Derren Brown’s Most Incredible Hypnosis Tricks

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it's a game I've come up with it's called waking dead and this game is designed to put whoever plays it into a into a catatonic trance basically means they're sort of brain goes unraveled they go into a vegetable like state when they play the game all right now this doesn't work on everybody to work on about a third of the people that will play it and it will only last a few minutes that'll be long enough for me to do what I want to do another flash always going one more I'm gonna go in I'm gonna give it [Music] [ __ ] his name and stated I'd find just exactly what after their I can't wait community silence please will I tell the horn [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I shall exploit my anonymity and try some daylight robbery in the financial capital of the world with a wallet full of blank paper [Music] very good kind of it shouldn't maybe a one of these fans down here these are platinum of it yeah yeah we hear the throne on so you tell me that it 4500 M yeah it's beautifully moving okay fantastic well I will take that as it is I'll give you cash for that okay thank you all right great lovely I'll let you box it up thank you very much there is subway here just on the call it down there there's that north of Paris that one online that's West that way okay so that's right north up there I've been thinking the wrong way thank you very much for me so straight down there on the corner mother fantastic and yeah I was a bit intimidated about using the supplies here that my friend just said take it it's fine it's fine it's fine I was a bit intimidated about that but that's great so straight down there that way down on this corner that way on that straight down there thank you very much indeed thank you goodbye [Music] [Music] it has not won not everyone so you shouldn't get anything on this until now it's worthless it wasn't absolutely work all right any one minute I'm spoke back [Music] you mind where's he gone Shirley Chandra money [Music] unbelieva are some kept I've done believable right one knows that you know now it's down so much it's just the start there's only to quit this is to start a show it was it just follow me just follow me wait see how many had a hand on your chest put your hand on your wrist excellent now that's your elbow lock your wrist right yeah the point is you follow what I say you take my lead all right okay it's just a control game that's all I'm doing here just as a much more advanced level all right here's what I want you to do we'll do a couple more races each time you bet on the dog you're sure is going to lose okay [Applause] ah right let's go and collect our losing we look a right in the eye just got to trust me don't be nervous about it this will work it'll work because you'll believe that it will work okay you look her right in the eye you handed a ticket and you say this is the winning ticket and you just believe that from the bottom of yourself this is the winning ticket no way this is the dog you're looking for try again you may have misread it sorry that's it good good when you come you come for the mixer yeah definitely a 390 100 Thank You Ronald Suki thank you thank you is it legal without diving sleep just an and sleep quite comfy danske and again it's not just about your hands and forearms this is your entire body the brain controls the entire body with the water temperature plunging further I'm going to test Chris's hypnotic responses in a way that has never been done before I'm going to get him to immerse his whole body in the ice bath after only 15 minutes in water this cold Chris's vital organs will start to shut down after 30 minutes he could die but if through hypnosis Chris is able to create the false reality that the water feels warm he won't feel the pain and will be able to say immersed in the ice-cold water after one minute in the water Chris's heart rate has dropped from 136 beats per minute to 107 at 50 bpm the paramedics will be forced to step in okay we're going to bring it out but before we do what's that like in the moment awkward right my position but I fell apart for that one absolutely fine the water is now one point four degrees away from turning into a solid block of ice and his heart rate has dropped to 85 bpm he's clearly very capable as associating himself from the freezing temperature the test is a success well I grab the five is bath the suggestion will clear at the moments completely comfortable and watch what happens when I touch the sign in the bar [Music] okay I would step out we're going to wrap you up and get you into a special thermal time that will just bring you back to a normal temperature that's good now this slack state that you see here would continue for some time and a seance until the spirits arrived and when the spirits arrived the medium would change he or she would transform from the slack state to one of absolute physical rigidity that becomes solid and rigid and tense and if you try to move an arm or a leg you couldn't they were locked into place and the mediums would use this bizarre transformation as proof of their spirit possession there's an image here of a medium from the United century demonstrating a clearly impossible physical feat as proof of her possession now I'm going to remove your blindfold you can keep your eyes closed for the moment that's lovely I'm going to show you this here you're going to look here and you're going to see a plank of wood suspended across two chairs I want you to look there and see this a plank of wooden as you look at that I want your mind and your body to absorb this and realize learn what it would be like to be this rigid solid plank and back down into that shape that's not good now watch what happens when I tell him that the spirits arrive you will see him change transform for the slack state that you see here to one of absolute physical rigidity his body will become rigid and solid and tense the spirits arrive now that's good locking into place tighter arms locking into place tighter there they go locking tighter and tighter the arms locked to the side of body that's good to see when we give him back his rigid solid and up lies doesn't bend in the middle it just goes back like a statue so we've got your tipping your right back one that's good and you can hold himself here quite comfortably locked into place tighten ask an impossible physical state it's impossible you'll see the mediums would remain like this for days for now we'll remove our image you see as we were moving he remains absolutely rigid the whole body solid even as we leave a him to an upright position the legs remain locked in place as he comes up and he only goes back to its previous state when I tell them that the spirits are now leaving that's good that's good X bring you around to face the front and remove your blindfold you can give your eyes closed for the moment your eyes do not need to open until you are fully wide-awake and relaxed take a moment [Music] you
Channel: Derren Brown
Views: 695,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: derren, brown, Derren, Brown, (TV, Actor), illusionist, mind, control, influence, channel, trick, treat, scary, amazing, hypnosis
Id: lQAI1EFg2b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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