DESTROYING EVIL ALTARS By Apostle Johnson Suleman {SPECIAL PRAYER Service - 22nd May 2020}

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] hello welcome god bless you i'm so excited because the devil is in trouble today the kingdoms of here are in trouble i'm telling you this our prayer time is going to be outstanding and powerful god is going to be speaking to us we are going to be spending a few time to pray and i believe god that answers will come like i always say there is a man to pray there is a god to answer prayer is your connection to god and it's very important that you exploit and utilize maximally that connection that you have don't forget my favorite scripture i always quote in psalm 65 is to untraditional flesh come in psalm 4 1 he said yeah me when i call oh god my righteousness it's important pray you understand the principle of prayer there's no one who has the gift of prayer people discipline themselves that is why the the any disciples said in acts chapter 6 verse 4 we will give ourselves to the ministry of the world and prayer we will give ourself we will give so when you begin to pray you are giving yourself to prayer you know and jesus when he was teaching them they met him in luke 11 1 they said teach us to pray even as john taught his disciples to pray because there was something they saw about the disciples of john the disciples of john we are prayerful disciples that was what gave john such boldness to confront the pharisees and call them the brood of vipers to be a prayer for the disciples so they met jesus and said one thing we've seen in the life of john's disciples is that they pray teach us how to pray because the disciples of john must have lent it from john so teach us and guess what jesus said when you pray say it is a right it is a memorize say so the best way to learn prayer is to start praying prayer the more you pray the more you know how to pray if you want to learn or you want to receive that empowerment for prayer you must initiate it by praying as you keep developing interest in prayer that mantle of prayer will come upon you i'm gonna hear god's word today we're going to tear down some powers and put the devil here belongs but we just have to worship the lord it gives us access into his presence father i want to thank you like the woman by the way i am thirsty looking for the waters that couldn't satisfy and i hear my master save your calling come on drink from the wells that never shall run dry i lifted disgusting of my soul blood of heaven feed me feel heaven feed me till i want more fill it up and make me fill it up my god give me the grace to follow i need that grace to follow give me the grace to follow your grace is enough for me give me the grace is enough for me give me the grace to follow abound and grace to follow give me the give me the grace give me the grace your grace the is to follow i need that grace to follow give me the seals of our lord your my father my and grace to follow give me the grace of our lord your grace is enough for me he my songs everyday and my songs everyday to the to thee oh there is there is hallelujah we worship your internal rock of ages and turn a rock of ages bright and morning star the love of our soul the friend has ticket closer to us than a brother [Music] the god in whom we live and move and have our being we love you we thank you glorify yourself in our lives and let your name be glorified take all our worship in jesus name amen george's chapter six georges chapter six so-called georges chapter six okay we're gonna read verse three two verses um six and i'm going to tell you why one of those three three two six is gonna um i'm gonna explain some things for you there george's chapter six from verse three he says so it was when israel had sown importance israel had shown that the medianites came up and their malachites and the children of the east even they came up against them and they encountered against and destroy the increase of the earth till thou come unto gaza and left no sustenance for israel neither sheep nor ox nor us for they came up with their cuddles and their tents and they came as grass uppers for multitude for both they and their comments without number and entered into the land to destroy it and israel was greatly impoverished because of the media nights and the children of israel cried unto the lord i want to talk on destroying evil altars destroying evil altars it's important that you please i beg of you in the name of the lord listen to me because the lord does the word for you the place that we read is a scenario where israel actually will know in the time of all that they dealt on on on on agriculture cattle uh farming farming water and all of that israel we are great farmers but whatever they sold they planted in their land when it's time for harvest the bible says that the medians and the amalekites and the children from the east will come and plow the land everything that the israelites were supposed to have best will be taken from them that speaks of the kind of life many of us experience that we put so much effort into life and we see no corresponding result with the kind of impact you have put into your life you should not be where you are this happened there but that's not god's plan for us that's not god's ultimate for us in isaiah chapter 65 verse 21 the bible says very profoundly the lord was speaking to us and we build houses and we will not beat them we'll plant vineyards and we'll eat the fruit of them it's not god's plan and purpose not god's predetermined counsel for you to labor and someone else reap but when there are altars in the life of a believer what's an altar an altar is a meeting ground of spirits an altar if his life is the divine altar it becomes a meeting ground between god and man it is a satanic one evil altar it becomes a mythic ground between the devil and man and many people are bombed today because of others a young prophet came up he had the call of god upon his life and in first king chapter 13 from verse one and to two the first thing that prophet did was to address the altar altar or altar in verse two he spoke against that altar we discovered that the sin why god was initially angry at him in first king chapter 16 verse 32 was that he had raised an altar to baal that's why till death heaven and his record here as that prophet that ungod god aside as having a wife like jezebel he was the first lubricant an altar to baal if you read first kings 18 when you get to verse 26 one of the strength of the 400 prophets of mount cameron was that they were leaping on the altar they have raised the reason they were so confident and the fact that was going to answer them was because they already established an altar but that didn't show up because elijah did something in the study of first kings chapter 18 he repaired the altar of god that was broken down meaning the prophets of god could not trigger without an altar elijah also could not trigger the move of god unto establish an altar so when there's an altar in the life of a believer whatever you are trying to discover something is wrong you put in effort it means that our altars have been raised israel the enemies penetrated them because of their altars then that will be addressed and if you study your bible clearly you discover there were several orders in that chapter in chapter one the bible says in verse one of chapter six rather the bible says that children of israel did evil in the sight of god so the enemy would not cut your joy shots whenever you sin something inside you dies sin postpones the day of greatness see postpones a man's day of rising [Music] sin is a destroyer of destiny god says i'm of pure eyes than to build iniquity the bible says and they did evil evil in the sight of god evil means wickedness in the sight of god so many of us today are bound because of the author of sin one time god was talking to israel in isiah seven i think that's one he said i would have healed israel but iniquity was found in israel meaning my hand was coming so much on israel when i saw you frame i slowed down when i saw you frame i slowed down why because ephraim had sinned against me it's very important that when people sit down and they stop binding the devil praying you see when people are quoting scriptures they take a hold of the promise of god without fulfilling the conditions of battles have you heard people call the scripture job 22 28 thou shalt decree 18 and it shall be established and the light shall shine upon thy ways verse 29 when men are cast down thou shall say there is a lifted no odor before 28 and 29 there was 23 job 22 23 he said thou returned to the almighty god that shall be built up thou shalt put away iniquity from the tabernacles meaning before you start decrementing and it's been established there must be the absence of iniquity from your tabernacles we live in a generation now where iniquity has become so sweet sin has become so comfortable people are no longer conscious of making heaven anymore listen i mean i said this sometime back and i hear people say and it's wrong i hear people say heaven it's not heaven at last it's not heaven at last how can this have not last brother it is heaven at last don't let nobody teach you nothing don't let nobody tell you anything else it is heaven if heaven is not your goal as a christian then any other god you have is transient is ephemeral they did evil in the sight of god don't let motivation not speakers talk you out of the race making you feel that everything is about this world everything is about this world and it's not just about heaven it's about making it in this world i have a message for you i didn't mature this on mark 836 what shall we profit a man to get your word and lose his soul oh you need to have investments you need to have investments so that you know you can have something to depend on you can have hope i have a message for you first corinthians 15 19. if only this world we have hope we are from men most miserable [Music] what is that when i love the su christianity i love the old time gospel i love that gospel that tells you that you should be holy i love that gospel that tells you about righteousness not this message that's going on now read it called the grace message it is not even the greatest message the problem with that message now is not the message it's the preachers of the message don't let anybody fool you [Music] true message of grace is passionate about purity titus chapter 2 verse 11 titus chapter 2 verse 11 titus 2 i think titus 2 11 the grace of god will bring get salvation as appear to all men verse 12 teaching us see what grace should do the greatest message you do teaching us denying ungodliness and worldly loss we should live so badly righteously and godly in this present world what is being preached today is not the greatest message is the message of convenience christ has done everything there's nothing for you to do just relax just enjoy it i don't understand if that's what the bible tells us what the bible tells us in galatians chapter five verse one galatians five verse one stand fast in their liberty stand fast in the liberty we are with christ i've met you free he has made you free but please stand stand in it there's a power to play give me the message translation of that scripture give me the message translation christ has set us to live a free life so take your stand take your stand give me the good news or amplified [Music] freedom is what we have christ that set us free he said stand there as free people do not allow yourselves do not allow meaning you have a part of play you have a part of play heaven must be your goal if you are a believer heaven must be your god if you are a believer [Music] if your heaven is not your goal then no other goal is of important essence i apologize but i'm sorry to tell you and to bless your bible that we are still under the law what is this man talking about romans 8 verse 1 there is therefore now no condemnation to them were in christ jesus there is therefore not no condemnation the flesh but after the spirit verse 2 bring up verse 2 it says for the law of the spirit of life in christ has made me free from the law of sin and for the law of the spirit of life in christ so when you move out of one law you enter another law [Music] i've left the law of sin i have entered the law of the spirit so don't let nobody oh go back when i see when i see people whose eyes are of the goal of heaven if heaven is not your goal then why are you saved everything in this world will fail everything this world will fail heaven is your goal first now how do you put the heavenly shall go first john 3 3 whosoever has this hope in him purified himself even as he's pure the hope of the kingdom the hope of making heaven is what helps you to continually purify yourself [Music] how fail is your greatest enemy five things to do you must be free from the author of sin number one avoid the magnetic field of sin [Music] you cannot be praying against sin and your best friends have seen us you can't be praying against alcohol smoking immorality and the friends you have on your phone on your or whatsapp on your social media are friends that's all they're talking about that's all they post block them block them this thing is not going to be automatic you can't be praying against you can't be praying against alcohol in libya you can be praying against alcohol in the bar you sit down in a bar and as i call before you i shall not drink i shall not drink and the butter is there i shall not drink now that shall not drink i shall not drink you look and you pick a glass put on the table i will not use it i will not use it you push it closer to the bottle i you have you are making a fool of yourself god told adam do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you know what adam did he avoided the tree totally if came i began to observe the tree this tree looks fine why did god say avoid the magnetic field of sin avoid the magnetic field anything that has to do with that of any but listen to me all those messages you have that i've been telling you that christ has done everything just enjoy your life pack them drop them somewhere begin to listen to messages that will tell you how to make heaven when you have overcome your weakness carry the grace message and listen to it you don't need message that excites you you need message that will tell you to make heaven how does that excite you live your life do what you want to do you are free enjoy enjoy and you are shouting you are shouting you are shouting messages i tell you you don't need to wake up at night to pray those are end times in jude 1 verse 4 the lord described them let not describe them [Music] for certain men have crept in unawares which yet before of all ordained to this con to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of god our god into lasciviousness can i get the message translation he said what has happened is that some people have infiltrated our rank our scripture warned us this would happen beneath their pious skin as shameless hey he said listen to this he said shameless countries their design is to replace the shared grace of our god with shell license license which means doing the way with christ jesus our one and only master license to sin somebody had me preaching a young lady told me she used to hear all of those kind of messages he got to a point everything that made her fear god they throw it down oh you don't have to do this oh alcohol is not really bad this is not release but you got to approach he stopped going to church she stopped listening to ministers of god she began to listen to worldly music because they made it appear that there's nothing special about christianity what is tight what is offering what is fasting they tear down everything that makes all the landscapes set by our fathers they tear them down what is only men of god are they your god what is that but you can dream that don't be drunk didn't jesus stole what you want he did all kinds of things to make to kill your fear for god so she stopped until she stumbled into celebration tv she said she started following us she washed one she washed you she saw a balance and i fear for god began to come back don't let people tell you heaven is real surround yourself surround yourself [Music] they did evil in the sight of god the magnetic field of sin please number two if you must run from sin you need to be connected to materials that tell you about righteousness go for materials go for materials go for books go back to tips like this watch them over and over again because this world is not our home we are going to be living here someday just imagine if this pandemic that happened was rapture would you have made it if this pandemic that happened this lockdown that just came if there was a rapture where would you be what life have you lived enough that qualifies you for life after death what life have you leave you want a lot break from sin spiritual materials paul was speaking to paul to timothy i think second timothy i think father team paul was talking to timothy he was reminding him he said please when you are coming bring my books especially my parchments bring my books give me the message translation of that message translation paul said bring the winter coats which i left in trash with cyprus also the books and the patch meant notebooks there were things i wrote down i need to build my spirit with them materials movies that tell you about the coming of christ those are things you watch not movies that tell you how christianity is now so free and you can live the life you want to live no move this that increase your fear for god not fear for the world not moving that tells you uh uh uh one thing is going on somebody is doing fasting another one is not being versing this is antichrist those are nonsense the word of god is what stands if you come as an agent of the devil will stand against you you'll be roasted we know what we stand for so attacking one man that the man is an antichrist they might not say i don't know that the information i need is information from god's word not something that would be there's a confusion even in the body of christ we are praying we should not pray against we are supporting we should not support you know there is a scripture but whatsoever that whatsoever covers you whether you are part of the plan you are involved it covers you so it's very important that you get materials the things that beat your faith something happened some time ago somebody got me so offended so offended so offended i live in this town and from here to benin city and dust in nigeria is about an hour 30 minutes and i entered my vehicle to head down to benin city to talk to him and his family and i was so upset and there was so much anger i'm going to be transparent to you inside me i said when i get there i'm going to talk to this young man now my anger was for a just cause that i'll talk to this young man that if he makes any noise he may be maybe they were lying down and flogging i was that angry when i entered into my car and i told the driver move as we are moving they put on a cd the cd was talking about the second coming of christ before 10 minutes i turned back when i saw the second coming of christ i saw what they were talking about christ is coming this is as a kind of my way now i'm going christ comes i will make heaven reverse i just said they said someone again and i look at them i felt like knocking their heads go here go to hell and die turn the car that material saved me that day can i shock you three days later the wife of that young man called me on the phone that he has been sitting husband ran fire and i'm trying to pull him out run fire i'm trying to pull him out as i tell him to call me and he called me in repentance and the lord told me he said what you would have done if you have done that that is to aggravate it but i have handled it look at the way god handled it it came back to bring peace but what i'm saying that that material saved me all those movies you are watching that don't help your spiritual life to grow that don't help you pack all of them drop them begin to look for materials materials like this this kind of message that tells you that you are going to close your eye one day and that's the end that's the end how do i stand against that sin number three don't forget the fasting avoid the magnetic field i've seen number two anointing materials number three pray for help ask for help ask god for help lord help me you can overcome sin the first time sin was mentioned in the bible was in genesis chapter four i think that's six seven seven also or sixteen the lord said to a cane it says seeing light at that door but you have mastered it it's a scene light at the door unto this sharp this desire is undoubtedly listen to this god thought can see light at your door you overcome sin but did he no he's he killed his brother why the plan of god is that for us we can master sin but he's at the door don't open the door for it shut the door against it cry for help what is your i don't know how somebody your biggest challenge in life now is immorality is convexiousness it's life studiousness and you are praying for a life partner are you okay you're praying with a life partner if you're a liar your prayer is not a life partner because we marry somebody i'm being a liar to the person now you're a single liar you get married and becoming matrimonial liar which is more terrible it's better to be a liar as a single person than to be married and you you start irritating someone with your lying spirit don't be praying for your husband when i let you you know you have sexual weakness you'll become an adulterer in your husband's house leave marriage alone begin to pray lord these thoughts how can you as a young lady the reason you want to marry is because you need a man to help you control your sexual urge you have a problem people get married so they can have a partner to fulfill destiny a young man says he wants to marry why because he feels that he's so immoral he masturbates he watches pornographic film so you feel the escape routes is to get married when you now get married with that spirit you have only graduated you have stopped being fornicated on becoming an adulterer that's what you've done so the christ to god your weakness should be your prayer point kill in my life the author of sin author of sin the stronghold yes satan holds me killing my life the altar of sin he said they did evil in the sight of god listen to me people pray oh god deliver me god will forgive me if i when i sin god that's true when you sin god will forgive you but god does not wipe you with consequence god does not forgive consequence russia chapter eight verse seven i think using verse seven he said they have sown the wind they will rip the white wind galatians 6 7 says be not deceived stop this gimmick god is not mocked you finish killing somebody you come to the other you need that oh lord i'm sorry god said no problem they will kill your brother too [Music] oh lord i'm sorry god said no problem you go to the consequence how do i know paul was a the leader of a terrorist gang he would be top pastors he would beat up preachers he would be tough believer bitter in fact when he encountered god on his way to damascus was in acts chapter 9 he was going to get licensed me go back in he wanted them to give him approval to deal with christians and god met him can i surprise you paul repented paul got changed but he paul left this world they were beating him any beer pointer to preach they would beat him one time they beat paul and they dragged him out of the city they almost left him dead why he beat up people they should beat him too and he has a question didn't god forgive him god forgive his soul god saved his soul but the consequence of what his body has done he had to face it [Music] you stole someone's phone and you said no you're sorry you did it on the phone you sold it you said lord you are sorry no problem destiny wait for you till you can afford a very good phone somebody will steal it it's consequent god has forgiven you make heaven you your soul will make heaven but your phone will not make it to your house your soul will make heaven but your phone will go to someone's house so if you now know the importance of consequence there are things you will not do you just avoid it you avoid it for your own good lord help me you know what peter said when the lord came and and the lord helped him the bible said god gave him a net breaking miracle he said depart from me i'm a sinner help me stop playing superman you need help all this message of convenience i was reading church history if you remember there was a man i'm trying to remember his name who was speaking the message of convenience this message of grace going all about now this that now this man was preaching a message of convenience and actually that period if they were going from house to house collecting money from people telling them that if you want to commit sin you want to deceive you are going to sin for next week pay for it you have already talked to god for you you want to do anything you want to kill somebody just drop some money it's called a message of convenience you don't need it heaven is real heaven is real hell is real anything that kills your passion for making heaven wants to ruin your life materials magnetic field cry for help and they did evil in the sight of god the second thing second altar which i see here is in georges 3 verse 23 the bible says the lord said unto him peace be unto thee hear not thou shalt not die the second order must address the author of fear don't forget the first evil altar that opened them up to the devil was the author of sin this is the altar of fear he said don't be afraid for you shall not lead if you don't see it you will not die thousand means if you fear you die what you fear is what happens to you in job chapter 3 verse 25 job said that thing i greatly fear has come upon me fear yeah you must undo the spirit of fear fear is so demonic that it takes three spirits three virtues to confront only fear second timothy one verse seven god has not given unto us the spirit of fear but the spirit of power love sound man meaning only power cannon fear only love cannot fear only some man cannot fear so evil that these three forces need to come together to handle just fear fear is the opposite of faith fear f-e-a-r false evidence appearing real satan trying to make you bother yourself let me say this to you never forget this when you fear you worry worry does not take away the trouble of tomorrow it steals the peace of today when you fear you worry and worry does not take away the troubles of tomorrow it steals the peace of today fear they were afraid they were afraid they were afraid then we are afraid that we are afraid god said to to to him he said fear not your people are running don't forget the bible says they conquered and israel ran into holes your people are overpowered because they are afraid they say you don't fear don't fear don't fear the hospital for it that fear has torment that is it when you are living a life of fear it begins to torment you it comes with torment [Music] casper four verse eight i think so it comes with torments when you are when you are scared here can actually affect your hormones it can give you mental mental you know mental attacks when you're living a life of fear how do i confront fear number one this is important avoid fear motivators all those short videos that they sent to you how one woman was crossing on the road one vehicle now came now crushed woman a skull now broken now got broken they now put under what a wicked word not that video now what did you learn from it some of these car was broken what do you learn from that those things that trigger fear in your heart you are watching a video you are shutting jesus jesus you can stay on your seat what do you need that kind of hypertensive video for all those materials you don't need them anything that will increase fear don't send me i don't i don't watch certain things everyone around me knows you can get into serious trouble if you send me some materials i don't want to watch them tell me what god has done if you are going to send me a video send me a video of somebody who has almost under an attack and the lord rescue the person i want to see things like that i want to see things like that avoid fear motivate us because before the devil strikes you it will trigger something that will make you confess it when you confess it you open the door for an attack let me give you an instance somebody walks up to you and say have you heard coronavirus 19. have you heard that person say yes that man yes that's a christian he has it he has died have you heard of that person say yes he has died adventure that one said yes he has died and the devil wants you to say if that man that could pray has contacted it or am i how you say that [Music] carrick face masks put on your nose put on your head put on your ear when there's no face mask in your brain no face mask in your spirits careful correct face mask put on your ear the other kinds now they have something so with clothes now it's not like fashion when you hear black you have black face masks yeah what kind of nose is going on carry it on your head put it on when he wants to come after he will come after you [Music] he will come why because you have confessed it you have confessed it why there was a fear motivator planted around you avoid fear motivate us anyone that always come to tell you about that i used to have a member in our church i rebuked him one day i rebuked him any time he comes to me he says i saw this church i said what oh the beauty was standing on one leg as we were standing one leg was shaking the beauty was shaking the building i said man god is going to help us god will help us he comes against the sir i came to church so see blood everywhere i said i cancelled it god will help us it comes again he said we had some mama in the dream forget to pray for her one day i turned to him i said i rebuke you he said amen i said no not demon you you you i rebuke you if you are rebuking i don't want to see you in my office again don't come here why would you tell me what god is doing yes yes yes yes fear somebody lost you said this journey you are going you may not come back look at him i will come back leave my house avoid fear motivator when they bring up fear instigators replied them with faith [Music] fear prevails when faith is in travail fear motivates us number two how glandofa cast out the spirit he's a spirit we can see what he said he has not given unto us the spirit of fear so fear is a spirit he's a spirit there's nothing known to other spirit of fear don't ever fear whether is a man well that is a spirit in fact in luke chapter 12 it really from verse 4 he said don't fear he that can kill your body and after that i have nothing to do to you verse five i tell you he said i warn you you will hear fear him that after he has killed your body he has power to put your soul in hell and not five spirals so for two fightings yet not one of them is forgotten before god and the servant will say for the very hair of your head and number you have more value than many spiral catheters spiritual anytime the devil is bringing you know panic and all say the spirit of your get out get out of my life keep here one time i lived in an apartment that had four flats [Music] and i mean we had no generator i just got married then they out i think there was no journal there was no for gas in the generator and i had to open the front door so i prayed from 12 to about three to five started and i slept on the couch my wife was in the room i was in the living room and roberts were rubbing in the next flat and they said oh this supposed to be severe does he does he leave he said he lives there and lived there so somebody sneaked and came to me look you don't knock your door i say what you see rubbers are there they're coming to your apartment as they really say yes okay i said you go you go i left the double i needed fresh air i didn't i wasn't expecting robbers it was freshly i wanted so i laid down as i was stuck in the bible i slept off i forgot what i was told but it was morning they came here did you come here i said i didn't see anybody i slept off but they were pretty now i asked myself later i said what is wrong with me i was supposed to lock this door when i hear something like that there was this boldness the holy ghost gave me no i just knew you cannot cross this door when you start panicking even if you close the door they'll break it you stop panicking that's why you wondered why roberts came you're shutting jesus jesus you said in jesus name the robber said amen open your door you know why you were shouting in fear you were shouting in fear jesus jesus oh jesus jesus jesus oh jesus the robbers knew this one he doesn't know jesus if you know jesus you'll not be shaking like this yeah when boldness comes on you you talk with authority cast out the spirit number three utter which we must handle today this one i'm angry this one verse 25 and it came to pass the same night the lord said unto him take thy father's young bullock even the second bullock of seven years throw down the altar of god which thy father heart cut down and the grooves by it altar of family connection listen to me listen to me every one of us must listen to this check the pattern in your family i don't understand why people will tell us now even medical doctors understand the power of family connection why not become christians why do you go to okay why do you go to the hospital if you're a christian don't go now stay indoors because if you get to the hospital the doctor will remind you what family connection is you have ashman you go to the hospital the doctor will ask you who in your family as ashma why don't you tell the doctor that you're under grace you'd have to talk to a doctor to ask me that i'm under grace you will die of ashmore if you're not careful doctor we ask you who your family has had cancer before what the doctor is saying let us stress the history how come when we now say that in church you say no i'm born again i'm redeemed i'm a child of god i'm free from it but you deserve same you carry yourself to the hospital you are asked the same question and you say my mother this is your undergrace my mother my cousin you are sick if there is something running in your family line confront it before it destroys you look at a man as powerful as moses moses was a powerful man the bible called moses in book of numbers the meekest man on the face of the earth was so meek that when god was angry with israel moses said don't touch them kill me kill me it was so meek when people tell you that moses was a man moses had anger at the terrible temple that's not true you can't be the meekest man of the face of the earth and yet you have a temper so what happened to moses i'll tell you the name moses is not an israeli name it's an egyptian name when his mother gave birth to him the mother didn't name him it was pharaoh's daughter that named him that called him moses moses means i drew him from water and don't forget when pharaoh's daughter went to that river she wasn't going there to take her back she was going there for ritual if she wanted to take a bat she would have taken a bite in the swimming pools in the palace she was going there to cry to the god of the river to give her a child so when moses came she thought it was the god of the river who has answered her prayer [Music] and that is why i said moses i drew him from water everything that happened to moses was water manipulated check his life check his life when he ran from there he went by the well of water that's when he saw his wife zipporah when he led the people he came to a major confrontation with his life called the red sea water god said to him speak to the rock he smote the rock what came out water what was manifest in his life his name and it was because it struck the rock that is why god said you are not into the from islam so foundation if you are not careful foundation can even make you miss heaven family connections you are from a polygamous home you better stop praying oh as you see yourself one day walk out of your marriage over a flimsy excuse when things happen in certain families you see women crying i trusted him i trusted him your father left your mother but it's not a matter of trust this is foundation that pattern that is fighting you this family utter family connection stop crying bless up yourself one of my daughters in church came to me said that i'm done i'm not going back to my husband's house i allowed her to talk she talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked i was looking at her and that's one of the things about women when they come for prayer let them talk don't stop them they will talk and talk and talk and see they will talk the solution to their problem so you let them talk he talked talk talk he said i'm leaving i'm in fact i'm living particularly i will confront it i should not answer you how many people are married in your family four of her sisters had left their husband she was the last child so you better go home or else it will continue in the life of your children go home it is all tasks family connection there are people today were all single mothers all of them are single mothers all of them in their family they are single mothers they are speaking in tongues in their in their apartment and their husband in some ways it shall not happen to me shall not point to me the enemy has broken your home let's be real this is the gospel that i preach reality i studied hebrew i studied greek have you noticed i hardly preached greek and you want me to do hebrew deep study on the greek and hebrew you'll be blown away why discover that greek and hebrew cannot save people it only helps you in your understanding so i don't come to you greek and hebrew i preach reality family connection is real and that is how many of us have to pray all of a sudden something just triggered you and made you angry you said you are have you seen some men are you not surprised little things just get angry check their brothers check their sisters check what once in the family some family they get married first five years no child it's like a pattern let me shock you in it then abraham saw sarah abraham like sarah because sarah in genesis 12 verse 11 he said to sarah he said you know that was fair i don't want to say you are my wife in verse 14 sarah was described when she got to egypt that she was a fair woman to look upon when abraham told the servant he said go and get a wife for my son isaac in genesis 2014 verse 16 rebecca was fair there was something in their genealogy that attracted them to fair women his pattern as it was not there when the when the father married sarah fair to look upon in chapter 26 verse 7. we saw what happened he said you say oh this my this is my wife because it's fair to look upon it it went in the genealogy and landed in the life of david david was a man who passed through the limit of abraham that was his weakness in fact when david was sick one time they knew that david did not need panadol he did not necroquin the bible says in first kings chapter one three to four they looked around the city for a fair woman that was david's vaccine and they found at the shag the damn cell was very fair david was sick they didn't get him a doctor they didn't get him enough they looked around the city for a fair very fair lady and they brought abby shag and the bible said the king could do nothing they say kai is sick now we agree that david is sick what was in that dna don't forget it also entered david's son in second summer 13 or so verse one he loved his sister kotama why she was fair to look upon he came to pass absalom the son of david are they fair sister kotama and amnon davison loved her what was attracting them to fair skinned lady family connection there are some people is alcohol a young man met me and said mentor me i said what is what what what what do you want to do for us i'd be my father and i said okay what's the name of your church don't forget the father was a drunkard the mother was a drunkard he had brothers that were drinking he was the only one that was burning with it what name of your church is a reverse of life i said hey hey hey change it change that name the reverse of living water yeah i said change that name remove river remove water how can alcohol run through your family and you're naming your church i said hey call it rock call it anything not this one this is something that is pulling you unconsciously pulling your consciously you have to be careful wine you are alcoholic you call your church new wine one day you see yourself coming said today is one service everybody call me alcohol and you seek like an inspiration authors are fighting you archers are fighting you a great person i know great man of god all of a sudden started going into some things into some things praying for this pray for materials pray for that and i was looking at him and i'm very careful because i don't know the lord can lead anybody people get condemned i wasn't condemning i began to ask questions about him and i discovered when he was younger he was a member of white government church 40 years later the team entered him even now as a great person he said bring this material bring that one i started praying i said this one is prayer there's nothing you will say because when somebody is under manipulation he only sees what is right in his eyes you are wrong he is right when a man is under manipulation he is right don't call family meetings for him he is right you are wrong because he is blinded he starts giving like a fool galatians three verse one who are bewitched to all foolish galatians who has bewitched you once somebody is bewitched he or she starts giving like a fool i will be back in one minute to pray with you i'll lead you in prayers against those three orders and then i'll take testimonies and i'll pray for the sick in the next one minute don't go away i'll be right back [Music] so [Music] leave you in prayers and please please please i'm going to pray it one after the other you say this after me in the name of jesus every author of sin in my life your power is broken your power is broken your power go ahead and begin to tear it down the altar of sin in your life begin to tear it down the strength of sin in your life back me today i neutralize the foreign foreign fear foreign if you have a family member if your wife is with you you will hold their hand if your children are there you will hold them if your brother is there you will hold this if none of your family member is around as you apparently calling their names your siblings they are going to attack for the next five seven minutes the author of family [Music] in the life of my children my spiritual physical biological children wherever they are around the world whether it's my biological children or my spiritual children every family connection in your life red black black black black black i foreign foreign foreign is christ in jesus name father everyone watching or hearing the sound of my voice from any nation [Music] wherever you hear the sound of my voice every altar of sin in your life after a family connection the powers that has had your brothers and sisters that frustrated your father or your mother [Music] i every pattern connection by the blood of jesus let that evil foundation your assignment is about dominate your power i silence your manoeuvre freedom your parents could not enter you will enter then let god no one could break you will break you will break you will break you will break you will break you will break you'll be blessed you will break you will break you will be blessed you will break the banner by the power of the holy eaten somewhat grapes and their children see a set of edges he said it shall no more be said yeah your father made mistakes shall be the correction your mother made a mistake you shall be the correction need your siblings mistake will be the true blessing you will be the best setter of the devil is broken in your life in the name the law of the lord jesus this is you i decree she declares whoever is servicing that altar like the young man in the book of first kings chapter 13 verse 2 i said okay i'll tell you i speak against the strong man i speak against the strongman whatever service is that their power is broken the bible says in hazard chapter i command to farm in the name of the lord jesus should i declare that this season said so you begin to walk you come as far he said to them in deuteronomy did you know the lord shall be with you and you shall be greater than your father i decree the lord shall be with you shall be greater than your fathers if you grant me to pray you will break record prison enemies you will set standards and you make heaven if you illusion you will make heaven the lord take distraction from you then lord take distractions you will not be seen conscious but you will be conscious not to sin jesus the lord help you receive zed in jesus name the time has come your time has come your time has come now when you get back when you're done tonight i want to advise you if you're watching me when you're done right now we're praying and all of that at nine to nine you can hear this message again and pray with it you get this message again and pray just keep watching keep watching this is a kind of mess you need to keep watching over and over once a day twice a day continue until it becomes a part of your life in the name of the lord jesus we have miracles every day god is real and god is faithful we'll take a few testimonies i believe we have some and then i'll pray with you healing is the children's bread god is going to heal you as we pray we have testimonies here glory be to god i've been feeling terrible back pain a terrible back pain for over a month now but after papa prayed on sunday i can't feel the pain anymore i thank god of my father apostle johnson suleiman lillian homestead from sweden lilian you are healed and you are made whole on tuesday you are praying for the sick my face my case was the first you mentioned i was having a respiratory problem for 12 years always difficult in britain but you mentioned the case i know i'm the one now i am healed you are indeed serving the living god more grace and double portion of anointing on your purpose love accumulate from enugu state god bless you love without glory i have been having pains in my testis for a while now during one of the weekly service papa mentioned my case and immediately the pain disappeared i am healed glory be to god thomas from toronto canada blessed be the name of the lord i was opportuned to watch a live broadcast of purpose message on the 30th april 2020 titled it's time to laugh papa said we should place our right hand on the screen and left hand on where we have problem as he made the declarations he mentioned skin infection of which i've been suffering for the past six years i killed him to the prayer and i received my healing i thank the most high god sister joanne from podakot margaret's papa i want to thank god for healing my mom she was down with severe fever for some days but after you prayed for the sick on sunday she was miraculously healed thank you jesus victory from negros i'm rosemary i'm rosemary oj and my daughter's name is helen oj we want to thank the god of apostle johnson suleiman for healing me from spinach pains and also healing my daughter from pains on our ribs and difficulty in breathing more grace from product god bless you papa your god is awesome i used to be a drug addict but after you prayed i don't feel the cessation of addiction in me anymore oh this is awesome i am free to the glory of god thank you jesus for my healing and deliverance peter from taraba i woke up on saturday morning last week 16th of may 2020 and started feeling sharp pains on my body where i had surgery few months ago it got my attention when i could not lay with that part of my body without the aid of a pillow it got me worried i also thought to schedule for a scan during the sunday and tuesday services respectively i laid my hands on that path that's instructed [Music] during the prayers and i forgot about it during my exercise classes yesterday tuesday evening i realized i have not been feeling the pain since after the prayers on tuesday glory to god loveland from lagos awesome god awesome god be sad i'm so excited i know you are next in life for this miracle can you place your right anger you have your problems i mean the symptoms of whatever you're feeling like pain and stretch your right hand devote me to what to the screen holy crap the tv screen the i don't know how to explain this there's someone all the doctors have told you have a problem with your intestines they are folded and they are twisted the lord is giving you a miracle miracle there's someone by the name fabian sebia your wife is mad and fool right now meant to know a sense is a restoration someone by the name of rita you have been healed right now as if someone who has a problem with the hands you cannot move your hand is being stiff for years your hands have been stiff you can move them your fingers now the healing power of jesus this is you [Music] someone got a secular that um everybody has been told that their job is terminated and they tell you your name was they actually your name was there you saw it okay i should tell you a miracle is happening yeah miraculous your name was there among those that were fired but lost it by monday it will shock you [Music] right where you are there are two sets by the part of the holy spirit i command miscarriages to stop you come on somebody's watching me from london you are actually holding a medical report the doctors gave you that you don't have to push it out what they saw in you they won't see it again be healed and there is somebody [Music] deafness will know this is you you are made whole to accomplish my beauty in jesus name i will know this is you if you want to make peace with god i perfect you you say this after me you want to make peace with god you want jesus to be the lord of your life which is you say lord i'll see on sunday don't you forget my name is johnson suleiman no matter what the matter is the matter only matters most greater glory and greater works
Channel: CelebrationTV
Views: 219,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FTRBgB2b4Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 10sec (4930 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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