Destroying My Subscribers Base and Surprising Him With A New One | Minecraft Flippers E10

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you've seemed to give away mansions log cabins and entire villages to strangers but today we take that to a whole new level or should I say a whole new world because one lucky person will be walking away with an entire planet made just for them this is minecraft house slippers episode number 10 we can either venno this base renovated give you something brand new or blow it up and give you a brand new custom built base which one would you like yeah brand new base alright goes for the brand new base no we're gonna blow your base up the hoes nuke it take it down good luck dude hope you get down hope you survive let's make a planet we need a color palette here today this is going to be our most impressive build ever and I want us to believe in this today so it all start it all starts with the right mentality let's take it up all the way to the top Isaac let's get a color palette placed up here planet done oh oh that's a little that's a little baby that's a little baby planet though I mean five times yeah five times keep it going keep it going clock and down Isaac did it real time is gonna be perfect twenty seven thousand block now that is what I call a planet Isaac Wald are our background build team look at that dude that's our planet right there alright I already got a vision for this Isaac so don't touch the roof once I get this done well I should just use world edits a lot quicker isn't it look at that the whole thing the whole thing is set up how much crap you want this and the one below it the top two layers Isaac how's it gonna thinking just a simple classic oak house up on the roof what you think all right I mean it's a planet I don't know I say the outside we have grass on the roof then it turns to dirt then stone then back to dirt then back to grass don't think that makes any sense at all you're a biologist man you you figure it out alright you are a biologists start acting like one I took physics last year's act every first grade class you learn that the base is the core what does the core have block did you that's great guys I just want to mention real quick there's you got to get in the zone when you're building so you don't think about it you just do it you don't say is this a good idea you just say it is a good idea you could do it like talk a bit it could be like the overwatch put like fake trees and things in it and then bottom half could be like they're never in the end wow I just love looking down there just seen a little model pool at the bottom [Music] is this even is this even it doesn't feel even it's not even I'm just trying to get my killer instinct turned on today guys it's really the ultimate goal here bring out the building lover fellow that's been inside this whole time but I just haven't shown like what are your thoughts on that oh oh that's going to destroy everything underneath us but I really like it oh man that's gonna be a really cool way to get up that's weird I'm also gravity doesn't work like that but it's you know what are gonna do Oh what if we make it genius I'm just I don't hide your check back oh that video yeah I put you guys if you haven't seen yet I put in about you know 200 hours into that video and it flops so go watch it if you have it so I feel better oh water curtain that is probably not good for this map but I don't really care because it looks cool that's a big boy right there that's a real big boy I mean that's a meteor how's it could you work on um like a ring or something this guy like a ring orbiting it like a real thin slender that's you know that's gonna be something to watch out for people inside the plan to keep an eye on pen alright guys this is lover fella on the 10 TV 44 chopper 10 TV news coming by right now giving view of the new planner that is popped up here looks like we got some water flowing down on the sides there are people building that a custom-made trees absolutely fantabulous here we're gonna go down for a closer view and an interview of this man here at building trees well squirtle what's your uh what's your name hello Isaac how are you doing today good do you have a permit for this plant in your building all right guys thanks for watching we'll be sending the police in later you can watch live 10 TV 4479 for news and like you are time to build a house and that's what you came up with huh what this is a this is amazing horrible you can help me upgrade it if you'd like but this is good I know but all right job switch house I'm just gonna grass up the outside here put a little bit of flavor down outside little visit for a law visit from flavortown I bet these guys are not gonna expect to get a whole planet you know there's a lot of things they expected this cannot pick it on that list I need a lover fella song here let me I'll show you guys something that I whipped out the other day goes like this what do you think of that just like a it's like a rough draft like what it could be doctor we've run into the extreme issue here uh-huh the height one oh we did we did that's great that's great we did it really cannot build the house now well we've just got to work with what we have available I feel like they're aliens so they do not have cows would I have mushrooms I gave them to how about that Isaac that little farm off to the side that's nice that's real nice oh you're putting Windham is cool and if is on the planet perfect interlock the means well there's two meanings to it the meaning I go by is your life can no longer be any more perfect I have never been in perfection Schlag I would plan to be in one of them whoa this is cool it was like a really dark in here anyway so I just fall it's fit the theme what she meant to say was all of your previous videos where you always make a torture dungeon inspired me in your role model thank you by the way by then a break you're making a French flag oh I guess they're not French divider and by the retrofit build the plan that makes them build their house if that won't you turn around hidden hidden chests where oh you didn't you didn't you didn't go watch that a fifty hundred it's a hundred ways a Haida chest a hundred ways you know how long that took to come up with why aren't you watching at people it's a good way you know what you guys can watch it on my Twitter I've been on of course 95 don't eat it you can literally open this chest through that block that's crazy people should definitely check out on our video let's get some more trees up here I'll bonemeal it I want this if that's the evil area this is gotta have a very holy feel to it so I'm thinking going to make some glowstone trees too so I was like this is gonna be heaven oh wait for that God isn't it it's heaven now see look I made a little heaven tree Oh Eric thank you for watching today Eric and Hall Skyler Skyler I know you're out there I didn't think I'd say your name did you thank you so much Skyler no do you think I think they actually look really good we get a vote team vote on the roof there are more girls than boys in that group I just want to make that clear what do you think of the glowstone trees are these cool or know they're like wound up dude as team captain I trust that my team will fade exactly yes or no on the glowstone trees it's a good of a tree but now it's good because it has a root system right now it's fantastic now it's beautiful okay I'm gonna just tear it down guys a lot of people can't handle feedback but for me when people say they don't like it they just tend to kill themselves let's just happens a lot of the same I think that got a lot of positive feedback when he tried to invent a eraser sharpener remember that no I definitely remember that I still stand by that decision to this day people who don't appreciate the eraser sharpener don't understand inventions I'm confused why you thought that wasn't either any point man I wish I could sharpen this eraser guys gonna take a look inside the planet today and see what's going on inside of the nether region fantabulous wow that is annoying right leave a comment would you stop watching the video when I do that so I could also start talking about OSHA regulations and talking about how this is an OSHA compliant you know or the best way to leave a comment is that don't by the way what do we call this planet we need a name for it Oh planet been kind of been very nice-looking trees Isaac this is really this top is a good feeling very magically we need some wild animals little like some chick alright I'm serious if the chickens will jump off the edge of the planet or not we'll certainly find out here soon take a break get scoliosis and my fingers just do the top of this fin it actually looks really cool I'm not gonna lie I'm shocked that it actually looks good once you put that the plants down it really pulls it together I was like check out this backyard fireplace I just threw together like it was no big deal but whatever uh-huh pretty good I'm gonna give this a little gravel path to back here I think wow where can I learn more ideas on how to hide Kip whoa where could we learn how to do that oh my gosh my hands are frozen we got some carpal tunnel here today Ben that's what it takes to be a legendary you know when I was born I knew I was born with carpal tunnel the doctors that I probably wouldn't make it Barr good me now all right coming down to the nether whoa what the heck is that Oh Ben you made a whole grasp platform in here and when we also have what is this here this is whoa we got a fake gas down here that's impressive it'll be cool if we put like the lava coming out of the gas you know what then that's probably one of the best ideas you've had since we started working together plus my wall looks so flat I was gonna need some depth on this house come back up here yeah I'm gonna be down here okay Aki bad luck he's doing my theme someone come join house team up top we need to I want to trade Isaac for someone boom Phoenix just joined the house team welcome to the team Phoenix rocking the Green Team the good team bright team it's an interesting how I believe the word you're looking for is beautiful horrible you've been on for an hour hold up now Isaac made this I know part of it cut out all parts me working on this only show Isaac [Music] all right guys I'm joining the inside team oh wow the whole planet turned another who did that I thank you oh that's cool oh this is sick look at this they literally have a parkour course but you actually put one inside we get like a fireball it's glowing - whoa that's a big boy fireball right there he's not you shooting out meatballs man this is my favorite builds we've ever made kind of sweet I just want to say my inside team I'm very proud of the inside team today the fireball made in a crock Oh Isaac you are dude you did it you did it you thought creatively and you said this idea kit yeah well now we have to make an impact though to make his eyes bleed lava we've done this much things out here very focused on the lava bleeding he's like no it's got a link a specific way leave a comment down below what do you think guys is the bleeding from the eyeballs a good move or not clearly the answer is yes I don't need you to comment but go ahead and do it anyway you don't say yes I'm banning you forever from my comments by the way just like that easy does it Ben easy does it's all about focus from here on the side of it although the ears how's it supposed to hear without yours we're improving the ghast if anything minecraft deaths take note I just like that this is the most focused Ben has been since we've ever done this about bleeding eyeballs he's like we're gonna make this happen I'm getting some little details placed it's all about little details guys lo happy accidents everywhere as my boy Bob Ross would say you know I've been called the Bob Ross of Minecraft sometimes it's almost Halloween right we should get some jack-o'-lanterns now in our place Bob's in a cage the sound that I gasp makes is just nothing short of horrifying oh you know what we never built them a functioning chest room yeah I didn't what you did a single chest ooh a nice cage for vomit Bob my cage alone oh yeah name it Barbara Barbara the gasps I had a girl my classmate people want to bow I just created the ultimate chest room it is the ugliest thing I've ever seen in my life what do you think is pretty it's pretty ugly right yeah what do you think it's like a little creepy dungeon looking thing for a chest room like yeah I know it doesn't fit up here at all does it he's more void wow this thing really cleaned up a lot this little chest room here I don't know what it was originally but this looks a lot better oh that helps oh it's blaze looks like a dot I know maybe you guys just quit trying to help me no no I hope you don't then I haven't helped you the whole time this actually hits the coolest-looking house oh wow I don't even know if that's possible to make this jump anymore Ben but I kind of like that because I wonder like what's in there nothing Oh a hit him in the freaking forehead oh my jellyfish all right you've been brought through the basin three two one welcome home all right so this is your brand-new base dude what do you think don't go don't go down there we gave you not just an entire base but an entire planet and then inside your planet well don't go down here underneath your base which is on top of this secret chest in the middle that's right you've got a ghast a blaze battling and your own secret gas inside of that gas so you can release it oh you're gonna turn that off yourself so you cannot build to get that check don't try to do right now nice jump in I'll see if you can do it let's see if you can do it oh my gosh this is for everything he did it guys thank you so much for watching today's episode of house flippers if you enjoy this click here to watch my entire playlist I have over nine videos where we flipped people's houses into mansions click here to subscribe for more like that screen spread the love I'll see you all tomorrow peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 3,471,850
Rating: 4.8883915 out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, spread the love, let's play, open world, open world games, building games, lover fellow, Minecraft, minecraft house flippers, minecraft house flipping, minecraft new base, minecraft creative building, minecraft how to, minecraft build ideas, minecraft inspiration, minecraft, mine craft, miencraft, minecraft base ideas, minecraft base designs, minecraft base upgrade, minecraft build tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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