Desktop GUI App With Python & Tkinter

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part gets added down here so it's basically a crud application but it's a desktop a GUI application and we can go ahead and select one and we can update so let's say we want to change the price to 170 we can update it we can remove it and we can also clear the text if there's you know text in here we can clear the the inputs alright and we get a scroll bar here as well so if it goes below a certain point we'll be able to scroll and I admit it's not the best looking application there's virtually no style to it but you can add style with the tkinter library but I don't really want to focus on that I want to focus more on creating these widgets and adding functionality to them and as far as the database we're gonna be using SQL Lite which i think is fine for something like this where you're not gonna have a ton of data it's just a small personal application which I think it's fine for but you could just as well use MySQL or PostgreSQL or here called part manager so I'm going to open up my terminal and of course it needs have Python installed with the PIP package manager' and what you want to do is install pipi and V okay I already have it installed so I'm not going to run this but that will install Pippy and V on your system and then you can create a virtual environment with pipi and V shell rather than just doing everything globally and installing any dependencies we have globally on our system will install it into this virtual environment and it should create this pip file right here which will show any dependencies any packages that we install so we want to select the correct interpreter NBS code so command shift P and just if you just search for python you'll see this select interpreter and we're just gonna go to this part manager right here alright so now what we're gonna do is use pipi and V to install our dependencies which is T kinter or TK inter and people different people say it differently and then also something called PI installer because what I want to try doing is creating an executable file out of our python script at the end of this which worked flawlessly on Windows actually created this on Windows and PI installer worked perfectly but then on Mac I ran into some issues I read that there's some bugs so I don't know we'll try it at the end and then we also want to install TK message box which is just like an alert component type thing okay so those are the three dependencies alright so now what we want to do is just create a couple files let's create a file called part underscore manager dot pi and let's create DB dot pi so basically part manager is our main script and then DB pi is where we'll create a database class to insert records and fetch and all that stuff so we're gonna start off in part manager and let's first just bring in tkinter and we're going to import everything from it and we need to create an app variable and we're going to set that equal to the TK method which will basically allow us to create a window or window object and then to run the project or I'll just say start program we need to call app dot and there's a method called main loop okay so just these lines of code right here oh it's just I'm just gonna I don't need that just these couple lines of code we should be able to run Python and then part manager dot pi and it's gonna open up a window okay and obviously it's gonna look a little different if you're on Windows and if you're on Mac but it should it should do the same thing you should just have a window with your close buttons and this TK and the title now I want to change this title obviously I also want to set this to a certain height and width so what I'm gonna do is take this app variable and change the title to part manager now as far as resizing the window there's different ways to do it I'm going to use method called geometry and what this does is we can pass in the width times the height so I'm gonna say 700 times 350 now depending on you know if you're on Windows or Mac or your screen size your resolution you might have to tweak this a little bit there might be a few values you need to tweak to make this look right on your system but this seems to work for me all right I'm just going to install this Auto pepp 8 thing okay so let's go ahead and now run this again so we want to run the heck Python park manager PI all right so this is what we should get I could see the titles change and we have this 700 by 350 window alright so now what we want to do is start to add widgets and the first one I mean if we look at the finished product here you can see this is a widget this is a label right here this is an entry a label entry and then we have buttons then we have a list box and we have a scroll bar so we need to add we need to create these widgets and basically place them on the grid that's what we're going to use as a grid system here which has rows and columns so let's go ahead and create our label for the the part and the part name so I'm going to go right here and let's say part so first thing we're going to do is create a variable called part text and set this to a string variable string var like that and then we need to create a label so we have access to this this label you can create a label object because we brought it in from this tkinter we brought in everything up here that's why we can use this and this and this will take in our TK method which I called app sometimes you'll see it called root or window so that I called it app and then we need to pass in our text which is going to be actually these single quotes this is gonna be part name and then we can also add some styling like the font so for font I'm gonna set set it to bold and 14 for the size and then I also want a little bit of padding if we look at the final product here you can see that there's some space here and here so some padding on the y-axis so for that we can do pad y equals and I'm going to use 20 now just doing that isn't going to place it we need to place it in the grid so we're going to take the part label and call dot grid and then here we put in a row which I'm going to say row equals 0 and so a column and column is also going to be zero so let me just kind of explain how this works so basically this is a grid so picture a light should have actually created an image with some lines but picture a line going right down here so this a line going here and here so this is the first row which has an index of zero so this is row 0 this is column zero okay so we want to be in row 0 column 0 which is right here this would be row 0 column 1 row 0 column 2 row 0 column 3 ok the second row would be Row 1 because it's 0 1 so this would be Row 1 column 0 Row 1 column 1 Row 1 column 2 Row 1 column 3 and so on all right so we want 0 0 and then if we save this and we run this let's check it out and we have our label in the 0 0 position okay so the next thing we want is the entry we want it right here which is going to be row 0 column 1 ok because this is column 0 that we won't call them 1 for the entry so let's say part entry and we're going to set this to an entry widget which takes in our app and it's also going to take in a text variable which is going to be equal to part text which is our string bar that we created up here ok so basically we're binding this entry to that and then we need to place that on the grid so part's entry dot grid same deal we pass in a row which is going to be 0 because it's going to be on the you know to the right of it but it's going to be column 1 ok and you can stir you can change things around if you don't like the look of this I mean you know you can put whatever you want wherever you want let's see I also want to align the label to the left so in this part labeled grid I'm going to add another property called sticky so and this is kind of weird it takes in like W or E or west or east we want to align it to the left so we want to use w or aligning it to the West which is a little weird but that's just the syntax so let's save this and let's open it up and now we have label here and we have our entry here which is is bound to this part text string variable alright so the rest of them the rest of the labels and inputs are pretty similar so I'm just gonna grab this and copy it down that's two three four because we're four fields total and then let's see this here is gonna be customer so let's go ahead and just replace all these parts with customer and then we'll just change the text here to customer we actually don't need the padding on the on the last three can only be on we only need it on the first one because it will bump the rest of them down so let's just take all these and get rid of them just we just wanted on the first one up here alright so customer label grid now for the positioning here customers on the same line as part so we still want row zero however we want to go the next column over which is going to be two and then for the entry same row but we're going to go over to three all right so that's customer the next one is retailer so we'll go ahead and place all these with retailer okay and see it'll change the text here to retailer and as far as the label goes now we're gonna move down a row so Row 1 column 0 text variable retailer text that's correct the entry is going to be Row 1 column 1 ok and then we have finally the price so we're gonna change this stuff to price and let's change this to price whoops price and the positioning is gonna be Row 1 column see if you can if you can figure it out so retailer and price are gonna be on the same line which is Row 1 the retailer label is 0 the retailer entry is 1 so what what is the price label gonna be it's gonna be 2 right and then the entry is gonna be 3 Row 1 alright so that should do it as far as the the labels and entries so let's save that and take a look and there we go alright so these will actually get pushed over after we add our list list box because we're actually going to span some rows and it will actually push these over a little bit so let's create our list box which is going to be our parts list so we'll say parts list which is a list box widget so we'll call this parts list and let's set this to a listbox pass in our app and we can pass in a height here we're gonna do height height equals 8 and width equals 50 and you might have to again mess with some of these depending on you know what screen you're using and stuff like that let's yeah I don't want a border but I'm not gonna add border 0 yet just so we can see the actual outline of this so we need to add this to the grid so let's take our parts list dot grid and let's see we want to put this on Row 3 because remember the wave Row 1 and women yeah row 0 + Row 1 are the inputs and labels Row 2 is going to be the buttons the buttons are actually going to go above the list box but I'm going to do the buttons last so this is going to be Row 3 and then let's see we want to do column 0 because we want to start all the way over to the left and then we're also going to add a column span this is kind of like like doing a table with HTML if you want to span you know table rows or whatever so column span we're gonna set that to 3 and then we also want to do a row span and let's do that let's do 6 and then add some padding on the y-axis 20 and then padding on the x-axis of 20 all right so let's save that let's take a look okay so this is what we get it's our list box now I like I said I don't want the border but I just wanted to leave it there so you could see you know the size of it and where it's located but I'm gonna set here inside the list box border equals 0 and now if I run that you can see that we can't even see the list box with if there's no data in it okay so the next thing I want to do is add a scroll bar and the way that this works is a little weird we got to create the scroll bar first and then kind of link it to the list box so let's say create scroll bar so we'll create a variable called scroll bar and set that equal to capital S scroll bar and this is going to take in just the app and then we want to put it on the grid so scroll bar dot grid and we're gonna say Row 3 which is the same row as the list box and then let's do column 3 because remember we spanned the list box spins three columns so we're gonna put the scroll bar and the one next to it basically it was the the list box is zero one two and then we're gonna put the scroll bar in three so I mean that should at least show up now I believe so if we take a look okay so it does show up but it's not connected to the list box yet so what we need to do now let's say set set scroll to list box so we take our parts list which is our list box and we just call dot configure and we want to pass in here the Y scroll command and we're gonna set that to our scroll bar variable which has a property called set okay and then we want to take our scroll bar and call dot configure and then we're gonna pass in here command okay and our buttons will also have commands basically something that will happen when they're used and we're going to set this to parts list dot Y view so basically scroll along the y-axis alright so if we save this I mean we're not gonna really see anything here because there's there's no data but I'll show you you know once we add some data that we'll be able to scroll if we need to okay so let's see the next thing we'll do is add our buttons so let's go down here and say puns so we're gonna have four different buttons add remove update and clear clear the text or clear the input whatever so let's do the add button I'll call it add underscore BTN set it to a button past an app and this is gonna take in text well what we want the button to say which is going to be add part okay and then let's we can set a width I'm gonna say with 12 and then it's going to have a command which is going to be add underscore item so this is going to be a function that we need to create okay and then we need to add this to the grid so add button dot grid so you can see I mean the available widgets and how we add them to the UI using this dot grid and using the columns and rows so we're gonna go row two because it's going to be above the list box which is Row three and then let's say column equals zero because it's going to be the first button so we want it all the way to the left and let's let's do padding y equals 20 which we only need to put on the first button and then we can grab this and yeah we'll just copy that and I need four more so the second one is gonna be remove okay so it's changed you know just change all these to remove and then let's change this to remove part remove item is going to be the command that's good and then as far as this goes we don't need the padding and it's going to be Row two column one because we want it to be to the right of the add button okay and then this one here is going to be update so say update part and update item will be the command we don't need this and then the row is gonna be two and the column is gonna be 2 so 0 1 2 and then this last one here is gonna be clear and let's change let's say clear input and it's gonna call clear text is going to be the function name and it's gonna be column three all right now if I save this and I try to run it we're gonna get an error because we're calling commands or we're calling functions here that don't exist so I'm gonna put these up here now I'm gonna also have in the repository in the description I'm gonna have an object-oriented version of this script as well but I didn't want to do it in the video because I want to keep it simple and focus on the syntax for this library and how to create the interface I don't really want to get into you know creating classes and stuff although we are going to create a database class but it's a little more understandable so I will have that in the repository as well so let's create these functions I'm actually going to go above go up here so we're gonna have a function called populate list which is going to be responsible for actually getting the data and let's just for now we'll just do I guess we'll just do prints I don't really plan this you know we'll just say print populate and then let's see we want our add item yeah so add item and just do a print ad what else we have remove item let's do update update and what else do we have clear so define clear text all right so let's save that and this should at least run okay there we go so we can see our buttons good let's say so if I click add you can see down here in the console it logs add remove update and clear so we know that those are these buttons are now hooked to these functions the populate we actually want to run that I mean we could create a button to to fetch the data but I wanted to just show when this opens so we're simply gonna just call that down here we'll go right above our main loop here and let's just say populate data and we'll call populate list here so now when we run this you can see we get populate alright so as far as this goes I think we're all set for now because we need to create our database stuff so let's go into dbgap and let's import sqlite3 and we're gonna create a class database I mean we you don't have to use a class but I think that it's I mean it's much more organized and it's less code if we do it this way and it's it's pretty easy to understand if you've worked with classes in any other language it's not much different basically we need a constructor although in Python it's called an initializer or in it so we want to define double underscore and knit double underscore and all these methods inside the class are gonna take in self which is like this in many other languages in JavaScript PHP use this in Python we use self it's also going to take in the database so when we initialize a database class we're gonna pass in the database name that we want to call it now as far as what we want to do here we basically want to set up our connection and we also want to create our table we're gonna have a table called parts and that's where all this stuff is gonna be is gonna be stored so we need to take self which is like using this and many other languages and so basically we're setting a property called connection or Co and N and we're gonna set that to SQLite 3 dot connect which is how we can connect to a database and pass in DB which is going to get passed in when we initialize this this class the object from this class and then we're gonna have a cursor so self dot see you are so cursor is basically used to execute queries so we want to set this to self dot Khan which is our connection and then dot cursor so this is just how SQL Lite works and then what we do if we want to execute a query is we'll say self dot cursor dot execute and then we can put our SQL statement in here which in this case is going to be create table if not exists if it already exists we don't want to create it so we're gonna create parts and then we have to put the fields in here that we want so we want an ID which is gonna be an integer and also the primary key and it should auto increment by default as well and then we have our part which is going to be text we have our customer which is going to be text retailer these are all just text fields and then the other one price text alright so lets you create the table now we have to commit this so self dot cursor I'm sorry not cursor gone connection come and that's it so that should set up our connection and then it should set up our cursor and then execute this SQL query to create a table so now we need basically our crud operations so let's define I will just call this one fetch this is going to be to fetch the data and all these methods are gonna take in self and we're gonna take self dot cursor dot execute and simply execute select all from parts okay and then we're gonna have a variable called rows and we're gonna set this to self dot cursor and we can use this fetch all method here which will just get all the rows and then simply return the rows that's it okay so next we want to do our insert so insert it's gonna take himself but it's also going to take in the part customer retailer and price all right so now let's see we're gonna execute so let's say cursor execute and we're gonna do an insert here so let's say insert into parts and our values so we're gonna do a little replacement here to protect from SQL injection so first for ID is gonna be null and then we just want some question marks which are just placeholders for each field and then we want to go after our closing quote here and put a comma and then we want what we want to replace it with which are going to be these variables these arguments that are passed in so part customer retailer and price all right and then we just have to commit it so self dot connection dot commit all right so that's our insert next we'll do the remove so define remove takes in self it's also going to need an ID so we know which which part we're removing are deleting and we're gonna say self dot cursor dot execute and let's say delete from parts where I just need a where clause where ID equals question mark and then we'll do our replacement we'll pass in ID now we need a trailing comma if you're not really familiar with Python if you have a tuple which is what this is if you have a tuple that only has one value then you need a trailing comma so that's why that's there I know it's a little weird so then we need to commit this so self dot connection dogs commit all right and then we want to do an update so the update is gonna take in self then then it's going to take in everything the ID because we need to know which one we're updating and then the actual data so customer retailer retained I just say retainer retailer and then price and then we can go ahead and execute our query and the query is going to be an update so I want to say update the parts table and we want to set the part equal to question mark customer equal to question mark I'm sure I spelt a couple things wrong here retailer equals question mark price and then we need our where clause so where ID equals question mark and then we just need our to replace everything so we want part right get our part customer retailer price and ID so we're just replacing these question marks here retailer price ID all right and then we just need to commit it so I'll just grab that put that there all right so there's one more thing I want to do and that is create a destructor just like you can have a constructor that runs you know when the object is instantiated you can have a destructor method that's called when all references to the object have been deleted so we do that in Python with double underscore de el double underscore and this will take itself and what I want to do is just close the connection so self dot connection dot close alright and that's that's it so let's save that and what I'm gonna do is just populate the database with some data so the way that we can do that I'm just going to do it run it from this file just to get the data in there and create the database so when you want to instantiate something an object from a class we need to just set it set this to the class name which is database and remember it takes in the database name which I'm going to call store dot DB all right so that will instantiate it and then we can use this DB to call any of these methods and we want to call insert because that's what we're doing is inserting some stuff into the database now I'm just gonna paste this in because it's just a bunch of insert statements you can copy it if you want it should be in the in the repository comment it out if you want to grab it from there basically we just have the part the customer the retailer and the price all right so I'm gonna save this and then let's go down to our terminal and let's just run Python DB dot PI and you can see over here it created a store DB file and you guys don't have to do this but I have SQL Lite studio installed so I just want to show you that I can open the database here and see the data so I'm gonna go up to my menu which you can't see but I'm gonna go to database and then add database and click on the folder here and choose store DB and we should be able to see that what's going on in here and connect okay so there's our parts table so we should be able to get the data let's say I haven't used this in quite a while yeah generate query so we'll say select and we'll just select from parts and let's run this so we'll click play and there we go so you can see that the data is in fact in our SQLite database all right so we know that that's there now I'm gonna just comment all this out because you don't want to run this again and save and then we're gonna go back to part manager and now we need to be able to call those methods from our database class in these methods here when we click the button so what we'll do is we need to first import our DB our database so let's say from DB let's import the database class and then let's say from not from DB equals database so we're just instantiating this DB object just like we did in the other file and we're gonna use our store DB okay so we already have the table created so it's not actually going to create this it's just gonna basically use it and then let's see down in our populate list let's get rid of that and we're gonna loop through so let's say for we'll call this a row in DB and then we're gonna call the fetch method so basically we're gonna loop through these rows because remember this fetch method returns the rows that we get from fetch all so we're gonna loop through those and then we're gonna take our parts list which is the list box widget and we're going to insert okay it actually has a method called insert and we want to insert it on the end and we want to insert the row the current row in the loop so let's go ahead and save that and if we run our application so we want to run part manager now you can see we're getting everything here okay now I just want to show you because we're gonna call populate lists a few different times and I don't want to populate it more than once like let me give you an example actually let me close that up first but if I were to call populate list again down here let's copy that down and save and then run this you'll see that now we have it it's been populated twice and you can also see the scrollbar works I don't want that to happen though so what we're gonna do is right before we run this loop we're gonna call arts list and we're gonna call delete okay which is a method we can use on the list box and we want to delete everything so we're gonna say zero and zero and yeah so now even though I have popular list twice if we run this notice that we only get what's in the database once it doesn't repeat itself all right and then let's just make sure we get rid of that second populate list alright so we have that all set now let's do let's do the add item now I do want to have a little bit of validation actually we'll do the validation after let's just do the the basic insert so we want to insert it into the database first so we're gonna take DB and call insert and this is going to take in the data so if we look at our add item not add item insert it's gonna get part customer retailer price now to get the data from the entry because that's what we want to pass in here we can do that with the text soap like part text for instance and then we can call the get method that'll actually get whatever's typed in okay so we want to pass that in as well as the customer dot get as well as the retailer dot get and priced get alright so yeah that should do it and then what we want to do is basically delete everything from the list so I'm just going to copy this up here and then we want to insert into the list so we can do that with part it's list because what this line does right here is it simply inserts into the database it's not going to insert it into the actual list box that's what we're doing here so we're going to call dot insert into the end and then we just want to pass in here and we actually want to pass in a tuple here and I'm gonna grab all of this data right here okay so basically we're just passing in a tuple with all of the data I'm sorry this should be text these should all have underscore text I guess a price text retailer attacks texts okay so it should be the the underscore text and then dot yet so that should insert it let's see what I want to do after that so after we do that let's repopulate the list so we'll just call populate list and like I said I will I do have an object-oriented version of this in the github repository so let's save this and try it out so we'll run it and let's say we're gonna add a 700 Watts PSU for John Doe say Amazon 170 and add part and there it is okay so it gets added now the issue that I have with this is if we clear all these own we click add part it just adds this empty all this empty stuff here I don't want to do that so what I'm gonna do is have a little bit of validation here and I wanted to have a message box so this is where that TK message box comes in that I installed so we're gonna say from tkinter imports message box and in the add item we can just do some very simple validation here let's say if I want to say here if I don't even need that part text get is equal to nothing or customer dot I mean customer underscore text dot get is equal to nothing or what else retailer texts get price text gets equal to nothing alright so if that is true then let's take our message box and there's a method called show error so you can show info show warning show error and then we're just gonna pass in here required fields which I believe is the title and then the message is gonna be please include all fields and then we're just gonna return from this okay so let's save that I have prettier enabled and auto format so sometimes in Python I noticed that the vs code Auto for Mac screws things up in terms of the indents so hopefully you don't run into that I'm just I have to close it first let's close that up and let's run this again all right so now if I try to add part there we go we get a nice little pop-up that says please include all fields so we can't do this anymore we have to fill in our fields let's see so let's let's do the remove so close that up we'll go down to remove item and this is actually going to be a little different because we need to know which one we're removing and basically I'm just gonna run it again show you we can go ahead and select from our list box and we need to select the one that's selected to remove it so before we even do remove item we're gonna have another method called select item and this is gonna take in an event and basically what we're gonna do is bind the list box to this this function here so the way that we can do that is let's go down to where we have our list box parts list actually I'll just we'll go right here and let's say bind select basically we want to bind the select to the Select item function so parts list and we can call method call bind and here we're gonna put in these double this is kind of weird syntax but these double angle brackets and then list box select like that and then the function we want to bind to which is called select item all right so now I'm gonna go up here and in select item for now I'm just gonna do a print and let's just print select and make sure that this works so let's run this and now each time I click watch in the console we get select select select okay so we know that that's working we we were able to bind the you know the item we select to the Select item function so now this is a little tricky here what we're gonna do is set a global variable so that we can use this in the remove item and this makes a little more sense in the object oriented version I mean that's the version I would I would actually use if I were actually building this but like I said I didn't want it to get too complicated so we're gonna say global selected item because we could have just had it as a property to a class and then we need to get the index so we're gonna say index equals the way that we do that is the parts list which is the list box we can call dot see you are so cur selection and we want the first one we just want to pass in zero here and then we're gonna have another variable called selected underscore item or not not created but we're taking this selected item and we're gonna set it to parts list and then we can call dot get and we can pass in the index and just to show you what this gives us let's just do a print of selected item all right so we're gonna run this if I click on that there you go you can see we get the data every time I select ok so now what we need to do is we want to add before we do that get to the remove I shouldn't even mention the remove yet because what we need to do first is when we actually select we want to put the data into these entries ok so let's do that we'll get rid of that and I mean first thing we want to do is delete the entry and then insert it so let's take the part entry and let's call delete so we want to delete 0 to end and then we want to take part entry and then we want to insert and and we can get what we need with selected item and then the index of one here alright so we just need to do this for all the fields so I'm just gonna copy this down that's C 2 3 4 and this here will grab this and this and that's going to be customer and then let's change these to retailer and these to price okay and then we just need to change over here this will be two three four okay so we'll save that and let's run this and now if I select one of these you see that the data gets I mean first it deletes from each entry and then it adds the data all right so now for the remove for the remove this is actually going to be pretty easy because we have access to that this selected item which is a global variable so let's say DB dot we're gonna call remove from our database class and just simply pass in the selected item 0 and then let's populate the list so we'll run this again so if we go down here and I click remove there we go let's get rid of this remove good now for the clear text we want to do just that I want to be able to clear the input also once we for instance once we add a part I want to clear the text as well once we remove it I want to clear it so we're gonna use in a few different places so let's do the clear text before we do actually do the update which is going to be really easy we basically just need to call all these deletes so I'm gonna copy all of these right here and then in clear text we only need the deletes so I'm just going to place a cursor here here here and here and we'll go ahead and just oops I just do let's delete there we go all right so that will just delete everything let's try it out so remember this button here clear input calls clear text so if we click that there we go okay and we just want to call it also up here where we add the item right before we populate the list let's call clear text I don't like how the s code formatted this so call it there let's also call it right here okay it should do it and then let's do our update and then I think we should be all set so for the update we're just going to call DB update and we need to pass in the ID which is going to be the selected item zero and then all of you know this stuff up here where can I get this from right here so this insert I'm just gonna grab all the arguments we passed in here which are just all the entry texts and then pass those in here so oh yeah and then we'll I mean it's up to you if you want to clear it after update I'm not going to just in case you know you want to change something else so I'm going to get rid of clear text but we do want to populate the list I put it in the wrong spot hold on a second and we just undo what I just did remove that's right yeah I want to put this here sorry if that confused you populate list and good so let's try the update so I'll go down here and let's change this to 140 change Newegg to Amazon what's this index error tuple index out of range oh we might have to fix that let's make sure this update works good so you can see that that updated the data so for this index error here tuple index out of range I want to ignore this and I don't think I did this in my script no I didn't let me just check something so basically when we select the item right here let's let's put a try-catch here so basically everything that we do here let's go ahead and put a try block and then we can just push that over and then catch so basically I'm not catch am i saying we want to put an except here so if it's an index error then we're gonna just pass all right so we shouldn't get that error anymore we run this whoops what the hell okay so let's do an update again like 40 all right so we're not getting that error okay if I click in here anywhere all right so our application is done now I'm gonna attempt to use PI installer here so I'm just gonna close this up and clear my terminal and if you are on Windows you should be able to just run PI installer and then the name of the script which is part manager dot PI and then we just want to add dash dash 1 file because we want to create one executable and then dash dash windowed since it's a GUI program so if you run this on Windows everything should be ok on Mac unfortunately the file just doesn't open and I took me a little while to find it but I guess there's a bug on Mac when you do it this way so the only solution that I could find I'm just going to delete this is let me see I'm just gonna paste it in here because it's kind of long I'll paste it into park manager PI and this will be in the github so basically we need to add this add binary as well and make sure that you have the name of the script here if you use something different you want to put that there and yeah so we're going to call this so let's copy that and go down here and paste we're on it and what it's going to do is create it's going to create a build folder and it's going to create a dist folder the dist folder is where the program should be so I'm going to open up dist and you should have this part manager and if we click on it this opens up and you'll also have your terminal here open up along with it but now we do actually have an executable and it should work so let's try it out we'll say I don't know 4 gigabytes of RAM for Sam Smith from Amazon price 140 add part ok there we go good yeah let's just try to update it make sure everything works to 150 and update ok clear input works and if we remove that works all right so we were able to create an executable so I'll just close this up and close that out and that's it so I mean obviously this is a very small simple application but it gives you an idea on how to start to create your own GUI apps with Python and tkinter so that's it and hopefully you guys enjoyed this if you did please leave a like and I'll see you next time
Channel: Traversy Media
Views: 268,814
Rating: 4.9574776 out of 5
Keywords: python, python desktop app, python gui, tkinter, python tkinter
Id: ELkaEpN29PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 38sec (3398 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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