Designing Merch for Kanye West

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oh my god it's finally here the new Jesus merch is here boys let's get ready for the new album Jesus is king which is also an IMAX movie boom there it is CP fm4 ji K crewneck just a beautiful shirt at the lower half we have the the wider black circle and then you know up top you got the kind of gradient going some blue the white and that's gonna run you about a hundred and eighty dollars that's a beautiful shirt right there then up next you got what is the what appears to be a sack that's a dirty sock that says Jesus is king that's from Konya wish he took that off that's gonna run you about twenty dollars and I like you I like how they couldn't quite cut this out good enough for the website there now we're getting to the real stuff look at that bottom look at the bottom a circle not quite a circle because somebody was messing around with mspaint purple oh my goodness the color of Kings the King of Kings Jesus Jesus what are the incredible merchandise oh my gosh it is so stretched out it's so stretched out toward as it [ __ ] Jesus in the back who have seen it all who have not purchased the new Kanye West album oh look why does he have a third eye Isis I kind of gives like an extra hi see you see what I'm talking about like he has now he has four eyes now this is a shirt only the most die-hard kind of fans are gonna appreciate of course there on the left you have black Jesus tied up and then on the right you have white Jesus but it's a really low res picture that has been blown up too big I'm trying to look on Google Images right now to see if I can find a picture of Jesus that is that small there's nothing there's nothing that small that I can blow up to be bigger that's what I found there from this guy that's gonna run you about a $240 that's why I gotta charge the money did I charge that's why I got a charge the prices that I'm sure you notice the stretched out Jesus's on the sleeves here then that's a nice little touch and that that's why there's gonna running around two hundred and forty dollars this is just blue pants and it says sus is king that's the sentiment I can get behind after seeing this merch kya did an incredible job on this merch I'm sure we all know but I wanted to give them some of my own designs yeah you can use these and all the money's all going to Jesus anyway so don't matter to me now here we got muscle Jesus now we're gonna stretch him up real tall up the middle see right there that's gonna give it I'm gonna put this red text - King Jesus that's who that is in the middle that's why I've gotta charge the prices that I charge that's why you got a bit of money charge I'm gonna $300 for the Jesus shirt see pfm for gik t-shirt - everyone knows this design remix boom boom water into wine who does that that's Jesus who did that from the Bible that's gonna run you about three hundred thousand dollars this is Jesus with a cheese head on this is good for to put on a shirt I'm gonna stretch this way yup you put it on sleep but it a little more stressed out there that's beautiful right there that's cheese Jesus hundreds of images pop up button gotta go with Jesus this is a Christian themed shirt we're gonna put the pixelization effect on their incredible looking just beautiful now we're gonna put on the the outer stroke turn it to blue just like Yeezy does it back home now these shorts were fine but there wasn't enough of this stretched out Jesus face or every we're gonna pop in a couple more of these just at least like 14 more of these are definitely this is a little design I've been working on I call this the Jesus side of the room this is just a little size this one is almost perfect but I think changed the blue change that to red and then put a gigantic Jesus stretching way beyond the boundaries of the blue this is a velociraptor this is for the shadow Jesus sweater boom give me a Jesus riding on a giraffe through the desert boom give me a kanye west's inside of a large Glover boom give me the black Jesus put the crown on King of Kings boom do you understand what that is that is the head of a Jesus on a Robocop that shirt is gonna cost you about 300 million dollars [Music]
Channel: videogamedunkey
Views: 3,879,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dunkey, videogamedunkey, kanye merch, kanye west, kanye west jesus is king, kanye west merch, jesus is king merch, designing merch for kanye
Id: nxIvg0y6vCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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