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hey Jonathan from AJ and smart and today I'm going to show you the most up-to-date version of the design sprint from 2018 there's been a lot of changes to the process since 2016 when the book came out we're gonna show you everything [Music] the design sprint is a step-by-step process for solving big problems and testing new big maybe crazy ideas in just five days you start with something relatively vague you know a team full of people sitting around talking about a challenge and you end with something extremely tangible to show users and you have real results in just five days it started off with this book from Jake Knapp and basically this is the book that kicked the whole thing off so we speak a lot about the design sprint 2.0 at a James March and especially here on all our YouTube videos you'll see that there's these thumbnails which say design sprint 2.0 so what is designs for 2.0 the science part 2.0 is simply the most up-to-date version of the design sprint process I the book sprint came out around 2016 I guess in the years in between us here at AJ and smart and Jake the author and inventor of the sprint we've been working together to change the sprint to update it and to make it more efficient so everything you're seeing on the AJ in smart youtube channel is the most up-to-date version of the design sprint so design sprint 2.0 is simply the kind of semi official up-to-date version of the sprint now let me show you what the differences are the biggest difference is that it's four days instead of five days that's huge why is it four days instead of five days well because we've realized after doing hundreds of Sprint's so Jake I'd like almost 150 Sprint's we've done around 200 Sprint's at this point we made the systems more effective more efficient so a lot of the exercises are now much shorter I'm gonna show you how that looks as well so it's four days not five days it's also extremely important when you're looking at the four day now design sprint so design sprint 2.0 the four day version is that you only the full team in the room on the Monday and on the Tuesday in the design sprint from the book he would need these people in the room Monday Tuesday and Wednesday making decisions and that's a pretty big commitment for any team in any company so the design sprint 2.0 is a lower commitment and you get the exact same amount of work done so how did we squeeze all of the exercises from the design sprint into four days well we move things around we reorder things and we made things shorter so let me go through all the exercises in design sprint 2.0 in order and show you what the times look like a little bit so I'm gonna take out my clicker and move over to the screen here and I'm just gonna show you a couple of these changes because it's easier to show you than just to tell you so okay we're going handheld here I like it so here's the original design sprint Monday to choose that one day to Friday you have the room full from Monday Tuesday and Wednesday so you have the experts in you're asking people questions you're getting decisions made you a math sketch two-side storyboard prototype test I'm not going to go into so much detail here because I'm assuming you've read the book or kind of know about the design spring how's the hair yeah is that all right yeah okay so here is design sprint 2.0 Friday is gone you can use Friday to do some retrospective or if there's anything after leaking over anything didn't work out or maybe some user tests went on a little bit too long and you want to do those on Fridays but generally Friday is gone so Monday we now have map and sketch on the same day Tuesday we've decided storyboard on the same day Wednesday is dedicated completely to the prototype Thursdays completely test focused now this might seem a little bit intense but if you've been watching our other videos you've seen that we've been able to shorten all of these exercises down to sometimes less than half so let's look in detail at what exercises come after each other so let's look at Monday okay day one Monday the morning session is about defining the challenge the afternoon session is about producing solutions so in the in the morning we have the expert interviews and the whole how might we writing and the voting process so that's the first thing we do now you see we're flipping some of the exercises around the next thing we do is the map we do not spend more than 45 minutes on the map in the book it's the entire day and the third thing we do is we create the long term goal and the Sprint question oh hello there's been a little bit of an update since we made the video that you're just watching things happen fast here at AJ and smart I just want to really quickly tell you so you have the really most up-to-date version of what you're seeing here and the update is that we've actually been testing out using the map exercise as the third exercise of the morning instead of the second exercise like I just showed you in that video and the reason is it seems to be a little bit easier to do the map of the third exercise instead of jumping straight into it as the second exercise so that's something that the teams here at AJ and smart have been testing out for the last few weeks since we shot this video things have changed a little bit so you can do it exactly how I have it in the video just that you just saw but I'm telling you right now it's a little bit easier to do the map as the third exercise okay hope that helps and thank you for watching our videos hey Britney want to say hi before we go back to the video all right back to the video you can find videos of all of these exercises on our YouTube channel all the updated design spring 2.0 versions and if you don't find them yet we're going to make them so that's the morning session of the design sprint 2.0 how might we x' expert interviews the map long-term goal so the afternoon session is lightening demos and the four-part sketching and basically by the end of Monday you have all of your concepts done stuck up in the wall so that the next day you can just focus on the voting so day two let's have a look at it heat map boat so we kick off the day with the voting we then go to the solution presentation so that the moderator presents all the solutions back to the room straw poll vote where everybody puts their one vote on the one solution that they want to push for it and then the decider both the decider votes on one or two of the concepts that they want to push into the storyboard finally you finish off the Tuesday with the storyboard we added a new exercise called user test flow before the storyboard to make it 20,000 times easier you can find this exercise if you again search design sprint 2.0 on YouTube and then we finish off the day with the storyboard so by the end of the Tuesday storyboard is done all of the decision-making is done as you already know Wednesdays just prototyping Thursdays just user testing so that's the design sprint 2.0 that's the updated design sprint for 2018 we're going to be producing videos for every single one of these exercises not quite in order we're doing a little bit randomly because this is free and we're kind of doing this in our spare time but we hope you like them please let us know in the comments if you have any questions and please give us a like and a subscribe because we're desperate desperate people thank you I have a question for you what is the worst thing that has ever happened to you in a design sprint if you've done a design sprint if you haven't done a design sprint you can just go in your professional life what's the worst thing that ever happened to you in your professional life I know that's a very dark one but I'm just kind of curious I'll tell you what the worst thing that ever happened to me during design sprint was and it was we were working with the team and it was a team with two founders and during the design sprint they decided that they didn't want to run the company anymore this was a pretty this is a pretty awkward situation and took a lot we actually ended up getting it back on track we actually ended up having them launch this product which was really really crazy but that was the worst thing that ever happened to me during design sprint in the last three years so how about you what's the most awkward moment worst thing you [Music]
Channel: AJ&Smart
Views: 159,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: design sprint overview, design sprint 2.0, design sprint overview 2018, design sprint, design sprints, design sprint process, design sprint google, aj&smart, product design, what is a design sprint 2018, google ventures design sprint, design sprint schedule, design sprint summary, design sprint quick overview, design sprint monday, design sprint moderation, ajsmart, sprint, ux design, product design and development, design sprint explained, desgn sprint, deign sprint
Id: Z8MOwcqZuuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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