Detail Isn't Hard | Blender Tutorial

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okay I want to show you a technique to really easily add a lot of complexity to your renders this is a method of just you know adding a lot of detail really fast and very honestly very easily so here's a render using this technique that I'm going to show you this is when I finished a couple days ago and in a second I'll show you the blend file when you see the blend file it's going to look crazy and it's going to look insane and just so complicated but I promise I will break it down into a way that's like very simple and honestly like very easy to understand and look at and like it hopefully I'll like hopefully I'll kind of be able to break the illusion of what's going on here and you'll be able to see how stupid simple this actually is so yesterday I was working on this render right here and I've used this technique before but I really realized how powerful it was yesterday when I was kind of sitting there struggling and then I just did this thing which I'll explain in a second and then all of a sudden everything just kind of came together quite easily so what I'm talking about is it's going to sound very simple but I'll kind of show you how this works taking a bunch of models combining them into one collection and then just instancing that collection duplicating it around a bunch more times to create something very complex so that sounds simple but um well it is simple but let me just kind of show you what I mean how this applies to this here so here's the blend file and this is what I mean I know it looks like scary at first when you see this um but let me break this down into it's very uh like it's core pieces that are actually very very simple when you break it down to the fundamental level so let's look at what's going on here if I click on this you might notice this is one object or it seems to be one object this is actually a collection instance of a bunch of objects together and if I click around here you can see you can see how I put this together I've just kind of a bunch of clusters of uh they're actually all pretty much the same model there's a couple variations so you know you'll see some of these towers have an extra piece on top this like it's the same Tower duplicated it just has one extra model on the top of it and I'll explain all this in a second but that's what's going on here it's just a bunch of these same Towers duplicated around here and you know with the help of different angles and different rotations and lighting and you know the lights hitting some of these in uh and making some spots brighter and it's you know kind of hidden in Shadows and other spots you can't tell that much that it's the same model duplicated a bunch of times but it gives the illusion here that it's you know all this complexity and all this variation but it all fits together in a cohesive way well it all fits together because it's all the same thing so let's actually break this one piece down into its you know individual pieces and I'll break that down even further if you want but um yeah basically all of these towers here are the same model or the same cluster of models uh with some filler things here and there which I'll get to later but let's let's break down this main tower so this main thing in the middle is what is it's the same thing as all these other ones around here so I'll just look at this one thing here and let's break this down so I know this even just one of these looks complex to a lot of people so let's I'll just go through this and kind of explain this in a more simple way but let's look at this first of all um so this is the collection instance that I was talking about where if I actually bring this back so I'll just bring in I have a tower collection which is what all these are select that and isolate it so here's all the individual models that make up that bigger collection of stuff and if you've been watching my channel you recognize a lot of these a lot of these are just the uh if you've seen the temple video that's there's a lot of these pieces in here um kind of mixed in with some other ones as soon as I bring this collection in it's gonna go like weird in the render view that's just because it's uh it's overlapping with another model just ignore that but yeah it's um there's not anything crazy I will break these individual pieces these individual pieces down even further in a second but for now I just want you to understand this is like like low effort like this is me taking a bunch of models and slapping them together into the shape of roughly a tower and just kind of putting things into I don't know like a shape vertically like I didn't spend that long on this this is pretty simple it's just kind of taking models that I made a while ago or that other people made and stacking them on top of each other literally and then there you go and then so that's what's creating this main tower that I could duplicate it all over the place but let's break this down to an even simpler level so if I go in here I'll kind of just go through a bunch of these different models and show you where they came from and how that they're kind of put together in a way that makes sense so maybe I should do this I'm going to duplicate this move it to a new collection because otherwise it'll mess up the existing one this instance all over the entire scene as you can see there so we'll just call it test whatever and there we go and I'll just isolate that okay so now I can move this around and it will destroy my entire scene and let's get out of rendered view here so let's just kind of pull these pieces apart and maybe I can just kind of show you um like what how this is getting put together so you will probably recognize if you have the fantasy asset pack that I sell a lot of these models and same thing if you have the free Tempo pack you'll recognize a lot of these here so like this piece for example in the middle that's just that free Temple thing I gave away in that other video if you want to find the video just I'm not going to link it but just search like Max hey Temple modeling you'll find it um but there's some other ones that I haven't shown in videos before that I've just made recently so like this it has a mirror modifier um you know I can take that off like a lot of these pieces here are just actually the same like it's the same thing where it's like one piece duplicated again over itself to make it a bigger piece so you can see these pillars are the same thing just like stretched out in different ways and put together in kind of different orders um and then just like some slats or like slabs or whatever kind of just put in between them but it's like the same pillar duplicated a bunch of times over itself and then that creates an even bigger pillar and then that pillar gets duplicated over itself a bunch more times and that creates an even bigger pillar I guess a tower in this case but um yeah like let's actually just uh explode this like if I hit uh effect only locations and then scale this up um we can see like this this will just kind of break it apart and just move everything away from itself ignore this viewport over here just focus on this one but you can see here it's all not very complex models like uh there's kind of it's pretty jankly thrown together like if you've seen my that Temple modeling video I made this one in that other video and I just slapped that right into the middle of this thing and there you go it's stacked on top of itself and then there's other pieces from this is the um this is a temple pack that I got from our station I can't remember where but um if you go on our station and just search Temple acid pack you'll probably find it it's not the highest quality but it works for things that are far away in this case so you can see here like if I just isolate one of these pieces this is like um one model that I just put in a square like four times so it would have been something like this I think it might have been this exact one actually and then you know just drop that in from the asset Library if it and for some reason it just made sense for me to just do this you know there you go that's how that was made um let's bring this this side collection back so you can see it's just literally stacking different models that seem like they would go together on top of each other over and over again and then eventually you end up with a bigger cluster of just models that seem like they fit together in a cohesive order and when I say cohesive order I mean like I don't know they all are vertical like I knew I knew making this that I wanted it to be a tower so that's what I did I just took the pieces of things you might find in a tower and put them together into a vertical shape and then I ended up with something that looked kind of cool and so hopefully this shows you that it's not complicated when you break it down to its individual pieces so for for some of you still this might seem like very complicated because you don't know how to get models or how to make models or you don't know like how to get shapes like this that is um you know you can just buy asset packs but I would recommend I would say it's it's an extremely important skill to at least know basic modeling because there's things like this in here that are very simple to make takes a couple minutes and I've used this in the last like three renders I've done it saved me so much time and it's just like a cool piece that I just made so if you want to learn I don't know modeling there's tons of videos that just teach you exactly how to do it if you want to see how I do it um I wouldn't I don't know if my way is like the exact like proper way to do it but if you want to see exactly how I model I do have a video the one I was talking about just search like Max a modeling Temple you'll find it um and that one comes with a free asset pack if you want to just download these some of these but yeah like these shapes are like not that complicated like if I take this for example and I just break this down into its individual pieces so if I just separate by loose Parts in edit mode let's look at what's going on here it's you know if I take these just kind of take the individual loose pieces that I put together uh just bring it over here I'm actually going to delete this mirror because that's annoying and if we just look at this sorry get rid of this on all of these yeah delete please okay whatever it doesn't matter point is look at these pieces that make up that that other chunk I was showing you this is like a cube stretch out vertically there's some insets some extrusions a couple of bevels you know nothing crazy it's like this is basic modeling and so you know look at these pieces you know cube with like some insets and bevels Cube flattened with a bevel and when you put all of this stuff together all of a sudden it becomes more complex when you add these different you know simple shapes together so it's it's literally it's literally as simple as like I'll make something right now like if we take a cube let's say I want to make something similar maybe let's just stretch this out vertically maybe let's do a couple of edge loops and let's bevel those Edge Loops like this and let's do a little bit more and let's extrude them so just e and then I want to scale that Extrusion in so s and then we'll just shift Zed and uh I don't I don't need to like tell you every single button that I'm clicking because again there's so many tutorials on like modeling and like I don't want this to be a click exactly what buttons I'm clicking type tutorial but the point is like make something simple I will show you this one this is alt e for extrude bases along normals that's kind of a hidden one so you don't hear that one very often but that will let you just do this and then there you go we can just do that again inset alt e extrude bases long normals to bring that out um I guess you could just hit e and then scale it same kind of thing maybe we want a bevel on here so we'll just throw a bevel modifier or sometimes I'll just bevel it right on the mesh maybe we can change this to we change the profile to custom try that I don't know make some squiggly line turn up the segments there we go just got free detail but from that bevel and maybe I want like a piece on the top so I'll just hit uh set the origin to Geometry put the cursor here let's add another Cube and I kind of want like a some kind of interesting type chunk at the top so we'll just bring that down same technique like Edge Loops maybe bevel The Edge Loops extrude them in maybe it's bevel like these things seems like this could be a cool spot for like a really complex bevel so I'll just take that and for some reason it's not letting me select this bottom Edge very nicely but let's take these oops boom boom boom and let's control B bevel something like that increase the segments and then maybe do a custom bevel profile again there we go that's kind of cool and then I don't know we could just duplicate that again up here and then maybe have something else in the middle like I don't know we could just put uh something else doesn't really matter maybe we could just inset all these faces uh alt e extrude bases or normals bevel cool whatever and you can see how just creating basic shapes like this all of a sudden can lead to something a lot more interesting so maybe let's convert that to mesh join origin to Geometry bring it down here and cool doesn't have to be perfect for this demo uh mesh convert to mesh to apply all modifiers at once and let's just join that together so now we have a big pillar and what happens if I take this pillar and I make copies of it all over itself so let's do like duplicate this over here let's duplicate it over here cool and let's take some Cube or something and like do what I did in the last one just take like a slab or something like this and we could just take these and pull it over here and boom and you know something like that and then this can be beveled to match everything we've done here oh that's kind of cool sure and then maybe we can take this and like duplicate it again rotate 90 degrees and then Chuck that right there and you can see how after a little while of just doing like simple shapes all of a sudden you can get something pretty complex and you can take these pieces and you can like manipulate them and change them and like say I want a shorter version of this well let's take that and like shrink it down this way and maybe pull this down and like pull this down and then boom and then we can take these and let's say I want like a roof on here cool and then I can put like one more in the middle and whatever you know and it really is like that simple of just taking the same pieces moving them around duplicating them adding a bit of variation throwing in a completely different model once in a while just to break up the pattern and then before you know it you know you have a very very complex shape and it's this same technique of like making a thing that's simple duplicating it over itself you know make then you get something a bit more complex but it's still like a simple shape that you're working with like a simple chunk and then you can even do that again like you just keep doing that over and over and over again and before you know it you have something that's super super complex looking but it's just like you know repeated shapes in with like a bit of variation so I know that was like kind of a long explanation of like one model but I hope that shows you that like this stuff is pretty easy Once you can just do some basic modeling as long as you know how to just you know repeat things in a way that's still pleasing to look at and that's really what it's about is you know being able to repeat the same shape without just um without it looking like it's just duplicated 100 times and I guess that just comes with practice um yeah this is actually kind of cool I might save that for later just move this to save for later but if we look around here all of these pieces except for the ones from that uh fantasy or that Temple pack that I just bought all the pieces that I made here are just simple shapes like repeated and duplicated over themselves and it's just insets and extrusions and bevels and just quite basic shapes put together in a way that looks like a temple piece and then that like once you have a bigger piece you take that repeat it over itself and put it together with other pieces in a way that seems like it would make sense and then eventually it does make sense and eventually you have something that's a a crazy massive structure but you know when you look at like again those individual pieces are not complex at all even the things like this where it's like wow that looks um you know some of you guys might see this and go like how the hell I'm supposed to make that you know just when you when you're trying to make something look at references and look at like the basic individual building blocks that you could use that are simple shapes that make up that more complex shape that you're looking at so for things like circles just you know start with the most basic things like add cubes add circles add you know slowly more detail inset extrude repeat that duplicate parts and then before you know it you'll have something that's much more complex than you thought you would have been able to make Okay so hopefully that makes more sense now that you know this this thing here is just a bunch of pieces slapped together that are all pretty simple on their own so there you go um and I kind of just went like level by level I might have started in the middle and then like duplicated some of it downwards duplicated some upwards brought in new models here and there just whatever makes sense in the moment I don't know just um it's you know it's pretty messy and janky when you look at it like this but from you know I knew this was going to be far away so I from far away I made it look totally fine okay once that was done let's check out material preview um I took a basic texture from quixel Mega scans just some 4K Rock texture and um some textures that came with these other models from the pack that are from uh ambient CG and I just like for all these ones this looks like trash and material preview it looks like garbage but in rendered view it actually looks sick so uh I think that just comes down to lighting and like how you present it but I'll talk about that later but um yeah like this is not like crazy texturing it's literally a 4K texture from qixel just put directly on the model and then cue project like that's it and then maybe scale it around a bit in the UV editor like if we look here there's there's the UV map like it's just a cube projection I just hit U and then C it's like that um and that's on all these and it looks good you know it doesn't look good here but in the render it looks good and that's all you need sometimes um depends what you're making obviously but most of the time like 90 of the time if not more I just you'll be unwrapped that way and I just don't even worry about it because it looks good most of the time so same thing for here this is just like a texture from I think it was or something or maybe a CG I'm not sure but same thing Cube reject move it around until it looks good on the model like on the on the UB editor uh and then there you go you just save like anytime you make one of those pieces save it for later and then when you want to just make something really quick you just go in into your big pile of pieces you made grab anything throw it together with a bunch of other pieces or make something new really quick and then there you go you can make really complex intricate crazy structures out of like you know chunks of models that you already have or made very easily um yeah I I like I don't think I did anything to these textures there's a little bit of nonsense is going on up here I don't even know what this is but like you know this is not that different from the base color I think like if we look at this yeah maybe it's uh what is it ambient occlusion yeah so it's like making the corners and edges a little bit like softer looking not a big deal you can figure out a way to do that it's just ambient occlusion into like getting multiplied into the the colors amount but it's like honestly barely making a difference um but yeah like it's there's nothing that I've done here that's like complicated um hopefully you can see it obviously if you're very new to blender and you've never seen this before yeah it's going to be complicated but um if you're someone who's just been using this offer like you'll you'll understand everything I'm talking about here it's nothing like there's nothing that advanced it's like basic modeling basic texture and then combine those things together and then yeah okay so let's look at how I used this massive piece here to build the rest of the scene because this still looks a bit crazy here so let's talk about that um I already kind of showed you that but let's just look at that even more basically what I did with all you saw all those loose pieces that I was using earlier in that test collection um I just I don't know where that went this one yeah if I select this so you see how I'm just using all these loose individual different chunks of models what I did to construct the rest of the scene from this point was once I was happy with the tower and just having them all loose I actually just moved them all to a collection so the way you do that is you select um I want I won't do it in this but I will add like a new thing here let's move this to a scene collection so the way collections work if you don't know I'll just demo it really quick if you have any object or any bunch of objects so we'll just mix in them really quick say this is what I'm working on and we have some variation here and there and there's some different models and whatever if I select all these press n m for move to collection hit uh new collection and we'll just call it demo collection and I hit OK nothing's changed in my viewport but what's happened is you can see an outliner here those different objects that I just added are now all in this collection and what what is nice about that is you can add that entire cluster of objects as a new object sort of or as a collection instance what that means is this if I hit shift a and I go to here collection instance and what do they call it demo collection uh and I just thought the origin is like way off here because it's like uh I've made it like way far away from the world origin but I can actually just hit origin to Geometry this is my quick favorites when I press q but if you don't see that just hit F3 search for origin to Geometry you'll find it um so yeah origin to Geometry and then there you go the it'll just move that back to the center so there we go now you can see how those like in before it's moved to think like when it's the actual objects they're all like loose and separate but then when you add it as a collection instance it all kind of treats all those different pieces as one of one solid object and so if I try and hit tab let's go to edit mode to go to edit mode you can see it it's not doing anything it's just an instance version of it it's not the actual real thing so what happens is anytime I move any one of those original objects in that collection so remember this is the original objects it'll move it around in the instance collection as well so that's really nice if you you know you have a bunch of things that are rotated all differently if I turn this off um and you know you have a bunch of them and there's stuff everywhere when I move one of these pieces or I manipulate one of these shapes it'll update that straight away in the collection instances so it's annoying to work like this sometimes if you don't set it up right because it means if you have one that you're working with and then you try to move something it might like mess up everything because if you want to just move it a bit to the left it moves everything so what I do is I just move it to a collection disable the collection like you uncheck it and then you just work with these instances and then anytime you want to edit it you just bring that collection back right click press s to select all the objects in that collection and then just isolate it with backslash to uh go to local View that's the backslash next to the question mark or sorry the uh the same key as a question mark but next to the shift key to isolate temporarily and then there you go you just manipulate this however you want change it and then go back to your instances of that collection wherever it was uh where yeah where where do they go yeah I'm messing on my scene but whatever so anyways the point is this is just what I showed you there that demo is just this so you can see if I try to go to edit mode I can't do it because this is a collection instance it'll render it much faster I think if you have um the same object instanced versus duplicated so if I hit shift d a bunch of times it would be a lot laggier than if I put it to a collection instance and then instance like added a instance of that collection and I'm saying it instance a lot but if I add a collection instance of that it'll be much faster than pressing shift d um or even OD I think so anyways once I once I made that one tower out of those smaller pieces I took that um let's just find this here I took that that chunk pit like shift a collection instance Tower uh and there you go you get one of those straight away and so from there it's as simple as taking that and spamming it around a bunch of times until it looks cool so that's exactly what I did here and you can see like if I wanted a taller one I would just take it and just duplicate it over itself even like this is you know that's not like good don't like you can't always get away with that depending on what you're doing but for just some render yeah it's totally fine to do that um it looks cool so that's that's literally all I did like same model duplicated 18 times with like some variation here and there like I showed you before there's that main tower and then if I want variation Chuck another one of those models straight on the top and just it looks you know kind of different and so what's going on here is like it's just that a bunch of times and then to fill in the gaps and fill in uh to break up the repetition and make it not so obvious that it's just repeating so many times all you do is you just take some other models that fit in there or even in this case the same model but just Orient it differently to add Bridges um and then there you go like I have this thing just sticking sideways looks like some kind of walkway honestly that's pretty lazy I should have like done a different piece at least instead of the same exact model just rotated sideways but whatever look fine um but yeah like adding in separate objects that are not part of those collection instances to kind of bridge the gaps literally in this case or just fill in spaces that feel like they need something different that's a really really easy efficient and good looking way to do that is you just take new models and just put them and kind of connect pieces differently um and make it just makes everything feel less duplicated and more like it's like fitting into the same place and more like cohesive um I hope I'm explaining that that right but yeah so that's yeah that's kind of it and then like same thing like here this was not part of the collection instance I just put a bigger one of these down here because it looked cool or you know there's a in the foreground especially like this kind of like Bland and boring here so to add detail to the foreground I just put a model of some stairs and pots and a chest and all of a sudden now there's like up close here there's all this detail in it you can kind of It kind of puts into your brain that that level of detail is everywhere even though it's not um so I hope that makes sense where it's like we're looking at this thing that the thing that's like up close to the camera it's all super dense detailed um but then like obviously there's not this level of detail like stairs like this everywhere it's just in the spots that need it to make it like to give it the illusion that that level of detail is everywhere because when it's that far away you can't even tell what's going on but it's like if you have uh you know something very minimal up close it just kind of breaks the illusion if you have a lot of detail in the foreground and then like medium detail in the background or even little detail it you can kind of fake it um like you can kind of have the illusion of tons of detail if it's far away enough that you can't really see what's happening but in the foreground it looks like there's tons of just dense detail that's what's going on here I hope that was a clear explanation if it's not point is just if the foreground looks bad just add detail and make the immediate stuff that's close to the camera good and it will just help everything else let's talk about the lighting because uh this is where it gets a little I don't want to say complicated but like there's just a bit more happening so the main lighting that like that you would need to worry about is this right here oh sure definitely up the spotlight God damn it and you can't undo that uh yeah this trying to put that back to where it was so the main lighting is this stuff right here these four spotlights and I think there's probably even one Spotlight that's the main one which would be like one or two these ones I think yeah the rest are kind of not really doing much so let's look at what's going on here part of the reason this works so well is because the lighting is not just super bright and lighting up everything all at once so I intentionally hid a lot of this stuff in darkness because it means that the less stuff you can see the less stuff you have to worry about making look good or repeating or basically the less light there is the less problems you're going to run into um generally I mean it's not always true sometimes that can be a problem itself just if you know if everything's too dark but uh just breaking up the pattern of what's being illuminated that's a really easy way to just make things look better if it's if there's a lot of repeating shapes or things just don't look that good on their own just having lighting that's interesting and like some parts are light and some parts are really dark that's uh that's a method you can use that looks cool but also can hide some imperfections sometimes so let's look at these lights here I think one of the last videos I did was just all about using spots spotlights like this in those videos I think I just used one Spotlight in all the renders but in this case I did that set it up with one and then it looked better to just duplicate it a couple more times so I I ran with that but it's like the way this works is you set up one make it look good and then try duplicating it if it looks better keep it there if it looks worse then you know keep trying until it looks better the key here is they're all pointing in the exact same direction so it looks kind of like sunlight because if you think about like the rays of sunlight those would all be coming from the same Source the Sun so they're all moving like all of those light rays would be moving parallel to each other all in the exact same direction so if you're gonna fake uh sunlight with spotlights like this just make sure they're all pointing the same way unless for some rare reason that looks a lot better to have like one pointing down but just be careful with that because this is like not how light works um if you're a lot of the times it helps a lot to think about the the light source you're creating like think about what that would be in real life so what I mean is like in this case what does this light in here look like it's coming from to me it kind of looks like it's coming from looks like we're in a cave and there's some sunlight coming through like that's where it would be from it doesn't really look like somebody's holding a flashlight or it doesn't really look like some magical light it looks like natural kind of sunlight so when you have something that is starting to look like natural sunlight you want to keep it looking like that and you don't want to mess up what like that light source would be and yeah just if it is meant to be sunlight just keep it looking like sunlight is the point uh okay let's look at the settings in here two million Watts you know it's bright um it's going to be different depending on what your vendor looks like it's going to change every time color white radius two meters um just a little bit softer than like this you know there's not a huge difference in this case but I find that just softening up the Shadows by making the light source a bit bigger always looks pretty nice and you can see the difference that makes there if I increase this it's going to be like much softer Shadows uh yeah and then this this spot size right here this is like the uh like radius of the cone that's just uh like that's how we're getting this segmented like broken up lighting effect where some parts are really bright and some parts are really dark you'll see that it's not like an area light like this that does look kind of cool but I I wanted that effect of like different like um beams of sunlight coming through like cracks in the cave or something and so that's what this is so it's not lighting up all of it all at once it's it's uh we're actually being very selective about what's getting lit and what's not um so obviously I wanted the main tower here to be the brightest part and that's exactly what I did here with the spotlight I just lined it up so that that was getting illuminated the most if I hide these ones uh you can see what that's doing yeah so these are all placed kind of strategically I just kind of moved them around until they looked good and yeah so they're just lighting up what I want you to see and kind of hiding what I don't want you to see and then volumetrics are helping a lot with the sense of scale here so the if I hide this um yeah that makes a big difference just me like it seems like this volumetrics are always going to look good um yeah just basic settings just default color density at 0.02 again things like this are going to change every single Runner you do so don't copy the exact number but just um keep it like the rough range in mind like point zero zero whatever and anisotropy turned up pretty high at 0.8 whatever like um sometimes it looks good to have it down sometimes it looks good to have it like really cranked really high in this case I found this looks good so there you go and then again that's just on a big Cube over everything uh yeah let's talk about the rest of these lights because um I don't want to talk about that yeah it's fine so the way this uh the way I set up the rest of these lights like if I hide the main lighting let's just hide this for a sec there's still light in here from all these like torch like uh torch type lights kind of looks like so that gives it a lot of like life and uh just makes everything feel a bit more alive what that is is um well that's okay so let's go to that collection that uh Tower collection isolate this so remember how I instanced this collection all over the place what I actually did was I put lights inside that collection instance so just regular Point lights and just kind of place them around in little pockets that seemed like they'd be cool and then in all of those other instances around the scene those lights are now going to get put naturally they're automatically going to get placed into those collection instances and they're automatically going to start lighting up places um like all the all the interior cracks and stuff so all I did was no real strategy um just throw in a point night here's the settings like the radius doesn't really matter the power doesn't really matter it's just like however bright it looks here like I was aiming for that level of brightness not necessarily a number on the power and that's just you know I just placed it into like little Chambers and little rooms and little just pieces of this model that were had some empty space and then that's kind of just creating this effect of like it looks like there's illuminated rooms with like torches in them or something um and then there's a bunch of these all over here if I kind of go to x-ray mode um it's kind of hard to see but if I select let's see if I can yeah here uh so this is all the lights inside of this collection so what's nice about this model is there's a lot of empty spaces naturally because there's lots of like pillars and uh like Hollow shapes so it's really easy to just find places to put these lights in um yeah you can see like just again no strategy just like put them in places that seem like a room or a chamber and then it illuminates light from there and that's what I did and again once it's in that collection instance um it'll be updated in real time with those other collection instances so I actually did that after I placed all these around and then it got updated immediately to the other instances of that collection which is very nice and then that what's that's what's uh creating this look of like natural Torchlight but also like sunlight coming into which is uh you don't see that very often I think but kind of cool I think that is everything yeah okay somehow just covered everything so I don't know like the point of this video is like even scenes that look extremely complex and like when you see this render at first you might think how the hell am I going to add that much detail to my scene the point of this video is to show you that like when you break things down to like smaller fundamental pieces this isn't that crazy it's not that hard um and you know it's a lot of it just comes down to like using good lights finding a good camera angle and that you know you just got to practice those things and you'll get better at presenting your vendors uh I guess here's the camera settings basic perspective 24 millimeters it's up here looking down this way I just thought that looked good so there you go it's kind of like anytime I'm using the camera and blender I like to imagine if I was walking around this place where would I be standing to take this picture so I kind of Imagine This is like some massive well or like Cavern or something that we would be entering from the top so that's why I put the camera up here looking downwards like if you discover this massive hit for the first time and you just looked over the edge and just took a picture that's the feeling that I wanted to get for this render so that's where I started with the camera and then I just kind of you know moved it around refined it just you know it's not that hard you just rotate it around and move the position and see what looks better do a couple of test renders and see what you like about one and what you don't like about the other one and then refine the camera angle from there uh yeah depth of field is disabled there's nothing close enough to the camera it wouldn't even be blurred out anyways so it doesn't matter and yeah like like I said if you just use some basic models some basic textures put them together in a way that looks cool and then throw on some lights and volumetrics you're you're good to go for like a lot of different environments um you know depending on what you're making obviously you're gonna have to like do more work depending on if it's for a client or whatever but just for a general render yeah you can get away with stuff like this uh pretty easily okay um anything else I'll quickly plug the course if you want to go really in depth into creating environments and watch me create environments like from zero percent start get an idea and then go through all the way through to 100 finished uh I have a course where I do like I show you that entire process three different times and just make three renders from start to finish so if you want to get like really in-depth information on how I put my scenes together that's a great place to do it and um yeah it comes with a bunch of models as well so a bunch of models I used in this one to make this render are in there included so if you want to check that out there's a link in the description of this video you can go check it out if you want if you don't want to spend money it's probably not for you but yeah hopefully this was useful and I don't know if there's any specific videos you want to see or there's a specific render you want to see a breakdown of you can let me know in the comments or uh on Instagram or whatever so I don't think anything to say anything else so uh yeah hopefully that was useful and I will see you in some other video bye
Channel: Max Hay
Views: 22,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q-oYOjIteGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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