Desert Storm - The Ground War, Day 2 - Iraqi Counterattack - Animated

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sloppppy2 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

But a great video

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sloppppy2 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by conflict of nations a free online player versus player strategy game where you can lead your nation in a modern day global conflict set in the present day research and make best use of over 100 cutting-edge weapons and vehicles to fight with up to 64 real players at a time in exciting real-time combat declare war on your neighbours or forge alliances as strong as the coalition of desert storm conquer provinces take capitals and fight for world domination in hard-fought campaigns that can last weeks conflict of nations is cross-platform so you can compete with your friends on both pc and mobile on the same account to find out who is the ultimate general the operations room fans who sign up by clicking the unique link below will receive 13 000 gold and a month of premium subscription completely free don't miss out as the offer is only available for 30 days so click the link in the description below choose your country and start fighting your way to victory [Music] general norman schwarzkopf returns to the war room in riyadh at 4am on monday the 25th of february 1991 g plus 1 after a few hours sleep he observes the large war map showing the live dispositions of his forces nearly all iraqi divisions on the front line mostly made up of conscripts have been annihilated the 240 abrams tanks of the 24th infantry division of 18 corps have marauded across the border and aggressively penetrated 80 miles into iraq after slow progress securing objective roshambo on day one the french dagger is preparing to launch its assault on their objective at asalman crossroads and airfield after their daring helicopter assault behind enemy lines on day one the legendary and respected 101st airborne have progressed the construction of their forward operating base at objective cobra and prepare to launch a new advance to take and cut off highway 8 in the euphrates valley highway 8 is not only saddam hussein's main supply line to his forces in kuwait but also controlling the road will allow the 101st to destroy any iraqi military vehicles in retreat [Music] the u.s marines and arab forces in the east continue their excellent progress towards kuwait city marine helicopters perform mock attack runs towards the coastline at failaka island this is a faint and gives a portion of iraqi troops the false impression that an amphibious assault could be incoming keeping some of their attention focused in the wrong direction as well as the liberation of kuwait the other coalition war goal is to destroy the iraqi republican guard neutralizing it as a potent force for years to come for this reason the heavy armor divisions of sevencore need to be making fast progress north to cut off any divisions that try to escape kuwait the difference in progress between the left and right flanks and seven core in the center is vast furious schwarzkopf demands to know why they're so slow in reality the 24th infantry division of 18 corps has met minimal resistance in their march northwards whereas seven call had to breach the defenses of the saddam line the logistical pressure placed on seven core by moving the main assault forward by 15 hours on day one has been significant and so logistical chains can't reasonably be expected to be at full efficiency some in schwarzkopf's circle of staff officers believe that he knows more than he lets on and is simply exaggerating for effect to light a fire under his generals the first action of day two takes place on the western flank of seven corps the first and third armored divisions are maneuvering across the desert to catch up with the second armored cavalry regiment already in iraq they hope to reach the supply depot at al-bashir later on before dark first ahmad's divisional mlrs battery covers the mass of abram's tanks as they roll forward the conscripts of the iraqi 806th infantry brigade are the unfortunate souls to be the first unit in their way the display of firepower brought against them is short but very violent like the other conscripts on the front line their resistance to the tank assault is minimal and they surrender as soon as possible the first infantry division advanced beyond the remnants of the saddam line to clear the area beyond of iraqi units once they're happy that the area is clear they begin to guide the british first armored division through the breach at 10 am the plan is to line up the divisions of 7 and 18 corps in an echelon right formation stretching from the kuwaiti border to highway 8 and then wheel the two cores in a right turn to hit the republican guard armor divisions on mass the two groups of the french dagger are continuing their cautious advance north group east advance up the main road towards ass salman group west approach an area of land west of assaman airfield at 9 30 a.m french gazelles of the third rhc attack a few scattered iraqi armoured vehicles with anti-tank missiles and fire short bursts of 20 millimeter cannon fire near trenches again the defending iraqis have no desire to fight and this is enough for them to surrender the gazelles continue to hammer bunkers a short artillery burst covers the french tanks moving unopposed into the objective an iraqi with his arms aloft holds out a surrender leaflet dropped on his troops days earlier furious that his comrades had to endure an hour of artillery and helicopter attack before being given the opportunity to surrender group east encounters a company of iraqi t-55 tanks two gazelles and an a10 batter the column destroying half of the 15 vehicles and french tanks roll forward to finish them off given the hopelessness of their situation nearby iraqi infantry show courage standing up to the french tanks firing rpgs at close range however they are eventually overcome by machine gun fire from the tanks group east continue moving north simultaneously in kuwait the arab forces of joint forces command east are moving up the coastal road they're about 12 miles southeast of the northernmost u.s marine elements the commander of task force papa bear of the first marine division believes that a series of overground pipelines and sabotage burning oil wells to their east are enough to deter an enemy attack to their flank they're wrong thick morning fog covers the advance of a recon unit of t-55s against papa bear's command post nobody spots them break through the fog and the iraqi tanks open fire into the command post tent miraculously nobody inside is hit chaos erupts as marines returned fire with anti-tank weapons and small arms fire had the iraqis taken advantage of the chaos and continue to press their attack they could very realistically have overrun the command post an american corporal bravely charges at the tanks on foot and destroys a t-55 with a shoulder-launched at4 as the fog begins to lift it's clear that a significant counter attack is in motion eight miles north iraqi artillery zeros in on the first marine division forward command post likely using radio direction finding equipment to lock on to and home in on the command post radio antennae farm this post is currently hosting the first marine division commander major general mayat iraqi bmp armoured personnel carriers open fire through the mist from a tree line to the east infantrymen disembark and small arms fire and anti-tank missiles streak into the marine encampment the iraqi force is brigade strength and is now just a few hundred meters away seven marine lav armored personnel carriers and 40 infantrymen respond forming a line and returning fire with small arms and anti-tank missiles and the lav's 25 millimeter cannon realising the seriousness of their situation the marines request all available nearby cobra attack helicopters to beat back the enemy line the iraqi troops are too close for marine artillery support the first of the responding cobras scream in and hammer the enemy line with cannon and rocket fire seeing the cobras captain stephen ray commanding the lav platoon orders an aggressive counter-attack against the larger iraqi force they roll forward stopping only to reload their 25 millimeter cannon with fresh belts of 600 rounds iraqi gunnery is terrible and they scored no hits on the marauding lavs [Music] more cobras arrived to join the marines lighting up the tree line the aggressive move forces the enemy to retreat through the woods ray continues the pursuit for a kilometer satisfied that the majority of the brigade's vehicles have been destroyed he shows mercy and allows the last of the disarmed fleeing iraqis to escape with 38 vehicles destroyed and 300 iraqi prisoners of war captain ray is awarded the navy cross second only to the medal of honor for heroism task force papa bear have m60 tanks immediately available to hit back against the attacking iraqi forces and with the fog lifted a large tank battle is in progress marine jets and cobras have been scrambled and pound the enemy vehicles with m60s and lavs hammering the inferior iraqi tanks particularly fearsome is a flight of four cobras led by captain randy hammond they form a wide line of breasts and fly north east at 20 knots each helicopter begins the assault with four tow missiles 14 rockets four hellfire missiles and 720 millimeter cannon rounds they expend their entire munitions load in just 10 minutes over the next couple of hours the marines wipe out two enemy brigades including nearly 100 armored vehicles the us first and third armored divisions are making their way north towards al-bashir sweeping over all resistance the british first armored division is continuing its transition through the safe lanes of the saddam line the first cavalry division advances into iraq skirmishing with iraqi armor on the right flank at just after midday 60 chinooks of the 101st airborne from the forward operating base at objective cobra arrive at an area of land 27 miles southwest of highway 8. they don't have the range to reach highway 8 so each drop 2 humvees with tow anti-tank launchers these vehicles immediately depart north east towards a rendezvous area near the highway in four hours time blackhawks will deliver the main infantry assault force directly to the rendezvous point where the plan is for the combined force to take the highway together however heavy wind and rain has turned the humvee's route into a muddy bog and progress is nearly impossible the french assault on the airfield at salman is ready to proceed at 2 30 pm first a squadron of a-tens roll in to drop bombs on the hangers and bunkers following them gazelles move in to attack vehicles and bunkers with anti-tank weapons 900 artillery and mortar shells are lobbed into the airfield as the three ground assault teams breach the perimeter team one clears the hangars on the west side of the airfield team two clear the hangers on the east side and then the tanks of team 3 smash through the fence in the center and clear the buildings on the other side of the runway destroying a single tank the dagger finds the airfield abandoned and begin to clear the area of anti-personnel cluster bomblets dropped on the runway during the air campaign at 4 10 pm the black hawks of the 101st drop their infantry into the muddy bog a mile south of highway 8. the mud is almost knee-deep and oozes into the infantryman's boots every man displays a gutsy determination trudging through the mile of thick mud towards the highway carrying 120 pound packs the artillery and humvees dropped by the chinooks earlier are delayed the going is so hard that the second lift of infantryman is cancelled until the following day it takes several hours to make the grueling march after which the 101st set up roadblocks in two places along highway 8. mercifully they meet little resistance their first catch is a convoy of four trucks american machine gun fire rips into the lead vehicle and the convoy halts the drivers running away into the night with hopes and dreams of a shipment of scud missiles and tank shells scouts search the vehicles they report of a shipment of onions [Music] at 6 pm one brigade of the british first armored division is through the breach and clearing pockets of resistance northeast they form the southeastern most point of the great echelon stretching northwest beyond al-bashir bogged down by surrendering iraqis the first armored division postponed their assault on al-bashir until tomorrow morning with orders to find the enemy but not to become decisively engaged the second armoured cavalry regiment probes east into the night towards kuwait they encounter and skirmish with the iraqi 50th and 37th armored brigades screening units for the tawakawna republican guard division waiting in the darkness during a confused engagement at night iraqi tanks and american friendly fire account for two damaged bradleys and three m113 apcs destroyed behind them frank plan 7 is in motion and the echelon of divisions make a complex and dangerous wheeling right turn the maneuver is hazardous because excitable and enthusiastic tank crew might mistake vehicles from other friendly divisions around them for enemy units especially at night through their infrared sights in bad weather no such fracture side occurs each armored division like a finger clenching into the fist the mighty punch of steel and fury is about to be unleashed thanks again to our sponsor conflict of nations for supporting this video don't forget to support the operations room by clicking the link in the description below and starting your journey to global victory today you
Channel: The Operations Room
Views: 562,709
Rating: 4.9384928 out of 5
Keywords: Time-Lapse, History, Documentary, aircraft, time lapse, animated, war, desert storm, operation desert storm, gulf war, iraq, kuwait, usaf, us air force, saddam hussein, abrams, abrams tank, challenger tank, us army, us marines, artillery, howitzer, a10 warthog, a10 thunderbolt, a10, republican guard
Id: i_O5bIsszGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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