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foreign [Music] if you don't know how to draft a basic bodies pattern I have a video on my channel you check it out and then watch that before you come over here so now this paste that I left here I left 5 inches [Music] this is five inches you can leave four you can leave four and a half five and they're about depends on you now this is everything about a basic produce pattern let me roll it out so you can see what I'm talking about this is just a normal basic body pattern this is the normal basic pattern we have the bust the waist and the hip here we do not need the on top box because we don't need that shape then you go ahead to add whatever allowance that you want to add but before we go into the allowance let's take our dots let's do the tax measurements so you take the person's nipple to nipple measurement divided by two which is 4.5 and then from the waist I'll be going up by five inches five inches and then I'll also be coming down by five inches then I'll be taking um one inch that one inch that should be okay or let's take um one and a half inch that so which means to be having 0.75 here and um 0.75 so together to give us 1.5 inches so this is going to be our dark green tea you can decide to really straightening so this is our dark now if you are confused about anything here go back to my video on where I did my um my basic bodies pattern this is for the back this is for the front this is for the front this is for the back now I'm doing with I'm using here is 3.5 inches while the depth is three inches and remember to keep your four to five inches allowance in front now for the front part to get that cuff on the front part what we're going to do is this our three inches you take it here first so this is the three inches the three inches here you can decide to move a line so you be sure you have a straight line this is your three inches so now we'll come down by one inch come down by one inch to be able to get that sort of curve in front of the jacket so you connect it let me connect with the Street Lamp because it's kind of straight so you connect it and blend it make sure it's well Blended so this will be that extension for the front um part you understand as to go forward the next thing to do is to add our allowances [Music] so you can now add your allowance so for here it's just your normal allowancy whatever amount of allowance you want to use so here don't forget to put back this allowance so I'm putting it back two inches 1.5 I'm putting it back and then for this part as well three or two inches allowance so you can decide to roll this one first as your normal allowance and then the that allowance to connect it as well connector that allowance so this is for the dots allowance this is your same allowance foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that's what I'm doing I'm trying to transfer the dots from my pattern paper to my fabric this is the easiest way to transfer your dat you just put your pins where your Dart legs meet and then you mark little little dots so it will be easy for you to connect them you do that on both sides so your dots will be the same at the end of the day I didn't use this that this is for the sole purpose of tutorial so that you would know every step that it takes to get this done but I didn't end up using the dot and if you want to do that you can also do that yourself now after transferring my dat on that back um pattern I'm going to increase that leg because the back that is supposed to be higher than the front dot so I'm going to increase that back that by about two inches upwards so I'm going to take two inches upwards on both sides so this is for the purpose of those who want to use that and that is that about the DOT um the next thing is to start with the front pattern and here I'll go ahead and cut out the front neckline the front arm oh and then cut it out on my fabric exactly what I have on paper all these parts they are easy and it's simple to follow just like um the basic bodies pattern that is why if you've not seen how to make a basic bodies you can go and check it out the only thing I did differently from the paper is I increase the length because I wanted it longer now you see I cut everything exact and then I put half an inch allowance on the shoulder for joining and I did that also for the back yeah I'm just marking the front and the back of my fabric you know this is why so not to get confused now after doing that I'm transferring my that once again in case you missed that um in the first um part of the video after doing that I'm going to um Notch my allowance remember that five inch extension I'm going to notch it on the upper part and the lower part so that I will know where it is because it's going to be very very useful trust me on that now look at the front pattern and the back pattern they are all done and ready for us to work with you can see how easy this thing is if you just know the techniques to follow then it's very very easy to pick piece of cake now when you see me um joining together this is how your um chef jacket is supposed to look like you can see that you already have the shape from the neckline it already looks like a chef jacket now for the sleeve I'm not going to go into details of how to make this sleeve this is a basic sleeve and I have a tutorial on my channel you can go check that out if you don't know how to make a basic slip if you do let's go along with this video so I'm just extending the length of my sleeve because I want it longer and then um after extending the length I'll go ahead and cut exactly what I have on my pattern and Our Sleeve is ready to work with you can see it this is how it's looking like front and back now you cut the same thing you cut for your front and back piece on your lining simple as that easy peasy yeah I'm trying to Mark out where I'll put my front pockets now I made a mistake on my front pocket but I'll be letting you know the mistake I made as to continue so from the bottom of my um dress I'm coming up with um 10 inches you can do more if you want depending on whether you want your pockets to sit but 10 inches is just fine so I decided okay why not open it up so it will be easy and now this opening up was supposed to make me see the mistake that I made but I didn't see it on time and when I saw it I'd already gone too far to go but because I had already made a cut and if I take it out it will make uh my work rough so now you see where these clothes overlap that is where your um your um pocket is supposed to start from that is after the five inch on both sides where the overlap you can see it on the camera it's showing clearly on the camera you see where I'm putting this upper one that's the wrong place like the position not the length of that not that 10 inches the position where I'm putting it what I did here is just taking the five inches but I was supposed to take 10 inches because I'm supposed to come after that second overlap there in the video I don't know if forgetting what I'm saying but I hope we are so you get a bias tip I use the bars for mine you can use the crepe fabric you can use whatever you have at hand whatever um the color you're going with the whatever fabric you have on ground you can use that ball I went to the buyers instead because it's easy to work with now I'm cutting my bars five inch each and I'll be cutting four pieces of each of the buyers at this point guys if you know if you're not subscribed to my channel you are wrong okay you're not wrong please subscribe to my channel it will really help this channel to grow I need to help um yeah to help the channel to grow give this video a thumbs up if you like it don't forget to share with your friends turn off your post notifications so that you get notified whenever I post any new video all right let's get back to our tutorial yeah I'm just cutting out um the pieces that I need for my pocket now after cutting you see where I said it was a mistake to put it it's a very big mistake to put it here the second one was correct but this first one was wrong I thank God it was for my sister so if it's also a client I have to start over that is I'll have to start this other part all over again because the time I noticed it it was too late if it was now I noticed it very easy to start over but I didn't notice it now until it was too late and I think probably it was because I was working at night I was feeling sleepy guys you cannot cheek Mitchell that's what I've discovered so let's just continue with our tutorial now you go ahead and pin down your bars you open your bags those folding on your bars you open them up and then you fold into two only you know it has two folding you open that folding up and you fold into two and then you place it downwards and pin after doing that I'm I'm just measuring to be sure now after measuring I'm going to Mark out half an inch on both sides a half inch on both sides because I'll be sewing up to that half half inch you can do three quarter that's 0.75 and you can still do the half an inch is fine so I zoomed in so that we can see properly you can see after sewing up to that half inch on both sides I think so after um outside the half inch so that's what you want to do this is a weld pocket or a full weld pocket so if you want me to do a detailed tutorial on how to do a full weld or a proper work pocket and this is double full wealth if you want me to do a proper video on how to do this let me know in the comment section down below I'll be waiting for your comment now you do the same thing for the lower part you remember this is double weld there is single well but this is double well and then you go ahead to sew the same way how you know you're correct from the back part you see that your lines are lying make sure your lines are lined please now after doing that we need to snip like we need to slice it open but now when you're slicing it open here why I folded it like this so that I can give it a notch so I can get a straight line please don't cut it continuously like that you miss it now after um putting the knot I'm going to cut straight line and I would not get to that place where I finished sewing I will stop about half an inch before there remember we didn't sew to the end of the fabric but still on that we'll stop half an inch before you get to where you stopped sewing if I'm not making sense please look at the camera look at the video and see what I am doing it will make sense to you and try this out before you complain that it does not work or you don't know how to do it or you cannot fold it trust me if you follow what I did here it will be a piece of cake for you once you practice it don't try to understand it in your head practice it all right you do the same on both sides you see you cut like a v-like shape like a V shape or an angle towards the end towards that half an inch now after doing that I want to um make sure it relaxes well before flipping those legs those wings that we have let me call them Wings on the side remember we didn't sew to the end so we have an extra Wing which you have to take to the back of the fabric so now I'm just going to use my iron to press it down please when you're making any rails pocket I don't advise you do it blind that is you do it without um is steamer or a pressing iron always use a pressing iron and even if you have a Clapper use it to press it down because you need your weld pocket to sit properly for it to look nice you can see it on your jacket your suits how they look Pink So if you want that result you have to have a iron a pressing iron or a steamer I hope I've made myself clear now you can see me going back in again and again to iron it and I'm using a Clapper to press it down hmm okay after doing that now this is our tail or yeah let me call it ear not tail anymore this is our ear you push it inside you push it inside to the back you can see me carefully pushing it inside to the back now you see what um what we're going to do at the back of the jacket now after pushing the ears inside remember after cutting you have another ear from the white that is from the main bodies I will zoom in close so you'll see it that is where you will Stitch down together with your ears from the front you can see it you Stitch down there like I said earlier don't try to understand it with your head please try to practice it and then you'll get it I promise you that let me know in the comment section what you feel about this pockets then you do the same thing that you did here on the other side you can see now after I pinned it it relaxes well even if it doesn't shake it a little bit and give it a good press I need to relax as long as you get it right if you do not get it right that is when it will not relax and you need it to relax because you need it to look good you did the same thing that you did on that side for the other side and then you go ahead to sew you can see I'm done so inside the front now here is the back part you can see the back look up close see where I stitched it I didn't stitch on my jacket I stitched the ear to the other ear you can see now the next thing you have to do is to press it down make sure you iron properly at this point iron when you're making anything jacket in fact anything you're sewing at all try to always iron if you skip ironing probably because of how Nigeria is Nepal for other ones don't skip for jackets suits for shirts all of those things don't skip it now um you can see we're all done for this if this was at the proper place where it's supposed to be trust me this jacket would have been Flawless but still it was still good the result was still good I give myself credit for that and that is me for you I'll tell you my mistakes and my passes we don't just come here and do like wear machines and we are all good no we are not perfect no one is perfect we are not good so I come here and I tell you my mistakes and I tell you my wins and that is it now I'm placing the other pocket the same way you did the first pocket it's the same way you do the second pocket at this Junction guys please subscribe to my channel turn on your post notification Bell if you've not turned it on share my videos guys you don't know who might need it my videos are fully explained share my videos give it a thumbs up if you like it let's get back to our tutorial now I finished with the second um pocket and then you can see they're both done even though the first one was wrong I keep seeing it because seeing it right now is annoying me but we move now guys um you know the neck part or that overlap let me not call it yeah from the neck to the overlap will have a black trimming that is what we're about to do now now the same way you did for the pocket open your buyers inch and fully to be one and then fold it into two I don't know how to explain it better than that after doing that you place your buyers on your fabric the way you place it the folded Edge will be facing downwards while you know after folding into two you have two raw edges that two raw edges is where we'll be facing up I come again you pin it down how do you pin it down the folded edge of your bias the folded Edge will be facing down or facing you you can see it that's the folded Edge where I'm pointing at while the other part with the raw edges facing up you do the same for the other side now if you're not using a lining like I'll be using here you'll need to have a facing that's just the truth you need to have a facing if you're doing this design so guys because I'm using a lining after pinning it down like this I'm going to take my lining and just sew the way you sew to clean up any Edge that's just it you can see how simple it is I know some people will be wondering how it's done but this is it very simple I told you that these things you just need to know the techniques of on how they are done and then it will be a piece of cake for you now you can see I just put my line in and I'm going to sew it down I I use 0.25 inches to sew because my bag is not up to one inch that would use 0.5 you understand me but if you're using a bigger fabric why not now moment of truth let's see if it works if it actually worked and it worked guys drum roll it worked you can see how neat it is it is looking nice it's already looking like what we have on the thumbnail the front is neat the back is neat that is the inside and the outside of the dress or the jacket is neat now the way I lined this my jacket I have a detailed tutorial on how to line um a jacket I will link it in the description box below now let's go to the sleeve I just divided that sleeve we cut earlier into two the lower part is not I didn't do it into two equal halves depends on how you want it whatever design you want and if you don't want this design you don't have to divide your sleeve just go ahead and sew it like that and add it to your jacket well because I wanted that design it just makes it look chic and not just white all round that is why I did that now if you're going for this design divide your sleeve making sure the cuff part is just a little bit um big I don't know how to explain it but it cannot be the same size with the upper part you know that I know you guys are good students so you know that then you pin your buyers the same way you pinned for the bodies you pin your bias down like that the same method applies the folded Edge is facing upwards while the raw Edge is facing towards the raw edge of the fabric and then you go ahead and sandwich it in between the two sleeves that's just it you can see it's all done and we have the same design on the sleeve the only thing you have to do right now is go ahead and top Stitch and then give it a good press then you fold your sleeve and sew your sleeve if you don't know how to make a sleeve check my description box now we're going to the color part we're almost done guys trust me on that for the color you measure round the color part you measure it around the color area and I got 20 inches for mine whatever you get for yours it's okay get a piece of paper or get your um gum stay or your color stay for this so now I measured 10 inches because uh this is a pattern you don't need to measure it full you understand so I measured 10 inches from the edge of the pattern because by 20 inches divided by 2 is 10 whatever you get divided by two and then you measure then you go down by one inch you go down by one inch don't mind my paper I don't know what was wrong with it but it's good now you go down by one inch and then connect with a straight line from that one inch in in sort of like an angle because you don't want it to be straight if not your color will be standing up this is the bishop color you don't want it to be standing inappropriately you understand me then whatever length you want for your um color this is where you take it now I wanted one and a half inches for mine and that is why I'm measuring one and a half inches if you want two inches go ahead but I think one and a half is just the perfect Bishop color you see out there even some people go as low as one into 1.25 inches so one and a half is fair and then I went ahead to curve the curve does not have any measurement just curve and make sure where you're curving you're carving towards the upper part because the down part you do not want to alter that measurement the upper part no problem but the down part you don't want to measure alter that measurement because you'll be joining it to the fabric which is already 20 inches you don't want to join 18 to 20 it cannot it's you're not a magician it can't fit happen you know anyways I'm just trimming my color to have it properly um Travis Street and then I'll go ahead and cut it on my gum see normally add them I would have cut it directly on my gum stick but I didn't want to use a marker on the gumsy because I'm working on the white fabric it might end up showing at the end of the day so it's best to use the pattern paper first if you're working with a white fabric now go ahead and cut exactly what you have on your gum stable you're cutting it on food so when you open it you have a continuous color now I went ahead to cut it on my Fabric and I added um 0.25 inch on the upper part and 0.5 on the lower parts you'll see why I added 0.25 on the upper part because I'll not be sewing up to 0.5 because I'll be putting that bias there too to have that same design now before we get to the bias part you iron down your stay on your fabric you iron on one side you remember your color would have um two pieces you have two pieces for your color you iron your gum stay on one side or your collar stay on one side outside the country they call it visible interfacing you iron it on one side yeah I'm just ironing the second part of the collar so it will be straight and give me the right result that I want now because I'll be doing that same um design that I we've been doing since on the collar because I want to pipe it as well you go ahead and get your buyers folded into two and then you put it a long dark curved line you can see that along the curved line follow the curve all the way to the other side and pin it down please pin it down don't work without pinning when you're doing something like this you need it to be accurate as much as possible we're not humans you cannot be perfect but with your pins you at least achieve Perfection to an extent so you just Pin It Down all the way to the other side and then you sandwich it in between the two colors and you um you sew it up is just the same way we did the shirt the same way we did the sleeve simple and easy like I said earlier don't try to understand these things just practice it okay I love you all guys hmm you can see the results you can see it on both sides it looks good because it is already sandwiched inside the inside the sleeve and it looks really really good if I can say that myself so the next thing you do is just give it a good press let it lay down don't mind me at this point I was sleepy but guys I had to do this for you even this voice note I'm doing it by 5 am so show me some love guys show me some love here I'm marking the midpoint of the jacket which is the midpoint on the back part of the jacket and then you do the same for the collar piece you mark the midpoint of the color because you're going to be matching midpoint to Mid points on both pieces okay it's a basic and a standard rule for anything that you'll be matching up like this I think yeah I know so the first thing you start from the center and pin up the center and then you work your way both sides here I'll be pinning up one side for you you can see I'm pinning both um colors the two pieces of the colors together you want your wine this is because of the way I'm going to um finish up this jacket like I said earlier if you want to see a detailed tutorial on how to make a jacket how to line a jacket I have a video on my Channel about jacket making so I'm going to link that um tutorial for you in the description box and somewhere on the screen so you can see how I did that um after you've watched that video you'll understand this lining method I'm not going I'm not even going into the lining of this particular jacket but I'll be showing you how you do it if you're not lining your jackets I hope that was correct now I just pinned up um to the other side of um to one side of the jacket the collar I paint the two pieces to one side of the jacket like I said because of how I will be finishing it now to the other side I'm going to pin just one side that is the side that has the gum stay that is where I'll be pinning to the jacket now after pinning that one side jacket you go ahead too so remember if you're not lining your pinning all the way around I just did half part because I wanted to show you guys so you know everything like I said in my um description is a detailed tutorial so after pinning um all the way around one side of your collar you go ahead and sew iron it the seam allowance you iron it facing up you push it up and then the other part of the collar you use it to cover it that is you fold it down and then sew on it I hope that was clear but for mine I'm not doing that you can see what I'm doing I just showed you how I finished it so that you would understand um but the full lining video like I said earlier is in my jacket tutorial class plus the sleeve everything how you would finish it like a normal suit you go to the market to buy I have that tutorial on my channel trust me it's worth it now I went ahead to turn my lining and then um I'm going to use that lining to finish up the raw edges okay should I say the last ring I'm gonna I'm gonna ring for subscribing to my channel guys please subscribe to this channel let us get to 2K subscribers okay subscribe to the channel turn on your post notification Bell if it's not done so that you get notified whenever I post any new video give this video a thumbs up if you like it don't forget to share to your friends receiving you all will you be helping give your brother's keeper in this 2023 and when I had to do my normal lining like I said I have a video for it for the lining you can see how the inside is if you want to know how I did this lining go and check out that video you can see how it is the sleeve looking the um the body is looking fine thank you guys for always supporting I see your comments I reply to them I get so happy for your love I'm really really great too I don't know what I've done to deserve this love but I want to say thank you very much I love you guys see you in my next video thanks for staying with me foreign
Views: 26,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 01-c5O5O-MI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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