Destiny Talks About Psychedelics (MDMA, Meth, Mushrooms)

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and i was awake i want to say for about two days or maybe a little bit longer maybe longer than 48 hours um like wide awake like looking in the mirror like i'm not even remotely i don't believe that like uh oh here's my controversial drug take i guess i think that a lot of people i don't believe that i smoked weed twice and now i don't feel anything okay this is gonna be like a just [ __ ] drug take that i'm gonna give you but i super feel strongly about this okay i'm gonna be honest i feel strongly about this random drug take okay it's much easier without the horse i don't believe i don't think so jokes potentially but also the like like all around this is like so much lost context and there's no accusation of like hey probably shouldn't have been making fun about the accident that he accidentally took meth because from my understanding is it was a really really terrible experience for destiny and molina right yeah i mentioned probably with me yeah if yeah imagine having like three drugs that would be [ __ ] terrible yeah that would be [ __ ] terrible but this is once again a lot of badism i've said that this is a line in the [ __ ] sand something that we should shoot the incorrect you're drawing a straw manned line like this isn't the line in the sun that people are sure because and you're moralizing in a way that is dishonest about the context of what happened and that's not fair to do to meet who did his best by the way to be incredibly neutral for this did you ever prove it was meth are you sure it wasn't empty man um at the end of the day i don't actually i'll never know what it was unfortunately because the guy um he conveniently said that he got rid of the rest of it or something i think even though he should have had i think 300 milligrams left but um it i had like a ton of emails i guess like drug pros trying to explain it what it was but um it definitely was not mdma i've taken a lot of mdma at this point in my life and it was not mdma uh whatever it was i'm trying to remember i think me and molina were high i want to say for a solid it was either 18 or 24 hours like at and i was awake i want to say for about two days or maybe a little bit longer maybe longer than 48 hours um like wide awake like looking in the mirror like i'm not even remotely tired um it was not it's impossible that it was mdma it might have been mdma plus something else um but it was it was almost for sure like some sort of amphetamine um it was whatever it was because we had capsules so whatever it was it was like a really nice looking pure white crystal now color doesn't mean anything because anything could look like anything but it was like it was a whatever crystal thing that was cut up and then put into capsules when we ate it um for some reason i didn't think it was meth i thought i looked up meth in like the time of action or how long or whatever but um yeah was it fun yeah it was super fun it was a really good experience like if i knew what it was like it's something i might consider again um but it's just it's scary when you're under the influence of a drug and you don't know what it is that was the problem because it was a super fun time while we were high for like 12 hours but then after 12 hours it's like okay well something is very very very very very wrong i shouldn't still be really really really high um even mdma plus infinity doesn't last out long unless it's some insane amount it was a fairly high dose um i think we were both taking uh the pills were weighed at 200 milligrams each which is like the upper threshold for like an mdma trip trip if you call it that but i don't know what 200 milligrams of any other amphetamine would do um yeah i tried to look up dosages but it's just really hard it's really hard to say um it's just really hard to say what it was because there's like there's like a million different amphetamines there's a ton of like rc's and different like [ __ ] [ __ ] um especially in some areas so i don't know did you get super paranoid um i mean not like the paranoia was all intellectual like i got paranoid because i was high for a long time and i shouldn't have been not to mention with your dealer it could have been a 10 milligram of active ingredient i mean it was pure whatever it was was a pure crystal i don't know if you can put like if you can mix like fillers in it well i didn't take a pressed pill it was not a pressed pill it was a capsule of cut whatever it was whatever the crystal was it was all the crystal [ __ ] it wasn't it wasn't a pressed thing um but yeah were there visuals no nothing like that at all absolutely nothing like that um no visuals no like things like that we were just both like we felt like pretty good it wasn't quite as high as an md mayhem but we were both like very confident we like had a lot of fun chatting with each other time went by very very quickly like we were talking and it would go from like 8 a.m to like 12 p.m in like 10 minutes it was like insane like how every time we checked the watch it was like two or three more hours um like it was insane um were you grinding your teeth a lot no but i'm pretty good about not grinding my teeth now when i'm on mda like i've done it enough that i'm pretty aware of it i try not to grind or bought my lip or whatever and i think i'm pretty good at it now like the last time dave i tried i didn't do it at all and i know that was empty doesn't mdma come in crystal form a lot of stuff comes in crystal form um i don't know much because drugs are very difficult but i will say a couple statements with absolute certainty um if anybody tells you that they can identify a drug based on how the crystal looks you are totally safe ignoring every single thing that person has said they don't know what they're talking about um and they're overconfident they're probably gonna tell you things that are wrong you you cannot tell what a drug looks like based on how a crystal looks um there's just so many different things that can go into coloring something there's just so many different like variables of like like even pure 100 mdma can look like purplish it can look pure white it's super depends on everything um you you cannot look at any drug ever well any drug maybe with a weed or something but when it comes to like things that you put like in pills and [ __ ] you cannot look at one of these things and and just go like oh yeah it's that drug i know you have to test it um you have to buy yeah buy that [ __ ] i have like all my little reactants now in my freezer so i cut up my pills and i do my little chemistry set [ __ ] to make sure everything is safe now you can buy like um i think there's two that i use now there's a marquee reaction kit and there's a i don't know what the second one is but i bought like five of them now what were you trying to get we were trying to get mdma before the scariest was when the scariest thing that happened was um when i started talking to the guy on instagram he started to say things and then i realized because what had initially happened was i thought that the dude was like really big into drugs and then he's like um a person that i wouldn't think would like try to [ __ ] with us um so i was like okay cool this guy knows what he's talking about but when i started to dm them like i think we were high like 10 at 10 hours i think i damned them and i was like bro like we're still high are you sure that like you know what's going on he's like oh no you probably just haven't done really good mdma before like really good mdma sometimes you'll be high for like 16 hours and as soon as he said that i was like oh [ __ ] this guy has no idea what the [ __ ] he's talking about i have no idea what the [ __ ] drug i just took because that is absolutely not [ __ ] true you will not you will be higher fdma for [ __ ] sick unless maybe you take like a [ __ ] like 1 000 milligrams or [ __ ] like i've taken decently high like i think 200 is the upper dose i feel safe taking which is which is a healthy one that's like the upper tolerance of like safe um but even at that it's a it's six hours um it's six hours i i don't think the more mdma you take i don't think it's the type of drug that will last longer and longer like i think meth will do that i think meth will do that um because your body i think can only metabolize so much but um yeah as soon as he typed that i started to get really scared because like [ __ ] i thought this guy's like a drug pro and he's not remind us why you didn't out this guy i don't think he i don't think he was being malicious i just he just didn't know i think he didn't know better but i don't think he was like trying to like [ __ ] with us or anything he just he was just naive i like i just assumed like guy living in amsterdam probably i was just i made an american mistake right like oh amsterdam drug capital the world it's not by the way [ __ ] that but yeah i just figured like oh dude living in amsterdam i mean so much about drugs like stupid i was dumb oh my god that time getting off the horse i just wasted so much oh i'm dead [ __ ] what is the drug capital probably some u.s city probably like [ __ ] seattle or la or some miami or whatever you're probably going to [ __ ] kind of drug any like major u.s city like top five usc you'll probably find every [ __ ] drug imaginable and then some that you haven't imagined yet like vegas yeah maybe yeah you can actually get hallucinations on everything because the body presses into something else after a certain amount um if i do um hold on dough tweet archived um if i if i do if i'm on a big dose of mdma usually what happens for me is when it starts to kick in it will be a little hallucinogenic like i can tell when the mdma kicks in because like i'll look at my hand and things seem a little bit like wavery i don't know how else to explain it and i'll be like okay i'm getting high but that's like the extent of any like hallucination i'll get on mdma i'm not gonna be like fully like i don't think i'm gonna be ha i don't think i've ever had like visuals or anything like that ever on mdma before doesn't everybody dump your serotonin reserves it's a short high because you run out of the hormone which creates a low afterwards um maybe i don't know i've never i've never had and maybe i'm just lucky or maybe i don't know i've never had a come down from mdma before my life ever um yeah my my decks my day afterwards is usually always like super chill and i feel really good i'm usually just like really calm and like uh yeah relaxed can anybody ever get you paranoid like weed can i don't know what wheat paranoia feels like my paranoia and weed has to do with like existential mushroom trip [ __ ] i don't know if that's what normal people smoking weed with the paranoia is like i'm not sure i don't believe that like uh oh here's my controversial drug take i guess i think that a lot of people i don't believe that anybody that smokes weed regularly really gets high or like their high is something that is like it's like a body drunk thing i don't believe it um i just super don't believe it i think that it feels like there are fundamentally two different types of experiences that um that people have on marijuana and i think that like the standard for people that like smoke every day is it's like this kind of like you get like your body feels good and maybe it like relaxes you but it's there's not like a psychedelic experience happening in the mind it took me a long time to figure this out because especially after because well i think i said this we're saying [ __ ] we're doing drug talk now um i used to be that kind of person because i would eat edibles or i could smoke weed and like my weed experience was like i would describe it as like a more chill being drunk like everything is funny i'm giggly my reaction time is off but it's like it's just kind of like a chill like relax like this is like funny like let's smoke and like giggle like dip shits and [ __ ] for a while um but after i did mushrooms and try to smoke weed now when i smoke it's like this is like a really it's a really challenging experience like i'm very much like in another dimension um and it's like i need to like be calm and i've got to focus and it's like we're in a whole other [ __ ] world now like we've shifted uh but that's what it's like smoking weed now but i was always curious because like after that like i know a lot of people like smoke recreationally it's like how do you smoke every day and like function in this state there's no way but i i just i don't think that a lot of people that smoke weed i don't think they have like that big psychedelic experience i think they just have like a like kind of like a body relaxing high and like their mental state design do you enjoy the shroom come down um i don't know how to explain this but on i don't even know if this is real i haven't done mushrooms enough i keep in mind i haven't done the only drug i've done the most i was probably like mdma i haven't done like mushrooms or lsd enough to be like an authority on these things so like i always take everything i say with like a grain of salt right i've probably done mushrooms like maybe 10 times in my life maybe um so like there's people that don't that have done this [ __ ] way more than me right so i always take what i say the grain of salt but my favorite part of like a mushroom trip i've described this before but like it seems like with the right dose and the right setting if you've eaten enough before and everything are fine there is like this moment in a mushroom trip where you are you're still clearly high but you like shift to this other place where you it almost feels like you're lucid again but you're like lucid oh [ __ ] i'm dead you're like loose it in like another dimension you're like you've i don't know how to explain it and the dosing and everything is really important but you get to some area where you're like i'm super high i am like in another world but i'm like very lucid right now i feel like i can have a full-on conversation i feel normal i feel like i'm existing normally but in another dimension that i don't know how to get there but like some it seems like it's fleeting like if you if mushrooms last like anywhere from six to eight hours this part of the trip for me is like maybe 30 minutes um but it's like yeah it's really interesting it's super cool to me but it's hard to like time that out because ideally you want to be in that place at the same time as the person you're with or people you're with i guess but it's hard now but yeah um hassan possibly banned what do you mean you can use a weed like a powerful psychedelic if you don't do it very often yeah maybe maybe maybe it comes down to how often people smoke or whatever i smoke long before school every day for like 1.5 years why is that a desirable experience um i can't really explain it if you haven't been there but it's just so it's just it's like i i would say that like psychedelic drugs are like um there's like the first time you do a psychedelic drug if you're like me you wait till you're 30 to do it the first time you do a psychedelic drug you will do it and you'll just be like amazed that there's like a whole other world that existed that you weren't aware of it's like it's just getting an entirely different reality and it's like wait what the [ __ ] um how where has this been the whole time not that it's necessarily like good or bad but just that it is there's just like a whole other like thing for to explore it's just like very strange which i think is cool did i take two little shrimps if it only lasted like three hours um i mean i think it depends a lot on like what you eat beforehand and how you do it like um i figured that like oh like i'm like a mushroom expert since i've done like two like monster trips um and i remember that with a friend once i did i did two grams and um we both did two grams uh because we just wanted to have a good time it's like okay cool it's really an easy experience but neither of us ate beforehand for like hours and then we drank it mixed with coke i think um and it was the liquid vials i think i got these from reckful and um it was a very short mushroom trip i think my trip lasted for like three hours maybe but i got so [ __ ] high and it was like scary high it was like holy [ __ ] i'm having like a [ __ ] almost ego death i think i've said this like i described like at one point like she was crying in one of my rooms because she was having like a really personal experience and my mind was so [ __ ] i think i was like i was like crawling like trying to escape the room because i just like couldn't handle like what the [ __ ] was happening and it was just i felt really bad but i was like i have to get the [ __ ] away from you like this is like destroying my mind right now um but yeah that was on a on a i don't wanna say like a small dose like two grams will like you'll have a feeling but like it's not really enough two grams shouldn't really be enough considering all normal to like have a mushroom trip that'll be enough to get you generally like visuals and maybe like feeling like a little trippy or whatever but like usually i think it's like three three and a half we'll be like okay you're having like a mushroom trip now basically so yeah i don't know it's kind of interesting but have you ever lemon tacked that's what we tried to do with the drinking coke like i think supposedly if you eat mushrooms mixed with like some sort of like is it an acidic thing it like metabolizes it really quickly and gets you higher faster but have you been disappointed with any drug experiences um i think my biggest issue is that like i um it takes me a long time to get high it takes me a long time to get high so whenever me and melinda do mdma it's a lot of work to time it out so the last time we did mdma sucked because she gets high in like 15 minutes and it took me two and a half hours to get high so she's like laying there like having her whole [ __ ] mdma experience and i'm just like laying there like kind of irritated because i'm like this sucks like why i'm not [ __ ] high like am i not gonna get high is it does mdma not work for me anymore and then it takes me it's a full on like two and a half hours later i finally start to think and i was like okay whatever do you think it's necessary to have someone watch over you on hallucinogenics on tripping solo um i mean if you're starting off with low doses and responsible environments um you're probably okay but um i think it's nice to have somebody with you dmt when stopped stalling i don't know i tried that destiny i just kept doing more and more and more mdma i think you have to be careful i think you should set aside what you want to do at the beginning of the trip and you shouldn't have access to a huge stash uh or maybe i'm just weak minded but mdma to me feels like one of those drugs that would be pretty easy to overdose on because the feeling is so good that you want to just keep doing more and more and more and more and more and more and uh yeah if you've got like a lot next to you to access it it's pretty easy like i'll just feel like a fourth of a pill i'll do like a i'll do like a half like i just do a little bit more like it's okay like okay we did 200 like it's 300 really that bad like okay well it's just one time like some people do this all the time like [ __ ] it i'm in this deep like you know i'm at like 300 400 now like is it another 50 or 100 like i think you can like mind [ __ ] yourself when you're like really emotional and you're in like that mdma high to just start doing like more and more and more and more and more it's really bad i think what's your waiting period between mdma heads um i do i i wait at least one month some people say like three months um some people do it every weekend but um from everything that i've said i think everything that i've seen like research wise i think like uh like four weeks is supposed to be like about like once you've done this like you should be good to go nice tried trims once it was four grams that was pretty intense four grams is like a pretty that's a big you're like a full mushroom trip there yeah i once did half a gram of molly one night at a music fest that's a lot yeah people that go dancing and [ __ ] are you saying the difference between lsd and mushrooms um i think i've said this a lot lsd is like the same thing as mushrooms just over a longer experience and you have way more control you have lsd is way way way smoother and more in control than mushrooms i think lsd is a way nicer experience if you could only do one drug i would highly recommend lsd mushrooms is a lot more challenging and a lot more scary or has the potential to be more scary i guess i don't think i've ever had a bad lsd trip before i had a psychotic break on lsd and ended up in the hospital for two months while damn i guess you have out of bed lsd trip okay i think this is the one this is the this is the run right here it is with your weed take it might just do with the amount how much weed do you do any any amount of weed once i get high will [ __ ] me it doesn't have to be a lot like if you give me like a whole joint that's probably enough to get me really [ __ ] high on like four different occasions if i had to guess like i need two good hits where i'm coughing to get me really [ __ ] high really high two good hits will get me super high would you recommend trying lsu mushrooms if you have depression i don't know how those interact at all i can't really say is that pure green i don't know dude the wheat listen man you kids have crazy wheat today okay it's whatever the [ __ ] weed you buy in stores the presidentials or the executives or whatever [ __ ] crazy weed tech the last girl i was with had like some [ __ ] had some device that like you put a whole plastic bag there and it like filled the plastic bag with like hot weed air or whatever and then you took the plastic bag off the top and then you smoke listen dude i don't know you guys have crazy [ __ ] that exists today volcano yeah whatever the [ __ ] that is holy [ __ ] do you have much experience with mixing not really i tried for the first time in my life a couple months ago crossfading like smoking weed and drinking that was a really interesting experience i just i always get scared that i don't have enough experience on drugs um to like start mixing them because i don't know although i guess at some point i could but because i i still feel like every lsd trip and every like mushroom trip i have is like still pretty unique so like have i really milked so much out of these drugs that it's time to start mixing again oh i guess sometimes i mix md main smoking but when i when i'm on mdma i can smoke a lot um but i think just because you don't really feel the weed high oh my god i must have smoked almost almost an entire joint on my own um the last time i was high on mdma and i was i'm pretty sure i was hallucinating at the end of it but but when you're coming off of an mdma high you just for whatever reason you just don't feel the weed as much i don't think you do unless i'm making it maybe i'm making that up i don't know but weed makes mdma a lot fuzzier yeah people say that you can smoke people say you can smoke weed at the end of an mdma trip to like extend the mmdma trip now i'm gonna say this with a little bit of caution um am i dead okay almost i'll say this with a little bit of caution my absolute favorite drug to mix i don't think you're supposed to mix these but um drinking at the end of an mdma trip is easily like the most fun experience in my entire life it is so good holy [ __ ] getting absolutely [ __ ] wasted on an mdma come down afterwards is like now you're not supposed to mix i think alcohol with mdma but oh my [ __ ] god why i don't know why just it feels so good it's like mdma on [ __ ] steroids when i when i like get drunk after coming off of like an mdma high it's unbelievable holy [ __ ] but i've heard a lot of people say it doesn't work that way for them or it's horrible or it sounds bad or whatever so i don't know guys am i dead yeah i can't move okay i was gonna say guys i think this is the run but okay no sex on mdma right no never i can't i can't get a boner i couldn't on that method whatever the [ __ ] i hadn't and um amsterdam as well i just i can't get i can get horny if i try really hard but i can't get an erection at all it's like the tiniest the smallest tiniest dick you've ever seen is when i am on it's like it must be less than an inch i can't even i can't even see it because you have like your [ __ ] the dick skin or whatever it's like in it's almost inside my body it's like it's unbelievably shriveled it's less than it must be less than an inch i'll measure it next time but it's like [ __ ] it's negative growth i don't know why or how but when you're taking cough medicine um i don't think i would i don't know like robo tripping i don't like to do stuff that can like super [ __ ] you up mbma makes your true penis size show yeah a blood pressure yeah it might be like if you want to sound smart you said like a vasso constrictor it might be maybe i i don't know i don't remember when you drink do you just take straight shots of stuff yeah i don't like i don't like the taste of alcohol at all i smoked weed twice and now i don't feel anything okay this is gonna be like a just [ __ ] drug take that i'm gonna give you but i super feel strongly about this okay i'm gonna be honest i feel strongly about this random drug take okay the first time you do a drug one of two things happens either one you don't do as much as you think you are or the people lied about what they gave you or two your body just doesn't process it for whatever reason okay i know so many people that have like oh yeah like i've tried mushrooms before oh yeah like i smoked a lot before um and like yeah i just didn't feel anything okay then you didn't do mushrooms or or somebody gave you some wrong [ __ ] or just like your i don't know i feel like there are so many people that i've talked to um who like they say like oh yeah like i've tried like lsd like yeah i guess it was just like whatever it was like really how much did you do like i don't know i think like two or three tabs like no no no no no you did it no [ __ ] shot bro you did not do [ __ ] three tabs of lsd and you didn't [ __ ] feel anything um but i feel like i hear that experience so commonly for people that are like i wanna say like drug beginners or whatever but like that people just had some experience like i don't know or maybe it's just people lying about it to impress people too that's possible maybe it's because people know how to inhale and hold the smoke uh yeah that's that too stuff like that yeah true actually because you can smoke you can smoke a lot of weed and not really smoke any weed if you're just like sucking the [ __ ] and they're just like breathing out like the the smoke is just like in your [ __ ] mouth for a while i guess no copper read this bro i'm in the middle of the epic boss battle with acid people could also swallow it rather than holding it in their mouth oh [ __ ] wait do you think that would make it not process in your body i've never thought about that before i don't know what would happen what happens if you just eat a tab of acid i feel like eventually your body would break it down no or maybe not i don't know actually i've never thought about it i have no idea be careful um don't go eating a bunch of tabs of acid now because i said i wouldn't do anything it's just a slower come up okay i feel like the lsd come up is already pretty slow so you probably wouldn't want to do that in general right i think lsd you're not going to be peaking on lsd for like probably three hours maybe if you take lsd it'll probably take about three hours to peak maybe four maybe probably three hours i think have you ever tried cocaine no not yet i'm probably well at some point you ever take any of these alone um i really like drugs are like an easy way for me to like open up and like have an interesting or unique experience with people so i like doing drugs with another person at least one other person doing drugs alone seems kind of lonely or boring have you ever tried heroin i don't think i would ever based on what i've read in my personal experience with mdma i don't think i would ever do an opiate i think that if i was as arrogant as i was in my 20s and if i um if i didn't try mdma first i might be tempted to say like i'll try heroin like one time but um when i read people describing what heroin feels like it sounds really similar to mdma so if it's like mdma but even more intense i don't think i would risk one more hit please get [ __ ] no i need seven we're getting there right have you ever snorted mdma no i always eat it i've missed mixed lsd and ketamine i've tried um whippets quite a bit we did a lot of whippets when we were on mdma before whippets are very interesting i'm trying to think if i have a dissociative experience like that on any other drug i don't think so like nitrous oxide or whatever it's called i don't know apparently ketamine is also dissociative but i've never done academy before what are poppers i don't know but apparently gay people like them a lot because a lot of people in grinder talk about them i think it just relaxes your body it makes it easier to [ __ ] your ass that's what i hear people talk about um poppers a lot on grindr for but i don't know i don't do any of that i do kind of mean often and whippets are very similar to ketamine yeah whippets are just weird because you're high for literally like 15 seconds um you should be careful with whippets though because we do them a lot i think it [ __ ] with your body's ability to have like b12 vitamins or some [ __ ] like can you suffocate on whippets i mean i guess if you did it [ __ ] on the way that i've done it in the past is you have like a gas canister and then you um you fill the gas canister with nitrous oxide or it comes pre-filled and then you take like a balloon you put the balloon over the end you fill the balloon and then you inhale the balloon and then in like five seconds you'll get like very dissociated and then you'll come back in like 10 to 15 seconds a very very very very very short high but it's not it's not even like a high it's it's a dissociative it'll feel different than like if you've never done a dissociative before i imagine it'll feel different than anything you've ever done it's very very very strange it's very strange to dissociate from your body it's a very weird feeling because it's kind of impossible to imagine if you haven't done it before because what does it mean to like get away from your what does it mean to get away from your body i don't it's kind of strange is that that weird feeling like when you're getting choked out i don't think i've ever been choked out before so i don't know starting mdma get to ultra high instantly the only thing that's scary to me about snorting stuff is that when you snort stuff don't you not get all of it doesn't a lot of it get wasted or am i crazy about that i thought snorting stuff gives you like a very intense very short high but like a lot of it just doesn't get processed so like i feel like i would get i feel like i would be uh like robbed of a full mdma trip if i snorted mdma and i was like really high for like 20 minutes and then it was done i feel like i'd be too tempted to do more this guy doesn't know what he's talking about it's much lower efficacy nasally oh is it have you ever been on anesthesia never that sounds really scary to me anesthesia is supposed to be very very very unique in the feeling like it doesn't like it doesn't feel like sleeping at all but it's like once you begin the anesthesia as soon as you're on anesthesia you wake up instantaneously and it's there it's not like i don't know how to describe it but there's like a there's a feeling when you sleep and wake up that time has passed but i think with anesthesia that feeling doesn't exist you just like they count down you go and then you're awake instantly and it's like they're like yeah it's like crazy obama exactly what would it be like to die in that slice of time really makes you think you
Channel: DalibanHQ Highlights
Views: 18,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny, destiny streamer, destiny debates, destiny twitch, destiny vods, politics, livestreamfail, lsf, steven bonnell, steve bonnell, destiny drama, destiny debate, educational
Id: m9OpHufNfmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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