Design A Job Website | Part 5 Visual Design

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hello hello everybody and welcome to the live stream i'm your host jesse show walter welcome to the channel we are gonna get crack and thanks for your patience had some a little bit of setbacks schedule wise but we're here we're doing the thing it's friday how's everyone's friday going if you're watching this on youtube or twitch or behance or facebook what's up to everybody in the community hams is in the house abernail is in the house we got a bunch of other people watching tell me where you're coming from what you're doing on this fine friday uh morning afternoon evening wherever you're at got a little bit of light kind of creeping in from my window right now it's pretty nice it's pretty nice it's gonna be a good friday you guys we are continuing on in our series all about uh designing a job freelancing website uh inside of figma we've we've been going through the whole process we've been talking about wireframes and research and setting up our designs and mood boarding uh somebody says watching from c t i don't know what that is from algeria from india from new york city what's up tristan what's up jeff what's up rohan what's up nigeria all right all right we're jumping in hey if you uh want to follow along in the project there are some links down in the description that will actually get you to the figma file to the millinote document where i kind of like brainstormed all of this um so if you'd like to jump in join in you will have access to this document that i'm looking at right here uh you can download it and and and kind of riff off of it if you want uh i will not share the document to you so you can come edit mine i need mine you make yours you follow along do the thing uh but before we go too far i want to say hey have you given a little thumbs up and subscribe to the channel yet are you a subscriber because if you are um you're part of the cool club that's all i'm saying so make sure that you like subscribe hit the little bell notification icon so you know when uh you know more videos and live streams like this happen and then secondly secondly if you're interested maybe consider becoming a member i've recently set up a premium membership club you can either become a supporter for basically a buck 99 a month and and that's just you saying thanks uh to all the content that i create but you could also become a design champion um either way uh you can jump into the hake free hey creative discord server make sure you jump in there join there's a link down in the description that's where you're actually going to be able to submit your work for portfolio review uh join design challenges find community all that's free but my design champions actually get access to uh some special channels inside of there right there the champion chat champion hangout channels um and so make sure you jump in there uh consider becoming a champion because today right after this we're actually doing a live video hangout for design champions only so we'll be jumping over to that so maybe consider becoming a design champion or member supporting the channel all right uh okay cool uh tristan in the chat on youtube says jesse i just wanted to say that i've been watching your channel for so long now and i've just accepted a product design offer what's up tris landing that roll all right i'm so excited man that's amazing that's such good news what a way to way to start a friday with people accepting offers and getting those positions that they want i'm excited for you tristan good luck and godspeed in your endeavors hey let's jump over to my file here and let's get going now here's the deal um you know as we spend time designing uh you know a lot of times you'll come back to things and go i'm not liking the way this is going and i like some of the way that this is going but i'm not liking all of the way this is going so um i actually went ahead and i designed a few other items um and just to kick-start our process i actually created kind of like a new top or a new version of the hero image that'll help kind of set the tone so i'm actually just going to snag it and grab it and drag it that's a lot of it's isn't it it's a lot of things there but i'm just going to snag that and pop it in so you can see uh my new version okay so hold on i'm gonna jump back over so you can see here we are all right um i had this is my current version that i had that i was working on and it included you know this typographic lockup and my model and all that kind of stuff so i'm just going to grab all of that there's nothing inherently wrong with it but i did a version that i like a little bit more and that's over here in this thing called hero section so i'm just going to grab that whoop and i'm just going to move it over a little bit okay so i'm just going to grab and drag move that over i'm going to grab all this junk group it together delete it or maybe we'll group together move it out and then let's move our here new hero section in okay so i actually just went and sourced a different image i did a little bit of photoshop work i'm just going to tuck that up right to the top okay so something like that and i created a new um search bar just a little bit of a new and improved search bar that way i don't have to spend all this time redoing the same things we already done i just kind of i fixed it a little bit right i spent some time just kind of reworking it so that was the old one this is the new one uh well let's let's find our old one again and just bring it up so you can kind of see um the difference here i'm actually going to draw a frame around the old one fill it with white okay so there we go there's there's your difference there right is just change of model really it's like about the little tidbits all the little elements we want to check out our wireframe let's remind where we came from we actually did this wireframe we wanted a search bar here typographic lockup navigation and then some sort of model with um you know elements all around them right we went to this and we're kind of refining the all the elements and the lock up and different things and especially the search bar this search bar was the search bar was super duper junky so we went and reworked it and just made a much much nicer search bar and what you're actually getting here is i want to kind of hone in on this because this is interesting this search bar actually is um let's zoom in so you can see it it's kind of like it's a state of a search bar right so this is kind of the filled state of our search bar whoa let's get what is with interesting my screen's all wonky right now i'm not getting all of my figma and here's what's not happening all right there we go let's get all oh oh that's why because i'm zoomed in man okay technical difficulties the only ones we will have for the day i promise so we have different states for our search bar we have this active state right we have empty state and we have filled state right that's what we got going on and uh and i'm pulling that from like a different place where i made it okay but we got these different states looking real smooth um and so i'm just putting in i'm gonna put in the active state or maybe the empty state the empty state looks nice all right so i'm gonna keep that in there all right so from there we can keep on cruising what do we have under that we should have had trusted buy so this is our social proof probably reworked this a little bit as well um and then uh and then we are gonna we're gonna get to work on this card section as well but before we do that let's do a few questions and answers with me jesse so if you have any questions let me know here's a question rock cliff says in the chat will this stream be saved absolutely this entire live stream series i'm doing is going to be always available on youtube you can go back and watch the whole thing binge watch it don't do that because it'd be like six seven hours of it it'd be insane so you might not want to do that okay but uh but you'll be able to go back if you want to okay so uh any other questions man okay once you finish the project where can we download the figma file ah that's a great question um and let me kind of take you to the place where you can do that hold on uh let's go jesse right and then i'll show you okay this is a members only page i just logged in i had to put my password in but this is for my design champions only so you can see every single file that i ever work on that i do tutorials for they're all available here uh in this members only resource and so uh consider becoming a member and you get access to this whole repository as well as live streams uh live video hangouts i pop into the design champions channel and we chat about cool stuff um i even do sometimes just for fun i'll just do one's one-off kind of like meetings and stuff and hang out uh with people and help them solve their problems some mentorship stuff so consider becoming a member that's what you can do to find the file when the whole thing's done otherwise uh this figma file is gonna go offline and you won't get you won't get access to it anymore so that's just that's the reality of how it works all right we give special thanks to special people those special people be my design champions okay so uh i did a quick replace of my um let's see my social proof all right so now we're ready to get cranking i'm going to be really honest i don't like these cards i'm not a fan of how this whole thing is become just coming to be not a fan at all so i'm actually i'm going to delete them well i might actually keep one of them i'm not a fan of how that card's working i'm gonna drag it off of my artboard and i'm gonna say goodbye to my old version of my hero right we don't need that collapse my layers alrighty very cool now i don't i also i don't think i need these anymore right now and uh if i need my wireframe i'll flip back to it okay actually no let's keep it here because i want to be able to reference it okay so um very cool very cool very cool let's really quickly um figure out what needed to go underneath our social proof jobs just for you now i put this grid i think my concern is always that we are i'm going to answer more questions too by the way as they come my concern is always that uh this page gets too long right now people will scroll pages obviously that's not a problem i'm not concerned that people won't scroll they will scroll but there are some fun techniques that we can implement that will allow people to scroll less one of those being horizontal scroll it's a thing right we should use it so let's let's talk about i know somebody said that's a really short q a uh let's see let's see uh you know so that it's possible that instead of lumping these things out and being really really long then we can maybe do some some horizontal scroll okay um so i'm gonna jump in here i'm gonna grab this lock up that i have here because i really like it i'm going to use it as my kind of reference now i'm starting to have some shapes here i'm going to delete a bunch of the other things that i i don't need okay um that are maybe in there all right okay hero section let's put this background in there that's looking good i'm gonna lock my hero section and i i'm starting to have some shapes in here like this is my wave shape so i'm just gonna kind of title that i have kind of these i'm this style of these like real light kind of gradients like these kind of cloud-like gradients so i'm going to call this grad for gradient i'm going to group them together and and i'm going to call this uh background my voice is being a little bit weird i'm just going to lock those so i can work on top of things without selecting them okay and now this one is called social proof lame you're lame your nares lame your nayers how about name your layers what a friday are we having right now when i say lame your nayers all right it's a good time you ever just be having that that that day you ever be having that day i'm having that day okay this is a card element i'm just naming a few things so i can see things at a glance and that's my wireframe okay we're good let's work now let's start talking so um you know and this is the initial type of card that i had but i don't like it it's boring we need to bring a little pizzazz a little something somebody said lamb your nairs i know it's a good day okay uh yes yes yes uh okay let's hey you know what there's another question really quick before we dive into this there's two questions i want to answer number one uh cavall says do you offer tutoring on ui and ux design i do i offer mentorship and coaching calls uh so you can go to click on coaching you you can set up a 30 or 60 minute call with me if you feel like you need that hands-on but i'm going to be really honest the better thing to do is become a design champion because you get to join live video hangouts if you have questions i'll interact with you and and maybe even book little quick like 10-minute pop-in calls so that's the better deal if i'm gonna be really honest so become a member maybe become a design champion take advantage of those benefits uh akasha's i'm a web developer trying to improve my design i get the fundamentals all right but it doesn't look as cool as the sights on dribble and your job board what do you do right if your work doesn't look like the other stuff that you see here's i have three tips on how to improve your design chops okay tip number one is gonna be copy steal for a little bit okay just recreate the exact same things that other people have created not to take credit for them but to learn how that person made that thing okay so for instance like you know one of the the common things is that uh people's drop shadows are too heavy they're too obvious right you gotta go subtle but to do that you need to look at how other people are building their drop shadows and you need to recreate elements recreate components so steal and recreate that's the first one okay number two it's just about time it's just about putting in the hours of your hands on the mouse and keyboard in the pixels knee deep doing thing you gotta do to learn in my opinion and then number three um i i think it's real good uh just to you know assess like how you're doing and fix specific things so maybe after you've copied a whole bunch and then you're putting in the time there's still going to be certain elements or skill sets within your designs chops right that are not as good as others so maybe your typographic skills need a little bit more work you need to kind of hone in on those or maybe your you know art direction image selection just isn't kind of there you need to work on that maybe your use of color right so now you need to get nitty gritty and pinpoint the areas of design to help you improve all right um okay cool that's great fantastic great questions let's jump back in i hate these cards is what i was getting at so i need something that's a little bit more image based otherwise it's going to look it's going to start looking very sterile very clinical very quick so we're kind of solving two issues number one i don't want to scroll too long so i'm going to use horizontal scroll number two i don't want to look sterile i'm going to implement some a little bit of design work okay so with that being said i'm going to grab i'm going to go into my hero section i'm going to grab this i'm going to copy my lock up re-lock my hero section i'm going to come down here i'm going to reuse the lock up okay so i'm just gonna pop right there let's make sure it's not inside the social proof hey quick note in figma let's do that again if you select an element you are selecting the frame if i paste i'm gonna paste inside of the frame hope you know that if you're not selecting anything you're just on the artboard itself guess what it's gonna pop it onto the artboard all right and it's gonna pop it in the similar places where you took it from so look there we are now we're working okay all right good oh what happened come back down here good all right now we don't want this exact same lockup because this is kind of like our h1 right um and we probably don't want our little embellishments so let's get rid of that and uh this is proxima nova bold 64. that's what we're using that's our h1 we need to fix our h1 because this is about 76 okay so we're gonna do a little typographic work here i'm gonna come in i'm gonna hit my little gear icon here and then i'm gonna scroll down let's get our text nearby so we can see um and we need to we need to up the game on this 64. it needs to be at least that uh maybe a little higher so i'm gonna go up by eight i'm gonna go to 80. right so let's do that boom we've improved or or changed our actual h1 font in our typographic styles now i'm going to apply it what does it look like boom it looks really really nice now when i come up here unlock my hero section let's make sure everything is starting to use our textiles boom h1 oh you're so pretty i love it okay um why did i just do that voice do you ever have that moment where you're like did i just do that voice on live air on stream okay that's cool um here we go so it might actually be a little bit too much line height but similarly let's come check the body copy we got body copy here it's what is our body copy at what is our body copy at it is 18 32 pixels line height that's actually looking kind of nice i like that okay so let's stick with that because the other one was really really big the other one was more of like a sub headline right wasn't it okay totally was we're gonna come in here um and we're starting to also dictate some styles here let's do color style so we had all these great styles these colors that we set up in here um we're gonna use eclipse which is pretty dark for our headlines and then we're gonna use i don't know midnight which is a little bit just slightly less dark there's gonna be a little bit of contrast there okay um that's and somebody's just asking that question cavall says how do you choose the right color contrast or the right contrast for the typography okay you never want to go to here's a few rules how do you pick the right typography especially if you're just you know you're talking standard dark typography here's a few hard and fast rules okay um i never use all the way black i never use zero zero zero zero zero don't use pure black okay number two you have to have contrast between headlines and body copy um and in long form you want to have slightly lighter right and and even in your body copy your body i like to make my body copy slightly lighter than the headlines that way headlines pop not only in size and weight contrast right that's what we're looking for headline speaks body copy pers or follows up okay that's what we're really looking for here's a few hard and fast rules for you okay never hard never never pure black right find the contrast a little bit lighter of a shade for body copy for a really really long body copy then maybe you can go even a little bit lighter that's it okay i'm gonna turn my grid back on make sure i'm lining up on my grid we're using kind of the the soft grid today not the hard grid but the soft grid if you don't know what that is you can check some of my other videos where i talk about that and still this is still a little bit too big we're using the h1 obviously right let's go to h2 h2 is looking much better let's kind of shrink that in there we're going to edit the h2s line height because it is it is real bad okay uh i like that 48 okay so yeah that's good and then we can bring that up uh let's do this let's actually take both of these uh as our lockup and we're just going to press shift a turn it into an auto layout and then i'll rename that uh lock up like that and now if you don't know if you're not hip to the auto layout world in figma all you got to do is to change the spacing you change it in here okay now it does actually play off of our or the the kind of like boxed areas for our typography but that's working well okay so now it's the the boxes are set the boxes are actually collapsing right to auto height boxes they're collapsing to the size of the um to the size of the text which is great because now if we added more here boom boom this is why auto layout is great right auto layout love it you gotta love auto layout okay now one thing we want to do is make sure that these are not fixed with but they fill the containers this is not fixed with it fills the container that way when you spread out the container everything will spread with it it's beautiful because i'm gonna turn on my whoop grids and let's just lock it in just like that now we need one more thing here we're going to need a button i think so i'm going to take this this button that's in here i'm going to rename that button boom you guessed it come into my auto layout pop a button in there okay and now we need to talk about grid spacing or not grid spacing uh the spacing in between let's go let's try to stick with uh you know an eight pixel grid if we can so we're either at eight or at 16 i like 16 personally okay i think that's looking kind of fly so let's come in here i'm just gonna grab my background stuff and this wave i think probably should get up out of the way i don't want it interrupting my text okay i'm just gonna put it up something like that okay there's some background elements to play with because i really want this thing to stand out that's a nice lockup that's looking good for me although this shouldn't say search it should say find out more or how about find more jobs like that okay beautiful okay now we're gonna talk about an image card horizontal scroll and auto layout and kind of drop shadowy stuff okay that's the next kind of step we're going to do so again when you're working inside of figma don't use rectangles when you can use frames as much as possible use frames i'm going to hit f for frame i'm going to draw out a card i don't care about the size of it right now i'm going to give it a fill just so i can see it i'm gonna put about eight pixels of border radius on that thing okay and we're gonna stop right there just for a second then i'm gonna grab some text okay i'm gonna come into my card here pink i'm gonna pop it right in there i'm gonna choose we should have we have white light but we don't have pure white which is what we're going to need we need pure white as well so let's come in here and just go uh pure i just will call it white okay we don't need this tape here here we go and then uh graphic design let's start there we'll make our text uh to resize auto with beautiful and we'll bring it down here we'll put it at the bottom i'm gonna make sure that this thing stays anchored you see my little response of resizing i'm pinning to the bottom left now as my frame stretches out oh it's responsive it looks beautiful okay i'm doing a little too much singing on this stream i think this morning i just want to be very honest about that i'm going to line these things up to each other in the center and it might need to be a little less tall or just in general a little a little less a little less tall yeah i think that's probably a fair thing to say again lining them up like so beautiful i'm going to open up my grid again i'm doing that by holding or hitting control g i'm on a macbook pro right now i think it's i forget the command uh on a pc but it's something similar okay it's like uh option g or or com all g i don't know i forget um but now with this selected i'm gonna hit command forward slash i'm gonna open up the unsplash plugin i'm gonna fill it with an image uh so something like art can't just let's give me an art image okay um oh that's too artsy fartsy i think uh grab that's a little spicy the lips lock in there let's do that let's go with the oil slick thing okay hey i just want to say thank you to t20s grunt for that super chat much appreciated you enjoy the singing do you okay all right maybe i'll sing a little bit more i will sing if y'all super chat me i tell you if i get another person to super chat me i will sing you another little sing song all right so i don't do a whole lot of the super chat stuff but i fear i appreciate it so much that's great okay so anyways we got these great cards that are going on here um and uh we need to add here's our drop shadow time okay so let's let's do a little lesson on drop shadows okay i'm gonna hit effects uh and i have a drop shadow built out already okay um now let's analyze this drop shadow a little bit shall we we shall okay it is let's mess with it it is at zero pixels on the x radius or axis excuse me four pixels on the y axis see it a little bit it's real subtle as i push it there um jesse's voice is experiencing a lot of changes yeah it's like it's it's pubescent almost in nature okay um i have a blur of 10 a x or y axis of four and then i have 10 i like to keep my blur and the percentage kind of dialed in right at the same number and then you can mess with the x-axis now i actually what i should do is call this drop shadow uh short or actually i'm going to call it small okay we're going to build a little system of drop shadows okay so look we got that this is our on it we got drop shadow small okay and now what we can do is we could actually break it come in and make it a little bit longer so let's go one two three four and i'm gonna go i'm just gonna i'm gonna bump it up a little bit 14 14 like that beautiful and then i'm going to add this i'm going to call this uh drop shadow and what we should do is actually go drop shadow slash medium it'll create a little section for us right beautiful okay and then we can rename this one uh small we'll just rename it small like that and then when you go into your little hard to kind of get it sometimes isn't it down there that's a little bit of a problem uh we can actually go into our styles here look so now we have in our effect styles let's just show you we've renamed it small i can just drag it in call it small medium now i'm creating effect styles and i can really easily say hey give me not the small give me medium okay and you can play with those like that okay but still see do you see how the drop shadows are really subtle right they're not in your face they're not crazy they're giving a little bit of elevation a little bit of dimensionality right making it stand off the page a little bit a little bit of contrast but that's it they're not insane okay now i like what we got going on here i think we need to uh maybe bump this up a little bit so i'm gonna break this from body copy and i'm gonna turn this from regular to medium semi bold always go up two sizes if you're gonna if you're gonna create a system and create contrast two sizes is good i'm gonna come back in uh and i'm gonna make a new style and we're gonna call this body you guessed it slash bold okay beautiful and now we're going to rename body copy here to standard why are we doing that you guessed it because we're going to take standard and we're going to drag it in now you have body copy standard and bold so again well we should be we're building a little system here you guys oh my gosh headline slash h1 beautiful okay come in here let's do the same thing beep beep like that okay headline slash this is the beginnings and if you're designing and you're gonna say i'm gonna use these things probably over and over organize them love them utilize them okay um uh uh i don't know how to say your name i think it's uh girgo uh cereba says this is better than any lecture i've had at uni for graphic design all right that's what i'm talking about appreciate that okay all right next thing we need to do is we have this image in here right okay let's just get our stuff over so we can see what we're doing we have this image okay but we also have in in figma it's hard to see them they have these little drag lines here we also have a color i'm gonna drag that thing up above i don't know where it came from it was our original our original uh style that we had on there let's change it to a linear gradient let's switch the sides i'm just gonna drag the transparent side to the top and the dark side to the bottom beautiful like that we'll click off of it i like it and i'm gonna bring the opacity of it down okay this ensures that any it no matter the style of like image that goes in there we have a little bit of contrast we're putting an opaque layer there that gradates up so the whole thing's not covered some of it is but we're able to read that that imagery okay or excuse me that typography if you want to take this to the next step you could consider putting some drop shadow on it i'm not gonna do that right now i don't think we need it okay so uh we are going to call this a job card slash image okay job card slash image because i'm i'm thinking we're going to have a standard job card like the old one too but we'll make this the image version and then i'm going to turn it into a component beautiful okay just like that um i'm going to drag out an instance of it in figma you can tell which one's the master which one's the instance the master is filled for diamonds the instance is empty diamond i'm going to right click on the original and i'm going to say i'm going to move it how do i where where's my move to option move to page library we're gonna pop it right in there okay now where we can mess with the instances and not with the master okay um i'm going to drag out another version of this okay let's do i don't know let's stick with 16 pixels of space and you guess it i'm going to auto layout the two of them shift a pink now they're in an auto layout watch this now all i have to do is press command c command v boom we're pasting them in we're pasting them in horizontal scroll they're leading off the page oh it's beautiful okay love it okay and then what we can do is we can grab each of these all right open the unsplash unsplash plug-in backup uh let's unselect the first one and let's hit art for the rest of them and see what happens boom always going to do it yeah it's almost there 80 i was going to celebrate a little bit early boom it throws it back in there okay love that love it love it love it now we can do a little search for like a ui design in unsplash yeah let's pop that one in there that's that's a nice looking one uh let's move this whole thing over let's call that we'll do i don't know what else could we say ux design beautiful let's do that one love it okay that's enough for us for now i think to get like kind of specific bring our grid back up bring this over oh put it right on the grid line oh it's so spicy okay now what's really cool is we can take these like for instance uh like this one we would really like command left and right bracket and move them around in the auto layout how sick is that i know one of these was our ux design one i really like this one okay so i'm gonna call this one ui design i'm gonna call this one ux design i'm gonna call that one graphic design i'm gonna call that one art okay something like that love it all right beautiful now we have what will eventually when we prototype it we won't do it now but now we have just like an introduction to the types of categories that might be there and it'll be nice for the user to be able to scroll through on desktop also it could be really nice on mobile i think that this is working well okay let's get down to our next section which i think is success stories okay we had kind of a layout like this i know it's i'm about to do something different and everyone's gonna be like do you ever follow your own advice in your wireframes answer to that is no i don't i like to experiment i like to do my thing all right so uh and while we're doing that let's take a few more questions okay all right i just got a little sip of my coffee make sure that you like subscribe hit the little bell notification icon so you know when live streams like this happen uh you'll get an email in your inbox going jesse's going live right now and you got a couple minutes to wipe your face use the potty and then come back and hit this live stream okay um corolla says jesse this content shouldn't be free it's illegal for it to be this good and free hey uh imagine what my paid content is like imagine what it's like to be a design champion imagine what it's like when my course drops in november i got a course dropping y'all a massive course it's coming you might want to sign up for my newsletter to know where you can get a discount on that and be first to sign up with pre-sale oh my gosh okay cool um let's see let's see questions questions if you have questions drop those in the chat right now um yeah dude uh qazi says do you have any courses on udemy i do not uh right now i have a free simple little course that you can join if you'd like to and you can find that over here at you can go to courses i have one free course right now and it's called start your creative career it's a five-part free course where you learn all the ins and outs about job types interview prep progress progressing your career getting raises promotions you know how to apply all that kind of fun good stuff that's free just sign up for it you'll love it i have some other courses coming later about becoming a freelance ui ux designer and also soft skills for creatives but there's a mystery course that's not on this page right now and it's launching in november and it's a massive deal it's a huge big deal and we'll talk more about that later all right uh gergos says did you go to university for graphic design or did you learn it by yourself much love from hungary hey that's a great question did i go to university did i go to college for this do i have a degree in this do you need a degree in this that's the question well i'll tell you i actually started in this career self-taught internships mentorships reading lots of blogs watching lots of videos reading lots of books and figuring it out and progressing um and then later at like i had been all self-taught and then i had found myself in the industry i got my first internship at my church i got my first hired gig like in-house graphic design parlayed that into um working at a marketing and design agency and on and on i went but it wasn't until man i've been working in the industry for like five or six years that i decided to go back to school for it right so then i went to school and i went to online school i won't say which one because i didn't enjoy it but honestly there was nothing that i learned at that school that i had not already learned or was currently learning or mastering right so i believe you don't have to go to university to be a designer whether that's graphic design whether that is product design ui design ux design i believe if you're the type of person that needs a school setting you need that discipline then maybe it's for you okay maybe it's not maybe you need a boot camp maybe you need a course like from me that's launching in november maybe that's all you need to be motivated or maybe you can just grind and hit a bunch of youtube videos watch my channel other people's channels and learn that way but i'll tell you none of these things none of these ways are gonna work at all unless you commit yourself to designing you commit yourself to learn by doing that is the ticket i believe to success it's hard work diligence consistency over time will equal success so no you don't have to if you want to go ahead i'm not a big fan of school debt i believe you could learn it on your own but if you need it you go get it you do what you think you need to do that's a great question um carlos says when you build a website on webflow do you make a design in figma first absolutely absolutely there was this real short-lived season where people talk because html css javascript's so good it's such an expressive like visual language html and css you just design in the browser and then webflow came and it's like look we're just drawing boxes and popping stuff in listen you need a stinking roadmap okay if i was to go out and build a highway right now and i went i'm just gonna go for it right i'm gonna design the browser i'm gonna i'm gonna lay the asphalt we'll just see where the road leads us that's a bad idea you need a city planner you need to plan the road you need to lay the foundation you need to sketch it out so at the very least you at least need a wireframe and a color palette to work off of because once you get into webflow or anything else like that you're going to need to establish a set of rules the first step you should always take when you get into webflow is to create a style guide typography that you're going to be using colors that you're going to be using components probably that you're going to be using but the only way that you can do that is if you already have some sort of at least wireframe or at least low fidelity design i don't have a problem with you going from lo-fi into webflow yeah i don't you may not need to go high-fidelity into webflow but if you go from nothing from an idea in your head to webflow you are gonna be pushing things around way too long and wasting your time that's my opinion okay um let's see is a ui or ux certificate worth it great skill without certification yeah um again my opinion is this industry is about what can you produce it's not about who do you know or where you went to school or what certificate you had if the certificate represents what you can do right on but a certificate i don't know if somebody if i was going to like hire an intern which i'm actually kind of thinking about hiring an intern if you're interested in becoming an intern join the hate creative discord and i might be talking about that soon or i might sign up for my email newsletter as well i might put a post out or like an email post out about it um so let's say i was gonna hire you for an internship and you went jesse hire me i have a ux certificate but your portfolio has nothing in it right you have no work demonstrated and somebody else says i have no certificate but here's my dribble profile that has 40 projects on it that i've been grinding away doing daily ui like exercises i go yeah which one am i going to hire i'm going to hire the portfolio i'm going to hire the person that's doing not the person that went and learned i need the person who can execute okay so is it i'm not saying it's worthless but i'm saying it needs to represent what you can do and that's the bigger pro that's the bigger thing in my opinion what you can do is dribble good to get clients zelko says i think dribble's great to get clients i actually have a pro team membership or subscription to dribble this is not a paid affiliate ad or whatever i just really love dribble um i have one and i get lots of work off of there i get contacted constantly um and i i'll be really honest i wouldn't even say i spent a lot of time updating my dribble profile but it's a great place to find jobs hiring managers contact you there freelance project boards all that kind of stuff so sign up for it they actually just launched a new feature called pitch which i currently have on my profile uploaded my pitch video and it's basically exactly what it sounds like it's a video that stays embedded on your your dribble profile that allows you to present yourself and pitch your services so i think it's a great thing sign up for dribble account if you don't have one it's rad um okay last question we'll get back into it um the figma link by the way darvaj is inside the description to this video uh oh zelko says he found me via my dribble pitch video awesome amazing um okay let's see there was another good question up above that i want i didn't want to leave um oh no where did it go where did it go no i missed it all right i think that's good that's those that's a good question so let's get back we got some work to do you guys have so many great questions and i just want to sit around answer them all day we need a new section and this is going to be our success story section okay and this is kind of like a pretty minimalistic website it's pretty light but we do need to have some alternating sections just to keep people intrigued so i'm going to hit f for frame i'm going to draw a frame out like this okay um and i'm gonna pull a color uh i have this uh plug-in installed on my computer called color snapper it allows me to just see the little little color it snapped right there it's beautiful um so i'm gonna fill i'm gonna use that color to just kind of fill it in see how we're kind of what that color really is what it should be uh is um really like a part of your color palette should be my primary color and then i just hue and tint it down up and down to have different hues and tints if you don't know what i'm talking about um okay let's do a little exploration of it really quickly i feel like this is important i feel like everybody should know this okay so let's talk about this color okay we have this is our primary let's say this is our primary brand color i'm not sure it is though right but let's just say it is here's your primary brand color okay from here you can use a plug-in like called like i think it's called like value or like color scale or something like that you could do that an easier way to do that is to drag another version of this box out okay let's zoom in so you can see what we're doing and then add a let's let's do white a white layer on top of it and drop it to 10 okay duplicate okay go to 20 and if that's too little of an increase or decrease for you you can you can go 20 and then maybe you want to just go up like by there's 40. let's go up some more there's 60 see how we're just adding this is called a tint of our primary color see how we're starting to drip into the good stuff here a little bit okay let's bring this down i'm just going to throw those into an auto layout really quickly okay this is the start of creating a color palette right okay we're at 80 let's start to drip it out let's go to 90 now okay let's do another one let's do this one at 95. all these nice neutral colors we're exploring in here this is color exploration y'all okay now we're at like 98 that's pretty we're pretty much almost fading out but see this beautiful color scale that we now have that we can work off of what we should really be doing is going okay we need to make sure it's an actual so the color that i had was pretty close this is the color that i popped in there that i pulled from the gradient up above but now i can pull this color or maybe that color maybe this really light color maybe we want to go a little darker with it y'all i don't know it's nice it's a nice practice to find your neutrals okay so i like that neutral see how that works and now the whole thing is cohesive you're going where'd you get this color it came from the primary brand color because i did a color scale you can do the same thing going the other way right you can if you want to get your your dark colors actually let's do this boom just move this down below oh and put it on the other side we don't want this to be white though we want it to be black and we on and on we go you get what i'm about to do here don't you right we go up to 40 see how we're gonna start getting all of our different dark tints and hues this is your color scale now this whole thing i just did you could probably do in like two seconds using a plugin called color scale do i have that plug-in let's see color scale generator look at that oh my gosh we just did so much work and we could have said hey give me 10 steps and here is let's grab the color let's see what it does pop that in there create my color scale look what it just made for us look at the thing it just did it put it way over in left field though beautiful okay so it just did the same thing but i think it makes sense i think it's it's a good idea to know where color scale comes from okay it comes from your primary color and working off of it okay beautiful okay um so now that we have our our neutral color that we're using we actually could in our library let's go back and look at it real quick let's look at our library we have our card that i got jumped way over there let's put right we just had some brand colors but what you could do is take each one of those colors that we just created and you can name those like this is primary right you could call that like 900 and you can go like and you can go like brand dark 900 800 700 600 you could step your way all the way down and then you could do it the other way brand dark 900 800 700 you could step your way all the way down okay um so that's a method of creating your design system or your style guide okay um we are liking this lockup and we're gonna reuse it to be as consistent as possible we're gonna pop it in the only thing we're gonna do is center this thing we're probably gonna take away the button and let's just grab our our layout here and we're gonna use our auto layout make sure everything's centered and we're gonna center the text it's gonna be a center line thing we're gonna put here uh success stories i think was the name that's not how you spell stories at all that's okay how about like over 5 000 active jobs that's pretty enticing that's pretty good that's again i spelled it stories oh my gosh the spelling and grammar is atrocious um all right cool so that's there um i also i like that there's like a bunch of you in the file right now really cool i've hidden all the cursors so i can't you guys can't distract me that's just just so you know okay i'm gonna take this down and make it about eight spacing in between okay in our little auto layout there and then oh boy we had oh we had some of those other models and i got rid of them so i'm gonna have to go somewhere else really quickly and find some of those other models that we had i actually have a couple in a different file that i'm gonna see if i can i can't show you because it's a customer file client file okay i grabbed a couple of them um i'm gonna put them out over here pink here's a bunch of really cool models okay wonderful uh i'll take her oh we used her in our original didn't we i yeah i just happened to have her on standby okay let's bring her in let's create uh a card like a success story card and i'm kind of just i'm kind of ignoring the the previous lockup like this is this is supposing we had video right so maybe we'll do that version maybe we'll do both versions and then we'll probably end for today and we'll do some portfolio reviews and answer some more questions also side note if you want to have your portfolio reviewed at the end of this stream all you got to do is jump into the hey creative discord server it's free to join go to the portfolio feedback and then submit your portfolio there go to that channel um and then you will be able to get your portfolio reviewed right here it is look hey creative jump in here and all you got to do is submit your stuff inside of portfolio reviews join us there's like i think we're getting close to a thousand members now free members all you gotta do is jump in and be part of a cool community it's real rad it's real fun okay so uh sorry let's jump back over to my screen i'm gonna do the um i'm gonna do the the a a version of a person with their review and a version of a person no person we'll do the video maybe some sort of video okay yeah we'll do something like that okay so again we're going to take our lock up and we're going to rework the lock up most likely so let's actually let's hide this person command shift h to hide it and let's draw a nice little card here so again we're going to do a frame why use rectangles when you could use a frame because frames can do everything that shapes can you can fill them you can style them you can love them you can do all of that okay so we're going to fill it with white let's zoom in just make sure we're getting on to our grids uh okay cool let's round the corners again we're gonna use we're using eight pixel kind of like settings here turn the grid off jump inside of this frame that's inside of the frame we're gonna call it a bio card or review car call it whatever you want i'm gonna kind of paste this stuff in here what is this my headline two let's go with the three inside of there and we'll do what's the name like jenna jennifer who's in the who's in the chat right now who's in the chat um uh renz kermit okay ren's kermit i think it's a image of an of a lady though so i'm gonna change your first name renz to jennifer jennifer kermit this is what you get for being inside my streams i'm gonna take your name i'm gonna mangle it and mash it up with with other names okay so we're gonna center this thing using we're still using our auto layout i don't think we need this right we don't need that um but what we might need is i think we had some flags somewhere let's go to recent aha i had this flags little file that i was using for something else and i think it's a free community resource that i found in figma so all you gotta do is like look up flags okay great britain okay beautiful let's go back over um let's paste a little flag in there we're going to put it up like that and take the text we're going to paste that in there and then i'm going to shift a i'm going to auto lay out those two things together before i do that though i'm going to put like ceo and founder at um we were just talking about dribble this is not actually who's the ceo and founder of dribble but we just put it together so now we have look we have a frame and inside of it we have this lock up which is look at that it's an auto layout stick with me okay i'm going to move my head out of the way it's an auto layout right good and then what do you have inside of that auto layout called lockup you have some text and you have another one called uh uh bio info inside it has those two but what we're gonna do is we're gonna make that thing layout from left to right and we're gonna center it like so okay now we're gonna have this thing fill the container and we're gonna have the entire thing fill the container okay all that means is as it stretches um as the master container the parent container stretches so will the information inside okay now this is kind of like what we would call a caption we don't want this to be body copy so we're actually going to break this we're going to add a new style this is probably going to be down at 14 and let's change the color to a little bit of a lighter color i mean maybe like granite something like that and then let's introduce a new style uh we'll call this caption uh and we'll call it a standard okay because we'll maybe we want to have a bold version of this as well at some point uh okay cool now we're gonna go back to the master lock up here and let's i don't like the spacing it was a little too much so i'm just gonna drop it down to something like eight now let's do one more thing here uh this that would be really good for this i think we need some stars right so let's go find the shape that is the star and did you know that there's like little custom controls for stars uh when you're making them so check this out uh let's just scroll up a little bit so you can see it um you have a couple of different ones you have ratio you have count so you can change the amount of uh sides on the star right and then you can change kind of the kind of the squishiness of the inside of them but you can still change the border radius of the outsides of them so we want to be kind of like a chubby star i like chubby stars they're they're a little bit nicer right and we actually have a nice yellow color somewhere let's give it this gold color beautiful we got our little star let's zoom out now you can see what we got going on there you know what i'm going to do because i'm a lover of the auto layout i'm going to put it inside uh i'm going to do copy and paste oh it's a little too chubby we think it's a little too chubby it's a little too chubby let's un-chubby it a little bit okay copy paste another version of it just drag like alt drag one over do shift a now it's in an auto layout okay we're gonna be five stars here boom boom now what's so good about this is we could still scale this whole thing down they're a little bit big for us right now i like the spacing of them so let's just make sure this joins our auto layout something like that beautiful now if you're like uh don't like the spacing everything is evenly spaced inside the auto layout inside of figma that was a lot there's a lot of that if you don't like that that's okay there are some things you can do about it right you could if you wanted to come in here and grab these two put them in an auto layout and remove the spacing right and then we can come in here and everything else is fine right so now we can space the rest of these out the way that we want to and they don't they don't they're not all kind of like wrestling for like for stuff okay so let's do i'll just put in some some text here okay so that that could be the start of like a card and uh you know if we really wanted to oh man oh why would we put it inside of a frame when auto layouts are frames themselves let's fill it with white friend and then boom boom eight pixels and then just add some some padding there beautiful we could spread it out and look at how responsive this card is right look at how responsive that card is like we want to hug the contents right beautiful okay so now everything is everything's perfect that's we like that card just the way it is let's delete this thing we have a little card here uh and it's inside of our master frame that's called we'll call it success like that and you have oh that's why is it stars oh there it is there's our lockup let's call it our bio card love that right and then you have your text lock up up there good wonderful look now we've done it let's turn our grid on we want to stick to the grid here and if we don't like the size of this we could always spread the card out again it is responsive um and if we wanted to add a button in there because there is a button inside of our deal so let's just pop a button inside of there that button is pretty big friends so we may like that button we may not we don't know okay uh let's shrink this card up just a little bit and again though um our bio card we want everything inside to hug the contents beautiful when you when you mess with the size of it sometimes it'll just it'll kind of i don't know it'll mess it'll mess with the auto layout all you got to go back to to do is go back in and reset the hug contents or fill with and do all that kind of stuff i think i did a whole video on auto layout if you're really confused about autolay on everything i'm doing in here go check that video on my channel because i go in depth about auto layout i nerd out on the auto layout okay um okay so now what we could do is really just we can really just kind of control things with the padding and not with the size which is what you should be doing right okay so let's go like 80 and then we'll work it back we'll walk it back in in by um quantities of eight we're working it back beautiful everything's looking good okay and now we could add some custom padding because do you see all this space here uh we're gonna need some extra padding on the right-hand side of the card if we wanna put this video in so we're gonna come into the padding just like this and we can actually do custom padding by opening that thing up look what we're doing and we're just going give me more padding on the right hand side and everything is responsive and beautiful and working wonderful okay look now we have all that padding on the right-hand side that's enough for us to come in zoom in a little bit uh and it looks really weird because like the text is like matching itself so we could put some lorem ipsum in there if we wanted to but what we really want to do is take another frame and kind of overlap it a little bit of that 16x9 ratio i don't know if that's quite right uh again we're gonna fill it just so you can see it for now let's fill it like with a color so you can see it eight pixels uh look let's use our effects look at the system medium oh we're gonna do the same thing on this one too we love it effects we want the medium drop shadow there and then unsplash uh open that up and then give me something that looks like i i was gonna say video but everything looks like a still doesn't it okay cool let's do a portrait i don't know let's see if that works uh it could be a portrait it could be a portrait oh you know what we need okay let's do a search for designer like somebody working at their desk that looks like a pretty cool intense shot i like that okay that's jennifer kermit uh let's do we we want this to be more like jason uh jason cremit okay because we see the our friend in there now let's just make sure these two things are centered this is a fun overlay kind of uh layout we got going on here we might need a little bit more here to keep that 16 by nine ratio beautiful uh and then we just need to create a little play button don't we so all we got to do for that is cr take our shape let's make a little polygon here oh mama uh polygon boom we're gonna draw a polygon we're gonna round those edges a little bit then we're gonna make it into white then we're gonna take our image and just put the uh actually let's have some fun with our brand color a little bit shall we okay uh so let's go with our lilac blue oh mama so we can't get it because that's the only thing right now that infigma that needs a little bit of work right so let's put a little bit of that lilac blue on there i like that we have our play button let's just flip it and center it beautiful and if it's not obviously enough that that is a video we could also come in here and do let's let's put a frame around it shall we a frame around it you say why would you do such a thing because we're gonna stroke put a stroke on the frame you could leave it as a square if you want or you could turn it into a nice circle with a little bit of a chunkier thing right there good and now our polygon can stay centered beautiful beautiful we have our play button using frames for all the things that we could possibly use frames for boom it's right in the middle there i like it you know and maybe if you're like i don't like the blue it's too much that's fine you can go maybe a little less brand if you want maybe we're overusing the brand there yeah we got to use that like that 60 40 uh 66 i forget what was it six to a 40 40 40 30 20 rule or something like that um i used i talk about it all the time i can't remember the numbers okay it's that's real and what i'm talking about is just the way that you use color all right so this is actually pretty nice it's looking really pro and the thing that i like about this is it has this nice mixture of um of imagery versus like ui elements right now i think what we'll do just to end the day is to do a little bit of balancing and let's go ahead and press play on our prototype in figma and see what it looks like okay takes a second for all of our elements to kind of pop up but this is looking pretty nice here i'm into it we're designing it something that's really nice something clean something modern right i think i'd say the last thing we probably need to do is come in here and just update the text of this button that should say uh uh watch jason's uh story uh yeah yeah there you go watch his story hear his story i don't know something like that but that's good that's good for the day we've done a lot of work here we've we've actually actually we've done a lot of work because not only have we done visual design but we're starting to create a visual system that we can use we're lining to the grids we're creating typographic systems inside of figma we're learning how to use color how to apply color how to keep everything really really consistent in our project this is one of those design maturity things right design maturity is i don't do whatever i want whenever i want to do it i create a set of rules and i abide by the rules that i make for myself as a designer these are the design requirements of the project and it's always going to turn out a lot better it's going to look a lot slicker so hey before we go let's do a few more question and answers and then we'll try to pull a few of these um portfolio reviews okay uh let's see jesse says i have more experience using illustrator but really want to start using figma because it's more complete for web design how did you learn how to use it i just dug in i'm the kind of person that loves new tools learning new tools so i just dug right in and started doing the thing but maybe that's not you right maybe you need to learn from somebody else i got videos that walk you through like the very basics of using figma um so maybe you want to start with that that's not a bad thing to do at all okay um so check my vid my my channel for tons of videos on how to use figma also figma has a great their like videos themselves also the figma community has a lot of great files that are like um learning files training files okay fantastic okay uh let's talk about uh let's see dylan says i wish figma's color picker worked like adobe xd does it so you can pick from anywhere yeah i get that i use color snapper two that's what i use then i can pick from anywhere just allows me to anywhere so that's what i like there okay uh let's see let's see let's see okay i'm looking for more if there's no other questions we're gonna go right into portfolio reviews uh i've heard a lot of people wolfram says say don't use pure black but what's the actual reason for not using pure black the reason for not using pure black is because pure black on pure white which tends to be a lot is bad it's hard contrast it's not bad contrast it's actually great contrast it's just hard contrast it strains the eye so just by backing it off a little bit from pure black it makes it a little less like one of those 3d puzzles that you have to look through especially when you're reading a lot of text blog posts job boards there's a lot of text there you need to back it off a little bit so your eye doesn't get strained that's all it's just a small simple little trick um that works and then it becomes and then then we have to work out contrast between heading subheadings and body copy that's a great question though great great question all right uh let's see let's see let's see oh uh so begawan says he's asking about the design contests that is a great thing to talk about the design challenges let's talk about that really quickly because these are pretty cool the uh the month of october is the first ever hey creative community design challenge okay so how this works is if you go into the hey creative discord server and you hit design challenges you will get a design challenge right and there's a video of me talking about it there's a figma file that has some starting files an app or a like a starting file for you to work with and then there's some actual starting assets so i pulled this from a dribble shot um that was put out by i forget i announced it in the video somewhere i think but a really talented company on dribble that i found found this one shot of this hot sauce label design and i said hey design a landing page for this hot sauce brand have fun with it right then you go into the feedback and then throughout the month you'll be able to submit your work and get feedback on your work people give you feedback i'll give you feedback at the very end of the month i think this challenge ends on um let's see let's see let's look at the challenge details inside of figma almost i've already almost forgotten the things that i put in here okay because we have a little design brief inside of figma okay here's your details and rules uh let's see october 28th so we're actually coming up on that we had a couple more days for you to get involved and be a part of it and then you submit your work before october 28th into the challenge feedback channel and uh that is right here challenge feedback excuse me challenge submission it should have said challenge submission put it in challenge submission and then we'll be taking a look at them and i'll be reviewing them and i'll crown a winner on a live stream like this um and maybe that'll be you okay so that's pretty cool pretty fun with that being said i'm going to jump over and do a few portfolio or project reviews uh if you posted it inside the hey creative discord server this first one comes from telehealth sas product by muhammad timur i believe you're in the in the youtube live stream chat right now muhammad so awesome that you're here okay nice presentation so far the hero image is good i'm gonna be a little nitpicky i'd like this the shot of the actual laptop with the work make it bigger i feel like i need to lean in to look at it but it is pretty nice the lockups are nice the color so far is nice and you're going into much more of a case study there it is that's the size i want to see right off the bat um he's a little scary isn't he okay um okay let's talk about this layout because this is what this whole case study is all about is your layouts and and your work here i like it good work on primary secondary tertiary actions i'm not the biggest fan of mixing things up and adding this purple as as a call to action color because you've already kind of denoted that blue is really your call to action color i don't mind extra shapes being involved here but you're using purple where does that fall in with the rest of the brand i guess we're going to find out i'm not really sure i think may i don't really see this being like a tint or hue of of this blue it doesn't seem like it is seems a little disjointed here's a dashboard i'm only getting half okay i see what you're doing the layouts are kind of cool but i need to see the whole thing right we need to see the whole thing um from the little that i can see it's nice uh contrast is a little bit a little bit rough not not the worst i've ever seen in the world though i'm not liking the input field um that's like boxed inside of a box inside of a box that's always the hardest thing with dashboards is is getting outside of this box inside of a box thing so um you know think through that a little bit how you can do that yeah i'm i don't ugh i'm not a fan of this the use of the color i think you need to simplify streamline the color palette that's used here and and you need to make a decision is it purple this blue needs to be more of a contrasting color than if you're going to come off of it like yellow gold orangish kind of color usually works well so actually if i zoom in and i get rid of the blue this orange is actually a more punchy contrast or accent color that you could use for your call to actions maybe i don't know so i just i'm not a biggest the biggest fan of the color palette but i do like the layout i'm not the biggest fan of using these buttons they're a little bit heavy so i think there's just a few like kind of you know maturity things and choices you can make here again the text a little bit tight a little bit dark um you know avatar is maybe a little bit big it's really just more of like a balancing act is what i'm seeing balancing so that the eye cognitively knows where to look and i know what's the most important thing so you know good work okay here's the full blown thing yeah i mean it's nice work i think it's about contrast balance and size really balancing things i'm going to appreciate it i think you did a great job let's go to the next one this is by abernail our 10 year old design superstar who's watching today this is a reserve campsite activity that he did all right with voice commands very very cool i like this kind of glassy look i like what you're doing here abernail i think it's cool i think you could take it to the next level though right i think that these cards here could be even yeah you are working that glassy effect never mind never mind i'm digging it um i like it i think the typography strong the gradients and like the colors and stuff that are underneath are strong i'm not so sure about the kind of glassiness around the edge of the actual mock-ups right and watch your your drop shadows here they're just a little bit heavy for my liking just a little bit not a lot just a little bit okay and now we get a little bit of our prototype i'm gonna zoom out so i can see the whole thing um okay so let's go are we playing we are or probably doing some voice activation that i can't hear and you can't hear on the stream that's okay yeah nice it's nice work nice scroll groups that are happening there nice interactions right with states um i like it it's good stuff i'm gonna you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna zoom back in appreciate it nice workout for now got time for one more let's do let's do this one this is by uh chemicalist this is a dribble mobile app which is good because they don't have their own mobile app maybe you should design and launch one in bravo studio or something like that dribble mobile application uh discovering connecting overview montserrat love that font color selection very nice icons very consistent okay why the project problem solution good we're doing a whole case study here the only thing is mix a little bit more of your hero imagery and your shots as we go through i want to see how things apply just maybe give a little context as your storytelling we could all get better at storytellers right when we're presenting our designs in these case studies all right let's jump in boop these are nice nice landing pages and clean forms very nice digging it so far very classy and then and then yes okay i like it i'm into it it's clean it's clean clean clean uh let's go messages and notifications some swipe just uh um gestures and navigation is very clean okay like the active states versus the default states okay all right you got some native kind of ios stuff happening in there everything's really well done everything's really well done it's clean the only thing i would say if i'm gonna be really nitpicky is like oh like yeah let's zoom way in i gotta get get down a little bit more i was starting to see some form fields that i didn't like as much so careful of these what we call like table row cells or or cells or rows careful with these careful with your buttons um you know i'd prefer like maybe just a stroked outline or not even a button at all just a text link for your secondary actions so i think you can maybe improve maybe the skills of stuff like this this is an input field and it doesn't match the rest of the clarity of the rest of your input fields and these are a little bit tight you know just in general okay but the rest of it's really really nice segmented controls you are really spending your time and doing your homework on you know reading like human like interface guidelines the higg from apple as they call it and learning some of the basics right i think now it just becomes about cleaning up and bringing a little consistency so really nicely done appreciate love love love it and that is it for our stream today hope you enjoyed it thanks for joining make sure you become part of the hey creative discord server make sure that if you haven't so far that you like this video jump into the server participate in the design challenge and then also again consider becoming a design champion because literally in like 30 minutes 35 minutes or so we are gonna be starting a live video hangout just for design champions so if you become a design champion right now you'll be able to access that link um and jump into our live video hangout we're gonna be doing breakout sessions i'm going to be talking about client interactions freelancing making money uh talking about projects and then uh doing some question answering some role play stuff so jump in become a design member you could do that at i hope you guys are having an absolutely amazing week i hope you're designing amazing things hope you're making amazing things and we'll see you in the next live stream take care [Music] you
Channel: Jesse Showalter
Views: 2,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VreSRu5Qnd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 15sec (4515 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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