Design for Startups by Garry Tan (Part 1)

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02:40: 100 slides to follow about basic concepts and things start ups get wrong about design
03:40: Everything around you … was made up by people … and you can change it, influence it, build your own things that other people can use. Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again!
09:23: What goes into great product: great {product management|design|engineering|support}
09:48: What is design? It’s creating things for users that work well, and delight them.
10:20: “Design is how it works [for users]….looks is the byproduct” - Steve Jobs
11:40: Good design is as little design as possible -> back to purity
12:30: Novelty is opposite of functionality (as a designers, you shouldn’t try to be extremely novel)
12:50: Function vs Form (key consideration/balancing act with design) → TL;DR → Form should follow function
17:18: Make something people want!
18:51: Know what problem you’re solving (e.g. how can you design, if you’re designing for a wrong problem)
22:15: As a startup you need to worry about: 0) user research, 1) product design (who is it for), 2) interaction design (how they will use it), 3) visual design (how it looks) (and only doing engineering after these 3 steps)
24:40: Core questions: What the problem? Who has the problem? What are the possible ways to solve the problem? Whats the priority for each part of the solution? → → Answering these creates a ‘product specification’
26:50: Create ‘personas’ for your users. How many you come up with? How do they look? Do you cater to them feature wise?
39:20: Scope, Quality, Time → For any release, you can only pick too. And need to sacrifice the third.
44:50: People do what you tell them to do: You just have to tell them. Tell don’t [just] show. Direct personal voice. Call to action. Use command language.
47:30: Removing ‘confirm password’ entry on sign-up flow increases sign-up sometimes up to 50%
49:00: Do NOT re-invent the wheel -> GREAT artists ‘steal’. See how others are doing it (WELL) - see
51:30: Visual design: What should users pay attention to?, What is important?, What emotion do we want to evoke?, How do we want users to feel? (When you can’t deliver ornament, you’ll deliver substance)
53:00:visual design: IF it can be removed without taking away any meaning: REMOVE IT
55:00: visual design: contrast: if everything is bold, nothing is bold
63:00: Make your users use the product, look over their shoulders, and do not tell them how to use it
64:00: Devil is in the details; as a startup your advantage is that you’re able to address *TINY* insignificant feeling usability issues that only few users complained about. That way you’ll get users for LIFE.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/midael 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2018 🗫︎ replies
welcome to week four of my accommodator startup school this is going to be a great session we have Gary tan who is my good friend former partner at Y Combinator the founder of Posterous the founder of initialized capital which is what he's doing now and an amazing designer who's going to talk about about product design and and how to make that an advantage as you're building something people want and then following Gary we have cat man yeah like who who is my current partner at YC and Craig cannon to talk about how you can use public relations and and content to acquire users to to improve the prospects of your company before we get going I want to just mention a few rapid administrative matters if you miss an update I know everyone's trying to get their updates in so that they can meet the graduation criteria do not fear for now the easiest thing to do is to send your update in an email to startup school at Y Combinator comm it's okay don't panic secondly we have as many of you know just done a merge of a number of your groups hopefully it goes incredibly smoothly for everyone certainly it won't and if for example there's a problem with your group if there's no moderator please let us know as soon as you can again to start up school at Y Combinator calm that's the easiest way to do that if for some reason you think you're in the wrong group it doesn't work for some reason let us know and we'll accommodate you to the best extent that we can if you haven't launched we recommend that you launch if you at all can that sounds if that sounds like a broken record it should and with that let's get going I will I am hugely pleased to introduce Gary tan thanks thank you guys for coming all the way out and spending time with me to hear about design and well you know frankly design can be incredibly complicated and there's a lot to it but you know in hopefully an hour possibly a little bit longer we're gonna get through about a hundred slides so I tried to cram down basically everything that I knew that founders would get wrong or you know run into problems with all the time and so it's not going to be super in-depth it's think of this is more these are the terms that you need to know these are the basic concepts you need to know and you know personally I am actually self-taught and so you know the first thing that I really wanted to start off with is actually I mean it's almost cliche to associate Steve Jobs with design but I think that this is one of the most important things if you're in this room or watching on on the Internet you probably already understand this this is why you're starting a start-up it's that everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it you can influence it and you can build your own things that other people can use and Steve says once you learn that you'll never be the same again and so the thing I really want to underscore here is what is design it's about making and building these things that other people can use and if you remove one word from that sentence it actually doesn't work and so what we're gonna explore today is you know well what is design why does it matter we're gonna go deep on both the concepts around product design interaction design and visual design but we're also gonna see tactically how do you actually do it yourself if even if you have no design background whatsoever if you're a human being if you're smart if you can put yourselves in the shoes of other people well you too can do it yourself and in fact as founders you probably need to and then finally we're going to walk through well you know when should you hire and how should you do it you know when should you use a consulting firm things like that practical matters so I spent my 10,000 hours you know in actually I was trained as an engineer so I've never been to school for being a designer but I taught myself you know whether it's books learned by doing I just always found myself not just in my code editor but also in Photoshop trying to dream up trying to figure out what should it look like how do I want people to feel what should I be building before I actually put it to code so I've been a program manager I was employing number 10 at Palantir and then YC funded me back in 2008 with a company called Posterous which we will actually use as an example for some of how I've thought about product in the past and how you might be able to apply that to your startup in the future and finally I spent you know 10 batches working with companies initially actually just as designer and residents so I sat here in this room doing office hours with more than a thousand founders just like you just starting out how do I build my first homepage what's my first time experience and then after that what do I do next how do I build a design process a product process and so what you're about to see is basically the distilling of those 10,000 hours one of the things that I am most excited about the you know when it comes to design is this ability to actually you know sort of put together the iconography of something that is very significant and so you know when I joined talent here's just 10 people and we got to design this logo and one of the my favorite things about it is this mix of both meaning and aesthetics and so on the face of it you know one of the things I really wanted to do was sort of really underscore what Palantir was about and so you know at one level this word mark but with this specific logo is actually a Palantir it's actually an orb on a pedestal from Lord of the Rings it let you see into your enemy's secrets so on a very literal level it made sense but a more subtle level of this that was very important to us as we were building that company was that this is also a human reading a book and so one of the major themes of Palantir broadly is that you know we're at this moment in society where computers are able to help us understand the world around us in a much more fundamental way and so what I can you know what a computer is is basically the infinite book and so that was just one example of where I've seen you know design actually will help put together a culture for a company and it's fun it's just fun to be able to translate you know all of these different pieces of a company and why we're here what it's about into something that can you know go on a t-shirt or on hat and I had actually and so really really big disclaimer I'm an engineer by training I've never went to school I'd you know never went to school formally for this stuff totally self-taught you know I was a founder so I applied this just like you I did it myself and now I'm a VC basically by accident and so the things that I'm talking about today will be a hyper simplification you know if we wanted to we could turn this into easily a 10-week course just about each given section but instead what I want this to be is a road map so you might hear these terms you know there will be times in your startup like perhaps now perhaps tomorrow that you'll want to actually start applying these things you know Google's your friend like there's everything in the world that you need to know it's out there and so you know the computer is truly the bicycle for the mind and so the other thing that I really want to underscore is you know we talk about design as the singular thing on its own but it truly is deeply integrated in this broader picture of you know how do you create great products it's not just design on its own it's how design actually interfaces with all the other pieces of the pie so you know it takes great product management you know in addition to that great design and engineering and customer support it's all of these things and especially at your stage you know don't box yourself in you know you have to know that you are the the Shepherd of your product and you're going to have to do every single one of these things so what is design why does it matter in a nutshell it really is just these two very simple things to me it's a it's just creating things for users that work well and delight them and those are two sometimes disparate things that will as well as we'll see you know some of the most inspiring companies to me in the world you know they have design as a very core piece of what they do and so you know you can't talk about design without talking about Steve Jobs and Apple obviously but the first misconception that is probably the most common misconception is that design is how it looks it truly is not merely how it looks it is actually also how it works and that's why in the slides that we you know that are coming up we're gonna talk a lot about that process on how it works you know what should it do and you know what are the problems I like to think about like and you know I just got my first like a camera and I kind of can't believe I waited this long I love to finally get one but you know one of the really interesting things about Leica as a brand it truly is this beautiful design this incredible brand but then it is also fun functional it's also about the your deeply the functionality what you know why is this thing better than all the other things that existed before it so you know a review from 1929 actually just straight-up told you that you know a Leica at that time was basically magical it was you know eight times lighter and you know ten times cheaper it was an incredible machine for its time and it's still a pretty amazing machine to other physical products as well one of the great design inspirations for me and for a lot of other people out there is actually DD roms who built all of these very simple incredibly beautiful products that were incredibly usable and one of the most important things that I think that he really showed us in his designs is that good design is actually as little design as possible so minimalism and so that's you know a point that will return to several times in this presentation but you know the key thing here is how do you create things that are not burdened with non-essentials you know it really is about purity about simplicity and you know just to drive at home I mean this is a guiding sort of force and sort of everything that you know we see in the marketplace today it's you know history doesn't repeat it rhymes and you know another theme that we'll get back to in this talk is actually simply the fact that there's very little and totally new Under the Sun in fact as designers you probably shouldn't be spending too much time trying to be extremely novel because novelty is the opposite of functionality and so what do I mean by that earlier we talked about form versus function in the form of delight and works well these were sort of the two yin and yang the opposing forces when you're trying to put together a design you know we obviously always want something to be beautiful want something to make you feel good make the user feel good but at the same time you know and delight is also a part of novelty it's that hey this is new I've never seen this before this is interesting you know I want to see more of this like let me turn the page let me click next but at the same time function is the thing that you that's the steak that's you know if if delight is the sizzle and works well as a steak that's why we're here we're trying to get something done and so you know part of the problem with you know form over function and this actually happens even in the best products I mean I'd like to call out Apple for it's not I mean that is you know the definition of form over function I mean this is a photo from their marketing website and certainly it's incredibly novel certainly it serves the purpose of a marketer to be able to have this very novel different thing and differentiate it from you know all of these other smartphones out there but in terms of function when I'm watching a video this is categorically worse like why am i you know I'm not here for the knotch I'm here for the content and this happens all over the place you might go to a restaurant later tonight and it's a beautiful restaurant incredibly well decorated a very very thoughtful incredible food but you'll walk in and you'll sit down at this seat and gosh it's so romantic but I really can't read my menu I can't even order like I you know this is again an example of form this idea you know well we want to make people feel like this is a romantic premium incredible experience but then if I can't even read the menu why am I here and so and this happens all the time I mean you know they're one of my favorite books that I highly recommend that you read is a Don Norma's design of everyday things and he basically has a whole chapter about this on doors that are incredibly beautiful but you have no idea how to use them and so this is you know one of the more absurd situations of like someone actually had a right pull on this thing because too many people were just could not figure out how to use a door a door is one of the simplest things that you could possibly try to use but you know when you put form over function if you put the wrong door or you know it's too elegant there's not it's not clear how you use it well that's you know missing the point and so if you take a moment and try to think through like why is it that we see you know over function so much in you know the things we use the products we use just walking around in our daily lives you know why does this happen you know clearly this should not happen and so that form should follow function and deep down I really want to emphasize the one thing that frankly as founders I think you need to spend a lot of time on and that's empathy this is the thing that I admire you know one of the things that I admired the most about my time both working at YC but also as a founder going through Y Combinator back in 2008 it was that sitting down with Paul Graham he would give us such incredible advice about specifically how what are your users thinking you know what are they feeling what why are they here and really being able to peel away the layers of like you know I know we're sitting in a room looking at this particular UI but you know put yourself in the shoes of someone who has never seen this before and this is something we'll come back to again and again you know and you know one of the things that I put actually in you know my recommendations for design resources and on its face it's kind of absurd this is this depression-era book written by Dale Carnegie a self-help book but I actually think that it should basically be required reading for founders it's that you know one must actually become genuinely interested in other people you actually have to see their point of view you you don't want to be able to be sympathetic like understand what are their ideas what do they understand and you know what do they actually want and you know this goes back to YC itself the first day you get into I see you get a t-shirt that says you know make something people want and I think I don't know if they still do this but do they do you still get a t-shirt if you get an exit that says I made something people want yes I need to get mine by the way oh shoot okay maybe that's why I haven't gotten mine yet oh so one of the things that's really interesting about building highly technological products is that we often think about them is incredibly complicated you know machinery but the most useful mental model for me in what I've been doing is actually that you know to not think of it as you know building a car or even building a website or you know writing software or anything like that it's actually about throwing the best possible party you possibly can and so if you think about great parties you've been to there's no line you're ushered right in a human being some ideally someone you know someone who's very friendly comes to you and says hey welcome I am so glad you're here here are your friends oh let me take your coat you know beers are over here and so you know that sort of politeness that inviting welcomed nature that thoughtfulness that's something that you really have to keep in mind as you do you know your work as not just a designer but as a founder and the key piece here is actually knowing what problem you're actually solving just being very crystal clear and you know this is sort of if I'm you know starting to sound like a you know sort of if I'm repeating myself I mean that that in a nutshell is I think what you're going to get over and over again at startup school is that really how do how do we be as crisp as possible about here's the problem in you know that we need to solve and this is sort of the core tenet of design thinking as well and so part of the problem with not knowing what your problem is and in going back to lack of empathy and going back to you know basically form over function is that if you don't know who that user is what their problem is then you are in danger of creating something like this so if you you know to basically each of these do sort of talk about a particular price you know they refer to a particular problem that someone might have but if you buy any of these products and you have that problem you're trying to solve now you have two problems if anything each one of these you know each one these inventions were created mainly to serve the central problem of their the inventor of the inventor wanting something to solve and so you know this is the opposite again like you know just to give more examples this is the opposite of empathy this is something this is you putting novelty putting you know one's own interests ahead of your users of society of you know the people around you and so at the end of the day if there's no problem then there's no solution it ends up being designed for its own sake and you know design for its own sake isn't design its art you know and there's nothing wrong with art I love art but you know that's not what we here for actually it's you know founders creating things that people don't actually need or you know engineers do this too we you know make stuff that we think we need and then actually it's not something you know it's not better it's not novel it's not something that other people actually want and that's a problem so there are so many types of design you know it's no mistake that some of the most obvious examples of companies that are designed driven there are actually hardware companies there are as many kinds of design as you know types of things that humans need it's no mistake by that you know architecture is absolutely a form of design branding and identity you know communication design being able to communicate something using data and iconography or Maps or charts furniture design you know a piece of furniture easily has all of the Meccan all the same mechanisms as anything else that a human being might use a landscape design how does someone go into a place how do they use it where you know where do they know where to go you know packaging so how does this make me feel when this arrives with my doorstep if this is a gift you know why is there a gift box anyway and you know what you know what is the form and function of each piece each piece of this physical object or you know transportation design like a car is one of the most evocative things it's you're almost entirely pure emotion but for the people in this room you know I think that these are probably the ones that most relevant to you and we're gonna spend a bunch of time talking about that and so this is again an extreme oversimplification but the way I would break it down in terms of design for startups really is product design so what's the problem and who's it for interaction design so you know how do we actually do that right how do I actually you know create wireframes create the flows create the sort of intermediate step between that and the you know pixel perfect ready to go ready to implement thing and the visual design actually really is about that last mile and you know part of the reason why we divide this up this way you know to be frank the ideal is that you have a co-founder on your team who's able to do all of these and then if they can code that's amazing if they year they can do business to you that's incredible all right but that's obviously a unicorn like you know unicorns are incredibly rare they do exist though and I'm sure there are a few unicorns in this room as a matter of fact and if you know certainly quite a few watching online so you know shout out to the unicorns in the room and so part of it is you will find very specific people who have experience and who are extremely good usually at one of these things if you can find someone who's good at a few of them you're really really blessed and you know man if you can find someone who can do all of those things immediately make them a co-founder but only if you've known them for a while so going back to the overall product process I mean there is sort of a sequential aspect to it truly you start with product design you know in each of these it really is a little bit of a water flow sometimes you really can't start interaction design without actually capturing requirements and then finally of course engineering you know ideally you're kind of in conversation all the way through but you know engineering and actually implementation often that is something that happens afterwards so let's dig in a little bit to product design and so what's funny is I'm cheating a little bit here so I am actually mashing product management in to this but to me I actually just can't do I can't do product without I can't do the design process without doing this part and so it really is thinking about the business case what's the problem who has the problem what are all the possible ways to solve the problem and what's the actual priority for each of those parts and so you know indulge me I know this isn't exactly formally a part of design I just don't know how you could possibly do design without doing this part too and you know every single one of these things has a fairly specific deliverable and so in this case you know the deliverable here is a PR d-- a product requirement document or you know you can also call it a spec and so the interesting thing is there's not really one way to do product design just as this you could call this product management some Microsoft calls a program management and then some organizations you know sort of de-emphasize some of this stuff and they just call it project management but the project manager still actually has to think through all of these things so you know the labels matter less the fact that you do them matters a lot more and so this is actually the the actual content of my YC application from you know basically January of 2008 or I think it was February and so everything that you know it you really do sort of have to start with a problem statement it's uh you know what we were trying to solve is this ability to post online we looked at online services at the time you know blog platforms have been out for a while but they're you know pretty stale actually and the iPhone was brand new and then we looked at email as sort of this Universal way to get content online and we thought this is a novel different way to actually do it and so one of the most valuable things that you can do once you have that the statement is actually to think through who are these very very specific people who have this problem and so I'm gonna use Posterous an example to walk you through personas and so personas are just one tool for designers or product people to think through who are these very very specific people and it's just a tool you know there's not really one way to do this either but this is what we did you know we thought about our users really is three different types David the dad is sort of one of them you know we kind of want to identify them as human as you know specific human beings like this is a very abridged version that you might do you know sometimes you fill them in on backstory like what school did they go to or you know what kind of family did they grow up in or you know or very specific things like you know what type of phone do they use or what type of computer do they use did you know back then it was did they use Internet Explorer or did they use Chrome did they use you know I'm not sure if Safari was even out yet you know what are they used for email you're what type of technology what level of comfort with technology do they have and so that will actually help you a lot when you're making decisions about well what are you trying to do and you know what are the what are the features that really matter another persona we had was actually David's family and so we you know captured this in the form of grace the grandma you know and some of this is actually in tension as well she's a little bit less she has it uses an a sous netbook she uses hotmail she doesn't really understand exactly how to use it and part of the reason why this is incredibly important is thinking through different you know both modality and level of comfort with technologies often some of the most important things like you know you guys some of you in this room are actively thinking about building things for totally late adopter industries you know some of the best YC companies in the past five years have been you know they're being deployed to construction to you know global freight and so if you walk into any office in the world you know you're gonna find some tech-savvy people but not a lot and so you know even for you know enterprise companies for b2b companies in the room these personas it's still a very valuable exercise because it makes it very clear you know you might have your decision maker you might have your executive and then you might have your in line level worker and there are capabilities with you know their motivations why they're here they might be very different and finally we also had you know this was the dawning of social media is sort of the Cambrian era of social networks and so it wasn't clear that Twitter was going to win yet there were sort of a dozen different social networks that were happening and so this was another persona she you know she had very specific needs and so we were trying to build something for her as well and so one of the things you really do have to do as you think through a sprint you know whether it's the next two weeks or the next month you know the shorter the better frankly you know a PRG document basically will detail here are the actual features of what we're trying to build and so there's not really one way to do it you just get them try to bucket them into coherent features that make sense so in our case you know one way to do it for us would be post by email with plain text that's just one coherent thing that's a capability you know you can hand this to an engineer and they would understand what exactly that was and then post by email without an account so one of the things that we did for Posterous that was very novel was that we didn't have a signup flow on our home page all you had to do was send an email from whatever email client you actually already had and you could attach anything to it and we would just reply with your new URL and what we that was very intentional in that we wanted to cement a totally new novel behavior that nobody had ever done so you could just email post at posture calm and we take care of the rest the interesting thing was that wasn't the the capability itself was not novel there were other people who were doing it but it wasn't a central part of the flow and so you know once your cape once you're able to do bait the basics of it you know there are other things that you want to be able to do photo attachments being able to take multiple attachments and turn into a web gallery being able to support videos and then finally a security aspect that was very important for us early on was that you know we launched at TechCrunch Michael Arrington himself actually reviewed us and he immediately he knew that if he started using it everyone else in the valley at the time definitely had his email address and so he almost immediately tried to get his technical friends to try and hack him and luckily we had already figured that one out so it wasn't possible for someone to actually spoof his Posterous email address and that was novel and you know actually important for us and so I want to pause there and actually say earlier when I said it was these steps I actually lied there's actually an additional step in here this whole exercise when you're talking about users this is actually called user research so if you see that term out there if you you know end up trying to hire people for that role this is sort of where it fits it's that you know then frankly if you're working on your startup you should be you know just doing this as a matter of course like you should not be you know outsourcing this this is just a basic piece of customer development understanding your users spending time with them you know being able to write down specific personas for these are the types of users we want to we want to use our product and to be as basically crisp as possible around you know what their needs are you know that we call that user research and this actually does done right it does actually happen before you even you know start thinking about what problems solve at some level so you know if some of you out there are trying to figure out what problem to solve sometimes you could just go and talk to people who you want to build software for and that has worked for people that that will shake out their problems so once you actually know what these requirements are the next step really is prioritization and so this is just a guideline this is just work for me in the past there's not one way to do it but you know this is more so basic project management 101 but being able to assign these priorities to the specific features is actually a very very useful and important exercise you know p0 is pretty self-explanatory just start on the this is just the core thing if we don't do this then you know what are we here for and so you know p1 is what you would consider you know the next the next obvious step you just wouldn't ship without it but maybe it's not quite as core and then you know if you think about this in the terms of say a two week or three weeks sprint you know you try and get all the p0 bugs the p1 bugs you know then actually sorry I skipped ahead a little bit in that you know if you haven't started using a bug database in your software development you absolutely should in fact that's one of the key ways that you you know you as a as a small team you might not need it but as you grow your team it can be one of the most fundamental ways that you can make sure that you're doing the right things as a product you know especially as your team grows having a bug database and assigning these priorities and you know it doesn't have to be this you as a team could you figure out what these priorities mean for you but being able to sort of manage a given sprint just at the beginning by putting these bugs in linking to a PRD document or all of the you know the wireframes or the visual comps that you know an engineer needs that can be one way coherently you can run your whole product and engineering organization and so you know as we go down one of the things that has always worked for me is actually you know a lot of the devil in the details is actually in priority two and three because things will always go wrong almost guaranteed I mean I just have never been through any sprint or any release that you know they're just things that are totally unforeseen that break things and so part of the reason why this priority prioritization is very important is that it makes sure that you try to set up realistic goals you know one of the most dangerous things in product development period is that if you don't have these priorities you don't know what to cut and so that two-week sprint might become three weeks four weeks six weeks you know two months three months and then you never right you know and so we'll talk about that in a little bit but this is really why priority matters and so in this case you know it's pretty straightforward post by email with plain text hey that's must-haves we're just gonna start that first and then one of the things that you know you don't always write this in the spec but it's something that's just very useful as you think through this stage of your product development process it's really helpful to think through who of my personas who of my users need or want this and you know is that important what's the interaction between them you know post by email without an account well some of our less technical users are actually very scared by signing up for new new products and so being able to do this without an account really opens up our user base to the whole set of people who are not very technically savvy and then Photo attachments support David and Irene as power users they both you know it's 2008 they you know they had the newest most beautiful iPhone and so is immediately the thing that they really really wanted to do and you know p2u as you go down you can kind of break down what is important and what is less important so you know to be frank this has never happened before in my life but if you're very very lucky and your product development goes awesome in that particular sprint that's often one thing that you can just start you know it's valuable to have p2 and p3 things as a part of a given sprint simply because sometimes you'll just have extra time and someone will be able to get farther along than you hoped and so the other way to you know reason why it's useful is that then you can think of your product across different Sprint's so you might be doing a release this month and then p3 file video file support at least you know if you're a software engineer knows that that's something that they want to do well when they're factoring when they're actually writing those classes or writing you know writing the library or architecture of that code they'll know that they can't make it just for photos they'll also be able to support other types of media and that can actually save everyone on the team a lot more rework and so you know one of the key difficulties of product is always trying to figure out you know what are we doing now and what are we doing later and so priority and being able to be very crisp about these requirements that's one of the most fundamental ways that you can make sure like release to release you you know that the products going in the right direction and so that's you know really really product management 101 but if you do this you will be far ahead of pretty much you know a lot of your peers a lot of pee a lot of people don't even do this very basic step of writing down what these features are who are they for where the problems were trying to solve and then what are the respective priorities you know and one of the classic reasons why you know we kind of talked about this already but if you do these the prioritization up front then p.m. again product gets very easy because you can just cut off the bottom everyone sort of knows well you know we're gonna start with P zeros first then P ones and then oh if we're ahead like let's do the P twos and the P 3s but if we're late well again the key thing that everyone and all of you will run into this you really have three things in front of you scope quality and time so you know how much you do that's the part of the prioritization quality the reality of it is this is not encompassed by your PRD it's just purely in how people use your product you know how many bugs are there are there things in there that just don't work and that you know that's sort of always an issue and finally time you can all you know do all the features you want with the highest possible quality but you know you might have to slip your date by two weeks three weeks four weeks and you know if you don't cut scope likewise well you might be able to hit your time but you know users are going to run into thousand bucks in production and you're not gonna like that and so if we work backwards from that then this is precisely the process you use to sort of fight that and so you know the other thing that is very common there are the reason why prioritization is incredibly important is that you know without this well you you basically can head off a lot of really strange product decisions at the pass and so if you ever get incredibly frustrated with you know you're deep in some settings panel in you know your iPhone or something you know any sort of product and you're like why is it broken like that well it's probably beeping it's probably because someone failed to do this properly and so they just said you know what eff it we'll just ship it and so you know it's a real danger like product quality and products you know really really fail simply because prioritization and these basic requirements are not really figured out and so finally you know and the classic thing that you know personas really help you with is sort of this classic trade-off of you're gonna have users who are incredibly savvy and some people who are incredibly unsaved II and how do you actually deal with that how do you think through not just what you're going to do but also how do you represent it on the screen and so all of these things are incredibly important for this very first part which is just pure product design so interaction design so you know who the user is you know what the problem is how do we actually translate that into you know something that you know you can actually start working on and so the question is you ask how will they actually do it what are their goals you know and how do they achieve it and so at the end of the day what you're trying to get to is either a prototype or a wireframe and so what these things are are basically you might use it a tool like OmniGraffle or you know there's quite a few prototyping wireframing tools that are out there and what you want to do is figure out just the text just the call to actions just the flow screen the screen you don't want to care you don't want to care about color you want to care about you know really how it looks what font you use you don't even really have to worry about layout too much though it is you know I would start thinking about layout you know as a part of this process and so the most interesting important aspect of interaction design is actually that people treat you know then this is kind of a very shocking thing to me I did research at Stanford for the late professor cliff Nass and he built an entire career at Stanford based on this notion that people treat computers like people and you know it turns out that if a computer is polite to you you know a person will be likewise polite back or you know being negative will sort of elicit the same response almost every psychological principle that psychologists have proven cliff nasan byron Reeves and BJ Fogg at Stanford were able to show that people mirror with computers even without any sort of anthropomorphic assists without without you know Clippy without you know an avatar without anything like that truly every interaction you have with computers they're actually a conversation as a conversation that happens over and over and over again because it's written in pixels is written in design it's written in code and so what is this about at the end a day like you know interaction design is actually about commands it's actually about telling people what to do and you actually doing it people are incredibly suggestible actually one of the most interesting psychological phenomenon that I can think of it maybe explains Trump and a lot of other things actually when you absorb media whether it's reading or you know any type of media period you actually read that stuff in your own voice and so that actually becomes you know deeper that you know kind of a part of you and so as an interaction designer and interaction designers not merely the person who figures out where the buttons go or what the layout might be or what the flow is it's also they're also the writers they actually are trying to influence people directly by using direct command language and so this is actually one of the most common mistakes that founders make they write like this and well you know so just to put a point on this really command language is about you know people will do whatever you tell them to do you just do really do have to tell them and so you know this is a super common thing in fact I'm pretty sure you know a lot of you are making this mistake in your home page copy and your design and your first-time experience you know it's passive voice your your you know you're not showing you're telling and you're just describing something about what you're doing and sort of this you know sort of third party disembodied voice and I thought a lot about why this is I actually think big companies actually can get away with this if you go to most big company websites they are actually written in a very passive voice you know if you go to Microsoft's homepage and start clicking through the products like the product names are like blah blah blah server Edition admin you know 2009 whatever it is like this insane word salad and if you read it you have no idea what that product is and who's it for but Microsoft can do that because it's incredibly big and it has a scale that's unimaginable and it has a sales force that will go out and sell their product and they have incredible amounts of capital but you as a start-up cannot afford that and so everything that you write needs to be direct it has to be a direct personal voice and you need the call to action be incredibly obvious like you know the previous you know why is that sigh why is this so small like this happens all the time actually people never are opinionated about what you want the next user to do and so you know this is an extreme example obviously but you know what you want is you know contrast you want to be incredibly direct you want to use command language and you want the call to action be you know someone goes to that webpage and they just know they go to that mobile app and they just know what they need to do so you know the other part of interaction design that is actually also very important is trying to figure out how do you you know aside from direct command language how do you get people to actually do things and so obviously this is an oversimplification but I generally think about this in two ways one is how do you remove actions one of the things that Paul Graham really directly you know called out to me on our signup page back in 2008 was why the hell do you have a confirm password you know well I mean you have their email address if they if it's broken just ask them to you know click forgot password it's fine it's really not that bad to just have them type a wrong password and have them recover it and most people won't type the wrong password so it's fine why would you for this strange case that doesn't happen that often and it's actually really interesting if you remove that confirmed password it actually will increase conversion on a signup flow by as much as 50 percent on average so it's significant you know cognitive load is an incredibly real issue the other strategy that you can really use is how do you chop up an action if it's incredibly complicated how do you break it up into steps and so you know I like to use this example this is Lego Windows 95 is this absurd you know I mean one of the first Wizards really to come out but you know I think that there is an a timeless aspect to it you know the other thing that I often think about because you know some of you in this room will be doing fairly b2b enterprise you just like complicated configuration steps you know kind of like doing your taxes actually you don't have to do the taxes that often but when you do it can get really complicated you got you know you might have branching flow you might have a lot that you have to take care of and so the other thing that you can do is actually chop up those acts more intelligently with a wizard and so you know these are a couple patterns that you can use and then I want to kind of stop there and sort of really point out another super big misconception that in beginning designers or people doing yourself you know have you know they sort of run into all the time they're always trying to do something incredibly novel and at the interaction design stage I don't recommend that I actually really recommend that you just steal what works and so you know don't reinvent the wheel that's very important for you to be aware of what are the conventions and things that people already use and so you know these are very basic ones for instance you know pull-to-refresh is something that works incredibly well a lot of apps do it but you know it's become a convention because it's easy and natural to use it's satisfying it's great to use swipe left to right you know this was from mailbox app which sold to Dropbox and so you know there's a reason why you know mailbox was incredibly innovative but the reality was like you guys generally don't need to and you can get really really far with just design patterns and so you know this does take a little bit of time and frankly anyone who uses computers for any amount of time you can just click through all of these things and you'll just you know the the you know synapses of recognition will just kind of come to you you'll just realize oh my god there's actually so much that you know you have already seen that you can just steal wholesale and that's actually what is desirable for you for most of your designs you don't want to be novel you want to be something that gets people to the right place as quickly as possible and so they're just so many visa I can't possibly cover the home like that would be its own 10-week course so you know I highly recommend you know go to that website and check it out and so one of the really interesting things I do want to call out and you know it's sort of a danger zone for using design patterns you know one of the more common ones that I've seen is actually you know using the wrong kind of pagination like you know one of the things that can be very frustrating to use I've seen you know people designed for the web and they actually use these little dots to represent where you are in sort of a swiping navigation but you're on the web and you're using a touchpad and that makes no sense at all and in fact it's really really bad and so you have to be incredibly careful with mixing modalities you know and even each one of these design patterns as you implement them you should sort of think through like well why am I here what does the user trying to do and does this make sense for my modality here's probably the most tactical part of the whole talk but we're gonna start off with a little bit of theory you know visual design really is about you know again these things really do blend together it's the interaction design and visual design are you know they're super linked and it really is how you tell a user what is important at the visual level you know what emotions do we want to evoke how do we want them to feel and the output of this is either you know pixel level compositions usually you know Photoshop or you know sometimes the actual HTML CSS and so the really interesting thing here is that you know to go back to function over form you know when you're forced to be simple you actually have to solve the real problem so you know they want to start off by just saying like let's just avoid as much ornament as possible like you you know ultimately we're here to build something that solves people's problems and it's about that substance when my favorite design thinkers is actually edward tufte he has a great book called the visual display of quantitative information and so one of the key concepts that he talks about is chart junk so he just can't stand chart junk you know then these are just examples of it you know here's a chart but there's no y-axis and we don't know what the x-axis means either and you know why what why is that a green background and you know for this map like why are these these are these you know strange gradients and what do they mean like and then you know again what the major misconceptions that people starting out have around visual design is like you know visual design is not actually about necessarily expressing yourself per se the key thing is what are you trying to what what information that you're trying to get across and so one of the key principles that you can actually apply is you know just look at any design that you're doing and just try to figure out you know if it can be removed without taking away any meaning so that includes you know text that includes lines borders you know really anything I mean even colons like I you know the pet peeve of mine is like seeing colons all over a form on the web or you know in a mobile app and it's like you know if you removed it like would you even notice it in fact it looks cleaner and so this is you know a stupid example but an incredibly basic one that you know you can apply over and over again throughout anything that you do you know ornaments at the end they are not signal you're really like then this is a very opinionated version of design of course but it's just work for me it's that you know we want to eliminate this type of ornament because we want to focus on that which is useful and so how do we actually do that okay so I have actually just three very simple principles that you can use in visual design the first and most important is actually contrast and so I'll just walk you through a very simple example the most basic type of contrast that you can give is bold versus not bold more important less important incredibly simple the other that bold is not the only way you can actually denote what is important versus not you can use color and so that's an incredibly valuable tool you can also use size and so immediately you can kind of see you know as a visual designer I am being opinionated about what you should pay attention to when and what is important and what is less important and so what's funny is if we unwind those things all of these suddenly become basically the same level if everything is bold nothing is bold and so that's something that you should definitely remember as you go about your business and you try to design anything it's you know all of you choices around color around weight you know it really is a question of contrast and so it goes both to the less important but also the more important you know if you want to you can use color and weight and size to also make something even more important the final really cool trick that I like to use as I'm you know you you can kind of we call it the squint test so if you can look if you look at any webpage any effective mobile app immediately if you just squint your eyes at it if you can't make out the details of what's on that page but you can just make out the basic shapes of you can you know without having the ability to read any of this you kind of know oh there's something your eyes immediately drawn to the thing that is the highest contrast the highest weight on the page and so this is a very basic you know basically your hammer for visual design is contrast related to that is closeness and so you know you as a designer can take related flows related ideas and put them together to make them actually relate it and that you know serves your purpose as a designer and so I can't tell you how often this is just a personal pet peeve of mine you have this login page and then why you know what is going on there like why why is the login page it's like it's very confusing because the user will come here and say why is the login there is it like a part of creating an account it doesn't look like it's a part of that other thing you know that to me feel so much better and so it's a very simple principle but you know one to be very very mindful of but if you put all it both just those two very simple concepts together you get visual hierarchy and this is where a grid really comes into play this is why bootstrap from Twitter was this incredible tool that just suddenly put in the hands of everyone here you know the basic building blocks of being able to create great visual design do-it-yourself style in a nutshell you know sort of not to break it down to the CSS level but you could literally just create divs that were of any size that would automatically flow into a flexible grid and that's incredibly valuable and so just you know this is just you know literally the boilerplate stuff off of the old version of bootstrap but you know it's a good example of using a grid and so why this is important well you know we can overlay this grid and we can actually see that we are immediately you know and so you can see how the headings actually just line up to particular sections of this visual design and it's important because users when they're using your site they're coming to your site and trying to figure out you know why am I here what am I trying to do and they will immediately be drawn to the highest contrast things remember the squint test you'll immediately go ahead like headings exist exactly for this reason a user will go to a web page or an app and they'll actually just scan the page and they'll look for the highest contrast things and try to figure out is this what I want is what I'm looking for I have a goal is it you know is this going to get me what I want and then if so then they'll actually direct their you know if if I do care about that part then immediately I'm going to dive deeper into you know exactly that part and so visual hartney is your best tool for giving your users you know basically the guideposts like this is the way to go so okay now we got visual hierarchy but you know what do I do with all of these lines and you know why are there so many you know how do I use color you know there's it can be very confusing and this is a common mistake for people who do DIY is they just you know put boxes all over everything or they use lines and things like that here's my super EXTREME oversimplification on how to do your own layout you know basically figure out what you need to put on the page and then first you know try to use padding and margin to the extent that you can you know you can use a grid you can put related things close to each other and then next use a line if you have to and so you know 90% of the time you can probably get away with just using you know a proper grid with enough spacing putting related things together with good headings thinking through the contrast but finally you know a box is actually a very important thing it draws a lot of attention so that's why you'll see it so commonly on you know websites around a call to action it you know really is a high contrast thing so but be very very careful when you use it because otherwise you know you kind of end up with this sauce of a ton of boxes and you know I have no idea what's important and what I should be doing whereas if you use the grid if you use this sort of visual hierarchy it is very straightforward you know the other thing that's very valuable is like you don't have to fill every single design you know margin de margin white space can be incredibly useful you know sometimes even helping direct a user helping to explain what's going on like having you know space on the side just gives you a place to put that or to just you know focus focus the users attention and so you know those are incredibly basic but you know a lot of these minimal techniques are really from you know the folks who created Helvetica from Swiss design in the you know mid 19th mid 20th century you know and so there's these are incredibly simple things but the use of contrasts the use of a grid and the use of color can actually do a lot okay so I said that we're almost done with the tactical part but I lied because there is actually a part that I did not cover yet most people think about design is the creation part but it's definitely not the only part and here's the reason why you know if you ever put yourself you know some of you have you took the airport you took an airplane and walk through SFO Airport and maybe that was the first time you've ever been you know every Airport is this you know itself is designed and one of the issues with a badly designed Airport or a badly designed user experience is that we don't know where to go we don't know where we are and we don't you know the signs are placed in the wrong place and there's actually it's actually incredibly hard if you put yourself in the shoes of the the airport designer the architect who created this Airport and more specifically the person who put up the you who designed where the signs go you know you have the design you know where everything is you're sitting there and you know your design tool and you know where everything like it's all loaded in your head but how are you going to know for someone who's never been that Airport you know what am I looking at you know I'm at every given point in that in that Airport you know what am i trying to do what are my goals and you know lack of proper signage is one of the thing I'd get lost in airports all the time I got lost in like Paris accidentally like just like this weekend actually and so this is actually what feedback is designed to solve and so there's actually two types of that you know both designers and founders should be really really aware of one is usability testing so actually that moment between the wireframe and you know you can kind of even do this in parallel like once you have the wireframe you can actually start doing usability testing with the wireframe you can print it out and actually sit down with people who have never seen it before and just sort of walk them through it or even better say you know just ask open-ended questions you know what are we looking at you know you can prompt them a little bit with like oh well you're here to do blah blah blah and it's like what are you reading what are you going to click next you know what why am I here that's before you even write a line of code you can do a lot to test out whether or not this thing is going to work and it's way cheaper to do that then actually I have to fix it in a bug in code later and then the other part that is way way under appreciated but is extremely important for great product is actually customer support most people treat their support line is basically like kind of a shredder you know they just don't even look at it they don't reply to it but the reality of product is that you know most and this is an extremely extremely common problem for people building things for other people is that we always assume that the product that we're creating well it's just the visible part right it's the 80% case you know it's the ideal case in your wireframe there in the requirement document but the best requirement documents the best wireframe is the best designs the best ship thing actually solve all of these other use cases that you know a PM might sit there and say oh well once in a this happens but there are actually ten thousand things like that that once in a blue moon happen and if you add them all up well you have a broken product and so that's one of the most fundamental reasons why we are so dissatisfied with the products that we use day to day it's that some p.m. or some designer looked at that and said oh when is that ever going to happen so the devil truly is in these long tail bugs and you you know as a founder of the best part it is like I mean these big companies they they don't think about this at all like they literally make it impossible for you know designers and engineers and the product team to actually have anything to do with customer support they just think of their users as cattle and so the greatest advantage that you have in this room is that your human being you built it yourself and when someone comes to you and says oh my god I'm stuck here what happened you don't have to just throw that email in the garbage you can say oh my god that's a bug oh I'm gonna fix it and then once you do that you have an evangelist for life because we live in a world with products that are incredibly impersonal you know we're alone in this you know incredible place that like you know we are so frustrated when our products don't work and nobody listens and so if you're the creator of that product and you listen well you know you only need a couple hundred people like that and you're well on your way to something that could be incredibly powerful you know to steal you know quote from Paul Buchheit don't try and go and make something that you know a thousand people kind of like you really need to go and create something that a hundred people absolutely love and customer support is the way you can do that and so you know and design the designer the person who actually puts together the wireframes who like thinks through the user they're the best on the whole team to actually think through that so you know they're awesome at advocating for the user and this process is incredibly complicated but I just want you to make sure that you know like these are the parts of you know how I think about a great product it's you know it's not just used for research it's all of these things one after the other and usability testing and customer support are the key pieces of this and so you know you're never done with just one sprint you're basically in a perpetual cycle of doing this over and over again and you really do need to you don't need people doing every single piece of this but you do need to spend a little bit of time thinking about each piece of this you
Channel: Y Combinator
Views: 103,808
Rating: 4.8820057 out of 5
Keywords: YC, Y Combinator, Startup School, Garry Tan
Id: 9urYWGx2uNk
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Length: 66min 45sec (4005 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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