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I was frustrated I'd been tracking him all day but I knew he was here the occasional crack of rifle fire the brief glimpses of a hooded figure racing through the treeline and here I was over half an hour deep into a run and I was finally pinpointing his location but with tr6 body armor no damage yet done on it was crucial to land a head shot and I missed Wow this was the closest I'd gotten to my goal at this point and it was consuming me I needed to kill Sherman but let me take you back to how this whole saga started as you remember before the vendor prep or had given me a quest to go to customs and retrieve a bronze pocket watch I'd grabbed it in a quick customs run and given it to him that if tosser Pratt for easy the next good uncle Pratt Bor had a brand new task for me neutralized 15 scavs on woods I had not yet been to the woods but I wanted to learn the map without risking my own gear first so I decided to head in on a scav run where I had a random low to your kit we're not being heroes here we just want to get some loot Oh No we'll baby Mosin with chicken nugget Mosin now I'd studied the map of the woods so I generally knew where to go but was very unfamiliar with the terrain time to see what I could do let's lie down in the bush get our bearings I'm at South v exit we're going to old station that's like this way they've asked Ermel thermal scope i'm hecht gamer down we're not gonna push that voice we're gonna get him in a minute everyone stick pump just call I hit him I think but I don't think he's dead [Music] okay we're sending it down thanks gamers gamer down but that was a boy I killed him right here I think room I love it I headed over to a small military checkpoint I saw on the road nearby and did a bit of looting Oh oh this boy's got a little bit of a juicy one I like this one way all right little buddy sorry little buddy scopes a higher percent worth it where's gum now I have to run with my pockets full I hugged the outer wall and started heading to the extract point [Music] [Applause] let's get out where is this is this old station I headed inside the ramshackle abandoned train station to find the exact extraction spot to escape oh my god I'd made it out safe gets the blood pumping a little bit now with my first successful extraction from woods I decided and now get started on the task I grabbed the Mosin rifle I'd gotten on my last run put a silencer on it for tactical stealth and headed back into the woods for a few runs that bad boy in there am i a rat or a Chad both now last rate I'd spawned in by the southern road and extracted at the old train station while this round I'd spawned in the north and needed to go all the way around the lake to the outskirts time to get moving he was a chatty boy [Music] so save it it's your baby my that's where I started I've come so far Oh gamers put away the loot and headed back in round two and so it begins at dawn a bloody Sun rises there's like a bunny hop thing you can do I do not see him peekaboo now such a cheeky little peek down oh my god let's get out Oh with the latest run complete and I'd finished my task next I decided to head into woods as a scav this time just to see what I could do it it started to rain heavily and visibility was poor this was when I first ran into Sherman I thought that was a person but I didn't want to blow it lurking he'd killed me but I didn't think much of it I wanted to earn some money so I headed on some runs in a factory to potentially get some good loot Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] housekeeping [Music] for disregard females acquired currency I had some good runs on Factory and decided to head into some other maps to keep acquiring more gear that's my leg my guy looks so [ __ ] Russian Oh dad you son of a [ __ ] [Music] don't kill the killer killer killer Brahma Tiki Baba hello you are reloading I think I've shown you in your ass by the back of the tank oh I just got home dead I'm dead I'm a few minutes late I'm alright let's try to loot this that's where I got killed from last time boy looking kind of epic not really sure what's going on with his index tarkov escape from me [Music] this is one big goofy gun Oh found a top tier done in a weapons case a lucky finding I decided to pour all of the money I've been making into pimping it out I'd put a lot of money into that gun and I'd die I was strapped for cash now so I decided to head into the woods on a scav row I bet I have atrocious ammo in it ax ax ax ax more like you need to get some new I know it's just the worst I had a terrible gun with terrible ammo great I decided to just head right into the sawmill area the most dangerous and exposed part of the whole map with almost nothing to lose I was likely just going to my death maybe someone will just night me and take me out of my misery I'm just gonna fool send across this field is that a baby Mohsen sorry buddy I need the baby Mosin that's a toss I thought it was a baby Mosin this is just disgusting I love it maybe we'll get a dank key and give this like purpose what if we get a red key card where'd you guys say screw Nick all right not even gonna lie down just line up the headshot okay I was doing a bit of looting when I saw my twitch at point something out there's a card on the table you're joking what back here Oh Lee that's really good right a violet key card I've never seen one of these before and I had no idea how much it was worth but it was likely expensive this meaningless caverns scraping for loot had suddenly taken on an entirely new purpose I needed to escape with this it's not worth 4 mil you guys are making that up are we going to outskirts no no there's a player back there [Music] No run shots whizzing by and I had no idea from where I needed a backtrack just get away from here I'm almost out of stamina cross the road swing to the far side I dove into a bush to get my bearings rustling in the bushes behind me I didn't move a muscle if I made any noise I could be noticed don't move I am the bush is he still close I'm not running off I'm not moving I don't know where he is I've got 9 minutes 1 if you think I should go now too if you think I should wait without even turning to look behind me I sprinted off with only a little time left in the raid I needed to just get out full send to the extract [Music] I'd made it out now to see just how valuable my prize was all right how much is this bad boy actually almost 5 million rubles Oh this was huge we undercut them by 1 ruble I'm hacking loaded I'm riches Frick how to flip Pierre I was so rich I'm rich brother with all this money first I was gonna upgrade my hideout so workbench start no look maybe a little bit cozy in here next I went to the mechanic and bought myself a heavily modded submachine gun I was intrigued by the woods now after such a profitable run I decided to take my new little toy and head back in there as night fell [Music] I returned to the little Hut by the sawmill I heard what sounded like scavs nearby I had lit up this guy but he was still alive I'd been killed by Sterman no wonder he tanked so much damage see I knew a little bit about this SCAF boss but now I was annoyed after losing my brand-new gun I went back into the woods as a scab to investigate the sawmill that's where he usually was cooped up I got utterly destroyed by him yeah he's not to be messed around I'd been killed again so I went back in this time out for blood sterling killed again Sherman was quite the adversary I decided to do some research into my formidable foe I was gonna take him out I read about strategies as well as the weapons and armor he and his guards would have armed with this knowledge I headed back into the woods Reese came on to join me and help out I put together an m1 a and modded some parts out for good handling I was gonna head in with a rifle best from medium to long range Reese and I spawned in the north and went to move towards the sawmill to assess the situation he's up still used by the rocks there he's dead he's dead another one I see him watch a scav I think sometime by the nine Divine's stop you violated the law okay if you have the body I'll gamba oh my get the sniper Rob what they went into it they were nice they could be pushing your one you might go to be dead okay good they didn't kill Sturman no he's here you don't think he's here at all now Sherman wasn't guaranteed to show up every woods run I needed both luck and timing if I was gonna succeed saw me at the last second Oh might see guy up ahead guy ahead he said he went to extract German wasn't here extract Reese and I had made it out now I dug a little deeper in a stir men's habit so learned that his best loot isn't in his inventory it's in a stash nearby he just as the key on his body if I was really gonna crush Thurman I would have to pilfer through and take all his belongings insult to injury Reese hopped off so my friends aqua and tryhard came on to do a run all right I'm going like beefed Sturman sounds like someone from an 80s college movie right Oh Sherman yeah bro this turbinator just hit a bunch of I'm running to the right we'd spawned uphill from the campus so the three of us headed to a rocky overlook to survey the area I see I saw him I saw him he spawned Ronon yes I'd seen Sherman he was here hiding near the log piles hundred percent you ready let's take the shot [Music] he was very strong and it survived both of our hits rotate around we rotated around the edge of the woods to get a new vantage point naturally I am scanning horse dermis so we can Schneiderman cooking that's fine yeah everybody staff go down middle middle I see German he's shooting at us Oh yep I'm just getting shot at we need a reload fake come I'm dead behind us behind us how we can move aqua was dead with no idea where his killer was we pulled back up the hill okay oh that's sniper scab oh yeah and it was like a war gunfire at us as we repositioned we had to keep moving barely try hard had been killed it was just me left solo against the world you got his Weyland I crept around the bushes and maneuvered back towards the campus dusk began to arrive I was hunting for another shot to dispatch Dermot as time began to grow very short pushed up close again to the camp [Music] another player but no sign of Sherman [Music] they killed Sherman this was his body here on the ground I could tell due to his larger pocket size the other player must have made off with his key got her first I've grabbed all the loot I could find including sternman's rifle and a heavily modded Mohsen then headed to extract I was dehydrated and quickly losing health this would be unbelievably close oh no can I not make this now now after the timer ends there is a grace period of about 15 seconds before the game kills you this could go either way now but I had so much loot on me I couldn't fail here Oh will let me I'd escaped Ocwen trihard only had time for one run so I was solo once again I headed in with the powerful Mohsen rifle I'd looted last round to try again now as you saw earlier his run had ended in failure I had been inches from my goal I was really frustrated at this point after many runs my goal of killing Sherman still eluded me I did a couple more unsuccessful runs and then my friend Dao messaged me asking if I wanted to play I told him about my attempts to take down Sterman he was excited to help and came to join me I told him that I wanted his head to hand his key I already had his gun I took the SVD s that I'd taken from his corpse earlier added some mods and gave it a name I was gonna take him out with his own gun poetic justice five-thirty will be good because we might be there a little while okay change oh yeah nobody's I kill Sherman before you is that they're easy to kill now and I advanced up the hill to find a good perch to check out the camp before we ran into some enemy players [Music] iodized out of my second ago out seeing them all right well let me finish loading this okay drum mag you good yep cut him yep I see him so I'm lit I got hit I don't know where from right behind you Papa going star bomb straight up ahead I see him he's lit dead nice we looted up the gear from the players we'd killed and then I went to overwatch the sawmill there was no sign of Sherman here and we hadn't heard the conspicuous blasts of his gun he wasn't here we went to move to extract we got some loot but towards my goal it was another fruitless run my plight was starting to feel hopeless I'm gonna do one more and if she doesn't see much Germans there I'm just gonna dip out early at the mercy of luck as well as all the other factors at play I decided to do one more a final attempt to kill him and claim his key I'm good to go this is the one I feel it we'd see respond in the south by the mountain and immediately started moving should be watched behind us oh yes we heard shots the opposite direction from the camp and went to move towards them I eluded the guy I'd killed he had a helmet with a visor this would help if I got in a direct fight with Sherman next we went to head towards the camp it was time to see if this run would be that lucky one I was looking for oh who is that far away dow had been hit by an armor-piercing rifle round he'd survived but it sounded like Sterman was here we hadn't seen him yet but we backed up into the wood line to flank our position maybe this was him he could have gone into hiding and he does do that but you could see like Oh was that it you know yeah they almost hit me we were in a decent spot but still hadn't seen him that's Sterman that's him we went to keep rotating around the camp oh it's night per step I don't speak you know oh yeah I think we'll get perfect slices Rob we were close I could feel it I thought back to all the times I'd been killed by him all the loot taken from that's him this was it do or die corner of Pico I'm late I'm late I'm with dad he's dead I killed him Oh six-six I'd done it I'd killed Sturm yep yep yep right here I'd been killed but it wasn't over that kill shot was still all mine all I needed now was the key and I'd be set it was on down he needed to loot the key and then escape we would have come out on top he grabbed my gear and then sprinted over to Sherman's corpse to loot what we both knew would be there for us and there it was the key now we just needed to escape [Music] [Applause] [Music] dow had gotten out and there it was Sterman my kill so next we hopped in a raid and he dropped me the key along with my equipment and then we quickly extract it Dow had to get off for the night sorry Kylie I need to be going to bed sounds good man I was gonna finish this solo i modded up a thermal scope rifle then grabbed the key and returned back into the woods to claim Sterman stash it was all gonna end here aiex term invented my one objective was to raid his stash after all that effort I couldn't die now I wandered around the map determining how I would approach the stash was dead center of the camp a rustling in the bushes I was dispatching foes left and right but I had a job to do as the run winded down and only a little bit of time was left I made my move Sturman was nowhere to be seen this was all mine his loot now belonged to me so I wrote a little note and left it behind with my job done and time quickly running out I ran over to the car waiting to extract satisfied with what I had accomplished I hope you all enjoyed the video I'm live-streaming on my twitch right now come say hi the links at the top of the description also make sure to go follow me on Twitter and Instagram the links are in the description as well and go follow my thumbnail artist on instagram too lots more videos are on the way so make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed this has been your friend wellen at the end of another adventure with a great foe vanquished see you next time [Music]
Channel: Welyn
Views: 1,639,073
Rating: 4.9239974 out of 5
Keywords: escape from tarkov, escape from tarkov welyn, welyn, tarkov, tarkov gameplay, escape from tarkov gameplay, escape from tarkov review, escape from tarkov tips, tarkov funny moments, gaming funny moments, survival games 2020, best scav run, best tarkov raid, biggest tarkov loot, best weapon tarkov, scav boss, pvp highlights, tarkov guide, tarkov best items, tarkov shturman, shturman, escape from tarkov pvp
Id: JA4UFxPjgeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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