does it seem right to you? But, at least, you're paid! Me, I've lost my job! - Silence! - Yes, silence. S witch it off! O God, tear gas! I'm a warder, open up. I'm sergeant Saporito. <i>Open up!</i> What are you doing, moron? I'm sergeant Saporito. I'm Giuseppe Di Noi. Can you tell me where... Out! Out! Move! Get going! Get going! Move it! Quickly! You also! Face to the all! Come, get down! Move it! Move it! Forward, move! <i>Make way! Make way!</i> Come on, up! Up! Make way! Let us through! Move away! Move away! Come on, walk, hurry! Come on! Come on! Sit wherever you want, here there are four available beds. Listen, can I have a glass of water? Sure! Here we have running water and all facilities. This is a model prison, we'll soon even have a... ...nice brothel! - So that even your wife we'll get tired? - And your mother, your sister and your daughters! - I'm a founding. - Go suck it! - Your sister, mother and your father. Not there, it's Luigi's. It's Nicola's. It's the lame's. Don't you refresh yourself? Who are you? What did you do? Oh, let it be understood, you don't have to answer. <i>You're one from the riot.</i> <i>I heard you did a hell of a job!</i> <i>You've killed three deputies</i> <i>and two from the riot squad. Well done!</i> I like you! You're a real man! Real men don't speak much, and never brag. <i>Damn it,</i> <i>you're cool! Well done!</i> That's the way! Never speak! Don't trust anyone! It's better for you! I'm Rosario Scalia. Doesn't it mean anything to you? You can trust me, boy. Rosario, you're done for! Get your coffin ready! Sartana's here! - Tatatata. - No, it was better had you met Sartana, pray... ...for your death. - Tell him to blow me, ...tell him I says so. Who's this one? - No! Leave him, he's a friend! He's from there, but don't ask him anything. He knows nothing, has seen nothing. He's a just! I heard they've stormed the entire second... ...wing. - How the fuck did you get organized so well? What do you want from me? I don't know anything, I haven't seen anything. <i>They locked me in a cell, with a superior.</i> <i>He was a good man!</i> Are you stupid, or are you taking us for fools? "A superior", that's what you've said? A good man. Then you're not the one you tried to make me believe you were! - I didn't want to make you believe anything. - You're not one of the heads... ...of the riot? - I can't even stand up. I don't even know why I'm in prison for. - I'm not like one of you! - Ah! Have you heard, guys? He's not like one of us: Brutal delinquents, mafiosi, ...scoudrels, killing thieves, slobs. Maybe you're only passing by. They must have put you in prison by mistake! Rosario, you got fooled! I wouldn't mind being fucked in the ass by you. What are you talking about? But when we're alone. Eh? So? - Superior. - Still up? It's a mistake. I'm Giuseppe Di Noi. I am to be interrogated. For not tampering with the evidence I should be in solitary. What can you tamper with? You're one of those in Sagunto. No solitary! You should be in a punishment cell. Six and one. Where're you going? - To the punishment cell. - Don't bust my balls, make... ...your bed and go to sleep! - Please! Ssssss... Not there, you're interrupting. Come here! Come! Come! Please! Come! Climb! Climb! How do you dare, you full of shit, telling... ...young master where he should stay? Mister Giuseppe Di Noi is our special guest. Go, lay under Angiolino! Please, make yourself at home! Make yourself at home! Don't be shy. He's an honorable and respectful lad. <i>You farting bastard!</i> <i>Stinking and full of shit.</i> Excuse him. It's the Republic's food. Come! Lay under me, Giuseppino, I eat special...! - What do you want from me? Leave me alone, good! - But we're very good, you should taste us! Let me be, I'll be out of here anyway tomorrow! That's exactly why I want to take you right now! Come on! Come on, get undressed! Show me what you've got! No! No! - No? - No! - Di Noi has said no! - No! No! But if it "Di Noi" - "of us" - it means he's ours, and we can do... ...what we want. - Help! Help! Scream! The more you scream, the more I fancy you. No! No! No! Hey, what are you doing here? It was him! It was him, mister superior! It was him! This pervert... ...jumped him and wanted to take advantage of Angelino. This pervert! It was him! It was him! He wanted to fuck Saint Anthony. Saint Anthony. This pervert! This pervert! Never go near that tree. - Why? - Once, when I was under it, ...dust fell on me from high above, and I had some... ...incredible big fractures that went all the way... hernia. You see? I still wear the girdle. <i>Never go near that tree.</i> <i>Listen, will you untie me?</i> Di Noi come! Come with me! <i>Enter!</i> My dear! I'm lawyer Giordana. I haven't had the pleasure to meet you yet, ...but I'm sure mrs. Ingrid must have written to you how... ...I've toiled. - Yes. I've taken to your case right from the start, ...but there's little I could have done without the alacrity... ...and the understanding shown by the judge, ...thanks to whom we've gotten to the bottom of this. Forget, sir, there's no need for it! No, no! I want my client to know... ...that the Judge has even postponed... ...for a few days his holiday, he could follow up on the procedures. Which took slightly too much! And, partly, it was your fault, ...mister Di Noi. Please, sit down! - Thank you! - Can we start, and end this? - So, surname? - Tell your name. - Di Noi. - Name? - Giuseppe. - Born in? - Tivoli. - On the? - 15/6/1924. - Domicile? - Norkopping. - Can you spell it? <i>- Of course!</i> Forget the address! So, profession: Surveyor, has made his military service, etc... Let's come to the facts. You're a lucky man because during... ...the preliminary investigation the Court of inquiry has ended it's procedures. The collapse was due to bradyseism phenomena. - Bradyseism. - Of the inferior strata. Like in Pozzuoli, the same type of collapse. - What collapse? <i>- The collapse of the viaduct.</i> - What viaduct? - At the 57 th km... <i>... of the</i> <i>Matera - Battipaglia highway!</i> - Has it collapsed? When? - Sir. Don't get up! Don't get up! Try and stay calm and answer accurately... ...the questions the judge is going to ask you. Yes? So, Di Noi, you remember that in 1962... were employed by the Battistoni company... an assistant. Is it true? - Yessir. And it's during that time that the Battistoni company... ...was building the highway between... ...Battipaglia-Matera. Is it true? - Yessir. Then how can you not remember that on the 6/11/1970 the viaduct... ...on the 57 th km collapsed? - Because I never knew it. - I've been living in S weden since 1963. - Professor, theoretically, ...I shouldn't even proceed because he doesn't know the reasons... ...for his indictment. Listen to me carefully, Di Noi! As soon as you have reached the border... ...they've arrested you. But what did they tell you... <i>... when they arrested you?</i> Nothing. But it'd have been your right and duty... ask for the copy of the warrant for your arrest. I did ask for it. And what did they tell you? That I had killed a german. - Bravo! - Franz Kaltenbrunner. - Very well! You see you remember? - But I didn't kill him. Forget it! It's not you that killed that german. - Who did? - No one! He died on his own! It happened he was passing through in his Volkswagen... ...on the viaduct when the collapse took place. <i>But, excuse me, if he didn't do anything.</i> <i>If he has no...</i> responsibility, if he didn't kill anyone, can you... me why was he arrested? - Why was I arrested? - Why? - In certain cases, the Judges, under pression... ...from the public opinion, are forced to issue... ...arrest warrants, to take steps... should I call them? Maybe a little excesive. I don't need anyone to justifing me! Let's write this report! The accused Di Noi Giuseppe son of... ...Vincenzo is acquited of the charge relating... the collapse of the viaduct and of manslaughter in the second degree... ...of the death of the german citizen... ...Franz Kaltenbrunner and can be set free, ...if he isn't to be remanded into custody for other reasons. <i>Let it be read by the accused... sorry,</i> <i>by Di Noi,</i> and if you confirm it, sign it and you'll be free! You see, if your client would have... ...come spontaneously when he heard about the collapse, ...he would have been judged in liberty. - Will you sign? - He was in S weden! - Mister Di Noi! He had no way of knowing it! And at the border no one... - Di Noi, you must sign it! - I know it! The fact is that... ...the Ministry of the Interior doesn't send the warrant, ...and only contends itself with mentioning in the wanted list... ...only generalities. Exactly! That's where the problem arose! <i>As a matter of fact, now the prosecutor's</i> <i>office in Sagunto should communicate...</i> <i>... to the General Attorney's office in</i> <i>Rome. - Easy to say it...</i> <i>- To the Ministry of the Interior...</i> <i>- Yes, it's true!</i> I can't do it! I can't do it! Stay calm! Stay calm! It was the same thing with the matches. You couldn't light them, but with a little calm you... ...made it. Stay calm! Come, sign! - Here it is judge! - I've signed. Is it over now? - Yes, the case is closed. - Thank the judge! - Thank you, Judge! - Everything's well that ends well. - Thank you! Thank you too, sir! - Have a good day! - Thank you, professor! - No, you're coming with me now. - Come, come! - Thank you! Come with me! Go change. Go by yourself! - Go! - Thank you! Good day, madame! Your passports, please. - The kids are on mine. - Thank you! - Are you mister Di Noi? <i>Yes.</i> Please, will you come with us? It's just a formality! Everything in order! Did you have a nice vacation? Answer! Yes, thank you! Have a good trip and see you back in Italy! "The events and characters presented in this film are fictional and any relation to reality is purely accidental"
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Keywords: best, FILM, MOVIE, TRAILER, CLIP, CULT, ACTION, ITALIAN, CINEMA, doc, crime, thriller, commedia, film, free, migliori, d'azione, d'amore, comici, completi, catastrofici, fantascienza, italiano, ita, hd, film ita, film completo, full movie, alberto sordi, pelicula completa, prison, destroying a religious statue, italian, humiliation, italy
Id: YZSOuKdr9Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 1sec (5881 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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