Desecration of the Dead! Lost Overgrown Cemetery of Original Settlers. (Part 1)

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hey gang how about a little road trip adventure today I was surfing the Google Earth and like I tell you all if you just put in cemeteries near whatever town you want it'll show an array of cemeteries in that whole area and you can like zoom in on them so it's doing it out in the Northwest area wasn't finding much we've been to most of them near Chicago so now I'm probably close to about 100 miles out to the northwest of Chicago in a town called Greenwood near Wonder Lake north of I think Woodstock anyway not Woodstock New York Woodstock Illinois and there's this little Cemetery called Queen and Cemetery looks overgrown it looks totally lost so I said oh let's do a little road trip I'll bring the camera along and it's right over here I just drove past it but it looks like weeds higher than my head but hey let's go check it out what do you say so we're gonna walk across the street and have a look at this overgrown weed patch and when I was looking at the they have a couple pictures on the find a grave link and when I was looking at those I saw that there was you know upright Stones like old Stones so it looked interesting so it's actually that hatch right up ahead here and I think there might be a path going in like in the center I don't even know if we're going to be able to see anything because the pictures that I saw I think were taken in the winter but anyway it looked intriguing nonetheless no cars coming there's not really a sidewalk here it's a little a little iffy oh yeah check it out so here's a sign this is it Queen Anne so it says Queen Anne Prairie Eckert Cemetery all right so crazy what are we doing there's like it's like a jungle there's like a culvert here interesting ah there's a little path oh maybe it goes into an opening hmm all right here we go we're just going to dive into this there's two posts I just walked between oh yeah this is pretty this is pretty overgrown guys this is lucky I wore pants I wear pants for a reason now we don't have any I don't see you know no there's no mosquitoes or ticks I wouldn't be in here I shouldn't say there's none I mean there's going to be always something but so far this is kind of sad if this is oh look at this I was gonna say this is kind of sad if this is indeed a cemetery and there is a massive Stone here see that so I guess I could have brought my pruners but uh certainly no match Soul place is no match for me well maybe we can get some names and figure out it was buried here find out a little history so I'm gonna break some of these These are kind of weeds all right so what does that say George sonder Ricker sander Ricker August 25th 1827 now that goes back March 27 1903. and it looks like oh there's a lot more on this side it's a c let me uh move back here so we can get an angle it's a lot I'm totally guys I am like totally let me break some of these weeds back this is kind of fun something different huh live unedited it's kind of like a live stream but it's not yeah there's the Sandra Ricker all right so starting at the top here I should have brought my flashlight but Henrietta daughter of George died April 19 1853. looks like age looks like one month 13 days so lost like many lost a child early George H there died June it's like 13th 1892. only 34 years 14 days old I'm reading that so that's a George and that's a George all right well again 34 Euros old died in 1892 so that's going to put him back in the 1860s as a birth so that would be the sun right he was born 18. 27 okay nothing here in the jungle now he really gets crazy so guys are we gonna are we gonna like go through this there's no Trail I don't know what I'm doing I see a clearing up here I'm hoping oh this is going down you know what I gotta watch where I'm going crazy I know looking for more Stones there's got to be more Stones here 's a little opening here is a little opening but I see nothing nothing at all so I'm coming to the boundary I know because the big trees you know the time to come here would be the winter when all this stuff is knocked down all right let's try going this way I'm gonna hold this thing straight up so you guys can get a bird's eye view some walking through this stuff I don't know where I'm going but I'm looking down here whoops all right we're in it now we're in the woods so I'm looking for stones I have not seen any I hear the cars going by let's go let's go through here let's crunch our way hope I see something I see two stones guys out of the Abyss there's a stone there and there is a one of those really old ones right over there I don't know if you can see that yeah yeah see it let's check it out about to come back here with a little Cleanup Crew huh yeah there's a stone right there no bugs guys this is really really awesome so there's nothing on this side and there is nothing on this side it appears yeah just a foot Stone right that's the footstone for this guys this is the most overgrown Cemetery that I've ever been to new record and I've been to probably over a thousand cemeteries well over right it's for the channel I know I've been almost 700 because I've probably been to 2000 Cemetery so I don't shoot nearly all of them here we go now you can read that can you see it looks like clearance Lewis son of I don't know if that's William and he was born June 26 1891 died December 25th 1891. oh child not very little one at that I will remember him on this day rest in peace a little clearance Where Do We Go From Here well I think what we do is we go kind of in a circle I'm kind of thinking like we came from there all right then we went there and we came over this way right to here so I think we're gonna go that away and then kind of that away all right let's just kind of do a shallow Circle see what else we might be able to find in this tropical rainforest with no monkeys and no spiders and no snakes well it could be a garter snake here we do have garter snakes not poisonous but boy do they have sharp thanks I thought I'd be a Indiana Jones and just grab one by the head you know the back of the head like they do in the movies and I got bit oh my gosh and my hand was bleeding for a while but look at here's a big Stone oh this is fun guys this is fun there's some purples oh gosh major sticker here just got me in the hand just move that there's a huge Stone here got a big sticker bush bush here I'm getting nailed hold on pausing oh more Stones look look a whole row are these snapdragons or what are these purple flowers they're beautiful huh so look at that we've got some really cool old Stones back there to check out it's a biggie looks like Doris or no Dora that's a pretty name Dora Dora B orough Heracles hero cults she died in 1901 it looks like that is a one I should have brought my torch 31 years old all right let's go over here little impromptu Adventure these are some beautiful Stones here all right so what I'm going to do is try to get some space here back in the woods all right so enact this thing down yeah these are like weeds oh sticker Bush give you a good look there all right how's that Magdalene died in 1865 44 years old there's a huge Stone and someone came back to fix it so someone is maintaining that's Peter Peter died in 1895 92 years old so you gotta figure 1803 born I wonder where he was born came here as a Pioneer no doubt right it's another one over there let's go see oh a broken Fallen Stone here guys sad lots of graves in here lots of nice Stones yeah this is really overgrown crazy Michael same family hero uh h-e-r okaylo or that might be a herd Chloe hurt koi might this might be a d might be an o or to say so born June 16th 1816 died May 9th and looks like 1898 hard to say oh there's another oh no that's a tree well I don't think I'm gonna venture further in that way I think we're gonna just stay to the plan I'm going to start I don't know I think I'm going to start heading out we'll see if we see anything on the way out as we go through there and these are like just giant weeds oh here's a small Stone here look at that can't read the writing hardly well maybe you can all right stone is completely buried half buried I should say Bungle in the jungle Jethro Tull sitting on a park bench one of my favorite performers is he still alive there's another Stone all right I'm finding more Stones guys let's go over this way I know I have to all would are like thank you for taking the camera in there because I would not go in there another biggie another Big E let's go you know I have to make it more exciting I have to go in the middle of July to do this right you could just do this easy in the winter I'm totally caught I'm totally wrapped up here hopefully you can see that it's like three years old whatever that is then h m Henry p 27 years old 12 days 1890 passed away there looks to be some kind of stone based on there it's interesting see that you suppose that is some kind of pedestal Maybe all right all right I'm starting to get antsy to get out of here all right I'm gonna reverse get out of this spaghetti has literally wrapped up see I'm going to hold my arms straight up for you guys you can see all right back down in the jungle you come with me there's another Stone right in front of us it's like uh in the 80s it's going to be 90 today but it's not that humid well this one you can't can't really read anything maybe on camera I'm gonna go this way the weeds look oh no I gotta go there I gotta go through the thick stuff you know I'm an adventurer and I'm going through the thick stuff because I see see another Stone oh this is pretty thick see here if in doubt crash through just crash through guys crash Carlson here is a big Stone big one with some sunlight let's knock some of these down all right 1879 looks like Jacob Warner 1892 he died and it looks like I can't I see 24 days here we go 86 years and then under it katharina she died 1878. she was 79 husband wife no doubt okay we are getting in the lower stuff here I see where the road is and that's where I'm headed guys and I'm just gonna head straight for it at the I'm taking you at Treetop level here which is where I'm at okay remember this is this is where we came in and that's the little clearing right here where we came in so I think I think there are no doubt there's a few more but maybe Deb can find some history on some of those names before I release this video I will email her Deb and see if she our ancestry helper see if she can better go back this way so I think this is the funnel again and we'll see if she can find any history on any of these people oh there's the tunnel guys here we go we're going out Escape from Alcatraz with the old posts yeah it's an old gate all right I think we made it well I know we made it this is the street hey all right look who's over there foreign guys that was really neat Queen Anne see you later Queen Anne but you know what Stay With Me let's go see these bovines there's a calf right in the middle probably thinks I have something to eat maybe hello guys and gals I should say hello gals what are you doing come on hey they're coming yeah come here hello flies in the face yeah come here another Wildlife moment another Wildlife moment here hello snout that's called Mr snout with flies oh jealous huh are you jealous yeah oh here comes Mr shy one come on all right you guys are probably thinking who's this intruder who is this guy hmm all right guys that was fun just to drive in the country never know what you're gonna find see you later
Channel: Faces of the Forgotten
Views: 96,465
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Id: q7S_oyeQTns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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