Derren Brown Keeps Matt Lucas' Head In His Toilet | Behind The Mischief

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[Music] okay Darren's with that wolf yeah one second done okay okay so if you just go into the middle of that parquet floor area just forward a little bit into the light a little bit further forward yes I okay and what's your best side okay let's go so what's happening today well you are my oldest friend you're 93 you're my oldest friend from school and you we've decided that to make a film a documentary about me say you Nigel's going to be filming me for the next few days at home I know you want to give people a an intriguing insight into a fascinating behind-the-scenes glimpse so I'm up for that I don't repair anything or do any work which is quite nice so yeah you're welcome to follow me around look at look at anything you like [Music] [Music] over the last 10 years Darrin has taken a tricks and mind-reading and all that entails and just dragged it kicking and screaming you know into 21st century I love the fact that he's extremely honest about what he does and yet he's still and he says at the bamboozle you you know Darren brown in one phrase they're like a sprite he is he's like a little sprite hello [Music] nice to come to Cheltenham for the literary festival an embarrassingly it shows a little I know about the festival I thought this is going to be like 50 people in the tent other there's like a little marquee you know just find out it's it's 2,000 people [Music] you know we're living in a time where you've seen one of the all-time greats of magic doing extraordinary television and arguably even better live shows he's really rare he's really rare because he's sort of everything is a great actor is of great comic isn't easy old-style it goes with a package of with meeting daran Graham what will you find out about me what will he know about me I think people are apprehensive absolutely nonsense because staring if you've ever met him he's a pussycat [Music] you've had a bit of a long term relationship with taxidermy him knee I love facsimile and fabrication things looking real that aren't real I don't know why that it's always excitedly yeah I sort of get them from auctions and sometimes antique shops these parrots have come from the parents sanctuary that I'm patron off look that's what will happen to you if you keep [ __ ] on my books look in that a little bit little bit strange a bit strange isn't it this guy was someone's pet who he got stuffed and never picked him up from the shop oh the pickled chimp this chat was stillborn this is from the nineteen twenties it's a beautiful thing it's sort of peaceful so I don't know funny a bit disturbing a little bit I think I find that disturbing and you've got we've got one or two sort of deformed animals only the deformed animals yes [Music] and that's the as the eight-legged lamb nothing wrong night and tonight it is all about this man [Music] everything darren does is a trick I just want to shake him though it's like how do you do it so why can I not work it out I had to do this trick with buttons and I had to put them onto a tray and then I had to hit Darren alright yeah really yeah my playful he slapped my cheek and he went no no you've got to do it harder so I hit him again and his cheek by then is getting quite mottled and quite red probably a lot of people which fantasize about what I did to Darren like smacking him really hard in the face and there it first surprise any good 49 and then he told me how many buttons there were he got it completely bingo [Music] I think what Darren will do is just go to the ends of the earth to make people amazed in the trick with simon pegg I dropped all kind of subtle hints into his mind and about his ideal birthday present I've said I want X whatever that is you know like a really nice car I could be an or an Xbox or something like that something they really wanted and when I asked him he said a BMX bike but he'd actually written down a very different choice two weeks earlier it was a leather jacket what he pulled on me actually tugged the rug from beneath me you see on the show I can I go uh-huh I go hole white I think I think he's got me the playfulness has always been an important part of Darren's fan and charm because that enables him to play with somebody's mind but in a way that doesn't make them feel too uncomfortable but clearly makes them feel like they're being manipulated some of the stuff is quite light-hearted and upbeat some of its is quite sinister quite dark sometimes to the point that people get upset about it one of the things that many people learn for Darren's work is the darkest stuff the weirdest stuff the little horror movie type references that we like to incorporate Blair which routine was really interesting routine I think us it was one of the first things that really established Darren as being on a different path from traditional magic looking at me close your eyes some pretty looking dark material there that's exciting [Music] the zombie arcade was one of the darker ones we had hypnotized this guy Fabian through an arcade game in a pub that we'd set up woke him up and exactly the same set or is now about to play this real-life zombie game continuing for Murray left off in the pub there was a lots of adrenaline was there was it was fun and scary there have been occasions when contributors in the show have been a bit upset or a bit disturbed you know during the routine you know that guy's freaking out people respond to hypnosis very differently some people will say oh I was just playing along knew exactly what I was doing and others will have no memory of the whole thing they'll be convinced it had nothing to do with them it's fascinating that they will do that but they're always very well taken care of and they always have this real sense of of exhilaration at the end it's it continues to be fascinating even though I've done it for for so long [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do you think it'd be fair to say that a lot of your eyes sort of rather mess with people's minds yeah I hope so I think I think this stuff's the most interesting when it for me if it touches on sort of people sort of beliefs or slightly kind of uncomfortable areas so where do you think your your fascination for the minds where does that come from it's not so much they've always having a fascination with it with the human psyche I think it's more that it just grew out of being an insecure student and kind of wanting to feel in control and to be liked and you know all that all the people that I could hypnotize well tended to be the sorts of sporty Ragnar types that had up before hands that are intimidated me so it was kind of it was really quite interesting to suddenly be able to color controllers people you know it really hit that was that was the sort of level I think it was working on at the start it was probably the experiments with hypnosis that started everything for me which is back in Bristol man it was a very formative part of my life so I came to Bristol to go to university and it was in my first year there that I saw a poster advertising a hypnosis show which I went to and that was that was it that's why I started it all off [Music] this is the Quadrangle keep off the grass [Music] [Music] Taurasi cell Oh Darrin nice to meet you - thank you I guess you heard we might be coming here can I come in of course can we come in numbers of course my god sit straight to my back yeah so I'm coming back this run was particularly important wasn't it well this is this is where I started hypnotizing people and kind of my career started they stood sit in that chair and people come in like once a week but when it very very first began to work yeah what was that like well it was a very slow process at the beginning if I talked someone 20 minutes into a into a sort of a trance seduction or maybe suggest maybe the hand was a bit too heavy to lift what's something very tentative and and would be very exciting when they said yes my hand couldn't lift or maybe that it would float up in the air and there might be a little bit of that and just you sort of get braver and braver and then after a while it just became something that just sort of had a feel for I think [Music] by the time I graduated I started doing close-up magic sleight of hand magic I was only occasionally doing the hypnosis and I was only my living as a magician so I ever recently has become friendly with Stephen Merchant and found out that while I was learning those skills while I was in Bristol they were also formative years for him he was becoming a stand-up comedian oh it hasn't changed that's a relief is exactly the same pretty much yes would come every Thursday and do a couple of hours three hours maybe around the tables if the restaurant owners know yes I did about ten years here I was tilting here when the distend for ten years you were performing in here if you through roughly yeah yeah about that and I was used so I was building up my skills and then people would hire me to come and do their parties and their corporate events and things like that so that's how I earn my living for ten years we should sit in a mansion with so what just give me example if I was saying I'm with a beautiful woman obviously it's just a given and I was having a romantic time I'm just winsome so I have to interrupt yeah how do you what is God well I'd be what I'd be wandering around with this that I'd see you lurking yeah I have a deck of cards and there's this you sort of I'm Darrin I'm I'm a I'm a kind of magician I'm here for the kinda magician yes so they cover kind of magician and it would suggest a sort of something exciting and then I would sit down and I'd ask your name so it's in a way it's like it's like hitting on someone in a bar yes relentlessly yeah for a whole evening every Thursday which is pretty much my life well I first met Darren he was earning his living primarily as a close-up magician doing sort of amazing things and people in restaurants and so when David Blaine become a huge here on channel 4 we thought there's room for a mind-reading guy who does that but with a mind-reading aslam and so I called Darren up I'm Andrew Connor music productions like to make a TV show with you maybe let's meet and talk and he was not at all excited or interested all right okay maybe I'm in London next week let's meet up I'm going to ask you to think of one of five cards one of these ready one the very first week he showed me face to face it's one of my favorite things that personifies what he does brilliantly maybe that trick for Stephen Fry many is later on television he spread uh pocket cards on the table face up and said just look at one of those cards to think of it and in your mind not outloud obviously just repeat that car to yourself over and over again just over and over again like King of Diamonds King of Diamonds king of was that it [ __ ] off and I felt like the ground opened up and swallowed me there's a row of extreme reactions and I had no idea well there is no King of Diamonds in there no there was and he spread the deck again and the card had vanished no heart your card there the finger diamonds thank you see huh I just wanted to burn him at at a stake and watch his witch's heart bubble it's extraordinary great trick the shift from being a closer magician in Bristol doing hypnosis shows to being a television magician is a massive shift but Darren took to it like a duck to water literally we made a series of three specials and television series called minds control the stop you're getting off there look at me what was the stop you were getting off her the idea was that you know it's magic psychology it's suggestion it had a broader range does hypnosis exist us suggestion existence so it was more appealing because it's not it's not just oh it's trick up in the discussion it's what is that guy doing just trying to find out at the moment you got it what is it Morgan I suppose you regather was the start for me no one really captured the imagination of the power of the mind or psychology since Gellar so it was trying to make magic relevant and intelligent [Music] Hasnat one night so you shouldn't get anything on this at all nice worthless I think from day one they were what we'd call in TV want to call a moments that people would be talking about the following day one of the classic things that people remember from the early days was being able to win manly on losing bets this is the dog you're looking for that's why we came to this window there was no through line as we moved on to with some of the later specials it was Darren himself that wanted to move on and he's managed to find items that have sustained an hour an hour and a half on TV that have all led up to a tremendous finale the premise behind brush moon looks really simple for Darren it's a one in six chance it's a bullet it's a gun it's live television are you happy with that and your Russian Roulette is the show that made Aaron into a big UK star because everybody in the country was talking about it thank you bring the armor over this is the revolver from Russian roulette the shield there that was put on the gun to make sure I couldn't see into the chambers and it's all mounted on the the sandbag with the bullet holes it was a very terrifying day to think Josie on the program only watch it one that my leg is just doing this under the table constantly and of course also there's you know the ambulance isn't everything select around stand it there I was the guy had to put the bullet in the chamber of the gun and then pass it over to Darren to play Russian roulette with you in a barn it's dark there's a guy with a loaded gun to his head it's hard to attach yourself it felt pretty year nerve-wracking how did you month it about it I did ring her up and say look it'll be fine I know what I'm doing please do you know don't don't work or snow of course don't be silly dear that was the response the Russian Roulette absolutely terrified me number three I feel is safe I was almost sitting you know behind the couch I had cooked a meal for Bob and I and sat down to eat it and there is no way he had his dinner I couldn't eat a thing it was such a dangerous thing to do number five [Music] it didn't seem like he was going right and that never been such a palpable most brilliant 45 seconds of television is when he was deciding what to do he hesitated for a long time and I thought he's not going to do this he's not going to do it he rang me about ten minutes later so what did you think this don't ever do anything so dangerous again was the controversy in kind of this is this is sort of channel for sinking to a new low there was yeah there was there was controversy the idea was that the stunt was even happening which was great because that was sort of what we were hoping for and then there was the disappointment that I hadn't actually blow my brains out there what have we just been watching kind of reaction which I thought so had since as well and other things it's a it's a knob on that and that means that you could do some really top floor restaurants yeah yeah some of the nice restaurants in Orland I remember sitting down thinking oh my goodness we've done an amazing 60 minutes of television how could we possibly follow that and welcome Jane into the room just allowing that presence to be here had no idea that their reactions were going to be as extreme [Music] 13 of us welcome you here the seance show was my second special after after the Russian roulette it was famously the most complained about show in TV history I think Jane makes the bullet let us know that you were here the idea was that we get 12 students in what purported to be a derelict scene of a terrible group suicide point of it was to see where the fraudulent Victorian techniques would work on a modern audience and that quite satisfying as it turned out they did and it explains a lot of these things so earlier in the sales program I'd used this thing called the spirit cabinet which is one of my favourite mediumistic props it's it's just feels to me like great theater and so many kind of bizarre things happen you wanna go mm-hmm I can't go and it was through performing that but I got to know Ian Sharkey I was in my first year University and I've got asked to be on the seance which was like a really clever ghost train it really really felt that at the time what you see I mean that was genuine that's a genuine emotional response from me and was genuine fear I don't know I just needed to get out what I feel right that's really weird talk me through it I remember really feeling I have to know how he does that I've just got to know Ian was studying creative writing so I said to him do you want to come and write on the show yeah and that was it we became great friends and now he's my creative other half [Music] to sit facing that way yeah yeah got the old the old Ouija board out today we are gonna run through some really early ideas hold the point around the other way so it taps I think that's happening Abbi sometimes we just like to kind of try these half ideas on their feet and see see what they kind of look like so that's that's our fun job for today this is creepy with the real optimism well when will Everton with the Cup I think the one thing that really hits you about there is his sense of humor you know it's when you're working with him you'll there are days when we're crying with laughter and then from that these weird ideas will come but it's like that every single day you know when it comes to actually writing the TV shows there'll be a two-week slot got to come up with ideas we need two ideas for specials okay so at that point you'd that the only chance you get to think the writing process with Darrin is really interesting you have to start with the end so you've got to start with a final stunt and then work backwards to a logical beginning the heist is probably a good example of this sort of writing process that you've worked backwards so if you missed the start of the show this is Gresham Street in the city of London the Bank of England it's just down there we have a fake security van a fake security guard and a hundred thousand pounds of real money the heist has come out of an idea whereby I might use my skills to rob a bank and it just felt like wouldn't it be more interesting to have somebody else do it the whole point of heist is how'd you get good people to do terrible things like an unarmed robbery everything from day one right to the final stunt has to be massively stage-managed you know every tiny nuance has to be thought out so the car goes past with the with the music blaring and there's the colour green and the do it slogan on the on the poster and all the triggers create what could be a potentially criminal urge it was really really exciting excuse me get down there put down tell you what they think yukl family maybe if you move I swear to god you're dead man so it's a very interesting and quite difficult writing process to create a drama for somebody who maybe doesn't even know that they're part of it all right I've always painted portrait or since I was very small I kind of started really with caricatures over the last couple of years has moved into a more serious that of approach and I love it it's sort of my it's my big hobby [Music] especially when the job you do is essentially quite a public thing it's quite nice to have something there balances that I don't you know it's a it's a treat it's really nice sometimes to better use the paintings in the magic and there was the there was the trick with Simon Callow and his portrait that was fun [Music] from judi dench downwards I said you must do this this is this the most exciting thing that will ever have happened to your eye so it's a word that I'm thinking of which I'm going to try and send to you it is four letters long you asked me to think of a letter alone and then he thought us we think of a word and I thought of ro ro ro ad yes and I said come over here please and he told me to look at the eye is and I looked into the eyes and there in the whites of one of the eyes was written the word Road these are more recent ones it's Rufus Wainwright eternal journey yeah I know I'm not a fan but I know he is I like her voice she went she used to sing a fine romance on the digits yeah might as well pay ribs without maiden heart it's amazing yeah I love the way that the focus is in is sharper in some parts of the picture than others almost like yeah you just tilt slightly towards me just a bit more yeah yeah I met Mary Keller once twice actually he can't not been spoon for people they seemed a better spoon of you I learned spoon that's signed well I like about him as he says I would do it but it makes me very tired it really makes me very tired because I use a lot of mental energy which it knit I'm sure it does how long ago is it that you're on the show that was it was five years ago maybe I asked you immediately afterwards how the trick was done and I looked me right in the eye and he said for the sake of our friendship you must never ever ask me that question again he'd done it on a mystical and yet I like I think I was being overly dramatic you were in works then we'll choose three cards when he three you want to use you're gonna get three goes Matt was one of the first celebrities to come on the show that's a close-up trick that has this sort of psychological approach those three Darren brown so he picked three cards at random and then I got him to guess what he thought they would be if the last card you said six of clubs 4 of clubs what's the last one Jack of Diamonds and with the exception of one he got them right well you don't know oh so then I give him an envelope and inside the envelope is my prediction of the three cards that he would say and of course being very clever I get them all right Decca diamonds four gloves how do I think Darren did his check on me what I've thought about this for quite a while and what I think he did was he went back in time we knew time-traveling machine so it was like a time-travel thing I'm pretty sure [Music] just getting ready I really do enjoy the TV and I'm very grateful for it though for me the principle thing my first love is the theater Jenny's the only person who's allowed to do this in the world [Music] obviously we don't normally made one two one two one two three four five six seven eight nine I get to muck around with my best friends for months on end and it's fun it's a fun process the show is fun so that is what I enjoy the best means last job is to check to my Pfizer's enough for me the sort of quintessential Darin is his stage show it's only then you get the sense of a how funny he is be how sharp he is how fast on his feet is and also his command of an audience is remarkable [Music] it's tough loads of fun because you're getting a kind of reaction for an audience every single night you've got the applause you've got you've got people on stage reacting which is really great come to me come to me obviously the stage there's more showmanship involved I'm entertaining people for two and a half hours so there's has to be laughs and frights and all the rest of it and there has to be the kind of terror a sense of reveal you know which is very different from the TV I'm sorry I'm sorry just very briefly if I can find my pen just keep your eyes focused on the easel for a second please and later now you've seen him that's my fault so don't take your head off though you've got 20 minutes [Music] now by doing this by blindfolding myself it becomes easier for me somehow to see the things that you're seeing in your head even to think the things that you are thinking the Oracle out came from a real heyday of mind reader's a Mentalist in the 20s and 30s and that sort of act has all sorts of different forms this gets used by psychics gets used in spiritualist churches for me it's the purest form of mind-reading that was a huge joy to sort of find my own approach yes it is yes in France yes I've never been sitting in the audience and just hearing gasps of astonishment throughout the whole evening kids is going through your mind yes they just you can see them their brains of whirring and cogs of kind of grinding together to try and solve this this problem that he's presented them you need you need to look at this elevation [Music] what Andy diamond has directed the stage shows and be my principal collaborator for pretty much all of these ten years obviously we're very dear friends I'm quite cerebral and he's quite kind of emotional and passionate and which was always a really interesting team but at the start he really kind of I think modeled me and turned me into something that was going to be good on TV and watchable i/o and really everything ladies and gentlemen of the ghost stories company this is your beginners call your call please mr. diamond Dan's greatest strength is his ability to try things that have never been tried before and have no fear of failure that's extraordinary you know there are so many moments I'm proud of really within all of the work Russian Roulette live was incredible you know to be there and to have that fear those live moments lottery live God Almighty so frightening it is fearless [Music] obviously if you're doing anything like if it's risky because anything had happened anything could go wrong what it means is then the the possibility of failure is much greater but it's that thing of the safety you play the dollar it is where are broadcasting from a studio and for security reasons and so that nobody else benefits and what I'm doing here is just me and two two cameramen in here so what Darren was risking was his entire reputation professionally and publicly and so that was that was a very scary ten minutes this prediction was made earlier on today the numbers are there in numerical order and we're gonna cover this in a minute - someone's written a piece in the papers talking about how it was definitely faked and you can tell from Darren's fear we've paused these moments here and you can see Darren's micro-expressions and I'm here today to tell you that fear was tangible those are the lottery numbers for this week - 11 23 28 35 and 39 I felt like a tremendous success it was the most viewed clip on YouTube in the world you know it made world headlines the papers were full of oh it was half balls it was a mirror tube it was split screen you know and then he had all different versions on YouTube of people doing their solutions for it it was really exciting to do and a bit nerve-wracking but the Friday night show which then purported to reveal how I did it that really makes me cringe six random numbers came up live in the lottery yet I knew what they would be beforehand but not on my own I had 24 very excited people hoping to predict them for me the only ones you'd have this sort of slightly fishy explanation all the way through that it was a wisdom of crayons explanation it was supposed to be a little bit kind of really what that were but then at the end there was a big twist that actually I'd fixed it but with the huge amount of scrutiny that eventually came to the show we realized we couldn't do it so he's no I think just feeling a bit disingenuous that I was expecting people to believe that's really how I did it and I was careful not to sort of insult people I'm not just kind of like that so it's hopefully only things the only thing I've done that I'm just not happy with it all so if I'm ever asked how I predicted the lottery I'm going to say it was just a trick good night you guys better go in first no Spurs remember this what your Lou Milo yeah I'm not sure everyone know we all know why no oh what a lovely treat for you it's just not [ __ ] finally having a poo that was made for Little Britain USA yeah but I tell you what that doesn't help you do a [ __ ] if that doesn't inspire you yeah whoo I don't know well you really don't know what will or more good luck or more apps our number-3 not saying it hasn't happened a number three yes let's let's let's quit while we're in the toilet yet [Music] we're here in this lovely quiet leafy suburban area to visit my parents they've just just moved and I've only seen the new place a couple of times so they're gonna drop in on them there was Ben usually supportive the philosophy seems to always been just to let me do whatever I like most of the other law students had a huge amount of parental pressure on them I had no pressure to people ended up in lakes it's ten years isn't it yes I can't believe it's ten years does it seem like when I first started and so I'm gonna be coming home from Bristol one day and saying I'm not gonna be a lawyer I'm gonna be a magician you remember that oh yes stuck in you like it's really surreal because the first time he was on TV we were really excited and then I watched it and I just couldn't believe it was him you know this was you baby here's what I don't like what I was he was really an only child until he was almost 10 before his brother was born and he was I think a little bit lonely because everything he did it's the sort of thing you do on your own you know reading writing painting you don't do it with other people and so when his brother was born that put a different dimension on things I remember you said oh we're gonna go to a funfair and go on the roller coaster yeah but before we do that you need to get into this this suitcase at the top of the stairs okay that's fine I can do that so got in it and you shot it and then just kicked it down the down stair and then I didn't really want to go after that and yeah I don't then a secondary school if you weren't really part that had a sporty crowd then you know if I just got the piss take anatomy and I think that's where I started to kind of develop an interest that led to performing sort of have mixed feelings about the place wasn't really so lovely school wasn't what if I was really happy here not desperately unhappy either further so it's a just a mix of different feelings [Music] there's never a bully to per se but I was definitely a bit kind of picked on by kind of some of those rougher kids thank God as the rougher kids that go on to have the really boring jobs and adult lives while it's the kids that get picked on the graph to do the interesting things my father was the swimming instructor at the school he was the swimming guy he was Bob Brown with his cigar his little speedos his beer belly hanging out over the top that's kind of the image I have of him here for many years I think the doors open is it this is what was the swimming pool they've allowed me to come and have a peek because it means so much to me this place this was my dad's empire really oh the sound the acoustic is great it still sounds like a swimming pool doesn't it imagine doing exams in here hello makes me feel a bit sad that it's sort of no running and jumping oh my god I'm so gonna get detention for this [Music] there's the the steps which I remember climbing down and just trying to hold my breath as long as I could underwater and that kind of thing I'm sure they have a beautiful new pool that is just stunning and modern compared to this one but it does fit just for me because this is so personal to me this does feel this does feel really sad [Music] something about seeing everything stripped away makes me see how kind of how far I've come those closer to my mum think when I was younger but as I've grown up I've got closer to my dad standing in his office just made me very aware of how fond I am of him how much I love him just not stouter that's that a melancholy is is bittersweet which I suppose is what melancholy is isn't it [Music] [Applause] but I am very proud of was here at 30,000 feet which was the last show that I did attention please emergency has become necessary to ask if there is a passenger on board who will be willing to help land this plane if the idea of having somebody in an aeroplane and there's hidden cameras everywhere and there's you know the yes somebody has to land the plane because everyone's ill well I've done over the over the sort of 10 years or so has moved away from being kind of the clever guy going hey look at me I can do this I can read your mind - sort of facilitating a process for somebody else that interests me much more it takes me out of the center stage and it becomes more sort of human than you know we put that Gally through quite a challenging experience to push him from quite shy and withdrawn personality into a much more heroic and positive person [Music] when I wake him up he will believe his entering this cockpit faced with the challenge of landing the plane and saving the lives of over a hundred passengers [Music] it's just so completely outrageous my kids were just screaming at the television just like oh my god what's gonna happen [Applause] [Music] really good job mate [Music] I've not felt that emotional about anything for many many years I well don't talk about you know I got choked up so it was through through pride [Music] [Applause] I'm so looking forward to seeing him we've kept in touch tuned to the show and I've seen him a couple of times but this is the first time back in Leeds since we yeah since we made the show we'd noticed over that month that we've been following him and filming him that they'd been a real change because he was really kind of stepping up and engaged him alive in a way it's like getting you something back he's he's he's now black he was 10 years ago yeah I do it's very good to know that Matt's life is genuinely changing shoes sorry take shoes off he's made the big step of moving out from the family home and actually getting is getting his own place it's a big move here but I'm really proud of his he knows it all sort of being do you feel different or is it just feeling different is that it's an understatement you know I still remember every single lesson that was taught to me in the show and you know people that know me know that you know I would have never done anything like this before I never had the confidence to do it you did in that listen to me you are a here I'm at [Music] [Applause] when I walked into the room and everybody was stood there demon now getting tingles down my back remembering it because it was nothing short of magical it was just amazing [Music] [Applause] my girlfriend Liv who's in flood to tears I've never seen her like that before [Music] [Applause] [Music] the whole point of the show it was just putting some of those things in place for him to become bit more the person that he that he just is and should be and had sort of forgotten about [Applause] [Music] endlessly provocative I think that's probably what he would like it to be and I think that's exactly what it is what Darren's brought back to magic is is good old-fashioned old-time theatricality and by doing that he's just realized it made it more kind of made just made it cool again if I had to sum Darrin up in three words I'd say man with beard was three words in it he'd said four words I said man with little beard but we only had three [Music] you you
Channel: Derren Brown
Views: 127,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Derren Brown, Derren, Brown, magic, hypnosis, mind control, mind, mind trick, trick, uk, British, Derren brown trick, Derren brown watch online, Derren brown new, Derren brown 2017, Derren brown 2018, Derren brown mind control, Derren brown tricks, Behind The Mischief, Derren Brown Behind The Mischief, Matt Lucas, Little Britain, Matt Lucas Derren Brown, Derren Brown full show, full episode
Id: HemQZUVhT8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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