Desert Tech MDR: Issues Resolved

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Anybody knows which "forgotten weapon" they are referring to?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Billy_Lo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Now they just need to get hold of a VHS-2.๏ปฟ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 29 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kuddlesworth9419 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Nice to see the action itself working out, the initial concept was appealing but unreliable.

Still not a fan of the takedown, too many screws.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/RagekittyPrime ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey guys thanks for tuning back into in-range TV we are back with the MDR the MDR it's got an optic on it too but that's just for just to play with yeah that's yeah so we as you know had some issues reliability issues with the MDR specifically with military surplus ammunition and so we sent it back to desert tech and we have had for a couple of weeks we've had a really impressive valuable on going back and forth about what we think needs to be tweaked on the rifle yeah and desert tech went in and they made some changes to the gas system they made some changes to the extractor and to the hammer spring I have to say I'm very impressed by this response first of all me we put out the video we really did want the gun to work we always want guns to work let's be realistic and it's always surprising that sometimes they don't come and in this regard we expected this to be great it wasn't and there were some issues and I think that they didn't expect people to be using the type of ammunition we were using I really think that is the core problem yeah so because we're using mill syrup and I think the desert tech has always been you know a bolt-action for like precision rifle company right that this moving into this new world of a semi-automatic combat oriented or three gun match or two gun match or semi-automatic rifle in general not only that at some automatic bullpup that's very ambitious in its goals the idea of people putting you know the relatively low cost mill syrup ammunition through it wasn't something they really occurred to them because this is not the world they live in right so when we ran into this we ran into a number of issues as you said we saw certain ammunition wooden cycle some would tear the rim somewhat short stroke someone get stuck enough fully eject and that was gas system issue and then we also had light strikes on hard primers yeah and and so what they've done is they've modified the gas system right so we got six ports now so there were six ports to begin with what they have done is changed the sizes of them the divisions you now have one to six number two is specifically set as the suppressed okay number four is specifically designated as the normal setting and number six is specifically designated as the adverse setting so six is all the way open correct one will be all as closed as as possible right smallest two is normal suppressed if you can still you can still go down to one well you've got a little room so normal is four so you can go down to three if you needed to or up to five but you're still in that realm and six is of course if you're dealing with something really strange right they've increased what the spring tension or pit pressure basically the hammer spring okay that is that that's when I wasn't really worried about I figure that's probably gonna be simple enough for them to work out and then they actually changed up the extractor as well one of the things that we and other people had noticed was even when when the gun was cycling properly you would often see damage to cartridge rims mm-hmm and that was because it had a relatively small narrow extractor surface area right so you were exerting you're focusing the force of extraction on a small part of the cartridge rim they have widened the extractor and apparently the reason they didn't do this at first was their initial version of a wider extractor had some durability issues and will tend to break before it had you know it like a thousand rounds which isn't sufficient okay so they reengineered the wide extractor and they now have a white extractor that has a much longer lifespan and ameliorates all that cartridge rim damage because it's now spreading the force of extraction over a wider piece of the brass awesome so we've got a bunch of em aiib all same thing we've been using before her burg which happens to be the stuff that you and I tend to standardize on in fact they got a whole bunch more coming yep so what we're gonna do is load up some mags and we're gonna test this gun now with the new improved gas system new improve hammer spring and the new improved extractor and hopefully we're gonna see this thing run 100% alright let's do it yeah all right it's not quite a full magazine I spent three rounds confirming zero on the scope so we got 17 left [Applause] and I'm out alright so I've got another twenty round mag of m80 ball hurtin burg ian was just shooting so there should be a fire case in this year so when I load this and drop this forward it should go ahead and go and throw that out yep don't drop it forward use the cool lever on the back ooh there goes everything seems to be working great so first mag was no problems here's the second bag nary an issue whatsoever two mags 40 rounds no problems everything's ejecting properly firing properly I'm hitting this steel plate without any issues maybe we can work on this here a little bit but that's not we're out here for today absolutely no issues whatsoever that came nice free let's see what rob and it does that too and you may notice that I was shooting it with the ejection port on the left side even though I fired right-handed and because of the way the jacks probably looks like it's coming out of my mouth we heard that in the other video didn't cause an issue hit my arm a little bit but it wasn't a problem but we can switch it back and forth easily as well so let's go through another mag in just a moment right now man I think they fixed it that's a lot easier to hit with quickly from prone welcome to dusty Arizona I hit the very top of the target maybe I can knock it over all right Carl you're gonna have to back me up on this I think it kicks less I think whatever they did to the gas port sizes I think it actually kicks less and I wonder if that's just me and if it's not just me I wonder if it's a function of having the wider extractor meaning that they're able to actually use a bit less gas pressure I don't know if that actually makes sense it's just what's occurring to me off the top of my head but this this actually feels like it kicks a little bit less than last time all right guys I'm gonna go ahead and shoot this prone as well to see if I see a recoil reduction like you can perceive but I don't need to shoot this in this left-handed config even though it's not an issue so I'm gonna go ahead and drop the bolt and let's take the plate off this is so cool this is why we didn't want to shoot it without the plate because this is a quick essentially important part of the design of this gun but they've done with this is made this field changeable in a way that really no other gun has ever done so that's such a unique feature that taking that off is taking away a lot of the develop and an RD and reason for this gun to exist anyways I've changed it to right-handed I'm gonna go ahead and put another magazine of 20 I'm gonna shoot prone and see what I get I want to remind everybody that we're on normal and essentially setting four on the gas system which is nowhere where we were with the original we have to be all the way up at six so this is working well with m80 ball milspec stuff on four [Music] not one issue we've gone through what three or four mags four mags at this point 80 rounds zero issues prone and offhand and I'm hammering that steel down there let's go ahead and stand up and do one more thing all right we'll check back with Carl about recoil in a moment but first we put a tea round to this thing it's getting a little toasting we figured what better way to round it out get a nice solid hundred rounds on camera than with a full mag dump hundred rounds literally not a single malfunction of any kind just get that last case out this is pretty cool Carl wait you come back here let's talk about what we think about this thing all right so recoil yeah we kind of bypassed that because yeah we did just blast more and motherรญs well I got excited shooting prone because the guns working and had no issue so that was exciting I forgot about the reason I was shooting from um yeah you know I'm going to say there is a perceivably less recoil impulse than the original gas system it's interesting that they didn't claim that there would be no like we've been talking to them a lot and then they were telling us they were describing what they did to fix the issues and they never said a word about recoil nah they didn't some of these things are nuanced and it's hard to and obviously we didn't measure the amount of footprints of energy being deployed into our shoulder didn't hang it from a pendulum and let it swing or anything like that but when when I shot it offhand initially I went this seems much more mild than what we were dealing with to get it to run with m80 ball before yeah but remember we were at six we're now at four now the gas ports are completely different dimensions so it kind of doesn't even matter yeah but we were at we were at six an hour at four and on top of that extractor as well it absolu was much more mild to shoot now than it was before this thing 20 rounds prone previously actually was uncomfortable and verging on painful jarring would be the or it was jar yeah nothing it is not this time I think that really takes me by surprise I'm a t-ball hurt and Bergen this on gas sitting for normal is no longer jarring I'm almost even hesitant to talk about it because it sounds to me just to my own ears it sounds like so too much like so many reviews you hear where people are card so 308 but it shoots like two to three no it's not they'd never do but it actually legitimately is nicer to shoot than it was before its pleasant to fire and I remember when we were talking in the original video one of the things that I proposed is potential reality of why we were feeling that way was it may be the actual recoil but just being close to the muzzle blast because right now no Bull pub you're much closer to that I check that port right at the barrel filming you from the side this thing is yeah but that's like it's a 308 muzzle blast but yeah but being closer to the end of the muzzle gives you a little more impulse when you're on the gun you know you'll notice the same thing with an SBR to a degree of course but there's more unspent powder on SBR too of course but compared to before to now absolutely much more mild I'm gonna say it recoils a little more than they are 10 yes that we were shooting the BR in 10 a but overall it has to be because of the mechanical system that got back to the ejection you have to have the bolt going a little faster yeah to function all of these parts but that's that's kind of the trade-off that you get for having a fully ambidextrous fancy bullpup but the recoil on four was by no means problematic oh no it was it was comfortable and fine that things getting toasty but it's not actually uncomfortable to hold this is warm but not hot and we've gone through 100 rounds in pretty short succession this is great because you know when we first got the gun we we couldn't get through a mag right we'd really couldn't get through a mag get close we got be like 1819 round tantalizing we really didn't get through mags I mean maybe we got through one or two but we really couldn't get through a mag and we just went through a hundred rounds five mags including a mag Dom yep with absolutely zero issues with milspec m80 ball mill sir yeah and this literally is out of the box from them yeah we didn't even we actually now see the gas system through I really curious I can't remember that I wonder if this is an added hole that they put in the handguard I'm gonna sound like an idiot if it turns out it was there the whole time well there is a witness port here and the oh that is that little part that part that parts hot so this is actually connected directly to the barrel so that if you were to 0 optic on it you could mess around and have to worry about losing 0 right but guess what that's a point that's don't touch that anyways that little window there you can actually see in there and you can see the end setting it'd be hard to change the gas maybe you could if you were clever yeah you maybe could now modify you know what that ports new that wasn't there I don't think it was so anyways there's a window here and you can see in there and you can see the gas setting you're on if you were clever and determined I think you could change the gas setting without taking the handguard off but you really don't need to not anymore I'm gonna mess with that gas system no and that's one that's one of the things they were talking yeah I really also like the fact that they now actually have them three of them are numbered and the other three are letter identified so you don't have to try and remember it wait was it five was it sit no you just set it to an what's normal normal yeah so I like that yep overall I think they have taken that what had the potential to be a really cool creative interesting gun hmm and now it actually is I agree just like I first of all I want to commend them on this the first of all the response to what was unfortunately and impossible we could do nothing more than give you what happened and it was a negative result we're not gonna whitewash something or pretend like it did differently than it really did and if you've watched in range for any length of time you'll know that that's the case and these guys responded in the most ethical way a corporation or company or gun developer ever could they not only were not angry they looked at it they went whoa that's not what we want what happened to you and then we had a number of calls with them discussing all the things that we experienced the ammo that we used some of yours and mine thoughts about maybe these are ways that this could be remediated they have their own thoughts as well and we actually collaborated with them in multiple sessions and calls they put out a video from the CEO and president saying here's what we're doing and you know he's the CEO because of how awkward he looked on camera yeah okay that's a job you don't get for being the the glitzy media purse was not a paid actor not a paid actor right but but they explain what they're going to do and then not only to they say they were gonna do it they did it yeah we've had companies way back in the beginnings and I only need to bring this up but way back in the beginning of end range we had a company that gave us something that didn't work and they gave us this whole song and dance we're gonna do this we do that we're gonna fix this they did nothing they just led us on for a long time shockingly that gun is I believe now completely out of production it's a forgotten weapon yeah this gun these guys came to us if we're gonna do this right here that were gonna do this oh we still have a problem with that we did this and here's why we did it here's what we did and here are the gas ports and then they send it to us and it works yeah this is now delivering on the promise of being I might go ahead and say it I know you love you from us this is the most technologically advanced bullpup there is no it is more advanced yes they have addressed the ambidextrous issue you do not have to take off the cover to use the gun which is a ridiculous reason to use the gun the reason half the reason that's gonna exist is because of that that's an incredibly great feature I'm not pointing this at you on camera right here it's off to the directioner people always say that the fact that you can switch it easily in the field and you don't even have to really the ambidextrous handling is all there the triggers reasonably decent for a bullpup the fact that you can eject the magazine from two different locations the hand the ergonomics are good I unfortunately just the rail alone makes this more practical hate to say that but that's the reality you could put a bipod on there yeah and the bipod would swivel and have adjustable point being is he agreed but I mean we've handled a number of bullpup Serb we've handled the the FAMAS is excellent I shot of fs2000 for a long time in the AFS 2000s way of ejecta dealing with the ejection issue was interesting to say the least the they've addressed all of those concerns the only lingering thing that I find problematic is the ability to see into the actual chamber of the gun well right and guess what that's the nature of a lot of Bullpups any bullpup that is for any non-standard ejecting both oh yeah that is the issue so you can take off the plate and see in there if you really need to so I would I would caution anyone that's a user of this gun or any other bullpup that isn't really easy to clear like see in there to make sure that you have a clear gun when you don't trust the mechanical parts trust your eyes all right make sure it's an empty chamber outside of that one safety concern which is a safety concern on manual this thing's darn cool desert tech has delivered they've shown their respectability in the industry I think I mean they have gone leaps and bounds to prove that and I'm going to go ahead and shoot this at mystery Mountain for you all right cool I'm signed up for mystery Mountain 3-gun which is coming up in March I mean is the big big big three gun event up at Rio Salado near Phoenix I'm not a big three gun guy as we know but Sinestro rifleman talked me into it and I was thinking what am I gonna do I could go like they have a division called heavy metal or iron man and it's 308 45 and a pump-action shotgun and I'm looking at all that I'm like well I've got the BR in ten just cool I could go world war ii guy and go in the 1895 Winchester and just not care about score whatsoever but guess what they just got here and this is not working yeah and we got through hundred rounds I not only because of the hundred rounds we fired but because of the way this company has treated us and treated their customers I have faith in this I'm gonna use it I'm gonna go through the match with this very cool and they can use hurtin Berg which is guess what what I have mo I have I'm not gonna go about I'm sorry desert tech I'm not gonna go out and buy a bunch of American Eagle to shoot miscue around three gun because I can't afford to do that yeah so I've got a bunch of that hurtin burg and I'm gonna shoot this at mystery Mountain three gun has my three way rifle awesome so I'd like to thank them for that the other thing we didn't mention is we did ask them these modifications the extractors a gas system and the spring if an already-existing customer wants them they will do that yeah if you're not currently having a problem your gun cool but they said that they will absolutely address any of those concerns under warranty repair service you can get the new gas system the extractor and the hammer spring should you need it and that's going to be something that they're delivering to any customer that already has it desert tech MDR right and it will be standard on all of them in production I think actually from the date you see this video they're already standard in new productions so if you if you're interested in this and you want to buy one anything you order from from here out has all of these corrected improved features and I would I'm gonna go ahead and I know for a fact I can I'm not gonna I'm gonna speak for them because I'm sure their answer would be this if you bought one that was on the Shelf that didn't have the new parts on it they get fixed they'd get them to you so these guys have done an outstanding job they designed a very interesting gun that's taken a while to get to the market but I'm really excited really honestly legitimately excited that you and I got to be part of actually just a little bit of making this thing where it didn't make it meet its optimal potential it's quite gratifying it really is to work with them and have that opportunity and not only do a video about a cool gun but actually be a part of being able to make something that should have been there already there now is exciting yeah and I'm thankful all right well there you have it guys I think well obviously we'll have some more footage with the MDR once SMM 3G happens delayed after the match whatever whenever we yeah there's always that stuff but very cool so thanks to desert tech thanks for you guys if you're looking for a 308 bullpup if frankly if you're looking for a 308 modern rifle it's not a lot of choices and a lot of them are like would you want a 308 - for personally no but you know that's a question of taste to the individual and some people like them and there's I'm not gonna say that I'm not saying there's anything wrong with them but at this point given what they've done and how they've remediated the issues oh that would absolutely go with this yeah there's a lot of reasons for that I'd take this over a Tavor or an kel-tec nrfb yeah and they actually the RP handled you that that treated you reasonably well the RFP the 308 one yeah which we don't have any video no no that's correct yeah I take one of these instead yeah no I agree I agree they've they've they've delivered to the market what they said they would which is I really am going to say this top-of-the-line most advanced bullpup in 308 and there's a five five six coming yep so I am astonished and I think that if you watch the original video where we had problems watch the video from desert tech and then watch this you're gonna see that we've done a complete 180 degree turn this rifle is good to go whether or not you like Bullpups is another conversation yes that's neither here nor there if you need a bullpup and you want a bullpup 308 I will thumbs up on this gun yep all right thanks desert tech for being those guys that you are and for coming through to not only us but the entire industry of people that you've been promising this gun for because you've delivered so alright close this out yep so thanks for watching guys by the way they did give us this gun yes we did not buy this this was this was provided to us so so you know but he was also provided to us when we said it wasn't working either you saw the video when we first got so guys if you like this kind of stuff please consider supporting us on patreon we do go through a Megaton of 308 in the process of working with them on this issue today we only went through hundred rounds but we went through a lot more for the other videos its patreon that pays for that kind of stuff and it's you the viewer that supports us because we're not monetized in any other way if you can't do that we understand just share and subscribe you can find all of our distribution channels on in-range TV thanks a lot you
Channel: undefined
Views: 235,239
Rating: 4.9731994 out of 5
Keywords: desert tech, MDR, desert tech MDR, bullpup, 308, kasarda, mccollum, inrange, inrangetv, forgotten weapons, fs2000, famas, tavor, f2000
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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