Deserter from notorious Russian army unit speaks about war

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After the Russian army was forced to retreat around Kiev. The carnage came to light Butcher board, Yanco and many other Kiev suburbs littered with bodies. Ukraine especially blames one Russian unit for alleged crimes here. The 64th separate guards motor rifle brigade from eastern Siberia. Now, a deserter from that unit is speaking to CNN. Actually, big lie for me like 24 February coming I think. Okay everyone goes to war. Nikita Sebring defected from the Russian military and fled to Europe, where we met him in a secret location. He shows me his military booklet with a stamp signed by the commander of the 64th Motor Rifle Brigade Colonel Azar Beck. Ormeau Bake-Off. Known in Ukraine as The Butcher of Butcher, Chipman says he and his comrades were given shoot to kill orders. Even though Russia has denied any wrongdoing by its forces around Kiev. I got one as well, but I'm like, I'm on. We had a direct command to murder those who divulged our positions. If someone had a phone, we were allowed to shoot him. Kuban says the unit was deployed to Belarus shortly before the invasion, allegedly for training. The soldiers had no idea they would soon advance into Ukraine, and he says they weren't prepared for war. If you do you like around? Everyone thought they could be like Rambo Those who said I would be shooting Ukrainians easily. Piece of cake. When they went to the front line and then they came back, they were like, We don't want no war. Jubrin says he, too, came under Ukrainian artillery shelling and showed us this video from near the town lip picker west of Kiev. He tells me he refused to fight because he was opposed to the war and that his commanders called him a coward and reassigned him to menial labor tasks in the rear echelon. He says he didn't witness the mass killings the unit is accused of, but did witness plenty of crimes against Ukrainian civilians, including looting. They weren't trying to hide it. They did this very openly. She is saying, look, you know, this is so embarrassing what it is. They say, whoa, I want to do this. I want this. The everything, make the loot and cars to make the looting and even rape this individual. I saw rapists running around being chased because they were committed rape the guys who did rape, I saw them run. Then I learned they were rapists. They raped a mother and daughter. They were never jailed. Just fired. Just like that. Go. CNN has reached out to the Russian defense ministry for comment, but we haven't received a reply. Russia has consistently denied its forces were responsible for crimes against Ukrainian civilians. And President Vladimir Putin issued a decree praising the 64 separate guards, Motor Rifle Brigade for, quote, heroism and bold actions. Nikita Chiba fled Russia while on leave. He gets emotional when talking about his four year old daughter. He left behind. He says he wants to testify against his commanders before an international court. To shed light on what happened in the war. He never wanted to be a part of and he said, Wolf, the soldier said that discipline was a huge issue in that unit. He felt that the officers were his commanders in many cases, were indifferent to the mission, indifferent to their own soldiers, and also, of course, indifferent to the lives of the Ukrainians, the civilians that were on the ground there as well. He also says he doesn't believe that Russia is going to be able to win the war. He says also because the U.S. and its allies are providing that support to the Ukrainians. And, of course, we'll continue to provide that support as well. He's obviously one very courageous young man. Fred Pleitgen, thank you very much for that report.
Channel: CNN
Views: 947,729
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Keywords: fred pleitgen, russia, ukraine, russia invasion, world news
Id: 6D22BQ47zlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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