destroying a tekken world champion (real)

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oh my God why would he play does he want a bully he pressed the button he pressed the Buton he totally pressed yeah oh my God disable all right I'm going to explain why I have two Hip poets to say I went to the OC thingy to arsand with Scara and Daniel that was really cool but then I thought holy [ __ ] if I use this now I'm going to get my sweaty grimy fingers all over and it's going to wash off off okay we got Mr Speed kicks who wrote every letter individually we got AR Ash we got um Sage Jam we got Tony's and of course my favorite Victor player SC just is so funny yeah it was really cool I actually wanted to do like it inspired me I wanted to like go to more IRL Tech and stuff even if I suck it's really fun and to be fair half the people well arsal was on like a 20 [ __ ] game win streak 30 game win streak that guy played for hours and like no one beat him okay oh wait he's ready oh my God I can't wait to get completely demolished by Arin Ash I can't what is this timeline man this is wild it feels like only a month ago I was watching his documentary I'm going to plug if I'm going to lose okay I'm I'm going to plug I don't know when to start though like I don't I don't know when to start I'm just going to do I just keep pressing start he's stalling he's so scared oh okay oh boy here we go this is the most wild timeline I can't believe it wait he's not going to play Lily is he cuz that would that would just be like okay as long as it's not Azu Hong are you serious oh I'm going to look oh Jesus Christ she's going to be salty no no no she's fine I think she looks very like oh Jesus oh [ __ ] all right okay what do I do don't worry you are so dead mister oh my God I got it I got it I got it I got it wow W you par me so good okay I'm just going to what the ah he knows wall combos of course he knows wall comos Mr AR this is such an honor oh my God uh-oh he's probably like so confused there why the [ __ ] did I do that why did I do that why did I do that okay I'm going to start with hop kick oh my [ __ ] god this is so I can't I don't know the he's okay don't panic Don't Panic you are as cool as a cucumber remember lefiti if I get him with a spring kick oh my [ __ ] god of course he of course he doesn't fall for that like what the [ __ ] guys I don't think he's actually like G you round he's so nervous okay okay chill chill chill chill chill no way wait no I mean of course yes why oh this is such an honor to be beaten by him oh my God I'm so happy right now I know I'm losing but I'm really really happy right now wow this is so cool oh my God this is like the highlight of my Tekken [ __ ] I'm so glad I started playing Tekken holy [ __ ] I'm going to kick him ah why why is his kick why is his kick faster I was not expecting her to be like this she's good like she knows he's so good guys he's so good I'm going to oh God I'm going to I'm going to save this replay okay we get okay he knows wall combos okay there's only one oh God you okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's fine oh no you know what next next round next round he's so dead oh my gosh he has no idea what's coming to him see I'm going to start with an armor okay [ __ ] I didn't oh my God he's so good he's so good okay okay what how do I hit him how do I hit this guy that's plus that's plus okay a cartwheel oh my God I got it I got got got it okay okay just no okay no he may have gotten two rounds but no one gets three rounds off of me he's so dead third round yo tell him to press start to skip the opening God he s steps so well I didn't learn that that's not fair attack actually not fair because if I didn't learn how to side step okay why did I think I could grab him of course he knows grab breaks he's stupid Lily oh my God no it's okay it's okay as soon as I'm like as soon as okay no that he was plus there I know what plus is I swear okay okay no no it's okay it's oh [ __ ] oh wait oh please yes one round it's that oh my nice oh Sho fight oh no no no no no please please please please please please please please please please please please okay I keep thinking one of these things is going to hit him and it never hits him I need to stop I need to unbind my rard button oh my God okay going to cartwheel here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's okay okay that's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay just chill chill chill chill breathe in Block remember what FDX taught you what the [ __ ] was that he's like moving I'm not look look look it's going to hit him to time it's going to hit him to yes finally fourth time the charm speed says you need to do more hop kicks okay I will listen oh not there though right cuz cuz that was really [Music] bad what if I start with a hop kick [ __ ] no okay one more one more one more this is so fun oh my God you're downloaded pal you're so downloaded it okay as long as he doesn't play Lily again cuz like oh my God why would he play does he want a bully I'm going to get destroyed actually I was already getting destroyed okay it's okay side stepping side stepping what the [ __ ] is this what when do I get to move when do I get to move please tell me what no when do I get to move I need to I I need to I what no that's not going to kill me that's not going that's going to kill me Nerf clong wait maybe not I don't know okay all right I'm so scared I don't know what what the what is he doing what is he like dancing what why was he like fidgeting so disable disable I watch all your documentary that you pick on fight okay nice B nice oh my [ __ ] God okay it's okay okay okay I'm going to learn I'm going to learn how to do his string okay I'm going to do he pressed the button he pressed the but he totally pressed [ __ ] yeah get rarded okay how do you verse Hong I don't know when his strings end so I don't I'm too scared to [ __ ] move have that okay I can't grab either because he's just going to he's going to just grab break and everything I don't know what his strings are I should have laughed horong oh man I should have played my replay okay his strings literally Never End what is this [ __ ] what is this this is I don't know when to I don't know when to press butt it I don't know when to press butted I'm in trouble okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay low Parry okay okay oh my God just out her dishonorable okay no no no no no no just just just come on come on come L think of the YouTube video come on do it for Content really put your no of course he low Perry said he's a professional player the [ __ ] do you think you're doing dude do you think this is like red or something okay it didn't work on him oh oh my God it's okay oh come on he's going to really heat really okay no no okay okay got it got it okay okay okay I don't know the combo you're so lucky I don't know the combo oh my [ __ ] God oh my God oh my God oh my God it's okay oh my [ __ ] god so was I trying was I trying to rart there yeah I was and it just didn't work I'm so sorry okay okay please don't pick a or someone [ __ ] like that wow wow I'm rubbing his signature off my hitbox okay no I I learned I learned I just need low Parry a lot more and block little more okay I can do it no no no what the heck okay no it's okay it's okay round oh [ __ ] I'm scared okay when do I get to attack this guy like I don't understand his attacks go forever oh she and I was punished for it guys it was so worth it it was so worth it okay what I don't know any punishes like do I just oh what the oh don't [ __ ] it up no I [ __ ] it up no way no way no way no way no way okay I need to delete this spot after so he doesn't see me he no one hears me like if anyone ask guys I was really cool like a cucumber versing him okay I wasn't even worried oh oh okay how do I return to um how do I return to session okay I'm deleting this VOD I am going to delete thank you for playing she's here yeah she's here wa it was fun it was fun thanks something play oh no I think they're going to watch the V oh that was so hard but that was so fun see I got a round off him and a key charged him as far as I'm concerned that went pretty good that was good that was [Music] awesome of letters and photos came across a pretty face I Used to Know said hello to the camera burned every picture so I
Channel: LilyGamePad
Views: 226,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, lilypichu, offlinetv, michael reeves, otv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast, arslan ash, tekken, tekken 8
Id: CNJqWcp09Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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