Design Patterns in Biblical Narrative

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We've been exploring how biblical narratives work. It turns out stories in the Bible are like any other story. You've got to pay attention to the characters, the setting and the plot. Yeah, these are the basic tools an author uses to help readers see the meaning and significance of the events. Now it's time to learn one final skill that will bring all these elements together: how to detect design patterns in biblical narrative. What do you mean by design patterns? Well, the biblical authors have shaped all these elements--character, setting and plot-- to create series of repeated patterns that weave through story after story and tie them all together When you notice these patterns you will see how different stories across the whole Bible have been coordinated to emphasize key themes. This sounds interesting, but how do you know how to find a biblical pattern? Well, biblical authors do it subtly. The best way to catch on is to watch them embed key words and images that link stories together. Take, for example, one of the main themes of the Bible: the complex and tragic human condition. Okay. So, let us start at the beginning where God is making a really good world. Right. Seven times it says, "God saw that it was good." So those are clearly important words. Now watch. God appoints two characters named "Human" and "Life" to rule this world on his behalf. They are told that everything is "good" for them to eat. Except for the tree of knowing good and evil. So then the humans doubt God. And, in Genesis, we read, "They see that it is good to take this knowledge for themselves." Then we read, "They desire to become wise." Then, finally, they take what they want. And everything falls apart. This story is about the human condition. On its own, it is a really powerful story. But the biblical authors don't leave it there. They turn it into a pattern. It happens again with Abraham and Sarah. God brings them into the Promised Land, promises them a child, but they don't trust God. They get impatient and we read the same words. "They see their Egyptian slave." "They take her and do what is good in their eyes." Do you get it? Yeah, the story is matched. Then you get to Aaron at Mount Sinai. We read how he sees and then takes the gold of the Israelites to make the golden calf. Or there is the story about Achan who sees the gold of the Canaanites. He desires it and takes it for himself. This pattern highlights how one person's temptation can create suffering for many people. Exactly. It is just like the story of Saul where we read that the Israelites see him. They desire him and take him as their king so they can be like all the other nations. And Saul's reign leads them to destruction. Or there is the story of David which says that he sees Bathsheba. He desires her and then takes her and then kills her husband. Then David's family starts destroying each other. So you see, it is just one basic theme repeated over and over. These stories are all designed to show the temptation pattern, which is kind of a downer. But the repetition builds up anticipation. Perhaps someone will come and break the pattern. This is why the stories of Jesus have been designed to carry the patterns forward to their climax. Really? Yeah, like what does Jesus say when he is faced with his greatest temptation: to avoid dying on the cross? Not my desire, but your desire be done. So the pattern flips and you have one person resisting temptation. And his suffering provides life for many. Very cool! Can we do one more? Totally. How about a big one: how God brings humanity through chaotic waters into a new world? It starts on page one where God separates these dark chaotic waters. Yeah, dry land emerges as a home for humans to flourish. Then the pattern reappears with the chaotic waters of the flood. God rescues this remnant, Noah and his family, through the waters so that they can step on to dry land and become Humanity version 2.0. Now, does that basic storyline remind you of anything else? Oh, right! The famous Exodus story. Exactly! That is when God saves his chosen people from Egypt by leading them through the waters onto dry land while Pharaoh and his armies are destroyed. The pattern repeats later with Joshua and the Israelites. They pass through the waters of the Jordan into the Promised Land. Yeah, you got it! So, now you can see how later biblical authors will project this pattern into the future. Like Isaiah, he hoped for a new exodus with a new king leading God's people forward into a new creation. In this repetition, the nations become the chaotic waters. Also you can see how combining all these patterns brings us to Jesus. Yeah! Notice how all the gospels highlight that story of Jesus going to the Jordan River. He goes into the waters and back out again. His baptism. That is when God announces that Jesus is his son who will rescue the world from the chaos of our evil and violence by going into death and out the other side. This is why baptism became such a big deal for Jesus' followers. It is about participating in this ancient pattern: going through the waters of death, following Jesus into the new creation. These design patterns seem really important Yeah, they are actually the main way biblical authors have unified these hundreds of stories together. Every pattern develops a core theme throughout the whole biblical story that leads to Jesus. Great! That is biblical narrative, which makes up over 40 percent of the Bible. Now, another 30 percent is made up of ancient poetry. Learning to read biblical poetry is what we wil explore in the next videos.
Channel: BibleProject
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Keywords: the bible project, bible project, bible, bible study, how to read the bible, design patterns, biblical narrative, read the bible, bible video, bible animation
Id: rkqsQpck8YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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