Destiny Removes Hasan's Dead Dog on r/place

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this is what assange says about us about one of our own imagine being a grown-ass adult who plays in the nfl and trying to win over points with neck beards in an insulated online community when i inevitably block you lemayo oh my goodness about our very own this is what hassan has said are we gonna stand by and let it happen we will take one more vote and then we will and then we'll take a break for a little bit oh no the site is [ __ ] okay birthdays birthdays load up remember the first attack is the hardest once we've wiped the slate clean everything's easy from there i understand brothers i understand your discomfort i know that it's gonna be painful okay the first shots are the bravest ones [Music] this is why i'm going to go in reverse order of the months but i'm going to start with my strongest warriors we're going to define clearly the scope of this war we'll nest dog can stand for now although it might have to fall this box right here we're going to read it out we're going to make the same red color this is okay we're going to make it the same color this is nah [ __ ] it no we're going to do a trans flag we're going to do an up and down an up and down trans flag that's what we're going gonna do okay or maybe we should do a french flag wait a second wait a second wait a second we're gonna do an up and down french flag blue white red that's what we're doing blue white red an open no a hungarian flag hungarian flag okay we're gonna do we're gonna i think we're gonna can you hang the flag like upside down or will it be [ __ ] no [ __ ] it we'll just do stripes red white green okay for hungary for our hungarian brothers here we go guys oh my god guys you chill what the [ __ ] wait you guys have no discipline januaries go january scope extend the flag leftward get rid of this worm emote get rid of the worm we don't need this here we don't accept racism here january's go february's i need to hold for our next hold for the next attack hold and see what they do hold and see what they do defend hustle uh i mean guys guys guys we i i have to cover the news i mean they're very clearly attacking it right now but i have to cover the news i mean it's disgusting it is really [ __ ] gross to just like nuke uh fish like that it's so gross and it's very specific like it's obviously a targeted strike but you know you can't really do anything it's it's just [ __ ] pathetic but i i have to cover the news you know what i mean you did it guys you you did it you [ __ ] destroyed my my dead dog like you [ __ ] owned it you know what i mean and i'm sure the people that are doing that are not even like italians or [ __ ] you know mexico or anything like that i'm sure they're doing it specifically to make it seem like someone else is doing it but yeah go ahead man my my dog who died uh that i love uh you you eviscerated it off the map thank you you did it you did it read it you killed it hold and see what they do hungarian flag whatever hold and wait it's just like hold and wait now we reap the rewards brothers it's hungry baby because you said uh orban is bad yeah whatever i don't care i don't care it's literally pixels okay it's pixels and you did it you [ __ ] killed it you you have the biggest dick [ __ ] pathetic losers man orbon is bad so i'm i'm certain i'm i'm almost certain that the the people that are building this are not actually uh-oh from that country a lot should we love doing this to make it seem like other places are doing it you know what i mean should we prove who it is guys do we take credit now this is the question [ __ ] gross do we take credit for our attack yes or no like it's just like it all right here i mean all right you know what time it is then guys he's licking he's trying to find him yeah i mean dude first account i clicked on first account i clicked on nice guys hey you did it you did it good job let's make a d let's get it good let's get a good blue d there you clicked on an account let's get a good blue d there guys so [ __ ] pathetic okay we're gonna get into our place uh in a second okay we'll we'll get into it in a little bit here we go guys for those that were holding july go july july out july out july out let's go let's go july july july um look look look look look where you want to go next is it true you jake did the offer to fight i did august idubbbz event yeah it's true august next but when he's in when he's in the u.s we're going to hang out why would he reject a fight you're like [ __ ] six five i think it's cause he's gonna fat guys uh oh oh no july and august september go thank you thank you september september banned uh tiny community for uh for destroying my my dead dog you really got me there dude september october october october out let's go october october no i'm not even gonna i'm not even gonna [ __ ] respond dude i don't care they're disgusting and they're [ __ ] gross freaks but don't october is somewhere else i don't even want to touch any of their [ __ ] dumb ass [ __ ] two months left the d is coming together stop stop mentioning them stop you're literally you're you're giving them clout this is why they do it like november's november is out if you haven't fired yet you're not any the monster i've called although i'll call all of them repair the hungarian flag november is out november should be focusing on the d decembers go focus on the d december's out no i'm not i i mean i'm just i it's just like weird man you're [ __ ] weirdo being like you mad i'm not it's pixels it's not that big i think that's gonna be dog pack yeah my dog is dead yeah well hold on actually we need to find out is he mad let's take a poll in chat let's see if he is man oh no who did that oh no anyway let's get back to the news we'll get to our we'll get to our slash place in a little bit he's mad he's pro look at that gum he wants to smoke a cigarette look he's he can't stop talking about it though he's gonna oh wait is he this is why i don't think you're truly brain broken there's so much farther down you could go yeah i don't i don't i don't care keep hating your life then working class andy yeah just keep paying your life so sad dude working classy you got it you really ruined my day man you really [ __ ] me over to ukraine and we know it's going to be an expansion bro he's so upset oh my god he's gonna cry over pixels he actually is so [ __ ] mad right now the challenge that this administration has identified from the beginning is that so much of sort of how oh no comes to an end depends almost entirely on vladimir putin it's why we've seen the president frequently refer to him as an irrational actor the belief is basically that it is almost entirely up to putin dude destiny that is low man that is low you took out his [ __ ] dog and he put a d oh my god you're a monster the dollar man has absolutely no and he made the you made will's dog cry dude what is wrong with you that's right january and february you're gonna sort yourselves out i need you guys to hold the line here january's and februaries you guys need to hold the line here okay january's and february's keep this d go they're trying to strike back out of consensus i bet that reddit loser pack hella musty january's and february need to hold okay hold on wait wait wait wait this is a big we might have to go hard hold on they're trying to fight back a lot we need to crush them hold on we need to crush their spirits okay we have to crush their spirits okay [Music] january's and february's january and february hold okay we need to clean up these colors we need these some real solid colors okay january february's march go go go go go march january february march it's time for will's dog no will's dog is fine we'll leave him there january february march april oh my god could we get a halo drawn on top of the d would that be too far i may be a little bit too [ __ ] up i think that's too far we're not doing that no no no no no no no no no no no no no dally man you need to show restraint okay stop in these times you need to show restraint guys seriously though if we fight amongst ourselves okay a group of people turned amongst themselves cannot stand against the world stop january february march april pull it okay hold on hold on hold your fire hold your fire hold your fire hold your fire let us pull what we should do you must follow the will of the dolly ben okay we move as a group of brothers okay not as individuals but as one khalif i don't know what that means okay the community is two split brothers this is not an attack we can sustain okay we don't do this april may june july april may june july good good job caliphate august go clean up august clean this up come on come on come on april july january january through august birthday should be cleaning this up september september go go go i know there's at least 10 of you that can clean this [ __ ] up they should look perfect miss clip about you wait hold on you were some sick [ __ ] for this okay you were some sick [ __ ] i get we have a treaty what the hell man careful that is some war careful his dog quiet you are sick careful he's sending me the weirdest pictures too like what the [ __ ] savasan's dog i already signed a contract dude i'm not helping us on i set him up it's the final hour i sent him a i sent him a warning guys i sent him a warning save aston's dog i already signed your life then i'm not helping a son it's the final hours i'm not worried about we should be good in sweden oh stop destiny stop we should be okay stop sending i'm not i can't even show that on stream i cannot show that on stream destiny i'm not i look we sign i just because you just cause we sign something just mean i can't say you're some sick [ __ ] for this you're some sick [ __ ] that's okay that's fine we accept that we could be sick [ __ ] show us chat i will get banned let's just go it the the let's just say that the dabble ban is real okay
Channel: Ædri
Views: 75,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tappelino, Ædri, Rage, Norsk, TappeStream, Arverage, Arve Rage, Stianboss, Arve Of Norway Rage, Destiny, Hasan, Hasanabi, Mizkif, r/place, r/place 2022, r/place mizkif, r/place destiny, r/place hasan, destiny vs hasan, orban, hungary, r/place hungary, hasan dog, nordic union, daliban, daliban r/place
Id: UnEkso2J33o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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