Details Revealed About King Felipe VI & Queen Letizia's Marriage

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From an exiled king to a scandalous  divorce, it goes without saying   that King Felipe VI's marriage to Queen  Letizia hasn't been a walk in the park. Before she met Prince Felipe, Letizia Ortiz was  already a well-known journalist for Televisión   Española and kept pretty busy by traveling  all over the world as a reporter. By 2000,   she had two college degrees under her  belt, a ton of newsroom experience,   and even earned a special journalism  award before she turned 30. As for the prince himself, Felipe was on a  journey to find love — and the press loved   him for it. He dated Isabel Sartorius and model  Eva Sannum before he finally met his wife-to-be. Letizia and Felipe first got to know each  other after their mutual acquaintance,   Pedro Erquicia López de Montenegro,  introduced them at a dinner party in 2002,   according to ABC. The prince had split up with  Sannum only a handful of months before, but he   didn't waste any time getting to know the news  anchor. The pair hit it off, and with the way they   still look at each other 20 years later, we're  not surprised that it was love at first sight. Felipe and Letizia kept their relationship a  secret until they announced their engagement   in 2003. The two apparently did a good  job of hiding their private life since   there wasn't a lot of evidence of their  romance and the media was shocked when   their relationship was exposed. According  to CNN, Felipe told reporters at the time: "We present ourselves here in love, committed,   with conviction and full of hope and,  of course, devoted to serving Spain." Felipe wowed the world not  just with his announcement,   but also with the engagement ring he gave  his bride-to-be — a white gold band that   contains sixteen diamonds. According  to The Express, it's worth £20,000. "Daaaaaaaaamn!" Interestingly, the outlet also reports  that Letizia hasn't worn the ring in   public since 2012, which has stirred  plenty of conjecture about how she   really feels about the extravagant  symbol of her husband's love. The next hot gossip to hit the press was Letizia's  status as a divorcee. As it did with Meghan   Markle, this piece of news brought up all kinds  of questions about the propriety of Letizia's   marriage to Felipe. She was previously married  to writer Alonso Guerrero Pérez for a short time   before their divorce in 1999. Because she was  married through a civil ceremony the first time   around — rather than a full-on Catholic ceremony  as the Spanish royals traditionally do — Letizia   was able to marry Prince Felipe without getting  an annulment, according to The Globe and Mail. Alonso Guerrero Pérez also gained a boost in  media attention after the royal engagement   was announced, something he's apparently  been frustrated about ever since. In 2019,   while discussing his newest book  and new relationship, he told Hola!: "With other authors, normally they're asked  about their books. I'm always asked about the   queen. It's uncomfortable, it's strange, when  you want to explain your vision of the world,   and you're being asked about that topic instead." It appears the crown, aka King Juan Carlos I,  was also caught off guard by Felipe's choice   of bride. Based on "The Court of Felipe VI" —  the Spanish royal family tell-all book — King   Juan Carlos was not a fan of Letizia. The  former king supposedly told friends that   his new daughter-in-law was "the worst thing that  happened to [the royal family] in many years." He   also allegedly referred to her as "the maid" and  claimed she was out to "destroy the monarchy." "...Right." According to the tell-all: "The master never liked the arrival  of a journalist in a place that had   traditionally been an opaque  haven from the fourth estate." Felipe and Letizia have seen less and  less of Juan Carlos over the years, due   to his abdication in 2014. Following his father's  formal resignation and departure from the country,   Felipe immediately took up the role of king.  Queen Letizia rules by his side to this day. Royal weddings are always a big deal,  and Felipe and Letizia's ceremony was   no exception. At least 25 million people  in Spain tuned in to watch the event,   which was over half of the  entire population at the time! It was also one of the biggest public events  since the fatal terrorist train bombings in   Spain earlier that year, which took the lives  of 193 people and injured more than 1,800.   Spaniards like Rosa Coral saw the day as an  emotional reset. She told The Daily Mail: "This is a breath of fresh air after the  attacks we suffered. We need to get past this." From head to toe, the bride was decorated  with assorted historical accessories,   regal embroidery, and a "cascading  bouquet" full of secret symbolism,   according to Casa Real. But when the time  came for Letizia to walk down the aisle,   it began to rain. Royal expert Mábel  Galaz wrote in her book, "Real Letizia": "It always rains on the most important days  of Letizia's life. The day of her wedding with   Felipe, the day of the birth of her daughter  Leonor, the day she buried her sister Érika." For Felipe and Letizia, it's all about the  power suits — power suits for getting engaged,   baptizing babies, and visiting hospitals.  Seeing as Letizia was a news anchor before   she became queen, it's not a shocker that  she prefers business attire. In 2022,   she made headlines for matching her  husband with her own pinstripe blazer. When they're not rocking the presidential  aesthetic, they both have special royal   decorum to wear. Together, they own sashes  in a variety of colors, each of which   represents a different honor, title, or order  bestowed on them by the crown. For example,   Felipe received a sash from his father during  the abdication ceremony that represents the   Captain-General. Letizia wore a hanging  cross-like pin on a blue striped sash   for Queen Margrethe II of Denmark's  75th birthday celebration in 2015. Every family has their drama and baggage —  even the Spanish royals. It all started when   the family patriarch, King Juan Carlos, was  discovered to have injured himself during a   2012 elephant hunting trip in Africa. According  to The Guardian, Spanish citizens were up in   arms because taxpayer money was funding the  luxuriously expensive trip, which took place   in the middle of a recession. The World Wildlife  Fund, a conservation organization, was also quick   to distance itself from the king by stripping  him of his status of "honorary president". Things only got worse from there.  King Juan Carlos' daughter,   who has since been stripped of her title,  got caught up in a money laundering scandal   through her husband. It wasn't long before  the monarch decided to step down in 2014. In 2020, he was still under investigation  for alleged tax fraud, something his son   has tried to distance himself from.  Royal expert Pilar Eyre told Euronews: "Whatever Felipe does, he is  always embarrassed by his father." "Six years after the abdication of Juan Carlos,   more and more people are calling for his son,  Felipe VI, to be the last king of Spain." With Letizia at his side, the new  king has made an effort to fix the   monarchy's image. On their official  website, there's even a dedicated   tab for "Transparency" where anyone can view or  request information about the crown's expenses. Becoming a princess, and later, the Queen of Spain  was not an easy task for Letizia. For one thing,   she had to give up the journalism career  she worked so hard to obtain. Secondly,   as a commoner, she had to make many adjustments to  fit royal protocol. According to royal journalist   Mábel Galaz, Letizia struggled with the  transition. She told The Limited Times: "She used to say what she thought, [but] because  of her profession and her character, she began   to see how she could not say anything. My  conclusion is that she was a rebellious princess." However, once Letizia discovered how  she could make a difference as a royal,   she apparently began tackling the  challenge of change. Galaz explained: "[Former queen] Sofía was old school: go to a  function, shake hands, smile, pick up a bouquet   of flowers ... [Letizia] knows that the monarchy  has to reinvent itself and be more of a citizen." Since Letizia took up the mantle  as an impetus for modernization,   she's used her royal status to help lift up  those in need and highlight areas of society   that could use some improvement. She has placed a  particular emphasis on science, as her biography   states that one of her main endeavors as  queen is "promoting scientific research". Within a few years of their wedding, Felipe and  Letizia had two daughters. Princess Leonor and   Infanta Sofía make up the next generation  of Spanish royalty, and they've got their   work cut out for them. Princess Leonor was named  the official heir to the Spanish throne when she   was just 8 years old and took up her official  royal duties after giving a speech when she   was 13 years old. She is currently enrolled in  a private school abroad and, honestly, it looks   like Hogwarts. Meanwhile, Sofía is wrapping up  her time at a primary school closer to home. In 2020, Leonor's parents made it very clear  what their expectations are regarding their   elder daughter's future. According to a report  by Diario de Mallorca, when Leonor was asked the   infamous question "What do you want to be  when you grow up?" Letizia responded with, "What she has to, not what she wants." The weight of this sentiment rang true in  early 2018 when Felipe presented Leonor   with the Order of the Golden Fleece at the  royal palace in Madrid. According to PopSugar,   this is a symbolic step towards  her eventually taking over the   responsibilities of the throne. Felipe  emphasized that the two girls would   have the support of their entire family  behind them during the speech, saying: "Know that you have the support of many  people who want the best for Spain,   for the crown and for you. Your  family will always be at your side."
Channel: The List
Views: 196,410
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Keywords: the list, king felipe, marriage, royals, queen letizia
Id: 1qnzrtJoXF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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